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      • KCI등재후보

        호흡 명상을 통한 직장여성의 불안 치유

        김상임 동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유연구소 2019 자연치유연구 Vol.3 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 상사와의 관계 스트레스로 심각한 불안장애를 겪고 있는 직장 여성을 대상으로 불안의 원인, 불안이 삶에 미치는 영향, 불안을 극복하는 방법, 미래의 안정적이고 행복한 삶을 위해 무엇이 필요한지도 살펴보고자 했다. 연구방법은 호흡 명상을 하면서 불안을 초래한 장면을 직면하고, 접촉되는 감정, 생각, 갈망 등을 표현한 과정을 내러티브로 분석하였고 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수치심이나 스트레스 상황을 회피하면서 불안을 계속 키워왔다. 둘째, 상담 초기에는 상대에 대한 부정 감정을 주로 표현했지만, 후반부에서는 측은지심과 함께, 문제의 핵심을 자신에게 두면서 성찰이 폭을 넓혀갔다. 셋째, 불안 치유 이후, 자신감 넘치는 여성 리더로 온전한 삶을 살고 있다. 결론적으로 호흡 명상을 통해 불안의 씨앗을 발견, 직면하고 표현하는 과정에서 깊은 성찰과 함께 변화의 동인을 찾고 실천함으로써 불안장애를 극복할 수 있었고 현재 자신감 넘치는 전문직 여성으로 긍정적인 삶을 살고 있다. The purpose of the research is scrutinizing ranging causes of anxiety and its destructive effect on everyday life, and investigating different approaches to reverse anxiety and also components directly related to a sustainable healthy life and future for career women with extreme anxiety disorders brought by stress from their working relationships with superiors. The research instructed subjects to enter into a breathing meditative state first for them to confront anxiety-triggering situations, and performed narrative-styled analysis on their verbal descriptions on emerging emotions, thoughts, desires and more. The results of the research are as follows. First, repetitions of intentionally avoiding humiliating and stress-inducing circumstances intensify anxiety. Second, while in the early stage of the research subjects mostly exhibited negative emotions towards their superiors, in the later stages they began to ascribe a fundamental problem to themselves with compassion and continuously expand and deepen their self-reflection. Third, after anxiety treatment, they are having a second wind in their new healthy and confident life as female leaders.Conclusively subjects overcame their anxiety disorders with breathing meditation because, in the very process of identifying a root cause and empowering them to confront and express, they discovered a deeper layer of selfreflection and a will to change and executed actions to correctly reverse their unhealthy conditions.

      • KCI등재후보

        유방암환자 자연치유요가 심신중재 프로그램 개발을 위한 사례연구

        이경희 동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유연구소 2023 자연치유연구 Vol.7 No.3

        In spite of increasing the patient's survival rate, the breast cancer surgery can cause not only a pain in the patient's surgical part and a transformation or imbalance of the patient's body and musculi extremitatis superioris but also psychological symptoms such as fear of recurring cancer, declination in self-esteem, depression, anxiety, anger, and stress. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a mind-body intervention program for the breast cancer patients. From the 1st to the 3th session of stability of YOGA in this program, the trigger point stretching of shoulder-arm-neck is peformed with the exercise of being aware of reduced or tense parts and the exercise of breathing. From the 4th to the 8th session, this program is performed with the exercise of being aware of tense parts of the trigger point, and with the stability of strengthening exercises of major muscles to maintain body shape. The Guided Imagery(GI) program is performed with the breathing, the hearing of palpitation of heart, and the light-meditation from the 1st to the 3th session, with deepening the light-meditation from the 4th to 7th session, and with the meditation of facing death at the last 8th session. To develop the Natural Therapy YOGA Intervention Program with the yogic stability and GI to reduce the transformation and pain of the patient's body and musculi extremitatis superioris after breast cancer surgery, this case study is useful to design the proprioceptive and interoceptive exercises. With a reduction in the pain in shoulder-arm-neck, the fear and anxiety of radiation therapy, and the muscular transformation or imbalance of the patient after breast cancer surgery, this program led not only to improvement of the quality of the same patient's life but also to change of the patient's recognition about death.

