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        조윤선 ( Yun Seon Cho ) 글로벌기독교세계관학회 2010 학문과기독교세계관 Vol.1 No.-

        The primary purpose of this paper is to assess the social environment and people`s ideology, life style which were the period of previous modern age. At that time the Protestant was not still spreaded in the Cho-seon dynasty, but on the other hand the Confucianism was general tended since the 17th century. It was the common thing in those ages that the inequality was a heavy burden to the women and the slaves. Especially when the political party of the Noron took the helm of state, the inequality was deepened and the opposite political party of the Soron was more isolated. Because of those social atmosphere, they had been denied the existing social idea and as a result the standard of the social values were changed. And the changing of the social values were afforded an opportunity of the new religion Dong-hak which were emphasized the importance of the human rights and equality. In the same age eventually the Roman Catholicism were come to this country, Cho-seon. They took the new religions as a matter of course. Because they had declared themselves against the inequality, oppression and the irrational family system. The people who followed the new religion especially the Roman Catholicism believed the Cheon-Ju as one and only God instead the exciting King and the aristocratic class, Yang-ban. More and more they were inclined the new ideology which emphasized the equality of all kind of human. IThe more Roman Catholicism was spread out, the more religious persecution were happened. Lots of the believers were punished the death. At those times the case of the "Hwang-Sa Yeong`s letter on silk" was happened. Even though Hwang`s mainly attitude was toward the dependent on the western country`s power, we could find out the people who appeared on the letter were truly believer as the christian. The later period of the Cho-seon, the inequality was dominated over all kind of the society, and many of the catholic martyr and martyress made the finally the sacrifice the reception of Protestant.

      • KCI등재
      • Optimal Features for Classifying Giemsa-Stained Human Chromosomes with An Error-Backpropagation Neural Network

        Cho, Jongman,Ryu, Seung-Yun 仁濟大學校 2006 仁濟論叢 Vol.21 No.1

        Many studies for computer-based chromosome analysis using artificial neural network (ANN) have shown that it is possible to classify chromosomes into 24 subgroups. It is important to select optimum features for training the ANN. Our purpose was to select features that had the low classification error and the best ability for human chromosome classification. We applied the medial axis transformation for the medial line, extended the line to the boundary and obtained relative length, relative area and centromeric index. The Giemsa-stained human chromosome has a sequence of banding pattern that is perpendicular to the medial axis of the chromosome. Density profile is a one-dimensional graph of the banding pattern property of the chromosome computed at a sequence of points along the possibly curved chromosome medial axis. Some studied used relative length, centromeric index and 62 density profile as features, but we prepared two data sets as features that one set was relative length, centromeric index and 80 density profile considered No. 1 chromosome's length and the other was relative length, centromeric index, the 80 density profile and relative area and compared classification error of each set. We found that the classification error showed to be decreased by adding relative area to the other features.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Periapical multilocular osteoporotic bone marrow defect

        Jung, Yun-Hoa,Cho, Bong-Hae,Nah, Kyung-Soo 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2005 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.35 No.4

        A case of osteoporotic bone marrow defect, which appeared as a well-defined multilocular radiolucency overlapping the roots of mandibular right second molar, was reported. On periapical radiograph, a daughter cyst-like radiolucency was seen at the anterior margin of the lesion making it difficult to rule out odontogenic keratocyst.


        과실이 크고 품질이 우수한 조생종 배 ‘금촌조생’ 육성

        조광식(Kwang-Sik Cho1),손동수(Dong-Soo Son),강삼석(Sam-Seok Kang),김명수(Myung-Su Kim),홍경희(Kyung-Hui Hong),윤석규(Seok-Kyu Yun),조강희(Gang-Hui Cho),조현모(Hyeon-Mo Cho) 한국원예학회 2004 원예과학기술지 Vol.22 No.1

