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      • KCI등재

        Structure-based design, structure–activity relationship analysis, and antitumor activity of diaryl ether derivatives

        Shao-Mei Yang,Fu-Nan Li,Zhi-Ning Huang,Zhong-Shi Zhou,Jin Hou,Man-Yi Zheng,Li-Juan Wang,Yu Jiang,Xin-Yi Zhou,Qiu-Yue Chen,Shan-Hua Li 대한약학회 2015 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.38 No.10

        To identify novel therapeutic agents to treatcancer, we synthesized a series of diaryl ether derivatives. Structure–activity relationship studies revealed that thepresence of a chlorine or hydroxyl at the para-position onthe phenyl ring (5h or 5k) significantly enhanced antitumoractivity. Compound 5h had stronger growth inhibitory activityin HepG2, A549, and HT-29 cells than compound 5k,with IC50 values of 2.57, 5.48, and 30.04 lM, respectively. Compound 5h also inhibited the growth of other cells lines,including Hep3B, PLC/PRF5, SMMC-7721, HeLa, andA375, with IC50 values of 2.76, 4.26, 29.66, 18.86, and10.21 lM, respectively. The antitumor activity of compound5h was confirmed by a colony forming assay. Further,our results indicated that the antitumor activity ofcompound 5h may be mediated by enhancing expression ofp21 and cl-caspase3, and leading to apoptosis of cancercells.

      • KCI등재

        Advances of Hospice Palliative Care in Taiwan

        Shao-Yi Cheng,Ching-Yu Chen,Tai-Yuan Chiu 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2016 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Hospice and palliative care in Taiwan has been growing continuously. The 2015 Quality of Death index, as rated by the Economist Intelligence Unit, ranked Taiwan first among Asian countries and sixth in the world. In this review article, we highlight three particular areas that might have contributed to this success; the laws and regulations, spiritual care and research network. Finally, we discuss the future challenges and prospects for Taiwanese encounters. A systemic review was conducted with the keywords “hospice palliative care Taiwan” using PubMed. The passing of the “Natural Death Act” in 2000 set the example and established a landmark for patient autonomy in Asia; it guarantees the patient’s right to request that medical staff do not resuscitate (DNR) them and to reject other futile medical treatments at the end of their life, thus reflecting the importance of palliative care from the policy perspective. In 2015, Taiwan passed another pioneering law entitled the “Patient Autonomy Act”. This law states that a patient may decline medical treatment according to his/her own will. Taiwanese indigenous spiritual care was launched in 2000. It requires a Buddhist Chaplain to successfully complete a training program consisting of lectures, as well as bedside practicum before applying Buddhist practices to end-of-life care. The Japan-Korea-Taiwan research network was established for the purpose of enabling collaborative research for the East-Asian collaborative cross-cultural Study to Elucidate the Dying process (EASED) cohort. With consensus from the government and society to make it a priority, hospice and palliative medicine in Taiwan has been growing steadily.

      • KCI등재

        Multiple-copy-gene integration on chromosome of Escherichia coli for beta-galactosidase production

        Shao-Yi Hou,Hsing-Ta Chen,Ming-Shu Lin 한국화학공학회 2008 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.25 No.5

        Recombinant E. coli strains with 1-3 copies of lacZ genes on their chromosomes were constructed and their β-galactosidase (β-gal) expressions were examined. Serial dilution cultures were used to analyze the long-term genetic stability of the recombinant lacZ genes of the chromosomal or plasmid expression system. The strain with a 3-copy lacZ on the chromosome has a sustainable β-gal expression through 60 hours. However, the β-gal activity of the plasmid expression system lasted less than 36 hours under a no selection condition. Obviously, the genetic stability of the chromosomal expression system demonstrated in this study is better than that of the plasmid expression system under nonselective condition, such as a medium without antibiotics. The results demonstrated that the strains with a multiple-copy-gene on the chromosome are useful for protein production in industrial repeated fed-batch fermentation.

