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        도급과 근로자파견 판단요소에 관한 소고 – 조선산업에서의 논의를 중심으로 –

        한상철(Han, Sang-Cheol) 한국비교노동법학회 2022 노동법논총 Vol.54 No.-

        조선산업은 노동집약적인 성격을 가진 산업이며, 동시에 고도의 숙련된 기술이 필요한 기술집약적인 성격을 가지고 있다. 먼저 노동집약적 특성을 보면, 경기 호황기에는 수주량이 증가하여 숙련된 노동력이 많이 필요하지만, 경기 침체기에는 수주량에 맞춰 투입되는 노동력을 조정해야 한다. 원청근로자만으로는 경기변동에 대응할 수 없어 사내 하도급을 보편적으로 활용하고 있다. 조선산업에서 경쟁국들도 우리와 비슷한 상황으로 소속 외 노동력의 활용은 일반적이고 보편적이다. 기술집약적 특성을 보면, 선박 건조공정은 수십에서 수백여 개의 유기적으로 연결된 세부 공정으로 나뉘어져 있으며, 각 공정은 고도로 숙련된 기술을 가진 노동력이 필요하다. 이 때문에 정교하게 나뉘어진 공정들은 원청과 개별 전문 사내하도급 업체들이 나누어 협업을 통해 완성품을 발주자에게 인도한다. 이러한 특성을 가진 조선업이 다른 산업에 비하여 불법파견 분쟁에 항상 노출되어 있는 이유는 사내하도급 근로자가 선박 건조공정 전반에 활용되고 있고, 경기민감도가 높아 타 산업에 비해 사내하도급 활용비중이 높기 때문이다. 도급과 파견에 관한 구별 법리는 판례를 통하여 세 가지 영역으로 명확하게 지표를 제시하였고, 정부는 이를 반영하여 2019년에 근로자 파견의 판단기준에 관한 지침을 개정하였다. 그러나 판례에서 구축한 법리의 원칙은 명확하지만 추상적이고 일반화된 개념이어서 산업현장에 실제 적용하기에는 한계가 있다. 이로 인하여 노사 양측에게는 갈등을 유발하고, 산업현장과 동떨어진 판결을 거듭할수록 사법부 역시 신뢰를 잃게 된다. 이에 불법파견 여부를 판단하는 기준을 명확하게 만들어 줌으로써 관련된 사법적 판단의 예측가능성을 높이는 일이 무엇보다 시급하다. 대법원의 불법파견 판단기준은 컨베이어벨트에서 연속적으로 대량 생산하는 제조업을 기준으로 마련된 것이다. 즉, 경기 민감도가 높고 주문생산방식으로 다품종을 소량으로 생산하는 조선업에 생산 자동화된 타 제조업과 동일한 판단기준을 적용하기는 어렵다. 각 산업별 특성과 해당 사업장의 구체적 사정을 고려하여 불법파견 판단기준과 지표를 정교하게 제시해야 한다. 이에 정부는 산업현장의 불법파견에 대한 법적 분쟁을 예방하고, 법적 안정성을 도모하기 위하여 조선업종의 특성을 반영한 불법파견 예방지침을 마련해야 한다. 이를 통하여 조선산업 사내하도급관계에서 도급과 파견을 판단하는 데 있어 실효성을 확보할 수 있고, 위장도급 내지 불법파견 문제를 사전에 예방할 수 있을 것이다. The shipbuilding is a labor and technology-intensive industry that requires workers with high skills. Many skilled workers are needed if orders increase during the economic boom, but the input of manpower must be adjusted according to the volume of orders during recession. For this reason, in-house subcontract is widely used, including rival countries. The shipbuilding process can be divided into hundreds and thousands of organically connected detailed processes, and each process requires highly-skilled labor force. This is why the work is often distributed and collaborated among shipyards and in-house subcontractors. Shipbuilding industry is highly exposed to illegal dispatch disputes in comparison to other industries because in-house subcontract employees account for a significant portion, more than any other industries due to its high sensitivity of the economic fluctuation. The legal principles for distinguishing subcontract from dispatch have clearly presented indicators in three areas through precedents, and the government revised its guidelines of criteria for the judgement of worker dispatch in 2019 to reflect these indicators. Although the rule of legal principles established in the precedent is clear, it is too abstract and generalized to apply in industrial sites. This causes conflicts between labor and the management, and the judiciary will also lose credibility if rulings continue to fall out of favor with industrial standpoint. Therefore, it is vital to raise the predictability of related judicial judgments by clarifying the criteria for judging illegal dispatch. Because the Supreme Court’s criteria for the judgment of illegal dispatch are based on an automated and mass-production industries, there should also be another set of criteria more suitable for shipbuilding industry, for it is highly sensitive to the economy and produces in small quantities of various products within make-to-order manufacturing system. The criteria and indicators should be elaborated in consideration of the features of each industry and characteristics of its workplace circumstances. The government should prepare guidelines for the prevention of illegal dispatch that reflect the characteristics of the shipbuilding industry in order to minimize legal disputes and promote legal stability at industrial sites. Only then will it be possible to prevent disguised subcontract or illegal dispatch, and help secure judgement of subcontract and dispatch in the shipbuilding industry.

