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      • KCI등재

        한·중 개념적 은유의 보편성과 다양성: 빨간색/红 계열 색채어가 근원영역인 언어 표현을 중심으로

        주정정(ZHOU TINGTING) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.12

        전통적 수사학에서의 은유(metaphor)와는 달리 인지언어학에서는 은유를 인간이 세계를 인지하고 이해하는 중요한 수단으로 본다. Kövecses(2005)는 은유의 보편성과 다양성을 설명하기 위한 세 가지 요인을 제안하였다. 즉, 은유에서의 보편성과 다양성이 의존하는 이유는 신체화(즉 신경-신체적 기초), 사회-문화적 경험(문맥), 인지 과정(인지적 선호도와 스타일)이다. 본고는 Lakoff & Johnson(1980)의 개념적 은유 이론과 Köovecses(2005)의 이론을 기반으로 하여 한·중 붉다/红’ 계열 색채어와 관련된 은유적 언어 표현을 비교·대조하였으며 거기에 드러낸 보편성과 다양성을 분석하였다. 그 결과 . 한·중 빨간색 의 공통된 개념적 은유는 다섯 가지가 있다. 이는 [부끄러움/화남은 빨간색이다], [경고/위험은 빨간색이다], [결손은 빨간색이다], [색정은 빨간색이다], [여자는 빨간색이다]이다. 그리고 중국어에만 있는 개념적 은유는 [혁명은 빨간색이다], [경사스러움/길상은 빨간색이다], [이득은 빨간색이다], [번영함은 빨간색이다], [성공/인기는 빨간색이다], [질투는 빨간색이다], [건강함은 빨간색이 다] 등 일곱 가지가 있고 한국어에만 있는 개념적 은유는 [전과는 빨간색이다], [터무 니없음은 빨간색이다], [공휴는 빨간색이다], [흥분/열중은 빨간색이다] 등 네 가지가 있다. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, metaphor is a very important way to cognize and understand the world, which is different from the traditional rhetoric opinion. Kövecses(2005) suggested that there are three large systems that play an important role in an account of the universality and variation of metaphors. The systems are: bodily experience (embodiment), social-cultural experience (context), and cognitive preferences and styles. Based on the theory of conceptual metaphor proposed by Lakoff & Johnson(1980) and Kövecses(2005), this paper made a comparative study on metaphorical uses of ‘Red color terms in Korean and Chinese, and analyzed the universality and variation reflected in it. As a result, there are five same conceptual metaphors of ‘Red color terms in Korean and Chinese such as [shyness/anger is red], [warning/danger is red], [deficit is red], [eroticism is red], [woman is red]. And the conceptual metaphors only in Chinese are [revolution is red], [joy/luck is red], [benefit is red], [prosperity is red], [succeed/popularity is red], [envy is red], [health is red]. The conceptual metaphors only in Korean are [criminal record is red], [ridiculousness is red], [holiday is red], [excitement/absorption is red].

      • KCI등재

        학습자 말뭉치를 기반으로 한 중국인 한국어 학습자의 ‘명사+동사’형 연어 구성 오류 분석

        주정정(ZHOU TINGTING) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.3

        본 연구는 한국어 교육의 입장에서 대규모 학습자 말뭉치를 통해 중국인 학습자들이 범하는 ‘명사+동사’ 형 연어 오류(주술관계, 목술관계)가 숙달도에 따라 나타나는 양상을 살펴본 후 학습자들이 범하는 오류의 원인을 추정해 보고 학습단계가 높아짐에 따라 각 원인별 오류 양상을 고찰한 다음 연어 오류를 목록화시켰다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 숙달도가 올라감에 따라 학습자들이 범하는 ‘명사+동사 형 연어 오류율이 증가하는 추세를 보인다. 둘째, 학습자들이 범하는 명사+동사 형 연어 오류는 언어 내 오류가 언어 간 오류보다 더 많으며, 언어 간 연어 오류는 숙달도에 따라 증가하는 추세를 보이고 언어 내 연어 오류의 경우 초·중급에서 일정한 수준을 유지하다가 고급에 도달하면 증가하는 추세를 나타내고 있다. 셋째, 언어 내 오류 중에 유사 관계에 의한 오류 비율이 가장 높다. 넷째, 반복적으로 나타나는 언어 간 연어 오류는 도움이 있다(되다), 숙제를 쓰다(하다) 등이 있고 반복적으로 나타나는 언어 내 오류는 기분이 좋아하다(좋다) , 요리를 만들다(하다) , 시간을 지내다(보내다) , 대회를 하다(나가다) 등이 있다. This study investigates the errors in verb-noun collocation usage among Native Chinese speakers learning Korean by applying a large scale Korean language learners corpus. The specific research goals are as follows. First, we try to analyze the verb-noun collocation errors according to proficiency. Second, we try to examine the cause of those errors based on the framework of intra-lingual errors and inter-lingual errors. Third, we try to reveal concrete collocations and list them. The results of the verb-noun collocation error analysis are as follows. First, as the learning level went up, the rate of verb-noun collocation errors was increasing. Second, the number of intra-lingual collocation errors were more than the inter-lingual ones. Third, among the intra-lingual errors, the highest rate of errors was due to synonyms. Forth, the examples of reoccurring inter-lingual errors were ‘도움이 있다(되다)’, ‘숙제를 쓰다(하다)’ and the examples of reoccurring intra-lingual errors were ‘기분이 좋아하다(좋다)’, ‘시간을 지내다(보내다)’, ‘요리를 만들다(하다)’, ‘대회를 하다’.

