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      • KCI등재

        실천적 추론 가정과 수업이 중학생의 도덕성에 미치는 효과

        채정현,유태명,박미정,이지연 대한가정학회 2003 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.41 No.12

        The purpose of thii study was to develop lesson plans and teaching materials applying practical reasoning instruction for the 7th home economics cuniculum content, and to test the effects of practical reasoning instruction on morality of middle school students. This study is a quasiaperimental research with a pretest-postkt &qn. Practical reasoning instruction for experimental group and traditionally lecture oriented insbuction for comparison group were input, and tested the statistical differences between two groups before and after the treatment. The subjects for this study were 8th grade students of a mi& school located in Kwangiu city. Two classes of 76 students homogeneous in characteristics and academic record for each experimental and comparison group were assigned. lnstnunent used for this study was a revised moral indicator, that was developed by KEDI(2001). Spss/wi for 10.0 statistics program was used for analysis of data. ANCOVA was done for testing statistical difference been pretest and posttest of experiment group and comparison group. Result of study which showed statistically significant difference between groups were: 1. V i e of responsibility for words and deeds (from 3.22 to 3.61 for experimental group and from 3.27 to 3.26 for comparison group) in domain of responsibility and cooperation, and virtue of punduality (from 3.59 to 3.76 for experimental group and from 3.41 to 3.28 for comparison group) in domain of trustworthiness, 2. V i e of conversation etiquette (from 3.47 to 3.67 for experimental group and from 3.28 to 3.31 for comparison group) in domain of caring for others, 3. Virtue of forgiveness other s mistakes (from 3.32 to 3.65 for experimental group and from 3.33 to 3.25 for comparison group) in domain of kindness, concession, forgiveness, and virtue of volunteering activity from 2.89 to 3.71 for experimental group and from 3.36 to 3.45 for comparison group) in domain of compassion and service, 4. Virtue of equip the convenient facility for handicapped (from 4.19 to 4.29 for experimental group and from 4.17 to 3.91 for comparison group) in domain of equality and human rights, virtue of recovering selfness for own community (from 2.34 to 2.79 for experimental group and from 2.14 to 2.29 for comparison group), virtue of opposing way of accomplishing purpose by all means (from 3.27 to 3.31 for experimental group and from 3.47 to 3.05 for comparison group), virtue of opposing election of considering aquaintance (from 3.35 to 3.56 for experimental group and from 3.12 to 3.14 for comparison group) in domain of fairness, and virtue of eradication of military force or violence among countries (from 3.49 to 3.57 for experimental group and from 3.38 to 3.05 for comparison group) in domain of love for humanity. The morality of experimental group was improved more than that of comparison group in all of above items. From the results of thii study, following conclusion was drawn. Practical reasoning insbudion in home economics is effective in raising students virtue and value of responsibility in words and deeds, trustworthiness in punctuality, courtesy of not intempting conversation, forgiveness of other s mistakes, volunteering activity, equity for handicapped, fairness opposing selfness for own community, fairness opposing way of accomplishing purpose by all means, fairness opposing election of considering acquaintance, and love for humanity opposing war.

      • KCI등재

        `실버케어 전문가` 미래직업 연계형 STEAM 프로그램이 초등학생의 미래지향 시간관, 진로인식 및 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향

        유미현 ( Mi Hyun Yoo ),최정진 ( Jung Jin Choi ),박문숙 ( Mun Sook Park ),채수진 ( Su Jin Chae ),김보라 ( Bo Ra Kim ),손미현 ( Mi Hyun Son ),임은경 ( Eun- Kyong Lim ),유화수 ( Hwasoo Yu ),서종원 ( Jong Won Seo ),김주미 ( Ju Mi Kim 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 2017 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.41 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 `실버케어 전문가` STEAM프로그램을 개발하고 초등학교에 적용하여 효과를 알아보는 것이다. 이 연구를 위해 경기도 소재 초등학생 110명이 참여하였다. 54명은 실험 집단으로, 56명은 비교집단으로 배치하였으며 프로그램 적용 전후에 미래지향 시간관, 진로인식, 과학적 태도 검사를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, `실버케 전문가` STEAM 프로그램을 적용한 실험집단 학생의 미래지향 시간관 전체 점수와 2개 하위영역 모두에서 비교집단에 비해 유의미하게 향상되었다(p<.05). 둘째, `실버케어 전문가` STEAM 프로그램을 적용한 실험집단 학생의 진로인식 전체 점수와 4개 하위영역 점수가 비교 집단에 비해 유의미하게 향상되었다(p<.05). 셋째, `실버케어 전문가` STEAM 프로그램을 적용한 실험집단 학생의 과학적 태도 전체 점수와 7개 하위영역 점수가 비교집단에 비해 유의미하게 향상되었다(p<.05). 넷째, `실버케어 전문가` STEAM 프로그램에 대한 실험집단 학생의 만족도를 조사한 결과 `나는 과학기술 분야와 관련된 직업에 대한 관심이 생겼다`라는 항목에서 가장 높은 긍정적 인식을 보여주었다. 결론적으로 본연구에서 개발 적용한 STEAM 프로그램이 초등학생의 미래지향 시간관, 진로인식, 과학적 태도를 향상시키는 데 효과적임을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to develop `Silver Care Expert` STEAM Program for the elementary students and investigate the effects of the program on creative thinking activity, scientific attitude and leadership. Participants were 110 elementary school students. Before and after the program, the participants were asked to take the test about future time perspective, career awareness and scientific attitude. The major results of this study were as follows. First, the total score of experimental group`s future time perspective and all 2 sub-domains was significantly improved than those of comparative group(p<.05). Second, total score of experimental groups` career awareness and all 4 sub-domains were significantly increased than those of comparative group after the STEAM program(p<.05). Third, the total score of experimental groups` scientific attitude and all 7 sub-domains were significantly improved than those of comparative group(p<.05). Fourth, according to students` post-program opinions, experimental group students showed very positive perception like that science class was very interesting and they became interested in science and technology. In conclusion, `Silver Care Expert` STEAM Program was very effective to improve elementary students` future time perspective, career awareness, scientific attitudes.