      • KCI등재

        건설업 하도급관계의 법적 쟁점과 개선방안 : Legal Issues and Implications for Improvement

        김소영 한국노동법학회 2004 노동법학 Vol.0 No.19

        This article describes the legal issues which arise in the subcontracting system of the construction industry: it identifies the legal characteristics of each contract between 1) head contractor (builder) and principal subcontractors, 2) principal subcontractors and foreman, and 3) foreman and dally workers. Especially, since the contract between head contractor (builder) and principal subcontractors is ruled by business law, i e, Basic Law on Construction Industry, Fair Trade Law on subcontracting. etc the paper considers the implication for the amendment of these laws as well Problems with Camouflaged subcontracting system are related to the poor working conditions and job instability of the daily workers employed by the subcontractors or foreman of subcontractors. It is based on the low bidding price in the multistage subcontracting system and the shirking responsibilities as an employer of subcontractor It should be possible to decide the subcontract as a camouflaged subcontract if the subcontractor is not independent in controlling its employees in labour management or personnel management, or do not have management prerogatives The foreman is regarded as guideline of the Ministry of an employer of daily workers by the Labor, but the status of foreman is different according to the various actual conditions of company. If the foreman is simply the employee of the subcontractor, the subcontractor should be regarded as an employer of the dally workers who are employed by the foreman regardless of the surface of the contract. Therefore, it is important to clarify the legal status of foreman in the construction field to protect the dally workers In respect to collective bargaining, It can be considered to permit bargaining between the construction union and head contractor(builder), because head contractors ordinarily influence the level of wage of workers in the subcontracting system Subcontractors can decide and pay the wage of workers in the range of Its construction fee which is decided by the bidding price of construction. In fact, the subcontractor has no power to enhance the workers' wage and working conditions

