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        한반도의 역사적 경험에 따른 한민족의 정체성 규명을 위한 시론

        유헌식 ( Heon-sik Yoo ) 한국헤겔학회 2016 헤겔연구 Vol.0 No.39

        이 글은 한민족의 정체성을 한반도가 겪은 역사적 경험을 바탕으로 규명하고자 하는 시론(試論)적 성격을 띤다. 한민족의 정체성 문제는 한민족의 자기(自己)를 파악하는 일인데, 이 ``자기``는 한민족이 외부 세력(주변 강대국)과 관계하는 데에서 취한 태도와 깊이 관련되어 있다. 그래서 ``민족``은 초역사적인 실체가 아니라 역사 안에서 형성되는 유동체라는 주장이 힘을 얻는다. 외부 세력과 관계하는 데에서 생겨난 한민족의 ``민족``에 대한 의식은 여기서 향내(向內)적 경향과 향외(向外)적 경향이라는 양가적인 양상을 드러낸다. 전자에는 구한말의 위정척사운동과 일제강점기의 신간회운동이 속하며, 후자에는 조선조의 실학사상과 구한말의 개화사상이 속한다. 그런데 실제 역사에서 볼 때 민족의식이 민족의 안으로 향한다고 해서 모두 민족적인 것은 아니며 민족의 밖으로 향한다고 해서 모두 반민족적인 것이라고 할 수 없다. 또한 그 반대도 성립한다. 그 결과 민족친화적인 외향성과 민족배타적인 외향성이 있으며, 민족친화적인 내향성과 민족 배타적인 내향성이 있게 된다. 향내적 민족주의와 향외적 민족주의의 충돌이 낳는 이율배반은 궁극적으로 민족의 자기(自己)를 둘러싸고 벌어지는 사태이다. 한민족의 자기는 안으로 향하는 자기와 밖으로 향하는 자기로 분열되어 있다. 분열된 각자는 다시 대립하는 두 경우로 나뉜다. 이 구분의 기준은 보수와 진보이다. 향내주의자 가운데 우리 것을 보존하려는 수구세력이 있는가 하면, 혁신의 토대를 우리 것에서 찾으려는 진보세력이 있다. 전자는 위정척 사론자나 증산교/대종교 신봉자가 속할 수 있고, 후자는 동학교도와 신채호, 김구 류의 민족주의자를 들 수 있다. 마찬가지로 향외주의자 가운데 민족 근대화를 추진하는 데에서 지배층의 이익을 정당화하는 세력이 있는가 하면 피지배층의 이익을 대변하고자 하는 세력이 있다. 전자에는 구한말의 개화파나 일제 강점기의 친일파 그리고 근대화 과정에서 박정희를 대표로 하는 자본주의적 민족주의자가 속할 수 있고, 후자에는 근대국가 수립 이후의 박헌영, 여운형 류의 사회주의적 민족주의자와 문익환, 함석헌 류의 기독교적 민족주의자를 들 수 있다. 이렇게 볼 때 안으로 향한다고 해서 모두 보수가 아니며 밖으로 향한다고 해서 모두 진보가 아니라는 사실이다. 말을 바꾸면 우리 것 안에도 진보가 있으며 그들 것 안에도 보수가 있다는 것이다. 이렇게 서로 엇갈리는 힘들의 역학관계 또는 자장(磁場) 속에 ``한민족의 자기``가 자리 잡고 있다. 그런데 한민족은 다양한 방식으로 민족을 앞세웠지만 그 결과는 파국적이었다. 민족은 허울일 뿐이었고 실제에서 남과 북의 위정자들은 자신들의 이해관계에 따라 분열되어 민족을 이용해 왔다. 자기분열의 표면적인 원인은 정치적 주도 세력 간의 이권다툼이지만 그 심층적인 원인은 ``아래로부터의 의지``를 반영하지 못한 채 서로가 ``민족의 대표``이기를 노림으로써 공(公)을 표방하면서도 사(私)에 집착한 데 있다. 그리하여 민족 성원 또는 인민대중의 인간적 권리를 실현하기보다는 지배층 또는 개혁 주도 세력의 사적인 이익 추구 행위가 선행함으로써 민족이 실질적으로 하나로 설 수 있는 토대를 마련하지 못하였다. 여기서 ``민족``이라는 어휘는 사용자에 의해 임의로 만들어지고 또 사라졌다. 민족은 한민족에게 ``텅 빈 시니피앙``에 지나지 않게 되었다.부단한 외세의 침입과 그에 따른 혼란 속에서 한민족은 나름의 생존전략을 체득하였다. 어느 하나의 강자(중심)에 귀속되지 않으면서 또한 자신의 이익에 따라 모두에게 귀속되기도 하는 주변부의 생존논리를 터득하였다. ``주변부 경계인``은 한민족의 현실적인 정체성이다. 자신의 생존을 위해 큰 중심들 ``사이``와 ``경계``에 서서, 그 중심에 속하는 듯하면서도 이를 부정하면서 작은 중심을 보존하고 유지하는 삶을 한민족은 살아왔다. 현재 세계는 지구화와 세계화가 급물살을 타고 진행되면서 ``민족``이 더 이상 화두로 등장하지 않는 분위기이지만, 한민족은 과거에 슬픔과 기쁨을 함께 나누었던 공통의 경험을 가진 공동체로서 ``민족``은 여전히 상징적인 지향점으로 자리 잡고 있다. 한반도가 역사에서 얻은 깊은 상처를 치유해야 할 과제 앞에서 한민족 정체성의 현실적인 의미와 상징적인 의미를 어떻게 조화시킬 것인가 하는 문제로 고민해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this essay is to reveal identity of the Korean nation based on historical experience of the Korean Peninsula. The issue involved in the identity of the Korean nation is to actually understand selfness of the Korean nation itself, and the term ``selfness`` specified in this essay is closely related to the attitude of the Korean nation toward outside forces(surrounding powerful nations) at the time. Accordingly, a statement emphasizing that ``nation`` is rather a fluid developed within history than a supra-historical substance has been encouraged. Consciousness of the Korean nation on ``nation`` developed while relating to outside forces reveals an ambivalent aspect consisting of introverted tendency and extroverted tendency. The former includes the Wijeongcheoksa(衛正斥邪) Movement performed during the latter era of the Joseon Dynasty as well as the Singanhoi(新幹會) Movement performed during the Japanese colonial period, and