      • KCI등재

        기업조직 특성에 따른 사무직 근로자의 직무스트레스와 조직효과성 간의 관계

        채유미(Yoo-Mi Chae),이정배(Jeong-bae Rhie),이숙(Sook Lee) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.7

        본 연구는 대기업과 중소기업 사무직을 대상으로 직무스트레스 하부 요인과 조직효과성의 관계와 이를 통해 사무직 근로자의 직무스트레스 개선을 위한 관리 전략 수립에 필요한 근거자료를 제공하고자 한다. 조사내용은 개인의 일반적인 특성, 업무관련사항, 직무스트레스와 사회심리적 건강수준 및 조직효과성 평가를 위해 직무만족도, 직무몰입, 이직의도, 프 리젠티즘을 포함하였다. 모든 평가 도구의 Cronbach's α값은 0.640∼0.924로 만족할 만한 수준이였다. 자료 수집은 2014년 6월 26일~8월 1일까지 설문지 154부를 배포하였고, 150부를 최종 분석대상으로 하였다. 자료는 SPSS 23.0을 이용하여 카이 제곱 검정, t-test, ANOVA, 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 대기업 모델에서는 직무스트레스 하부 요인 중 보상부적절이 직무 만족도, 직무몰입, 이직의도에 통계적으로 유의한 관련성을 보였다(p<0.05). 중소기업 모델에서는 조직체계 요인이 직무만족 도, 직무몰입에 유의한 관련성을 보였으며, 특히 이직의도는 직무스트레스 하부 요인 중 조직체계, 보상부적절, 조직문화와 밀접한 관련성을 보였다(p<0.05). 사회심리적 스트레스는 대기업 모델에서는 조직효과성과 유의한 관련성을 보이지 않았으 나, 중소기업 모델에서는 프리젠티즘과 유의한 관련성을 보였다. 직무스트레스와 조직효과성의 관계는 조직특성에 따라 달 라지므로, 직무스트레스 관리 계획 수립 시 해당 조직에 필요한 스트레스 관리 영역을 확인할 필요성을 제시했다는 측면에 서 본 연구의 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study was to provide the evidence necessary to establish job stress management strategies to improve office workers conditions by looking at the impact on job stress factors depending on the nature of the organization. The stress related variables (job stress and psychological well-being) and organizational effectiveness variables (job satisfaction, job engagement, intention to leave, and presentieesm) was included. A total of 154 questionnaires were distributed from 26th June to 1 August 2014 and 150 people were analyzed. The results indicated that a lack of reward was negatively correlated with job satisfaction and job engagement, and positively correlated with the intention to leave (p<0.05) in a large-sized company model. Moreover, in a medium-sized company model, organizational injustice was statistically significant with job satisfaction and job engagement. Organizational injustice, lack of reward, and occupational climate was positively correlated with the intention to leave (p<0.05). This study has its significance in that it looked at the job stress as a predictive variable to explain the organizational effectiveness and highlights the need to establish a stress management strategy depending on the nature of the company.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Chronological Changes of Soil Organic Carbon from 2003 to 2010 in Korea

        Yoo Hak Kim,Seong Soo Kang,Myung Suk Kong,Myung Sook Kim,Yeon Kyu Sonn,Mi Jin Chae,Chang Hoon Lee 한국토양비료학회 2014 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        Chronological changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) must be prepared by IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. IPCC suggested default reference SOC stocks for mineral soils and relative stock factors for different management activities where country own factors were not prepared. 3.4 million data were downloaded from agricultural soil information system and analyzed to get chronological changes of SOC for some counties and for land use in Korea. SOC content of orchard soil was higher than the other soils but chronological SOC changes of all land use had no tendency in differences with high standard deviation. SOC contents of counties depended on their own management activities and chronological SOC changes of districts also had no tendency in differences. Thus, Korea should survey the official records and relative stock factors on management activities such as land use, tillage and input of organic matter to calculate SOC stocks correctly. Otherwise, Korea should establish a model for predicting SOC by analyzing selected representative fields and by calculating SOC differences from comparing management activities of lands with those of representative fields.