      • KCI등재

        특집. 동아시아 문학 속 상인형상 : 상인과 여인 그리고 선비 -중국 전통시기의 문학작품에 등장하는 상인을 예로 들어-

        소의평 ( Yi Ping Shao ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2015 民族文化硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        The triangle relationship among businessman, woman and literati is often represented in classical Chinese literature. The representation is modeled on the failure of businessmen in winning women’s heart in competition with the literati, whose literary talents are often adored by the female with bias against the wealth of businessmen. In fact, this triangle relationship is imagined by the literati in compensation for their defeat by businessmen in real life. In literary imagination, the literati gain the upper hand over businessmen and retaliate upon them whom they can hardly overpower in reality. From Tang poetry to Yuan drama, to Ming novels in vernacular, and to Qing novels in classical Chinese, literati’s literary imagination turns from hidden to overt, and gradually exhibits realistic and even comical features. This thesis gives a detailed description and analysis of the evolution of the everlasting imagination of the literati.

      • KCI등재

        Advances of Hospice Palliative Care in Taiwan

        Cheng, Shao-Yi,Chen, Ching-Yu,Chiu, Tai-Yuan Korean Society for Hospice and Palliative Care 2016 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        목적: 대만의 호스피스와 완화 의료는 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. Economist Intelligence Unit에서 평가한 2015년 죽음의 질 지수 등급에서 대만은 아시아 국가 중에서 1위, 세계에서 6위를 기록했다. 이 리뷰 기사에서 우리는 성공에 기여한 것으로 보이는 세 영역, 즉 법률 및 규정, 영적 치료, 연구 네트워크에 주목하였다. 마지막으로 대만 사람에게 적용을 위한 미래의 도전과 전망에 대해 논의하기로 한다. 방법: PubMed에서 "대만의 호스피스 완화의료" 검색어를 이용해 체계적인 검토를 수행하였다. 결과: 2000년에 "자연사법"의 통과로 아시아에서 환자의 자기결정권에 대한 획기적인 본보기가 만들어지고 확립되었다. 이는 의료진에게 연명치료중지(DNR, do not resuscitate)를 요청할 수 있고 삶의 마지막에 기타 무의미한 의료 행위를 거부할 수 있는 환자의 권리를 보장하며 더불어 정책적 관점에서 완화의료의 중요성을 반영하는 것이다. 2015년에 대만은 "환자의 자기결정권 특별법"이라는 선구적인 법률을 통과시켰다. 이 법은 환자가 그/그녀의 자기의지에 따라 의료 행위를 거부할 수 있다는 것을 규정한다. 대만 고유의 영적 치료는 2000년에 도입되었는데, 불교 수행을 죽음에 직면한 환자에 적용하기 이전의 임상실습뿐 아니라 강의들로 구성된 훈련 프로그램을 성공적으로 이수하기 위해서는 불교 사제가 필요하다. 일본-한국-대만 연구 네트워크는 죽음의 과정을 자세히 설명(EASED, Elucidate the Dying process)하기 위한 동아시아 공동의 비교 문화 집단 연구를 위해 설립되었다. 결론: 대만에서의 호스피스와 완화의료는 정부와 사회의 우선적 합의에 따라 꾸준하게 성장하고 있다. Hospice and palliative care in Taiwan has been growing continuously. The 2015 Quality of Death index, as rated by the Economist Intelligence Unit, ranked Taiwan first among Asian countries and sixth in the world. In this review article, we highlight three particular areas that might have contributed to this success; the laws and regulations, spiritual care and research network. Finally, we discuss the future challenges and prospects for Taiwanese encounters. A systemic review was conducted with the keywords "hospice palliative care Taiwan" using PubMed. The passing of the "Natural Death Act" in 2000 set the example and established a landmark for patient autonomy in Asia; it guarantees the patient's right to request that medical staff do not resuscitate (DNR) them and to reject other futile medical treatments at the end of their life, thus reflecting the importance of palliative care from the policy perspective. In 2015, Taiwan passed another pioneering law entitled the "Patient Autonomy Act". This law states that a patient may decline medical treatment according to his/her own will. Taiwanese indigenous spiritual care was launched in 2000. It requires a Buddhist Chaplain to successfully complete a training program consisting of lectures, as well as bedside practicum before applying Buddhist practices to end-of-life care. The Japan-Korea-Taiwan research network was established for the purpose of enabling collaborative research for the East-Asian collaborative cross-cultural Study to Elucidate the Dying process (EASED) cohort. With consensus from the government and society to make it a priority, hospice and palliative medicine in Taiwan has been growing steadily.