the latter includes the Silhak(實學) Thought during the Joseon Dynasty as well as the Enlightenment (開化) Thought during the latter era of the Joseon Dynasty. However, in the view of actual history, the attitude of national consciousness leaning toward its own nation is not always national and the attitude of national consciousness leaning toward other nation is not always anti-national, and viceversa. As a result, there are nation-friendly extroversion, nation-exclusive extroversion, nation-friendly introversion and nation-exclusive introversion. The antinomy created due to a conflict between introverted nationalism and extroverted nationalism is ultimately a situation occurring based on selfness of the nation. Selfness of the Korean nation is separated into selfness leaning toward its own nation and selfness leaning toward other nation. Each of these separated selfness is then again divided into two conflicting cases. The standards for such division are conservatism and progressivism. Among introversionists, there are extremely conservative forces desiring to preserve our things and there are also progressive forces desiring to search for the basis of innovation from our things. The former includes supporters of the Wijeongcheoksa Movement as well as believers of Chungsangyo(甑山 敎)/Daejonggyo(大倧敎), and the latter includes believers of Donghakgyo(東學 敎) as well as nationalists such as Shin, Chae-Ho(申采浩) and Kim, Gu(金九). In a similar sense, among extroversionists, there are forces desiring to justify the profit of the ruling class in promoting a national modernization and there are also forces desiring to speak for the profit of the subjugated class. The former includes the enlightenment group during the latter era of the Joseon Dynasty, the pro-Japanese group during the Japanese colonial period and capitalistic nationalists such as Park, Jeong Hee during the course of modernization, and the latter includes socialistic nationalists such as Park, Heon-Young(朴憲永) and Yeo, Woon-Hyung(呂運亨) after establishment of the modern nation as well as christian nationalists such as Moon, Ik-Hwan(文益煥) and Ham, Seok-Heon(咸錫憲). This proves that those leaning toward inside are not always conservative and those leaning toward outside are not always progressive. In other words, our things are both progressive and conservative. ``Selfness of the Korean nation`` lies within dynamics or magnetic field created among such conflicting forces. However, although the Korean nation used diverse methods to place its nation ahead, the result was catastrophic. Its nation was nothing but the gloss. Actually, the politicians from the South Korea and the North Korea were split according to their own interests and only used such nation as a tool. The superficial reason for such self-split was struggle of interests among leading political forces, but the in-depth reason was that such political forces were obsessed with fulfilling their private interests while claiming to stand for the public by attempting to become the ``representative of the nation`` without reflecting the ``will from the bottom``. Accordingly, instead of responding to the nation``s support or realizing humane rights of the people, the ruling class or the