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        김수영과 월트 휘트먼 비교연구

        오영진 ( Oh Young-jin ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2013 국제어문 Vol.58 No.-

        본 연구는 지금까지 가설로만 제기되었던 김수영 문학과 월트 휘트먼 문학의 관계를 밝혀내는 것을 목표로 한다. 몇 가지 신빙성 있는 단서들에도 불구하고 아직까지 이 주제에 대해 구체적인 접근시도가 없었던 이유는 양 시인의 작품 세계가 선명히 다르기 때문이다. 휘트먼은 풍요로운 미국의 자연풍경을 찬미하고, 시민들을 향해 사랑과 자유를 노래한 외향적인 시인인 반면, 김수영은 설움과 고독을 주된 정조로 주로 자신의 일상을 정직하게 반성하는 시를 주로 쓴 것으로 판단된다. 하지만 김수영이 초기부터 일관되게 주장하며 실천해온 `자유`나 `육체성`에 대한 강조, 보편세계를 지향하는 `사랑`이라는 주제의식에서는 휘트먼의 영향이 분명히 감지된다. 증언에 의하면 김수영은 그가 읽은 독서목록의 작가들을 최대한 자신의 방식으로 소화하려고 노력한 작가이다. 때문에 김수영은 휘트먼적 주제를 자신의 시대와 상황에 맞게 변용하여 소화했다고 볼 수가 있다. 본고는 김수영 문학에 휘트먼 문학을 겹쳐 읽어봄으로써 김수영 문학에 휘트먼이 끼친 영향과 그 변용양상을 살펴본다. 이를 위해 본고는 통상 휘트먼 문학의 특징이라고 정리된 몇 가지 주제를 통해 김수영 문학을 읽어본다. 첫째, 1인칭 화자강조-성인페르소나의 설정문제와 육체성의 강조문제를 통해 김수영 문학에 끼쳤을 월트 휘트먼의 영향력을 추리해보았다. 물론 각각의 쟁점들은 `너무 헐렁한 양복`이어서 누구나 맞춰 입을 수 있다는 단점을 보였다고 본다. 하지만 1인칭 화자강조-성인페르소나와 육체성의 강조문제는 월트 휘트먼 고유의 개성으로 이 두 요소가 김수영 문학에 동시에 나타나고 있다는 것이 주목할 만하다. 둘째, 분명한 차이점과 유사점을 발견하는 작업을 시도하였다. 주로 자연찬미나 이웃에 대한 사랑을 능동적으로 표현하는 월트 휘트먼에 비해 김수영은 고독이나 설움 같은 현대적인 주제에 열중한 면이 있었다. 반면, `사랑`이라는 주제가 수평적인 이미 저리로 펼쳐지는 양상에서는 양자 간 유사성이 드러났다고 할 수 있다. 카탈로그 식 열거는 월트 휘트먼 고유의 양식이라 할 수 있는데, 이는 단순히 리듬이나 수사적 효과를 위해 도입된 것이 아닌 `사랑`이라는 내용이 형식적으로 구현된 것으로 평가된다. 김수영의 경우도 「사랑의 변주곡」이나 「풀의 영상」, 「거대한 뿌리」 등의 비교적 후기의 걸작들이 이와 비슷한 수법과 주제의식을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구는 양자 간 관계를 실증적으로 추적하지 못했다. 그러나 위와 같은 결론을 통해 김수영이 월트 휘트먼적이라고 평가하는 데에는 모자람이 없다고 주장한다. This paper aims to find out the relationship between Kim Su-young and Walt Whitman on literature, which has been strongly hypothesized. Despite of some reliable clues, there have been no specific attempts to make this clear because their works seem to be different distinctly each other. As Whitman was an extroverted poet who glorified rich scenery of nature in America and sang love and freedom, Kim Su-young wrote poems which reflected everyday honestly, filled with sorrow and solitude. Kim Su-young, however, had constantly empathized and practiced `freedom` and `corporeity` from earlier works and an inquiry into the universality of `love`, which exactly showed an influence of Whitman to him. Some evidences show that Kim Su-young sought to absorb the authors he read. And Whitman was also possibly absorbed into Kim Su-young`s works, modified with the times and conditions in his unique way. This paper plans to examine influence of Whitman and modified aspect to Kim Su-young`s works as read works of Kim Su-young and Walt Whitman together. For that, this paper reads Kim Su-young through Whitman`s thought. Firstly, I payed attention to emphasis on establishment of the first person narrative-that is a saint persona and on corporeity. Each point seems like "loose clothing" so it looks like every answers possible though, it is worth underlying both first person narrative(a saint persona) and corporeity which were the unique aspect of Whitman present in Kim Su-young`s work at the same time. Secondly, I attempt to reveal apparent similarity and distinction. Comparing with Walt Whitman`s work which mainly expressed admiration to the nature and love-thy-neighbour actively, Kim Su-young`s works focused on the modern problems like solitude and sorrow. However, the way of expressing `love`, which is the main theme and is presented horizontal imagery, is apparently similar to each other. Catalog technic is a unique style of Whitman, and it is not simply for a rhythm or rhetorical effect but for an embodiment of `love`. In case of Kim Su-young`s late works, `Sarang-eh Byen-ju-gok`(Love Variation), `Pul-eh Young-sang` (Image of Grass), `Geo-dae-han Puri`(Great root), also show an identical technic and theme. This paper has limitations to look deeper the influential relationship between Kim Su-young and Walt Whitman empirically. But the influential relationship from Whitman to Kim Su-young would come up in the conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        서영은 소설의 마조히즘 연구 : 「먼 그대」를 중심으로

