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        Research on profile inversion pattern of polymer flooding

        Ailing Zheng,Qianghan Feng,Qiansheng Wei,Dehua Liu 한국자원공학회 2018 Geosystem engineering Vol.21 No.3

        Polymer flooding is becoming more common and more successful, and has made a great contribution to EOR. However, the statistical analysis of water injection profile data shows that the injection profile easily inverses during the process of single slug polymer flooding in heterogeneous reservoir. It is unfavorable for enhancing oil recovery. According to seepage mechanics theory, the cognition is determined that the injection rate distribution in high and low permeability layers depends on reservoir heterogeneity and physicochemical property of polymer. The basic reason of profile inversion lies in the different dynamic variation of resistance factors in the high and low permeability layers. In order to use existing reservoir simulation software to accurately describe the profile inversion characteristics, a processing method is submitted which is that different polymer characteristic parameters and relative permeability curves are assigned to different regions according to the distributions of reservoir characteristics during polymer flooding. Then, this processing method is used for systematically studying the profile inversion laws of different permeability ratio, polymer concentration and injecting-polymer occasion. The results show that these factors have great influence on the profile inversion. This provides a technical support for studying the profile inversion rules and corresponding improvement method.

      • KCI등재

        Novel Water-Air Circulation Quenching Process for AISI 4140 Steel

        Liyun Zheng,Dawei Zheng1,Lixin Zhao,Lihui Wang,Kai Zhang 대한금속·재료학회 2013 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.19 No.6

        AISI 4140 steel is usually used after quenching and tempering. During the heat treatment process in industry production, there are some problems, such as quenching cracks, related to water-cooling and low hardness due to oil quenching. A water-air circulation quenching process can solve the problems of quenching cracks with water and the high cost quenching with oil, which is flammable, unsafe and not enough to obtain the required hardness. The control of the water-cooling and air-cooling time is a key factor in the process. This paper focuses on the quenching temperature, water-air cycle time and cycle index to prevent cracking for AISI 4140 steel. The optimum heat treatment parameters to achieve a good match of the strength and toughness of AISI 4140 steel were obtained by repeated adjustment of the water-air circulation quenching process parameters. The tensile strength, Charpy impact energy at -10 °C and hardness of the heat treated AISI 4140 steel after quenching and tempering were approximately 1098 MPa, 67.5 J and 316 HB, respectively.

      • 센서구동 방식에 의한 태양추적 시스템

        박정국,최연옥,조금배,최창주 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 2004 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.26 No.2

        Nowaday, almost of practical energy comes from the fossil fuel, such as coal, oil and gas. But those methode causes the environmental pollution. Photovoltaic systems are considered as a alternative energy source to overcome the shortage of electricity in the future. Photovoltaic system is easier to operate and maintain than the other power generating system since it generally contains no moving parts, operate silently and require very little maintenance. In this paper, it is proposed 150[W] solar tracking system, the system designed as the normal line of the solar cell always runs parallel the ray of the sun. This design can minimize the cosign loss of the system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        색채어의 발화의미