      • KCI등재

        《 두붕한화 》 : 중국고전소설중적광가결구

        소의평(Yi Ping Shao) 영남중국어문학회 1997 중국어문학 Vol.30 No.1

        세계문학사상 $quot;액자구조$quot;는 이전에 비교적 흔히 볼 수 있던 서술구조이다. 이 $quot;액자구조$quot;의 유래는 고인도에서 시작되며, 작품으로는 ≪Pa¨ncatatra≫ 등이 있다. 이것이 이후에 페르시아에 전래되어 ≪천일야화≫가 나왔으며, 그 뒤에 이탈리아에 전해져 ≪데카메론≫이 만들어졌으며, 또 다시 영국에 전해져 ≪Canterbury Tales≫가 나왔으며, 이후에 프랑스 등 여러 유럽국가들에 전해졌다. 그러나 이 $quot;액자구조$quot;는 중국에 전해진 적이 없다. 17세기 중엽까지 중국 단편소설집에서 이 $quot;액자구조$quot;를 사용한 것을 볼 수 없다. 17세기 중엽이 되어서야 $quot;액자구조$quot;를 사용한 화본소설집이 $quot;우담화(優曇花)$quot;처럼 잠깐 나타났다가 바로 사라졌다. 이것이 바로 ≪豆棚閑話≫이다. 그런데 ≪豆棚閑話≫이후 이 $quot;액자구조$quot;를 모방한 작품이 결코 나타나지 않았다. 본 논문은 이 $quot;우담화(優曇花)$quot;처럼 잠깐 나타났다가 바로 사라진 $quot;액자구조$quot;를 사용한 ≪豆棚閑話≫를 연구대상으로 하여, 이 소설이 세계문학 중 기타 $quot;액자구조$quot;를 사용한 소설집과 어떤 특징이 있는지, 이러한 특징이 어떻게 중국 문화배경을 반영하고 있는지, 그리고 이 작품의 $quot;액자구조$quot;사용이 중국 고전소설사에 어떤 의의를 담고 있는 지를 연구·검토하고자 한다.

      • Electrical detection of germination of viable model <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> spores in microfluidic biochips

        Liu, Yi-Shao,Walter, T. M.,Chang, Woo-Jin,Lim, Kwan-Seop,Yang, Liju,Lee, S. W.,Aronson, A.,Bashir, R. Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 Lab on a chip Vol.7 No.5

        <P>In this paper, we present a new impedance-based method to detect viable spores by electrically detecting their germination in real time within microfluidic biochips. We used <I>Bacillus anthracis</I> Sterne spores as the model organism. During germination, the spores release polar and ionic chemicals, such as dipicolinic acid (DPA), calcium ions, phosphate ions, and amino acids, which correspondingly increase the electrical conductivity of the medium in which the spores are suspended. We first present macro-scale measurements demonstrating that the germination of spores can be electrically detected at a concentration of 10<SUP>9</SUP> spores ml<SUP>−1</SUP> in sample volumes of 5 ml, by monitoring changes in the solution conductivity. Germination was induced by introducing an optimized germinant solution consisting of 10 mM <SMALL>L</SMALL>-alanine and 2 mM inosine. We then translated these results to a micro-fluidic biochip, which was a three-layer device: one layer of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with valves, a second layer of PDMS with micro-fluidic channels and chambers, and the third layer with metal electrodes deposited on a pyrex substrate. Dielectrophoresis (DEP) was used to trap and concentrate the spores at the electrodes with greater than 90% efficiency, at a solution flow rate of 0.2 μl min<SUP>−1</SUP> with concentration factors between 107–109 spores ml<SUP>−1</SUP>, from sample volumes of 1–5 μl. The spores were captured by DEP in deionized water within 1 min (total volume used ranged from 0.02 μl to 0.2 μl), and then germinant solution was introduced to the flow stream. The detection sensitivity was demonstrated to be as low as about a hundred spores in 0.1 nl, which is equivalent to a macroscale detection limit of approximately 10<SUP>9</SUP> spores ml<SUP>−1</SUP>. We believe that this is the first demonstration of this application in microfluidic and BioMEMS devices.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>We present an impedance based electrical method to detect germination of viable spores in microfluidic devices. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=b702408h'> </P>

