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      • 급성 일산화탄소 중독증 환자의 임상적 고찰

        하정상,최경찬,박미영,변영주,박충서 영남대학교 의과대학 1991 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.8 No.1

        급성 일산화탄소중독환자의 예후를 예측하는 기초자료를 얻고자 1985년 10월부터 1989년 4월까지 급성 일산화탄소중독으로 영남대학병원 응급실을 통해 COHb검사로 확진되어 입원치료한 116명의 환자를 대상으로 임상소견 및 검사 소견을 비교, 분석하고 이들 소견과 지연성 후유증과의 관련성을 조사하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 1. 입원환자 116례의 내원시 의식상태는 기면상태의 군이 36.2%로 가장 많았으며, 남녀의 비는 1:1.5로 여자가 많았다. 2. 내원시 의식장애가 심할수로 동맥혈의 pH 및 PaCO₂는 감소하는 경향을 보였는데, 이는 대사성산증에 대한 소견으로 보인다. 3. 일산화탄소중독으로 인한 초기 검사소견중 백혈구증다증은 65.5%, 헤마토크리트의 상승 은 23.3%, 고혈당은 19.8%, GPT의 상승은 19.8%, creatinine의 상승은 0.9%, 뇨당검출은 12.1%였다. 4. 심전도 검사에서는 35.5%에서 이상소견을 보였는데 25.0%가 rhythm의 변화를, 15.5%가 ST, T절의 이상과 함께 나타났으나 전도장애의 이상은 없었다. 5. 뇌파검사에서는 경도이상의 이상소견을 보인 환자가 93.1%였으며, 이중 중등도의 이상소견을 보인 환자가 80.2%로 가장 많았다. 6. 입원환자중 지연성 후유증의 발생빈도는 7.8%였으며, 이들은 노출시간이 길고(>8시간),백혈구증다증(>20,000) 및 뇌파이상(>중등도)이 심하였다. To obtain the basic data of prognosis of acute carbon monoxide(CO) intoxication, one hundred and sixteen cases of CO intoxication defined by carboxyhemoglobin(COHb) and admitted via emergency room of Yeung-nam University Hospital from Oct. '85 to April' 89 have been clinically analyzed and evaluated, including delayed postanoxic encephalopathy(DPE) and the following results were obtained. 1. The ratio of male to female was 1 : 1.5 and mental state was drowsy mostly(26.2% of 116 cases) 2. The more disturbed the mental state, the more decreased was the arterial pH and PaCO₂, which may be the result of metabolic acidosis. 3. The early laboratory findings in patients of CO intoxication were as follows : leukocytosis-65.5%, increase of hematocrit-23.3%. hyperglycemia-19.8%, increase of GPT-19.8% increase of creatinine-0.9% , and glucosuria-12.1%. 4. The early findings of EKG were abnormal in 35.3% : change of rhythm-25.0%, abnormal ST segment-15.5% (change of rhythm and abonormal ST segment-5.2%) but the conduction disorder was not present. 5. The abnormal EEG above mild degree was 93.1%, of which moderate was most frequent(80.2%). 6. The incidence of DPE was 7.8% among all admitted CO patients. DPE cases had long duration of exposure time(8 hours), severe leukocytosis(20,000) and an abnormal EEG(MA).

      • 永川地域 上流住宅의 配置, 平面 特性에 關한 硏究

        백영흠,정준현 대구대학교 과학기술연구소 1999 科學技術硏究 Vol.5 No.5

        This study is the sixth of series that have been interpreted as the view of regionalism for the block plans and floor plans of the traditional houses spreaded in Kyoung-Sang-Buck-Do Privince, and is investigated its subject in Young-chon area. The purpose of study is to be analyzed the block types of the houses and the floor plans of An-chae(lady's inner house) and declared the typical case on the characteristics on each housing elements to Keung-Joo Kim-Si-Jong-Teak house On the conclusion, the block plan of the high-leveled traditional houses in Young-chon area is typically the courtyard type that is opening at sides that 3 to 5 of I-shaped or L-shaped buildings are composed. The floor plan of An-chae is mostly typed I-shaped and its bay system is both the lineal type(Hott-Gip) and the semi-lineal type(Teo-Kar Gip). In the floor plan of An-chae, a wooden floor room where is located in front of the master living floor(Dae-Chung) is remarkable as a regional characteristic of the southeastern Kyoung Buck Province.