        李正子 中韓人文科學硏究會 2001 한중인문학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        色彩詞約言語義世界中琉麗班爛的色彩反映剡語言中來, 形成了豊富的色彩詞. 乷려在支藝作品中具有形象生動, 意蘿多變的藝術賤力是不言而喩的. 但是, 想要眞正領悟作者遺詞造句的匠心所在, 就頭準確地杷擺作品中色彩詞約言語義.人類초觀色彩感知與外部客觀色彩世界之間關係的討論-直是知談界所關心的問題. 隨着科學的進步和跨學科耐究方式的導入, 對于◎彩詞的硏討方式也擴展爲人類學, 社會學, 民族學, 語言學, 心理學. 乃至遺博學意義上的科學硏究. 進70年代以來, 對于基本顔숟詞的跨文化硏究也取得了衆所驟目 的成就.本文試就文藝作品中色彩訓(以白色, 黑色, 藍色, 緣色, 黃色爲主)言語義特點, 類瑩, 形成原麗(着重于文化差異)等問題作-番粗淺的探討, 爲文學創作和審美鑑賞提供-點參考 1. 色彩詞的言語義的特點斯謂色彩詞的言語義, 指色彩詞在具體的語言環境中臨時具有的某種含意, 一旦離關7具體約語言環境, 色彩詞鈞言語義也就不複存在了. 一般說來, 色彩詞的言譜義不再是對客觀事物約圈者色彩的客觀反映, 而是隱着具 體的語言環境發生相應的찻化. 色彩詞約言語義的特點. 可歸納爲模糊性, 主溫性和變勳性.具體說來, 1)模湖性指的是, 自然語言所具備的模糊屬性由模糊語言和模糊語義來體猊. 作爲客觀事物色彩信息載休的色彩詞, 在具體約語言環境中其意義本身不確定, 便造成了色彩詞的言語義的模湖性. 2)主觀性, 毫無疑閣,色彩是客觀的. 卽, 定具有客觀事物所具有約客觀色彩屬性.但是,有時爲7表情達義的需要, 作者可以完全突破客觀事物本來色彩約限制, 臨時珷與客觀事物-種全新的色彩, 或者讓沒有色彩約事物具有色彩. 3)變勳性, 所謂變動性, 指色彩詞約言語義在不間的語言環境中處于時常變動約狀態,卽阿一부色形詞柱不間的語言環境中具有決然不同的意羲. 2. 色彩詞的言語義的類型 1)色彩詞所代表的是這種色彩的客說事物. 這種숟彩詞的顔色屬性總是들具體的事物連業在」起, 合爲一體的. 2)色彩詞表達某種特定的情感. 色彩詞具有激起人聃情感和情緖約獨特功能, 在特定約語境中作爲某種情感約裁體而存在. 3)色彩詞具有瀉時的象織意義. 人們的社會垈活.是複雜딘變的. 極其有繼的凡十個色彩約象徵羨是遠遠不能滿足人們表達豊富多彩的社會生活約需求.所以, 在具體約語言環境中, 人們往往臨時賦與色彩詞以某種特殊的象徵意義. 3. 촌彩詞的言語義的生成原因文化差異色彩是以視覺爲基礎的. 因此, 對色彩的理解應以色彩感覺爲主, 而不應以人洌約慣習爲主. 但是, 在大多數情況下, 却是完全相反飾. 比如說, 當我們看到一수人頭上渽着一束百花, 抛去任何約定俗成約見解客觀池去看詹,入們可能을說, "干淨, 淸純" 但是, 中圍人彧韓圈入却立刻聯想到"頭戮白花, 他家肯定有릇 彧者"頭載白花, 眞不吉째' 如此等等, 說明河屬同-文化圈的人群由於"豹定俗成的飄念, 在認知色彩時, 常常表努出其獨特的文化特色. 又ft加, 在修飾諜言時, 韓靈人常訓路로, 而英美人却텨'白튿저限定修飾, 分別說成 '色言'전"白色的講글. 這是因爲, 歐美文化圈中白色通常被認爲是不開化或非成熟約象徵, 而韓國人認爲白色是最聖潔 他們財汚染白色的紅色持有-定約成見. 槪括來分析, 作者讀.我, 不河的民族風俗和信仰, 不問的社會政治制度和時代崇尙心理, 以及不間約思想次化傳統均影辯等這一切文化差異淏딘沿詞不同約言語義的生成原騷.

      • KCI등재
      • 시멘트 제조사 및 W/C 변화에 따른 콘크리트의 초기 강도발현 특성

        金光華,裵正烈,김규도,이승훈,한천구 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)

        This study is to investigate the influence of cement manufacturing company and W/C on the properties of fresh concrete, strength of hardened concrete and rebound value of P type Schmidt hammer. According to the result, setting time of concrete is shortened with and increase of W/C, and when cement made in A and B corporation is used in concrete, the final setting time is measured at about 10 hours and 13 hours. Compressive strength increases with elapse of time and decrease of W/C, and concrete using cement made in A corporation shows higher compressive strength and rebound value until 24 hours, but from 3rd day, the contrary tendency is shown. As for the properties of early strength, the strength develop fast with decrease of W/C, and the time when compressive strength of 5MPa is gained and the form can be removed, is about 15, 18, 21 hours and 20, 22, 27 hours at the W/C 40, 45, 50% in concrete using cement made in A and B Co. respectively. The correlativity between compressive strength and the rebound value, which a coefficient of correlation is over 0.97, is very favorable. Therefore this method is effective to estimate the strength of removing the form.

      • 콘크리트의 블리딩에 미치는 골재 조립률의 영향

        文學龍,裵正烈,황인성,한천구 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)

        This study is to investigate the influence of W/C and fineness modulus of aggregate on the bleeding of concrete. According to the result, the lower W/C is, the less bleeding occurs. As for the properties of bleeding with the variation of fineness modulus, the amount of bleeding is small with the continuous grading in the middle of the standard grading range in the case of coarse aggregate, and it grows smaller with a decrease of fineness modulus in the case of fine aggregate. Therefore, it proves that using coarse aggregate with the continuous grading in the middle of the standard grading range and fine aggregate with smaller fineness modulus in the standard grading range is the effective method for reducing bleeding at the same W/C.

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