      • KCI등재

        RhGLP-1 (7-36) protects diabetic rats against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury via up-regulating expression of Nrf2/HO-1 and increasing the activities of SOD

        Yi Fang,Xiaofang Liu,Libo Zhao,Zhongna Wei,Daoli Jiang,Hua Shao,Yannan Zang,Jia Xu,Qian Wang,Yang Liu,Ye Peng,Xiaoxing Yin 대한약리학회 2017 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.21 No.5

        The present study aimed to explore the neuroprotective effect and possible mechanisms of rhGLP-1 (7-36) against transient ischemia/reperfusion injuries induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in type 2 diabetic rats. First, diabetic rats were established by a combination of a high-fat diet and low-dose streptozotocin (STZ) (30 mg/kg, intraperitoneally). Second, they were subjected to MCAO for 2 h, then treated with rhGLP-1 (7-36) (10, 20, 40 μg/kg i.p.) at the same time of reperfusion. In the following 3 days, they were injected with rhGLP-1 (7- 36) at the same dose and route for three times each day. After 72 h, hypoglycemic effects were assessed by blood glucose changes, and neuroprotective effects were evaluated by neurological deficits, infarct volume and histomorphology. Mechanisms were investigated by detecting the distribution and expression of the nuclear factor erythroid-derived factor 2 related factor 2 (Nrf2) in ischemic brain tissue, the levels of phospho-PI3 kinase (PI3K)/PI3K ratio and heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-l), as well as the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA). Our results showed that rhGLP-1 (7-36) significantly reduced blood glucose and infarction volume, alleviated neurological deficits, enhanced the density of surviving neurons and vascular proliferation. The nuclear positive cells ratio and expression of Nrf2, the levels of P-PI3K/PI3K ratio and HO-l increased, the activities of SOD increased and the contents of MDA decreased. The current results indicated the protective effect of rhGLP-1 (7-36) in diabetic rats following MCAO/R that may be concerned with reducing blood glucose, up-regulating expression of Nrf2/HO-1 and increasing the activities of SOD.

      • KCI등재

        A cohesive model for concrete mesostructure considering friction effect between cracks

        Yi-qun Huang,Shao-wei Hu 사단법인 한국계산역학회 2019 Computers and Concrete, An International Journal Vol.24 No.1

        Compressive ability is one of the most important mechanical properties of concrete material .The compressive failure process of concrete is pretty complex with internal tension, shear damage and friction between cracks. To simulate the complex fracture process of concrete at meso level, methodology for meso-structural analysis of concrete specimens is developed; the zero thickness cohesive elements are pre-inserted to simulate the crack initiation and propagation; the constitutive applied in cohesive element is established to describe the mechanism of crack separation, closure and friction behavior between the fracture surfaces. Aseries of simulations were carried out based on the model proposed in this paper. The results reproduced the main fracture and mechanical feature of concrete under compression condition. The effect of key material parameters, structure size, and aggregate content on the concrete fracture pattern and loading carrying capacities was investigated. It is found that the inner friction coefficient has a significant influence on the compression character of concrete, the compression strength raises linearly with the increase of the inner friction coefficient, and the fracture pattern is sensitive to the mesostructure of concrete.

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