      • KCI등재

        Fermentation and Metabolic Pathway Optimization to De Novo Synthesize (2S)-Naringenin in Escherichia coli

        ( Shenghu Zhou ),( Tingting Hao ),( Jingwen Zhou ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2020 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.30 No.10

        Flavonoids have diverse biological functions in human health. All flavonoids contain a common 2-phenyl chromone structure (C6-C3-C6) as a scaffold. Hence, in using such a scaffold, plenty of highvalue-added flavonoids can be synthesized by chemical or biological catalyzation approaches. (2S)-Naringenin is one of the most commonly used flavonoid scaffolds. However, biosynthesizing (2S)-naringenin has been restricted not only by low production but also by the expensive precursors and inducers that are used. Herein, we established an induction-free system to de novo biosynthesize (2S)-naringenin in Escherichia coli. The tyrosine synthesis pathway was enhanced by overexpressing feedback inhibition-resistant genes (aroG<sup>fbr</sup> and tyrA<sup>fbr</sup>) and knocking out a repressor gene (tyrR). After optimizing the fermentation medium and conditions, we found that glycerol, glucose, fatty acids, potassium acetate, temperature, and initial pH are important for producing (2S)-naringenin. Using the optimum fermentation medium and conditions, our best strain, Nar-17LM1, could produce 588 mg/l (2S)-naringenin from glucose in a 5-L bioreactor, the highest titer reported to date in E. coli.

      • 말뭉치 기반 전체 언어권, 일본어권, 영어권 한국어 학습자의 연어 사용 양상 분석 -연결주의 관점에서-

        주정정 ( Zhou Tingting ) 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2022 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.20 No.0

        This study analyzes the use of collocation of four high frequency nouns such as money(돈), words(말), thoughts(생각), life(생활) by all Korean Learners, Japanese speaking, English speaking Korean learners using a large scale Korean language corpus based on connectionism, which uses brain mechanisms metaphorically to study human cognition and information processing processes. And investigates how input influences the usage of collocation and compared it with that of Chinese speaking learners(주정정, 2021).

      • KCI등재

        Phosphate Transporter MdPHT1;7 Enhances Phosphorus Accumulation and Improves Low Phosphorus and Drought Tolerance

        Sun Tingting,Zhou Beibei,Pei Tingting,Meng Hu,Zhang Junke,Ma Fengwang,Wei Qinping 한국식물학회 2021 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.64 No.5

        Phosphorus is an important macronutrient for plant growth and is acquired by plants mainly as phosphate. Phosphate fertilizer is usually used to reduce inorganic phosphate (Pi) deficiency in the soil, improve the low phosphorus and drought tolerance of plants, and promote plant growth. Phosphate transporters (PHTs) play an important role in absorbing phosphorus from the soil. MdPHT1;7 was induced by Pi deficiency and drought in roots in our previous research. In this study, we cloned MdPHT1;7 and showed its heterologous expression can complement a high-affinity Pi transporter gene in the Pi uptake-defective yeast mutant BY4743. MdPHT1;7 is a phosphorus transporter located on the cell membrane. Overexpression of MdPHT1;7 in ‘Orin’ apple and ‘Micro-Tom’ tomato enhanced Pi accumulation, low Pi tolerance and drought tolerance. We hypothesized that MdPHT1;7 can enhance Pi absorption and play an important role in improving plant resistance to low phosphorus and drought stresses.

      • KCI등재

        Recent Changes in Heavy Precipitation Events in Northern Central China and Associated Atmospheric Circulation

        Tingting Han,Xinyi Guo,Botao Zhou,Xin Hao 한국기상학회 2021 Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Vol.57 No.2

        Northern Central China (NC China) is a seriously arid region. Precipitation variations are vital for environmental protection and socio-economical development. This study investigates the recent changes in summer heavy precipitation (HP) events over NC China and associated atmospheric circulation anomalies. Compared with the period of 1986–2002, the HP amount and frequency both significantly increase during 2003–2016, contributing to the shift to increase in total summer precipitation amount. After the early 2000s, the Northwest Pacific subtropical high becomes intensified and shifts westward and northward, leading to significant moisture convergence anomalies over NC China and divergence anomalies over Northwest Pacific. Therefore, the net moisture budget dramatically increases since the early 2000s. Further results show that the strengthened net moisture influx across the southern boundary contributes dominantly to the increased net moisture budget, especially at the lower level. Despite a relatively small magnitude, the intensified westerly current across western boundary makes a dominant contribution at middle and upper layers. Additionally, the strengthened westerly and easterly anomalies occupy northern and southern China, respectively, along with the eastward expansion of westerly jet stream region. Thus, the lower-level convergence and upper-level divergence both intensify, and further trigger enhanced ascending movement. These conditions jointly contribute to the inter-decadal change in HP events over NC China after the early 2000s.