        ‘금촌조생’ 품종은 농촌진흥청 원예연구소 나주배연구소에서 1971년 ‘금촌추’의 품질을 개선하기 위해 당도가 높고 육질이 유연한 ‘단배’를 교배하여 1982년 1차 선발되었고, 1997년부터 5년 간 지역적응시험을 거쳐 2001년 최종 선발 및 품종보호출원 되었다. 수세는 비교적 강하고, 수자는 반개장성이다. 꽃가루가 풍부하며, 주요 재배품종과 교배친화성을 보인다. 또한 흑반병에 대하여 강한 포장저항성을 나타내었다. 숙기는 재배중인 ‘원황’ 품종보다 약 5일 정도 늦은 9월 3일로 추석에 출하하기 알맞은 품종이다. 과형은 ‘금촌추’와 같은 도원추형이고, 과피색은 황갈색이다. 과중은 593g이고, 당도는 13.2Bx이다. 육질은 유연하며 과즙이 풍부하고, 석세포가 없어 식미가 매우 우수하다. 그러나 과육선숙형 품종으로 원예적 수확기에도 과피에 녹색이 남지만, 완숙과가 되면 황갈색으로 착색된다. 상온저장 기간은 20일 정도로 다른 조생종에 비해 저장력은 좋은 편이다. ‘Geumchonjosaeng’ pear cultivar (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta Nakai) originated from the cross between ‘Imamuraaki’ and ‘Danbae’ to improve the fruit quality of ‘Imamuraaki’ cultivar in 1971 at Naju Pear Research Institute of National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI), Rural Development Administration (RDA). It was preliminarily selected in 1982 and named in 2001. The tree habit shows vigorous growth and upright spreading. It carries abundant pollen grains and shows cross compatibility with leading cultivars. Also it shows high resistance to black leaf spot (Alternaria kikuchiana) in the field condition. Optimum harvest time is around Sep. 3, which is 5 days later than that of ‘Wonwhang’, and it could satisfy consumer’s demand for high quality pear fruit in “Chuseok”. The obovate fruit shape resembles maternal parent, ‘Imamuraaki’ and skin color is green yellowish brown at normal harvesting time and gradually turned to yellowish brown at full ripennig state. Fruit weighs about 593 g, and the soluble solid content is 13.5 ˚Bx. The flesh is very soft and juicy and, rendering good eating quality. Shelf life is about 20 days under the ambient temperature, and it is a relatively long period as compare with other early season cultivars.

      • 북한의 대외 무역구조변화와 경제발전단계분석

        조윤기,조영기 대진대학교 2000 大眞論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        This study is intended to find the properties and development level of North Korean economy by analizing the trade performance of North Korea. For this purpose, We start with the assumption that trade patterns inevitably reflect the internal characters of economy. The empirical results of index of trade specialization of composite goods in North Korea are as follows. 1) During 1970-80, North korea had a comparative advantages in natural resource intensive Ricardo goods. But this comparative advantage had declined in 1980s. So, North Korea seems to have passed the first stage of economic development. 2) Comparative advantages in Hecksher-Ohlin goods are more than one during the whole periods. So, North Korea has a standard technologies to product a industrial goods. Given that exports of these products are concentrated in socilaist countries and those to capitalist countries are far less than imports, however, North Korea seems to have gained comparative advantage over socialist countries alone. 3) Comparative advantages in product cycle good with the advanced technology are less than one during the whole periods. Therefore, North Korea's economic cooperation with multinationals and the level of technical development is far below the world average. But they are increasing continuously since 1980s. Therefore, It can be said that North Korea have passed the first stage of development, have a comparative advantages in standard industrial goods produced with modern, if naive, technologies and have pursued the improvement of the comparative disadvantage in high tech industries since 1980s.