        진선영 이화여자대학교 2005 이화어문논집 Vol.23 No.-

        This thesis proves masochism in the art aspect could be a dynamic power to get over and critique a materialistic and impure world which oppress individual, and it is most likely imaged as overturn writing through Seo Young-en's Story. In the real world of suffering and trial there is hopelessness and loneliness. We can sustain both virtue's of patience and affirmation through bravery and transcendence through Seo Young-en's Masochism is not to escape but to fight against it all. The Masochism in Seo Young-en's story is the power to withstand this real world. Therefore, Seo Young-en's Masochism deepens a solitude because of the coldness against sensual pleasures. And there is criticism, challenge, and sublimation inside. Seo Young-en writes about the women-herself existence and resistance strategy by enlarging self-conscious challenges through patience and not to revenge about the world. In a disguised women outward appearance, it may seem like means of a woman independence following with sexual method to protect herself. However, Seo Young-en's heroins who protect themselves and make desire under the sexual oppression. With this reason, the challenge is not agile or easy. She resembles a warrior fighting bravely against her own destiny. Seo Young-en's writing style, ""crying in the heart, smiling on the face"", is deceiving all people included her colleagues, that is, get out of the real world, but says the truth, and seems like agreeable, but offers a desperately resistance. This point tells us Seo Young-en's novel is the double-faced text looked on both excessively conservative and radical. Seo Young-en's writing through the masochism esthetic finally shows the mainstream of the woman writing which is not passively and dependably escapable masochism but tolerate and making up the independence oneself. This discovery is revaluation about writer Seo Young-en and should be comprehended the recovery about the masochism which was known as supplementary configuration of the Sadism.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        고령자 급성 췌장염의 임상적 고찰