reformation-leading force pursued their private interests and eventually failed to establish basis for the nation to practically stand as one. At this point, the term ``nation`` was temporarily created and removed by the users. To the Korean nation, such nation was nothing but an ``empty signifiant``. Throughout the constant invasions by outside forces and the chaos created due to such invasions, the Korean nation acquired its own survival strategy. It acquired a logic to survive as a marginal nation by not belonging to just one certain strong nation(center) and also by belonging to all strong nations depending on its profit. The realistic identity of the Korean nation is ``marginal man``. In order to survive, the Korean nation stood in ``between`` and on ``border`` of the main centers, and it preserved and maintained its small center by almost belonging to those main centers but denying such belonging. Currently, the world is going through a rapid globalization and the term ``nation`` no longer serves as the main topic. However, the Korean nation is a community with a common experience in sharing grief and happiness in the past, and the term ``nation`` still serves as a symbolic directing point. With regards to the task on how the Korean Peninsula would cure its deep wound gained from its history, the problem of how to integrate realistic meaning and symbolic meaning of identify of the Korean nation must be considered. The main purpose of this paper is to elucidate the concept of perception and thing by Hegel and Locke. In the chapter on perception in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel examines the modern theory of physics, in which thing is determined by property and matter. Here we discover a theory of Locke, which grasps a thing in respect to property. Accepting the theory of Boyle in which thing is understood as property and corpuscular, Locke proceeds his empirical theory of perception. Hegel also takes over this concept of thing in his theory of perception and further develops it as an essential moment in the dialectical system of spirit. Of course Hegel insists that the power of understanding that conceives of a totality of things in terms of a relation of power is prior to the perception that only grasps thing in terms of property and corpuscular. Here in order to elucidate thing, Hegel puts a more emphasis on dynamics than the corpuscular hypothesis. For this reason, Hegel``s theory of perception has been overlooked. However, in order to understand the philosophy of Hegel, it is important to grasp the theory of perception. And we can discover this importance in the chapter of perception in Phenomenology of Spirit. According to Hegel, perception unveils the dialectics of thing which forms the basis for the force, the movement of organism and eventually the movement of spirit. Also in perception and thing, we can discover a clue to understand the relation of unity and manifolds or the relation of identity and difference, which is an essential structure in Hegel``s concept of dialectics. And Hegel``s theory of perception presupposes Locke``s theory. Hence to understand Hegel``s theory of perception, it is necessary to investigate the empirical theory of perception by Locke.