      • KCI등재후보

        직업성질환 감시체계의 계획과 관리

        조수헌,홍윤철,임종한,장성실,천병철 大韓産業醫學會 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        직업성 질환에 관련된 다양한 진료를 체계적으로 수집하고 관리하여 직업성질환의 예방 목적으로 이를 활용하고 자하는 노력이 우리나라에서도 이제 다양한 방법으로 시도되고 있다. 최근의 자료 시스템의 구축과 관리 방법의 향상은 새로운 직업성 잘환감시방법을 개발하게 하여 직업성질환과 손상을 예 방하는데 크게 기여하고 있다. 우리나라에서도 기존의 산업보건사업의 성과를 계승하면서, 외국의 직업성질환 감시의 여러 경험을 비판적으로 수용하여 한국적인 직업성질환 감시 모델을 구축해야 할 것으로 생각된다. 자발적인 지역차원의 직업성질환 감시체계들이 틀을 잡아가고 있는 이 시점에서 본격적으로 직업성질환 감시체계 수립을 위한 전략과 구체적 방법론을 마련하고 공유하여야 할 필요가 있다. 이를 위하여 우리나라의 직업성질환 감시체계를 구축하는데 기초가 될 수 있는 직업성질환 감시체계의 계획과 관리에 대한 내용을 정리하였다. 이러한 감시체계를 우리나라에 정립하려는 노력들의 일환으로 최근 직업성질환감시연구회의 결성 및 각 지역의 직업성질환 감시체계의 운영 등이 조금씩 결실을 맺어가고 있어 간략히 소개하면 다음과 같다.첫째, 최근에 인천, 천안, 대전, 여천, 구미 등에서 지역단위의 직업성질환 감시체계를 구축하고 있고 한국산업안전공단에서는 특수건강진단과 작업환경측정 자료를 전산화하여 이를 직업성질환 감시에 사용하는 전국단위의 감시체계와 천식, 근골격계질환, 피부질환 등 질환별 감시체계 등이 시도되고 있다.둘째, 이러한 움직임은 과거에 비하여 한층 발전된 양상이고 바람직하지만 이제는 국가적 차원에서 직업성질환 감시체계를 어떻게 설정하고 조율할 지를 고민하고 계획하여야 할 때이다. 즉 한국산업안전공단과 지역단위 직업성질환 감시체계들의 역할분담과 상호 정보의 교류 등이 정리되어야 이를 바탕으로 유기적인 국가 직업성질환 감시체계가 구축될 수 있다.셋째, 이를 위하여서는 직업성질환 감시체계 구축의 방법론을 서로 교류하고 공유할 필요가 있으며 나아가서는 이를 표준화하여 기본적인 자료의 교류가 원활하게 이루어질 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 이러한 역할은 최근에 결성된 직업성질환감시연구회와 산업안전보건연구원, 그리고 대한산업의학회, 산업간호학회, 산업위생학회 등이 협력하여 학술적인 작업과 함께 실무적인 지침을 만들어나가도록 하는 것이 바람직할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        플러그셀 크기 및 용토가 거어베라의 묘생장에 미치는 영향

        조문수,예병쾌,박윤영,전하준 한국환경농학회 2003 한국환경농학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        양액재배용 거어베라 우량묘를 생산하기 위한 기초연구로 플러그셀 크기 및 용토가 묘생장에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 용토의 물리성을 측정한 결과 가비중, 진비중 및 공극율은 퍼얼라이트에서 가장 높게 나타났으며 수분보유량은 코코피트에서 가장 높게 측정되었다. 162, 129, 72, 50구 플러그셀 트레리별로 퍼얼라이트 코코피트 그리고 퍼얼라이트+코코제트(1:1)을 채우고 60일간 육묘하여 묘의 생육을 조사하였다. 묘의 엽수는 125구 코코피트 처리에서 가장 많았으며 엽면적은 50구 코코피트 처리에서 높게 나타났다. 신초와 뿌리의 생체중 및 건물중 그리고 엽록소 함량은 퍼얼라이트+코코피트 처리에서 높게 측정되었다. 플러그셀 크기가 클수록 유모 생장에 효과적이었으며 퍼얼라이트 단용 보다는 코코피트와의 혼용 용토에서 유묘 생육이 가장 양호하였다. This study was conducted to examine the effects of plug tray cell size and growth media on good seedling production of Gerbera hybrida Hort. Seedlings were worm for 60 days in 50, 72, 128, 162 cell trays continuing perlite, cocopeat and perlite+cocopeat(1:1, v/v). Perlite showed higher bulk density than cocopeat and perUte+cocepeat. Total porosity was greater in perlite, cocopeat and perlite+cacopeat in order. Cocopeat showed the highest water balding capacity. Number of leaves were greatest in 128 cell tray containing cocopeat. Leaf area was greatest in 50 cell tray containing cocopeat. Seedling growth was also better in plug tray of bigger cell size. Seedling growth of fresh and dry weight of shoot and root was much better in the growth media of perlite+cocopeat.

