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      • KCI등재

        광복 70년, 국어학 외연의 확대와 발전

        홍종선(Hong Jongseon) 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.95 No.-

        Over 70 years since Independence, the outer edge of the Korean Linguistics has been expanded in various ways with the development of the Korean Linguistics. When we roughly divide the study which is included in the external areas of the Korean Linguistics into interdisciplinary research and applied research, there are philosophy of language, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, rhetorics, Korean stylistics, glottochronology, mathematical linguistics, computational Korean lingustics, Korean corpus lingustics and Korean language culture studies in interdisciplinary research. In applied research, there are Korean educational linguistics, Korean educational linguistics as a foreign language, Korean lexicography, Computational Korean Linguistics, Korean lalopathology, Korean language policy, Korean medium lingustics, Korean advertising lingustics, interpretation studies and translation studies. These external studies of Korean Linguistics and pure Korean Linguistics help each other to expand their views and research methodology, adding various viewpoints in many ways, and achieving mutual rising development by providing new facts and materials in the aspect of information. It can also contribute to the development of Korean language culture by adding practicality that can be used in real life through external studies. Among interdisciplinary researches and applied researches, there are a lot of fields where the researches are already activated but there are still quite a few areas which are about to be studied. In the future, Korean linguistics research should foster user-oriented grammar with researcher-oriented grammar and greatly develop the study of spoken language and discourse. Therefore, we should enlarge the cooperating researches providing more information to external areas of Korean linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        대학원 국어국문학과 교과과정의 한일(韓日) 비교 고찰 -고려대학교와 교토대학의 예를 중심으로-

        박진완 ( Jin Wan Park ) 민족어문학회 2007 어문논집 Vol.- No.55

        본고는 고려대학교와 교토대학을 대상으로 양교 대학원 국어국문학과의 교과과정을 검토하여, 한국의 대학원 교과과정 개편에 참조할 수 있는 일본의 제도적 장치를 소개하는 것을 주요한 목적으로 한다. 우선 학점과 학위 수여 시스템을 중심으로 대학원 학제를 비교해 보면, 교토대의 경우 석·박사 모두 종합시험과 같은 논문 제출을 위한 자격시험은 존재하지 않음은 물론, 박사과정에서는 단위 취득 의무가 없으며, 학위 취득은 재학 중에도 가능하다. 이처럼 교토대의 진학과 졸업 연한은 연구 역량과 실적에 따라 탄력적으로 운영되고 있다. 또 2006년 개설과목을 대상으로 교과과정을 비교해 보면, 수업 형태로서는 고려대에 개설된 모든 과목이 학기제로 운영되는 점과는 달리, 일본의 대학원에는 1년제(6학점) 과목도 편성되어 있다. 또 강의 이외에도 강독(講讀)이 수업 형태로서 인정되고 있고, 방학을 이용하여 1주간에 한 학기 분(12~14코마)을 수업하는 집중강의(集中講義)가 개설된다는 점이 특징적이다. 수업 내용으로서는 고려대가 최신의 연구 동향을 반영하는 응용 과목이 많은 반면, 교토대에는 기초 과목(예컨대, 고전 역주)이 많이 개설되어 있으며, 특히 사적 연구의 비중이 높다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 또 고려대 교과과정은 국어학과 국문학이 구분되어 있는 데 반해, 교토대를 포함한 일본의 대학원에는 문헌 강독과 같은 문학과 어학의 통합 성격이 강한 과목이 많다. 고려대를 비롯한 한국의 대학원 국어국문과 교과과정의 문제점으로서는 교과과정의 편성이 지나치게 세부 전공을 중심으로 나누어져 있다는 점을 들 수 있다. 학제적 커리큘럼을 제시하여 문제해결을 위한 복합적 사고 능력을 길러 주고, 창의적 연구가 태동할 수 있는 환경을 만들어 주는 것이 필요하다. 일본의 교과과정 개혁에서 주목되는 것 중에서, 그 도입이 검토되어야 할 사항으로는 다음과 같은 것이 있다. 우선 F.D.(Faculty Development, 교수법 개발)를 통해 교원 상호간의 수업 평가를 실시하는 것이다. 또 교과과정의 편성에 학생의 요구를 수용하는 방안, 구체적으로 수업평가의 결과를 검토하고 교수 강의안을 작성하는 과정에 학생들을 참여시키는 것도 요구된다. The purpose of this study is to provide meaningful suggestions for reforming the graduate school curriculum at Korea University by analyzing Japan`s case, especially that of Kyoto University. The study covers both educational systems such as prerequisite credits for completion and degree requirements, special curricular contents and the categories of subject matter, which were mainly obtained by analyzing catalogues. The results of the comparison between the two curricula is as follows: First, there are thirty-six credits for the completion of the doctoral course in Korea, but there is none required in Japan. Second, for the acquisition of a doctoral degree, a qualification exam is required in Korea, but not in Japan. In the case of Kyoto University, a graduate student who has not finished the doctoral course but who has made excellent academic achievements, can acquire a doctoral degree. The difference of in curriculum contents is as follows: First, courses in Japan are held for one year in general, unlike Korea`s semester system. Also in Japan a intensive courses (``Shutsu-kogi``) of sixteen lessons per week for one credit are scheduled during the year, but not in Korea. Second, master`s and doctoral courses in Korea are divided into two independent programs, such as courses of Korean Language & Korean Literature, while this is not the case at Kyoto University. Thus, the curriculum of Kyoto University has traditionally emphasized the linguistic interpretation of classics, such as annotation of historical Japanese literature. But Korea University has a large number of subjects which mainly reflects the latest research and applied studies. Finally, this study suggests as follows: First, graduate programs in Korea University should provide an interdisciplinary curriculum which includes classical subjects as well as practical subjects. Second, in-class teaching skills should be evaluated by the graduate students. In this respect, it is necessary to execute F.D. (Faculty Development) including the faculty and staff, the courses and programs, all of which can become self-renewing. It is also desirable for graduates students to participate in the process of planning the curriculum by reflecting their input.