      • KCI등재

        자아의 自覺을 통한 限界保有的 행위 : 반쪽 헤겔주의자 최인훈

        유헌식 延世大學校 文科大學 2008 人文科學 Vol.87 No.-

        이 글은 소설가 최인훈의 작품세계를 철학적으로 반성한다. 특정 작가의 세계관에 대한 철학적 이해는 작가의 문학적 입지점을 규명하여 문학 활동의 근원적 지평을 개시할 뿐만 아니라 이를 통해 새로운 사유의 지평을 열 수 있다는 점에서 의미있다. 특히 근현대 한국문학의 한 봉우리를 이루는 작가 최인훈에 대해 평단에서는 ‘헤겔주의자’라는 평이 내려지고 있는데 이 글은 그의 작품에 대한 내재적인 해석을 통하여 이러한 기존의 평가를 재고하여 헤겔의 역사철학적 사유와 한국문학의 지향점이 어디에서 어떻게 만날 수 있는지 그 가능성을 타진해보자 한다. 한국 문학평론계에서 최인훈은 다음과 같은 점에서 헤겔주의자로 평가받고 있다. 1. 그는 분열을 문제의 출발점으로 삼아 분열된 양자의 변증법적인 화해를 추구한다. 2. 역사 안에서의 구체적인 실천보다는 사태를 바라보고 해석하는 방관자적인 태도를 취한다. 3. 현실에 맞서기보다는 현실을 도피하고 관념적인 것에서 문제의 해결책을 찾으려 한다. 4. 기억을 사태인식의 방법적인 축으로 삼는다. 5. 역사의 문제를 언어적 소통의 문제로 파악하여 언어 간의 맥잇기를 문학활동의 근간으로 여긴다. 분열, 화해, 기억, 관념, 언어, 소통 등은 분명 ‘헤겔적’이다. 하지만 이것만으로 그를 헤겔주의자로 단정하기에는 미흡하다. 더 결정적인 부분에서 그는 헤겔의 사유에서 벗어나고 있기 때문이다. 무엇이 그를 헤겔주의자로 단정 짓지 못하게 할까? 1. 그에게는 헤겔 사변 철학의 핵심인 ‘유한과 무한의 변증법적인 통일’이 없다. 그의 세계관이 가장 드러난 『서유기』에서는 오히려 ‘反헤겔주의자’로서의 최인훈의 면모가 보인다. 그가 초기작품에서 ‘행동’을 대신해서 제시했던 ‘시간과 사랑’은 ‘헤겔적’이라기보다는 ‘칸트적’이어서 ‘한계를 지닌 한에서의 언어노동’으로서 헤겔처럼 ‘무한과 맞닿아 있는 유한자의 긍정적인 소통’이 아니다. 2. 최인훈이 방법적인 도구로 삼고 있는 ‘기억’이 ‘이성’과 맺고 있는 관계가 헤겔과 다르다. 최인훈에게는 헤겔에서 나타나는 ‘역사 속에서 살아 숨 쉬는 이성’이라는 게 없다. 그래서 역사의 내재적인 변증법이 그의 역사적 사유에서는 보이지 않는다. 그가 ‘이성’을 말하지만 그것은 어디까지나 현재 의 눈으로 보기에 이성적인 것이지 역사 자체가 실현해나가는 적극적이고 내재적인 추동력으로의 이성이 아니다. In dieser Schrift handelt es sich um die philosophische Auffassung des Gedankens koreanischen Schriftstellers In-hun Choi. Die philosolhische Anna¨hrungen an die Weltanschauung eines Schriftsstellers erschlieβt uns seinen literarischen Standpunkt und damit neues Denkhorizont. Der Schriftsteller In-hun Choi, der einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der modernen Literatur in Korea ist, wird als 'Hegelianer' bezeichnet. Hier wird durch immanente Textinterpretation festgestellt, ob diese Bezeichnung gerecht ist. U˝berdies wird die Mo¨glickeit untersucht, wo und wie das geschichtsphilosophische Denken von Hegel und das Ziel koreanischer Literatur treffen ko˝nnen. In der Kritik der koreanischen Literatur gilt In-hun Choi aus folgenden Gru˝nden als Hegelianer. 1) Er nimmt Entzweiung zum Ausgangspunkt seiner Problematik und sucht dialektische Verso˝hnung von der Entgegengesetzten. 2) Er verha¨lt sich eher als Zuschauer oder Interpret der Geschichte, nicht als konkret Handelnder in der Geschichte. 3) Statt der Wirklichkeit gegenu˝berzustehen versucht er sich der Wirklichkeit zu entziehen und im Ideellen die Lo˝sung zu finden. 4) Er nimmt die Erinnerung als methodisches Mittel zur Auffassung der Sache. 5) Er sieht die Probleme der Geschichte als die der sprachlichen Kommunikation und darum betrachtet sie als Grun이age der literahschen Ta¨igkeit. Die bei ihm grosse Rollen spielenden Begriffe wie Entzweiung, Verso˝hnung, Erinnerung, das Ideelle, Sprache und Kommunikation sind ohne Zweifel hegelianisch. Aber sie sind nicht genug, um ihn als Hegelianer zu bezeichnen, denn er weicht dem hegelschen Denken aus, was noch wichtigere Punkte betrifft. Warum ist er nicht als Hegelianer zu bezeichnen? 1) In seinen Literaturwerken fehlt 'die dialektische Vereinigung des Endlichen und Unendlichen', die den Hauptbegriff der hegelschen Philosophie ausmacht. In seinem Roman 'Seoyuki(서유기)', der seine Weltanschauung am besten zum Ausdruck bringt, kann man ihn eher 'Anti-Hegelianer' nennen. Die 'Zeit und Liebe', die er in seinen fru˝hen Werken anstatt des 'Handelns' gezeigt hat, ist mehr kantisch als hegelinisch. Sie ist 'die sprachliche Arbeit im begrenzten Sinne', nicht 'die positive Kommunikation des Endlichen, das mit dem Unendlichenzusammengesetzt ist wie bei Hegel. 2) Die Erinnenmg, die In-hun Choi als methodisches Mittel nirnmt, steht in anderem Verha¨ltnis zur Vernunft als bei Hegel. Bei In-hun Choi fehlt die in der Geschichte sich bewegende Vernunft. In seiner Auffassung der Geschichteeswegen gibt es deswegen nicht die immanente Dialektik der Geschichte. Was er Vemunft nennt, ist nur vom Gesichtspunkt der Gegenwart vernu˝nftig. Seine Vernunft ist nicht die Vernunft, die sich die Geschichte aktiv und immanent verwirklicht.