      • 명태 肉質의 冷凍變性 防止에 關한 硏究

        朴榮浩,姜泳周 釜山水産大學校 1974 釜山水産大學 硏究報告 Vol.14 No.1

        冷凍명태 fillet의 冷凍變性 防止에 미치는 各種 添加物處理의 效果를 試驗코져 fillet를 凍結前에 21種類의 處理液에 5分間 浸漬하여 凍結貯藏한 후 解凍하였 을때의 free drip, expressible drip의 發生量 및 drip中의 total solid, nitrogen, DNA의 含量을 定量하여 冷凍變性의 程度를 比較檢討하였다. 1. Free drip는 處理液의 種類 및 濃度에 따라 큰 差를 나타내었으나, expressible drip에 있어서는 그 差가 적었다. 2. Drip량의 減少에 있어 效果가 큰 處理液은 sodium polyphosphate 10%, sodium polyphosphate: sodium pyrophosphate(1:1) 10% 및 5%, sodium chloride 10%, sodium citrate 10%였다. Sodium metaphosphate, glucose, sucrose 및 sorbitol의 處理 效果는 그다지 크지 못하였고, malic acid 處理는 큰 逆效果를 나타내었다. 3. Drip中의 total solid 및 nitrogen은 大체的으로 drip量에 比例하는 結果를 보였으나, malic acid 處理區의 nitrogen量은 drip의 發生量에 비하여 相當히 적은 量을 나타내었다. 4. Drip中의 DNA量에 미치는 前處理의 效果는 drip發生量 및 drip中의 total solid, nitrogen의 경우 보다 현저하였고, 特히 重合燐酸鹽의 效果는 커서 sodium metaphosphate까지도 良好한 結果를 나타내었다. Malic acid 處理區는 drip量은 월등히 많은데도 DNA 含量은 微量에 지나지 않았다. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of prefreezing treatment, dipping the fillets into such solutions as condesed phosphate, sugars, and sodium chloride, upon the freezing denaturation of Alaska pollack muscle. The degree of freezing denaturation was estimated by measuring the amount of drip released, contents of total solid, total nitrogen, and DNA in the drip. Fillets were frozen at -27℃- -28℃ and stored for 20 and 40 days at -18℃- -20℃ . The amount of free drip was greatly dependent on treating solution although the expressible drip was not so much variable. Among the treating solutions examined, 10% sodium polyphosphate, 5% and 10% of the mixture of sodium polyphosphate and sodium pyrophosphate (1:1 w/w), 10% sodium chloride, and 10% sodium citrate appeared most effective ones to retard the releasing of drip. The effect of sodium metaphosphate, glucose, sucrose, and sorbitol was not so benefitable. On the contrary, malic acid showed a remarkable reverse effect. As a tendency, total solid, total nitrogen, and DNA in the drip varied proportionally to the amount of drip released. Releasing of DNA, however, was greatly affected by treating solutions comparing with that of total solid and total nitrogen. It was not the case in malic acid treated fillet particularly in DNA content, even though the amount of drip was greater than other cases, DNA content was far less.

      • Kim,Seong-soo : Possiblity of Low Salting Process in Gae-Woo Jeot(Salted and Fermented Gastrophoda) and Changes in Fatty Acid Composition during Fermntation 低鹽化 可能性 檢討 및 熱成중 脂肪酸 組成의 變化