      • 한국 노동시장의 수량적 유연성 분석 : 국제비교를 중심으로

        조윤기 대진대학교 1998 大眞論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        This study is intended to measure the extent of labor flexibility in Korean labor market. For these end, I estimate the speed of labor input adjustment in Korean manufacturing sector. Using quarterly data, I estimate median lag and mean lag of labor adjustment through Koyck model in Korean manufacturing sector and compare it with those of U.S and European Countries. Major findings of this study are as follows 1) Employment adjustment speed in Korea is substantially slower than those of U.S, Germany and Belgium. So, unlikely previous studies which have analyzed Korean labor market flexibilities, it can be concluded that employment adjustments in korea are very difficult. 2) Working time adjustment are also more difficult than those of above mentioned countries. Thus adjustments of total employment which include number of workers and workers time are analized to be relatively difficult compared to those of OECD countries.

      • Carotenoids 식이와 알코올이 혈액학적 성분과 간조직에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        조만희,김연선,이상한,우기민,장예진,김창세 순천향의학연구소 1999 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.5 No.2

        Alcohol is well known agent which can damage the human tissues such as liver via stimulating lipid peroxidation and storage, denaturation of macromolecules, and inhibiting protein metabolism. On the other hand, carotenoids in addition to vitamins A, C, E and lipoic acid, play important roles in protecting these oxidative damages as well as preventing the production of free radicals. This study was carried out to elucidate the precise effects of alcohol administration into rats on the antioxidative functions of dietary carotenoids and isolated β-carotene, and to find out any parameters to uncover more detailed biochemical mechanisms of these agents. For these purposes, two different approaches were performed: 1) examination of the changes in hematological parameters (e.g., total proteins, A/G ratio, ALT/AST et. al) and statistical correlations among inter- and intragroups, 2) examination of the histopathological changes by an electron microscope. The results were analyzed and summarized as following; (1) Carrot diet for one week caused a slight increase in albumin. A/G ratio and AST levels, and a slight decrease in ALT, ALP, BUN and uric acid levels. Two-week alcohol administration following carrot diet increased total proteins, albumin A/G ratio and BUN levels. However, both groups were shown to have little significant changes in cholesterol concentrations. (2) Cheese diet for one week caused a significant increase in total proteins, albumin, AST, ALP, uric acid and total cholesterol levels, and a significant decrease in A/G ratio and glucose concentrations. However, two-week β-carotene diet following cheese intake increased total proteins albumin, A/G ratio, BUN and total cholesterol levels, whereas AST, ALT, ALP and uric acid levels were decreased. (3) Alcohol administration for one week caused an increase in AST activities and a decrease in total proteins, albumin, ALT, ALP and BUN levels. A successive β-carotene diet following alcohol administration increased total proteins, albumin, ALT, ALP and BUN levels, whereas decreased AST and uric acid levels. However, there were not significant changes in A/G ratio, glucose and total cholesterol levels in both groups. (4) β-carotene diet for one week caused a slight increase in albumin, glucose, AST and uric acid levels, and a slight decrease in ALP and BUN levels. Two-weeks alcohol administration following β-carotene diet increased albumin, glucose, BUN and total cholesterol levels, whereas decreased AST, ALT, ALP and uric acid levels. (5) Although the pathological investigation on the liver did not reveal significant changes, cheese diet group (CH-BC/1-CH) was shown to have some lipid deposits. Some results were unexpected and different from typical hematological changes shown by other researchers. Nonetheless, these results strongly suggest that the liver damage or hepatism caused by alcohol intake affects many kinds of biochemical metabolisms, which results in significant changes in many hematological parameters. In addition, dietary carotenoid and isolated β-carotene were shown to have protective roles against the biochemical changes by alcohol intake.

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