      • 旣存住宅의 에너지 效率等級表示制度 硏究(I) : 대전지역 21개 기존주택과 표준주택의 에너지 성능비교 Comparison of Energy Budget Level between 21 Existing Houses in Daejon and Reference House

        柳憲馨,宋寅春 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1994 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        The objective of the study is to present a certain method that could be classified the existing detached houses over 5 millions in our country by their energy efficiency. The method, will be called KHEES(Korean Home Energy Evaluation System), will contribute to save energy in residences effectively and will change the passive attitude of home owners' energy saving mind to the active one. The principal contents and the scope of the project are as follows. - Gathering project-related data including papers, reports and existing home energy rating systems of developed countries has done. - Field survey of the 21 existing detached houses in Daejon city was done to examine their present energy situation and their energy perfomance. - For the preparation of energy evaluation index a refrence house was designed by using various statistic data from the national census results. - After analyzing and calculating the yearly energy consumption rate of reference house and existing houses, the comparison between their rates has done. The principal results of the study are as follows. - A reference house of 89㎡ is designed, and its annual energy consumption rate is calculated to use as a comparison tool. - From the comparison of the energy consumption rate between the reference house use and the existing detached houses the fact that the annual energy consumption of the existing detached houses are more from 11% at minimum to 58% at maximum than the reference house. - The existing detached houses was classified into three groups according to their construction year such as before 1979, from 1980 to 1987. The comparison result of annual energy consumption rate among three groups shows the rate of preceeding group is less about 10% than the rate of succeeding group.