      • Je-chun-jun induced apoptosis of human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells.

        Chae, Han-Jung,Park, Kyung-Mi,Lee, Geun-Youn,Jeong, Gi-Seup,Park, Hyung-Rae,Kim, Hyung-Min,Chae, Soo-Wan,Yoo, Shim-Keun,Kim, Hyung-Ryong Science Press 2004 Acta pharmacologica Sinica. Vol.25 No.10

        <P>AIM: To study the mechanism of je-chun-jun (JCJ)-inducing the apoptosis of the human cervical carcinoma, HeLa cells. METHODS: The cell viability was assessed using MTT assay. The optical density was measured at 570 nm. The caspase activity was measured using 50 mmol/L of fluorogenic substrate, AC-DEVD-AMC (caspase-3), AC-VEID-AMC (caspase-8) or AC-LEHD-AFC (caspase-9). To confirm the expression of proteins, Western blotting was performed. To detect the characteristic of apoptosis chromatin condensation, HeLa cells were stained with Hoechst 33258 in the presence of JCJ. For the cell cycle analysis, HeLa cells were incubated with Propidium iodide (PI) solution. Fluorescence intensity of cell cycle was measured using flow cytometry system. RESULTS: The loss of viability occurred following the exposure of 10 g/L JCJ. Cells treated with 10 g/L JCJ for 3 d exhibited the apoptotic morphology (brightly blue-fluorescent condensed nuclei by Hoechst 33258-staining) and the reduction of cell volume. Cells incubated with JCJ for 48 h were arrested at the G1 phase of cell cycle and their G1 checkpoint related gene products such as cyclin D1 were transiently decreased. We showed that JCJ induced the p38 MAPK activation in HeLa cells. The p38 MAPK inhibitor, SB203580 protected Hela cells from the JCJ-induced death as well as intervened the JCJ-induced accumulation of cells at the G1 phase. In contrast, MEK1 (-ERK upstream) inhibitor, PD98059 had no effect on HeLa cells. Conclusion: JCJ induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of HeLa cells through p38 MAPK pathway.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of the Feasibility of Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Cd, Pb and Zn using Sunflower, Corn and Castor plants

        Mi Jin Chae,Goo-Bok Jung,Seong Soo Kang,Myung Suk Kong,Yoo Hak Kim,Deog Bae Lee 한국토양비료학회 2014 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.47 No.6

        Phytoremediation is a technology using plants and associated soil microbes to reduce the concentrations or toxic effects of contaminants in the environments. It is regarded as a cost-effective, efficient, eco-friendly, and solar-driven technology with good public acceptance. This study was conducted to find the plants accumulating heavy metals in soils contaminated with Cd and Pb. Experimental plots (plot size: 0.81 m²) was artificially contaminated using a contaminated soil collected from a field in vicinity of Wondong mine (WD). Sunflower, corn and castor were tested for their potential to remove heavy metals from the contaminated soils. The results indicated that sunflower was most effective in accumulating heavy metals and thus remedying the soils among the three crops. Dry weight and heavy metal uptake of sunflower shoot differed with growth period. For example, the Cd content of shoots including leaf and stem were 0.31mg, 2.23 mg, and 0.96 mg per plot at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after planting in Cd4-WD treatment; in addition, the dry weight of the shoots in Cd8-WD treatment was reduced due to heavy metal toxicity. This experiment showed that sunflower absorbed Cd, Pb and Zn in their shoots up to 8 weeks of planting; thereafter heavy metals uptake was diminished. This implies that the efficiency of these plants in cleaning the contaminated soils may be high at the early stage of plant growth.

      • KCI등재

        Dependence of Yield Response of Rice to Nitrogen Level on Soil Testing

        Yoo Hak Kim,Myung Suk Kong,Seong Soo Kang,Mi Jin Chae,Ye Jin Lee,Deog Bae Lee 한국토양비료학회 2014 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.47 No.6

        Crop yields depend on the limiting factor of crop growth; Liebig law of minimum. Identifying the kind and the necessary amount of the limiting factor is essential to increase crop yield. Although nitrogen is the most essential nutrient, N application does not always bring about yield increases when other elements are limiting in rice cultivation. Two experiments were compared to elucidate the effect of soil testing on rice yield response to N level. The one was an experiment about yield response of 3 rice cultivars to 7 levels of N application, which was conducted from 2003 to 2004 in 25 farmer’s fields without ameliorating soil conditions by soil testing and the other was a demonstration experiment on N fertilizer recommendation equation by 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 times of N recommended level in 5 soil types from 30 fields after ameliorating soil conditions by soil testing. The N response patterns of the experiments conducted without soil testing showed a Mitscherlich pattern in some cultivars and soil types, but did not in the others. The N response patterns of the demonstration experiment showed a Mitscherlich pattern in all soil types. Because these results indicated that N was the minimum nutrient in the demonstration experiment by ameliorating soil conditions with soil testing, but not in the other experiment without soil testing, the supply of minimum nutrients by soil testing could increase the efficiency of N-fertilization.

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