        이진헌,강진경,박인서,송건훈,정재복,백용한,송시영,서정훈 대한소화기학회 1998 대한소화기학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        Background/Aims: Inflammatory diseasas of the pancreas are not uncommon. The advanced age is one of the significant factors in assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis. It has been shown that the biliary tract disease is a more frequent cause of acute pancreatitis in the elderly than in the young. With the increased life span, the elderly are comprising a large proportion of the population. As a result, physicians are more often being faced with acute pancreatitis in the elderly. The purpose af this study was to evaluate clinical features of acute panereatitis in the elderly. Methods: A total of 188 patients with acute pancreatitis were reviewed. We investigated the differences of clinical characteristics between the elderly patients aged over 60 and the young patients aged under 60. Results: The sex distribution showed male preponderance in the young patients (M:F=2.4:1), but was nearly equal in the elderly patients (M:F=1.1:1). The most common cause of acute pancreatitis in the elderly was biliary tract disease (52.5%), while alcohol abuse was the most common cause in the young patients (38.8%), Local complications of acute pancreatitis, such as psuedocyst, necrosis, abscesses were not differently shown between the elderly (16.9%) and the young (20.2%) patients. Systemic complications including acute puhnonary failure occurred more frequently in the elderly patients than the young patients. The mortality rate of the elderly patients (5.1%) was not significantly different from that of the young patients (3.1%). Conclusions: To detect correctable underlying bihary tract diseases the elderly patients with acute pancreatitis should be completely investigated using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). In addition, the patient should be closely monitored for the development of the systemic complications during the disease process.

      • KCI등재

        NR과 SBR 가황물의 경도와 강성도에 대한 온도의 영향

        진현호 ( Hyun Ho Jin ),홍창국 ( Chang Kook Hong ),조동련 ( Dong Lyun Cho ),강신영 ( Shin Young Kaang ) 한국고무학회 2007 엘라스토머 및 콤포지트 Vol.42 No.3

        본 연구에서는 고무제품의 수치 안정성과 성능유지에 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 중요한 특성 중 하나인 온도변화에 따른 고무재료의 경도변화를 고찰하였다. 새롭게 제작된 International Rubber Hardness Degree(IRHD, Normal type) 경도측정 시험기를 사용하여 미충전된 NR과 SBR시편의 여러 온도에서 경도변화를 측정하였으며 Young`s modulus 값과 비교하였다. NR과 SBR 모두 유리전이온도 근처에서 경도와 Young`s modulus의 급격한 변화를 보였다. 온도가 증가함에 따라 경도와 Young`s modulus 값이 증가하는 경향을 보였으며 이는 분자의 운동성과 엔트로피 영향으로 해석할 수 있다. 카본블랙과 실리카가 충전된 NR과 SBR의 경우 충전제의 함량이 증가함에 따라 경도에 미치는 온도의 영향이 감소함을 관찰하였다. Hardness of rubbery materials, which is important for dimensional stability and product performance, was investigated upon temperature change in this study. A newly developed IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degree) tester was used to measure the hardness changes of NR and SBR specimens at various temperatures and the hardness values were compared with the Young`s modulus. The hardness and Young`s modulus of NR and SBR showed an abrupt change near the glass transition temperatures. The hardness and Young`s modulus were increased by increasing temperature due to the increased random chain conformation of molecules. The effect of temperature on hardness and Young`s modulus of NR and SBR specimens filled with carbon black and silica was decreased by increasing filler content.

      • KCI등재후보

        중장년 성인교정환자의 구강상태 및 치료양태에 관한 연구

        이현정(Hyeon-Jung Lee),김진영(Jin-Young Kim),조진형(Jin-Hyoung Cho),황현식(Hyeon-Shik Hwang) 대한치과의사협회 2010 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Orthodontic treatment for middle-aged patients has become more commonplace with various reasons including improved socioeconomic status. Understanding of oral status and treatment modalities of middle-aged patients is mandatory for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment planning. This study investigated 100 consecutive patients aged 40s and 50s and 100 aged 20s who had been examined and diagnosed at the Department of Orthodontics, Chonnam National University Dental Hospital. The results were obtained as follows; 1. Gender distribution showed female outnumbered male patients in young-aged adult patients, but middle-aged patients showed similar male and female distribution. 2. The major concern seeking orthodontic treatment was esthetics not only in young-aged but also in middle-aged adult patients, and a number of middle-aged patients were concerned about oral health as well. 3. Considerable number of middle-aged patients were referred by other dental specialties while young-aged adult patients were more self-motivated for orthodontic treatment. 4. Middle-aged adult patients had more missing teeth and periodontal disease than young-aged adults. 5. The most frequently-observed problem was dental spacing in middle-aged patients while dental crowding in young-aged adult patients. Middle-aged patients showed higher prevalence of deep overbite and overjet while most of young-aged adults presented opposite direction of problem in overbite and overjet. 6. Limited orthodontic treatment was required rather than comprehensive treatment in middle-aged patients, and the most common tooth moving area was anterior part of dentition in case of limited treatment. Need of interdisciplinary therapy with other dental specialties was more common in middle-aged patients. 7. Intervention of specific technique such as invisible TP, passive bracketing, passive wire bonding, and lingual orthodontics was more required in middle-aged patients. Considering that middle-aged patients have different characteristics than young-aged adults, the results of the present study suggest that different treatment modalities are required in middle-aged orthodontic patients in order to manage them properly and efficiently.