      • 建物에너지 性能基準의 改善方案 硏究

        柳憲馨,張文碩,閔晶鉉,宋寅春 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1996 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        Since the end of 1970s a lot of energy related regulations and measures for energy conservation of buildings was prescribed and abolished. But to ensure that the substantial energy conservation is accomplished, it is necessary to ensure that not only the regulations and measures have to be observed favourably but also they might be investigated through the process of post evaluation. The study for the purpose of post evaluation of present using regulations and measures could be summarized as following results. ·In the aspect of the performance standard against our component standard energy rating method of existing detached houses was suggested. ·Some fallacies on the calculation of annual heating and cooling load of apartments were pointed out and their improvements were presented. ·By the recent amendment of Code for design guideline of office buildings, unreasonableness on the existing Code was analyzed and its improvements are prepared. ·Unreasonableness of Energy Performance Index as a energy evaluation tool of buildings was investigated and analyzed.

      • 旣存住宅의 에너지 效率等級表示制度 硏究 (Ⅱ)

        柳憲聲,長文碩,宋寅春 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1995 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        The objective of the study is to present a certain method that could be classfied the existing detached houses over 5 millions in our country by their energy efficiency. The method, will be called KHEES(Korean Home Energy Evaluation System), will contribute to save energy in residences effectively and will change the passive attitude of home owner's energy saving mind to the active one. The principal scope and the results of this study are as follows. - Gathering of project-related data including papers, reports and existing home energy rating systems of developed countries has done. - Field survey for the existing 71 detached houses in the country was done to examine their building data and their present situation of energy use, analysis and calculation for the yearly energy consumption rate of existing houses has done. - Reference house was designed by using various data such as national census results, building regulation and social indicator. - Energy performance index of existing detached houses was made out in thru of energy analysis program. - Energy rating system that could be classified the existing detached houses was set up. - A reference house of 89㎡ is designed, and its annual energy consumption rate which will be used as a tool of comparison is calculated. - From the comparison of the energy consumption rate between the reference house and the existing detached houses, the fact that the annual energy consumption rate of the existing detached houses are more from 5.7% at minimum to 57.8% at maximum than that of the reference house. - The existing detached houses was classified into three groups according to their construction year such as before 1979, from 1979 to 1987 and after 1988. The comparison result of annual energy consumption rate among three groups shows the rate of preceeding group is less about 9.0% and 8.1% respectively than the rate of succeeding group. - As the energy rating method of existing detached houses, energy certificate issuing system, energy performance rating system classified by yearly energy consumption rate marking system indicated by energy performance were presented.

      • 建物의 IAQ에 對한 考察

        柳憲聲,宋寅春 충남대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        It is an age that we should pay attention to IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) of the building environment. Although extra-air-tight building appears to have little effect on IAQ, in some cases a small increase in pollutant concentrations can be harmful. For example, where high radon levels, large use of asbestos-containing building materials, or high levels of pollutant are presented, some efforts are required to improve IAQ. This paper reviews several points related to IAQ and indoor air pollutants having an influence on IAQ.

      • 건축에서 "Flux"의 의미에 관한 연구

        하언정,유인호,김주현 금오공과대학교 2006 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore how modem cities and architecture are adapted to the Age of Flow and Change and to clarify the meaning of the growth of modem cities and architecture in quality. Modem society is changing radically and various fields of it are highly interacting each other. Cities and architecture are not exception of this tendency. Different from other area, philosophy plays an important part as a dominant external factor in theoretical discussion on architecture. Therefore, this study investigated. the meaning of "Flux" appeared in modem cities and architecture from the view of "cinema-philosophy" of Gilles Deleuze and considered how it was expressed in modem cities and architecture through a case analysis. As a movie repeats the trace of philosophy which pursues the time, modem cities and architecture also exhibit the characteristics of "time-image." "Time-image" shows both coexistence and discrepancy of factors which can not go together. Subsequently, it forms continuity by denying the organized relation. The distinction of traditional factor such as wall, column and floor and the boarder between vertical and horizontal space becorres unclear. The similarity between these characteristics of "time-image" and modem architecture exhibits that architecture is in the evolutionary process of finding time as philosophy and movies found time. 'Time-image' that was presented as "Flux" in architecture gives us the true shock on the thinking like a movie does.