      • KCI등재

        국어학의 새로운 방향

        성광수 한국문학언어학회 2003 어문론총 Vol.39 No.-

        Nowadays globalization and informationization are main topics of the 21st century. As for the study of language, the use and application of language will be more highlighted than the language itselt. On the basis of the characteristics of the times, the following new directions can be expected: 1) Development of applied linguistics, 2) Activation of interdisciplinary research, 3) Revival of the Inductive research method, 4) Macroscopic viewpoint of linguistics. More specifically speaking, pragmatic applied linguistics by means of Corpus treatment, language typology, machine translation, computational linguistics, neurolinguistics, 1anguage-cultural anthropolgy and so forth will be more actively discussed in the 21st century.

      • KCI등재

        한국어학 융복합 교육 내용 마련을 위한 융복합 연구 동향 조사

        주지연 한국어학회 2023 한국어학 Vol.101 No.-

        The insufficiency of necessary data for crafting appropriate interdisciplinary education content stands out as a primary concern in interdisciplinary education in University. To address this challenge, an examination of the current landscape of interdisciplinary research is essential. Such an exploration offers students a valuable glimpse into the intersections of academic disciplines, shared interests, and ongoing studies. This knowledge empowers them to grasp the intricate process of connecting and advancing knowledge production across diverse fields, aiding their academic and career decision-making. To bridge this information gap, our proposal suggests a twofold approach: quantitative and qualitative investigations into the state of interdisciplinary research. Quantitative research helps identify areas of mutual interest between Korean linguistics and other fields. Additionally, we advocate for qualitative research that utilizes existing interdisciplinary research classification systems to illustrate how Korean linguistics discussions intertwine with those in other domains, fostering the creation of innovative research outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        국어국문학 연구의 확장과 연계성 탐색

        김현자 국어국문학회 2004 국어국문학 Vol.- No.137

        In face of the 21centry, scholars in Korean literature are forced to stand the influence of the capital and the constantly changing conditions. I believe that we are at the point of seeking for a new paradigm and adopting new methodolgies that fit it, and no one deny the need for interdisciplinary approaches with other academic fields. First and foremost, we are trying to find out the linkings between the studies of classics and modern literary works, focusing on their structural continuity and alternation in the fundamental elements, such as the sense of beauty, the consensus of genre, or national identity, not merely adopting the techniques or the texts of classics. Secondly, it cannot be too much to emphasize on the communication between Korean literature and Korean linguistics, for we have several reasons to gain an access to them interdisciplinarily: they share the same object to study, i.e., the Korean language, and the literature studies are inevitably based on the linguistic interpretation. For systematic cooperation between the two fields of academia, firstly the professors as well as the researchers majoring in the Korean literature and linguistics gather in regular basis, and in addition, it is important to select students who are familiar with both of the fields. Thirdly, to put the studies regarding women's literature in the right place in the history of Korean literature should be carried out, and this means to recover the wholeness of the history of Korean literature by means of adding the missing part of it to. It must encourage the exploration on the women's literature, which have made ample discussion, but borne relatively little amount of results. Lastly, the studies of Korean literature should go beyond its boundary, 'literary works', and willingly extend its interests to the culture. Specifically, it is desirable for us to be concerned with interaction between the literature and the cultural recepients, and also interested in popularity, and day-to-day lives. Besides we should positively correspond to the cultural changes as well as those in the environment and the media in this era. In my opinion these kinds of researches will lead us to re-identify the theories of modern literature as ones with cultural reality, and further to make creative expressions of themselves. To conclude, the literature cannot live isolated without any interaction with other fields in the world. To actively deal with the changes today, and to reveal the creative forces it has, the literature should be a major motivation to develop a new concept of culture. For this purpose, we explore the way to overcome the disruption among a variety of areas, and endeavor to interact with those fields. Therefore, the scholars in Korean literature should not only do the communicative research in the spheres of literature, but also do the integrative, interdisciplinary works with other people in other realms. The ultimate aim of literary studies will be to converge into the studies as answers to what our life is, and to how to respond to it, in short, what 'culture' is. And we should pursue this until it can play an important role as social capital.

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