      • KCI등재

        가속도계를 이용한 재료의 영계수 측정방법

        손창호(Sohn, Chang-Ho),박진호(Park, Jin-Ho),윤두병(Yoon, Doo-Byung),정의필(Chong, Ui-Pil),최영철(Choi, Young-Chul) 한국소음진동공학회 2006 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.11

        For the description of the elastic properties of linear objects a convenient parameter is the ratio of the stress to the strain, a parameter called the Young's modulus of the material. Young's modulus can be used to predict the elongation or compression of an object as long as the stress is less than the yield strength of the material. Conventional method for estimating Young's modulus measured the ratio of stress to corresponding strain below the proportional limit of a material using a tensile testing machine. But the method needs precision specimens and expensive equipment. In this paper, we proposed method for estimating Young's modulus using accelerometer. The basic idea comes from that the wave velocity is different as the Young's modulus. To obtain Young's modulus, a group velocity is obtained. It is difficult to measure group velocity. This is because plate medium has a dispersive characteristics which has different wave speed as frequency. In this paper, we used Wigner-Ville distribution to measure group velocity. To verify the proposed method, steel and acryl plate experiments have been performed. Experimental results show that the proposed method is powerful for estimating Young's modulus.



        Choi, Young-Chul,Yoon, Doo-Byung,Park, Jin-Ho,Kwon, Hyun-Sang Korean Nuclear Society 2009 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.41 No.3

        Elastic wave is one of the most useful tools for non-destructive tests in nuclear power plants. Since the elastic properties are indispensable for analyzing the behaviors of elastic waves, they should be predetermined within an acceptable accuracy. Nuclear power plants are exposed to harsh environmental conditions and hence the structures are degraded. It means that the Young's modulus becomes unreliable and in-situ measurement of Young's modulus is required from an engineering point of view. Young's modulus is estimated from the group velocity of propagating waves. Because the flexural wave of a plate is inherently dispersive, the group velocity is not clearly evaluated in temporal signal analysis. In order to overcome such ambiguity in estimation of group velocity, Wigner-Ville distribution as the time-frequency analysis technique was proposed and utilized. To verify the proposed method, experiments for steel and acryl plates were performed with accelerometers. The results show good estimation of the Young's modulus of two plates.

      • KCI등재


        YOUNG-CHUL CHOI,DOO-BYUNG YOON,JIN-HO PARK,권휴상 한국원자력학회 2009 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.41 No.3

        Elastic wave is one of the most useful tools for non-destructive tests in nuclear power plants. Since the elastic properties are indispensable for analyzing the behaviors of elastic waves, they should be predetermined within an acceptable accuracy. Nuclear power plants are exposed to harsh environmental conditions and hence the structures are degraded. It means that the Young’s modulus becomes unreliable and in-situ measurement of Young’s modulus is required from an engineering point of view. Young’s modulus is estimated from the group velocity of propagating waves. Because the flexural wave of a plate is inherently dispersive, the group velocity is not clearly evaluated in temporal signal analysis. In order to overcome such ambiguity in estimation of group velocity, Wigner-Ville distribution as the time-frequency analysis technique was proposed and utilized. To verify the proposed method, experiments for steel and acryl plates were performed with accelerometers. The results show good estimation of the Young’s modulus of two plates.

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