      • KCI등재

        屛山書院의 配置形態와 空間構成에 관한 硏究

        하헌정,유인호 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        Most of the recent studies on Seowon have been done just in terms of classification of general kinds of building layout, so there are a few things ignored such as the way there are arranged, the compositional process of building etc.. Although the classification of types itself is meaningful in the study on Korean traditional architecture, there has been some limitation in deep analysis of each style. The aim of this study is to find out the characteristics of the building layout and space composition of Byungsan-Seowon with the viewpoint of the process of changes of it during the time through the survey and analysis on both the existing site layout and the measuring unite of scale applied to the original construction of each building. As a result, the territory of Ganghak and Juso were formed at first and subsequently, the construction of Sadang, Mandearoo(entering pavilion), and main gate were supplemented at the nearly same time and formed to be the same configuration as the present state. Therefore, focus of this study has been on the survey on both the existing and the original building layouts.

      • 일부 병원에서의 입원비 본인부담양상

        신영전,유원섭,하헌영,정설희 한양대학교 의과대학 2000 한양의대 학술지 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to estimate the proportion of user charges out of total treatment costs and to investigate the occuring status of the charge of non-benefit service. The data were collected from 6 hospitals in 3 cities (Seoul 2, Incheon 3, Shihung 1), which containing 1,752 discharge-bills of discharged patients insured by health insurance. The data were analyzed after standardization of the items of non-benefit services. The result are as follows; 1. the average percent of the cost-sharing of discharged patients was 38.1%(benefit : 15.5%, non-benefit : 22.6%) and the proportion of the cost-sharing due to non-benefit services was greater than that due to benefit services. 2. The occurrence rate and the occurred number of non-benefit services were different among hospitals and showed characteristic occurrence rate in individual hospitals. 3. In acute appendicitis, the characteristics of the occurrence rate and the occurred number of non-benefit services by individual hospitals was similar to those of hospitals. It suggest that the hospitals intentionally applied non-benefit item to patients in order to increase their profit. These findings suggest that the burden of cost-sharing is still high especially due to non-benefit services, so it is necessary to extend the coverage of insurance benefits and to develop management system for the appliance of non-benefit services. Regarding the discharge-bill, all service charges should be included in the bill.

      • 部分加熱되는 空間의 室內溫度 分布에 관한 실험적 硏究

        金倫德,柳憲馨,宋寅春 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1993 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        This study shows how the variation of size, position and temperature of a heated floor has an effect on the behavior of vertical indoor air temperature distribution and the formation of comfort condition. And a scaled-down model which has a similarity to the real model in the all kinds of physical properties is made and used for the experiment. The test has done under the condition of three floor surface temperatures, 30, 36 and 42, five sizes of heating area, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, and three types of heating position, L&R, LorR, and C. The summaries of the study are as follows; ① It is general that L&R type is more effective than LorR type and C type for keeping out the cold air from envelopes and also the iso-thermal line of indoor air temperature is uniform in L&R type. ② In case of C type it is found that the indoor air temperatures at some points are recorded more highly than other types. And when the ratio of heated floor area to total floor area is 20% and 40%, the distribution of ndoor air temperature take shapes of recipro-triangle. ③ At the heating area less than 60% the indoor air temperature distribution is affected by where the heating position is but at over 60% the position of heating has a little effect on the distribution of indoor air temperature ④ When heated the floor partially, 60-80% of total floor area, its energy efficiency is better than total floor heating method. ⑤ Judging from the test results, the partial heating method with 60% of floor area, 30 of floor surface temperature and L&R type of heating position is the most effective in the matter of energy use. ⑥ It total floor heating method the comfort range of floor surface temperature becomes stable at about 30. From the above mentioned results it is possible to estimate that the range of thermal comfort of indoor air temperature and surface temperature of floor will be fullfilled by the partial heating system as well as total floor heating system. It means that the active research on partial heating system is needed to reach the goal of energy saving in residential building in the coming years.

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