      • 붓다의 내적치유법에 대한 고찰 - 팔리불전을 중심으로

        백도수 동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유연구소 2019 자연치유연구 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper deals with the purpose of Healing and classification of Objects, Healing Method, Stage by Zen Meditation and Characteristics of Healing method by Buddha’s Zen Meditation. First of all, I introduce that the purpose of Healing by Buddha’s Zen Meditation evolves a lower or higher goal and is to be a Buddha and Arhat who achieved Enlightenment after destroying craving, hatred and delusion and was free from suffering. Next, It is known that Healing Objects are I, world, sensual desires, craving, hatred and delusion, attachment, wrong view, the bad thing which leads to no deliverance. Zen Healing is divided into two parts. i.e. Readiness to practice Zen Healing centered on protecting and being Free from touch and wrong mindfulness and original Zen Healing centered on Concentration and Removement. the Zen Healing is explained by three studies, the Four Noble Truths. The Characteristics by Buddha’s Zen Healing Method are considered as eternal healing, gradual healing, various healing steps, Self-Healing, Individual centered Healing, Healing according to Changing and Healing by cause and effect and foundation of Zen Healing System. We should consider that it is important for us to practice Zen and attain higher Healing Methods to be free from pains. Buddha’s Zen Healing convinces us of using new Healing method according to changing Conditions centered on fitting Healing, perfect Healing and Self Healing etc.

      • 동아시아의 자연치유 연구 - 유의(儒醫)에 대하여 -

        김상원 동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유연구소 2017 자연치유연구 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구에서는 중국 송나라(960-1279)때 시작하여 동아시아, 특히 고려와 일본으로 파급된 유의(儒醫)에 관해 조사하였다. 송나라 때 제지술과 인쇄술이 발명된 이후, 여러 유학관료 왕조에서는 많은 유학자들을 양성하고, 경서(經書)와 의서(醫書)들을 발행하였다. 유학자들과 의원(醫員)들이 편집에 공동참여하고 여러 의서를 간행하여, 많은 유생들이의서를 읽고 인(仁)과 효(孝)의 실천적 측면에서 가족과 주위 사람들을 치료하였다. 유의(儒醫)가 되는 길은 매우 다양했지만, 주로 유학자나 유생들이 의학을 공부했거나, 의원들이 유학경전을 공부한 경우가 있었다. 때로는 고위관료들이 의학을 공부하거나 의서편찬에 참여하기도 하였다. 20세기 들어, 서양의학과 과학적 방법론이 전 세계적으로 주요흐름이 되었으나, 많은 이들이 다양한 부작용을 겪었다. 1970년대 들어 자연치유가 등장하였는데, 이에는 유의들이 사용한 양생법(養生法)이 포함되어 있다. 따라서, 향후 유의(儒醫)와 자연치유의 관련에 대해 추가연구가 필요하다고 사료된다

      • KCI등재후보

        MZ 세대 번아웃에 미치는 디지털시 치유 효과에 관한 연구

        이승현,임동호 동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유연구소 2022 자연치유연구 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of digital poetry YouTube subscription on burnout healing for the emotionally unstable MZ generation. The questionnaire was distributed and collected to 300 MZ generation living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. Of the 18 questions composed of a Likert 5-point scale, 80 people with a burnout self-diagnosis score of 46 or higher were selected through in-depth interviews. Forty people who wanted to subscribe to the digital poetry program for 3 months were classified as the experimental group, and 40 people who did not want to subscribe to the digital poetry program were classified as the control group. First, there was a high correlation between occupation and burnout. Second, the experimental group that subscribed to the digital poem had a significant improvement in the state of burnout compared to the control group that did not subscribe. Third, the factors influencing burnout were shown in the order of loss, lethargy, burden, fatigue, and depression, of which the feeling of loss and burden was 80.395% of the total. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to the composition of a digital healing program that overcomes burnout by improving the stress of the MZ generation through the development of a healing model based on the sense of loss and burden, which is the selected element.

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