      • KCI등재

        사내하도급 근로자 보호를 위한 입법과제

        하경효 한국경영법률학회 2013 經營法律 Vol.23 No.2

        Nach dem koreanischen Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz(KAÜG) ist eine Arbeitnehmerüberlassung im Bereich der Produktionstätigkeit(wie Montage am Band) nicht erlaubt. Eine Arbeitnehmerüberlassung ist im Grundsatz aber nicht anzunehmen, wenn die Arbeitnehmer auf Grund einer werkvertraglichen Verpflichtungen ihres Arbeitgebers im Betrieb des Bestellers tätig werden. Daher gerade im produzierenden Gewebe werden Arbeiten in der Produktion im Wege eines Werkvertrags von Fremdunternehmen erbracht. Im diesem Zusammenhang ist in der Rechtslehre und -praxis die Abgrenzung von Arbeitnehmerüberlassung und Werkvertrag sehr umstritten. Über die rechtliche Einordnung eines Vertrags entscheiden der Geschäftsinhalt und die wirkliche Wille der Parteien, nicht die von den Parteien gewünschte Rechtsfolge oder eine Bezeichnung. Es ist daher ohne Zweifel festzustellen, dass die Vertragsparteien die zwingende Vorschrift der KAÜG nicht dadurch umgehen können, anderen Vertragstyp, also Werkvertrag, zu wählen. Der sog. Scheinwerkvertrag ist daher nicht ein Werkvertrag, sondern eine unzulässige Arbeitnehmerüberlassung. Es ist jedoch m.E. nicht zu folgen, angesichts der Umgeung der unzulässige Arbeitnehmerüberlassung auf Grund von Scheinverträge den Abschluss von Werkverträgen stärker zu regulieren. Die wichtige und zentrale Aufgabe des Gesetzgebers liegt vielmehr darin, ob und in welchem Umfang die Gleichbehandlung der im Betrieb des Werkbestellers tätigen Arbeitnehmer zu regeln ist. Dabei geht es um die Verbesserung der Arbeitbedingungen der Arbeitnehmer des Werkunternehmers, vor allem Regulierung der Diskriminirung, wie der Lohngefälle. Die Auslagerung der Tätigkeiten auf Grund eines Werkvertrages ist grundsätzlich nicht verboten. Unzulässige sind nur rechtsmissbräuchlicher Scheinverträge.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        KTX 승무업무는 도급이 가능한 업무인가?

        김홍영(Kim, Hong Young),양현(Yang, Hyun) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2013 성균관법학 Vol.25 No.2

        Seoul High Court recently judged Korea Railway, an operator of the KTX had not established employment relationship but also dispatched relationship with the KTX female attendants. It seems contradictory judgement unlike the existing ruling with respect to similar matters. The decision is based on that the work of the KTX female attendants can be divided into safety services and passenger services performed independently each other. In the respect of KTX female attendants serve in a coach, however, it is difficult to spilt their duties. Moreover, the judgements presented weak grounds and only the extremely superficial indicators to prove the contractor(Korail Retails)'s management and personnel independent from Korea Railway, which such ruling is difficult to agree. Rather implied employment relationship established In the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, it would be reasonable to admit the establishment of a direct working relationship between the KTX female attendants and Korea Railway.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 간접고용과 법적 규제

        노상헌 한국사회법학회 2012 社會法硏究 Vol.18·19 No.-

        Japanese government has encouraged and expanded the private participation on providing employment services in the labor market. It could be possible by means of the deregulation of the laws that regulate the job placement, the labor procurement, the dispatch of worker and so forth. In addition, as they seek for solutions to overcome their economic crisis and to ensure their competitiveness, they have realized that they need to prioritize the flexibility and effectiveness of the labor operation. To this end, they have improved the laws with which it was possible to exploit the indirect employment in full strength. However, it has caused such a severe labor market polarization that there appears a move to restrict the laws. The thing is, the types of indirect employment, such as the labor procurement service, the dispatch of worker and the infrasubcontract worker, are too complicated to define its legal relations uniformly. Many a Japanese company which is in the pursuit of profit actively exploits such indirect employment as the dispatch of worker or the infrasubcontract because it costs less money on them. Contracts for indirect employment is of a civil contract (Japanese Civil Code Section 632, 656), whereas the disguised outsourcing is categorized into ① the dispatching relationship (the regulation target of the worker dispatch act), ② the subcontracting relationship (the regulation target of the Employment Security Law, or the worker dispatch act), ③ the labor procurement service relationship (the regulation target of the Employment Security Law) depending on the cases. The restriction and the obligation of direct employment is judged according to the respective law's purpose of pursuit and its intent overall. What is learned from the examination of Japanese law system is the fact that the deregulation of the worker dispatch act has exacerbated the problems of indirect employment, and it is a sign of introspection and regrets of Japanese government that their ensuing law revisions have indicated. In other words, it shows that expanding indirect employment can never be a solution for the labor market to reduce labor costs and improve efficiency in this fluctuating economy situation. Such a point in Japan let us know that we are bound to refer to their case, since we have the very similar labor laws and the labor market system.

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