      • KCI등재

        Parental Psychological Aggression and Phubbing in Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model

        Tingting Gao,Songli Mei,Hua Cao,Leilei Liang,Chengchao Zhou,Xiangfei Meng 대한신경정신의학회 2022 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.19 No.12

        Objective The present study aimed to examine the mediated moderation effect underlying the association between parental psychological aggression and phubbing, as well as the mediating role of anxiety and moderating role of sex and grade. Methods Based on a cross-sectional study, a total of 758 Chinese junior high school students had completed measures on socio-demographic characteristics, parental psychological aggression, anxiety and phubbing. Structural equation modeling was adopted to examine the mediating effect of anxiety on the association between parental psychological aggression and phubbing. Multigroup analyses were conducted to explore whether the path coefficients differed by sex and grade. Results Mediation analysis indicated that anxiety could mediate the association between parental psychological aggression and phubbing. The indirect effect of parental psychological aggression on phubbing via anxiety was 0.12. Multigroup analyses revealed that the higher mediation effect of anxiety was more likely to be reported by boys and students from grade eight. Conclusion Findings of the present study may inform prevention and intervention programs for phubbing in adolescents exposed to parental psychological aggression, by decreasing the anxiety and adopting selective strategies for different sex and grade groups.

      • KCI등재

        Adaptive Event-triggered Control of a Class of Series Elastic Actuator System

        Tingting Gao,Jiangshuai Huang,Rui Ling,Yong Zhou 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2021 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.19 No.7

        In this paper, the event-triggered adaptive control for a class of series elastic actuator systems is considered. To solve this problem, firstly we propose an adaptive control scheme with a novel one-step design framework such that both the controller expression and parameter estimator are much simpler than related existing recursive design approaches. Then a set of event-triggering conditions is designed which is updated for each triggering. The ISS assumption is not needed for control design. It is shown that the proposed control schemes guarantee that allthe closed-loop signals are semi-globally bounded and the stabilization error converges to the origin asymptotically. The Zeno behavior is avoided. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of our scheme.

      • KCI등재

        Preparation and Characterization of a Novel pH-Sensitive Coated Microsphere for Duodenum-Specific Drug Delivery

        Dan Zhou,Yuan Huang,Xi Zhu,Yang Wang,Yun Jin,Xuefan Xu,Tingting Fan,Yan Liu,Zhirong Zhang 대한약학회 2012 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.35 No.5

        The aim of this study is to develop a duodenum-specific drug delivery system on the basis of a pH-sensitive coating and a mucoadhesive inner core for eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in the ulcer duodenum. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate maleate (HPMCAM) was used as the pH-sensitive material, which dissolves around pH 3.0. The mucoadhesive microspheres loaded with furazolidone (FZD-ad-MS) were prepared by the emulsification-solvent evaporation method using Carbopol 971NP as the mucoadhesive polymer. The prepared pH-sensitive coated mucoadhesive microspheres (AM-coated-MS) were characterized in regards to particle size, drug loading efficiency, morphological change, drug stability, drug release and in vitro anti-H. pylori activity. The particle size was 160.97 ± 47.24 μm and 336.44 ± 129.34 μm, and the drug content was 42.33 ± 3.43% and 10.96 ± 1.29% for FZD-ad-MS and AM-coated-MS, respectively. The morphological changes in different pH media were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). HPMCAM coating improved the stability of the FZD-ad-MS and these particles were expected to remain intact until their arrival in the duodenum. The drug release was extremely suppressed at pH 1.2 for AM-coated-MS, but increased at pH 4.0 after regeneration of FZD-ad-MS. In addition, FZD-ad-MS exhibited excellent anti-H. pylori activity in vitro. Thus, the HPMCAM-coated microspheres developed in this study hold great promise for use as a duodenum-specific drug delivery system for H. pylori clearance.

      • KCI등재

        Kinetics and Modeling for Extraction of Chrysin from Oroxylum indicum Seeds

        Li Zhou,Ting Jing,Peipei Zhang,Liqin Zhang,Shaona Cai,Tingting Liu,Huihui Fan,Guangde Yang,Rong Lin,Jiye Zhang 한국식품과학회 2015 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.24 No.6

        Research on extraction of chrysin is crucial for theoretical purposes and for food industrial bioprocesses. Optimization and kinetics of chrysin extraction from seeds of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. were analyzed using agitated solid-liquid extractions with ethanol and water mixtures. The influence of extraction process parameters was investigated. Optimized conditions for chrysin extraction were a 0.2 mole fraction of ethanol as an extraction solvent, a temperature of 318 K, an agitation speed 1,400 rpm, and a solid to solvent ratio of 1:30. The extraction kinetic behavior of chrysin followed first order kinetics. The kinetic expression developed by Spiro and Siddique was used and the model was in agreement with experimental results. The diffusion coefficient ranged from 1.38×10−11 to 19.43×10−11 m2·s−1 and the activation energy for extraction kinetics was 21.85 kJ·mol−1.

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