        姜永周,河璡桓,金永東,宋大鎭,金洙賢,金成洙 제주대학교 1990 논문집 Vol.30 No.-

        To establish the way of processing of Gae-Woo jeot which used abalone intestine that has not been systematically used compare to its characteristic taste and fame as main ingredient and to develop as a local tourist good, the change of constituents the quality of salted fish products suring Gae-Woo jeot fermentation were examined. The results are as follows. 1. In the organoleptic test, Gae-Woo jeot which fermented through 65 days were dominant and the group of 105 salkt concentration were better than that of 20%. It was the best of 10% salted products to add small abalone. Both law salted(10%) and high salted (20%) Gae-Woo jeot were similar in general constityents, nutrients and texture. 2. Compositions of highly unsaturated acid were farely high to 45.6% and 46.1% in small abalone added froup and top sheel added group respectively. during 3 months fermentation low decreasing rate of 3~4% was shown. EPA(eicosapentaenoic acid) was approximately 7~8% and DHA(docosahexaenoic acid) was extremely low to be less than 0.3%. 3. In the changes General composition and pH, pH was within range of 4~5.5, 9~12% in protein, 3~5% in total sugar, 0.5~1% in lipid and approximately 1% in ash. 4. Gae-Woo jeot can be made with 10% low salting method, and 10% group gets all the better for taste, small abalone adding is recommended. 5. When low salt fermented fish of 10% is processed, it is highly recommended to put sorbitol, ethyl alcohol, lactic acid or other humectant for better taste and longer storage and good quality food additives must be developed for tourist and presently applied mil ordering transportation must be sought.

      • 게우젓 製造에 關한 硏究(II) : 熱成중 呈味成分 및 組織學的 變化 Changes in Teste Compunds and Histological Properties during Fermentation

        金成洙,河璡桓,姜永周,金洙賢,金永東,宋大鎭 제주대학교 1990 논문집 Vol.30 No.-

        To evaluate the composition of Gae-Woo Jeot which is one of important traditional salted and fermented sea foods in Cheju Do, changes of nucleotides and their related compounds, free amino acids, TMAO(trimethylamine oxide), TMA(trimethylamine) contents and histological properties during fermentation was examined. AMP was as high as 3.6?mole/?? in raw small abalone but IMP content was only trace while hypoxanthine and IMP was dominant in raw topshell-4.5 mole/?? and 4.3??mole/?? respectively. Hypoxanthine was predominant in 65 days fermented Gae-Woo Jeot. Main amino acid in Gae-Woo Jeot were glycine, arginine, glutamic acid, alanine, valine and histidine in order. These were consisted 50~60% of the total free amino acid while phenylalanine, tyrosine, methionine and isoleucine were poor in content. During fermentation TMAO decreased slowly and eventually disappeard within 85 days while TMA was increased until 65 days and started to decrease down to 6~9mg%. Muscle texture showed the disappearance of elasticity soon after the adding of 10% salt while no change of texture was oberved until 50 days of fermentation in 20% salt group.

      • 배관의 축방향 균열에 대한 균열진전 특성에 관한 연구

        진영준 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        It is well known that pipelines have the highest capacity and are the safest and least environmentally disruptive form of transporting oil and gas. However, pipeline damage caused by both internal and external corrosion is a major concern threatening the reliability of oil and gas transportation and the soundness of the pipeline structure. In this study, we estimate the allowable damage by comparing the ASTM B31G code to a modified theory considering diverse detailed corrosive forms. The ASTM B31G code has been developed as the evaluation method for reliability and incident prevention of damaged pipelines based on the amount of loss due to corrosion and the yield strength of materials. Furthermore, we suggest a method for estimating the expected life span of used pipelines by utilizing the reliability method based on major variables such as the depth and length of damage and the corrosion rate affecting the life expectancy of the pipelines.

      • 이성분 혼합용매내에서의 염화벤조일의 가용매분해반응에 대한 연구

        김영호 濟州敎育大學 科學敎育硏究所 1984 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        Kinetic studies of the solvolysis reaction of benzoy1 chloride have been carried out in such binary solvents as acetone-water, ethanol-water, methanol-water and acetonitrile-water by the conductometric measurements. Measuring the conductance of the benzoyl chloride solution in the binary aqueous solvents, the pseudo-first-order rate constants were obtained at 0°C and 10°C. According to the transition state theory, activation free energy, △G°, activation enthalpy, △H°, and activation entropy, △S°, were also evaluated. The results showed that the bimolecular process predominates in the low water content region but Sn1 process becomes increasingly important in the high water content solvent composition. The isokinetic temperature(Tiso) from the isokinetic relationship between △H° and △S° was 266°K. In the results, the reaction rates were faster in protic solvents than in aprotic solvents. In the solvents of similar property, however, the reaction rate in the solvent of the large dielectric constant was faster than that in the solvent of the small dielectric constant. Kirkwood plots at individual temperatures showed the straight lines with positive slope; and the slope of the line at 10°C was smaller than that at 0°C. By the kinetic analysis, we concluded that the solvolysis reaction of benzoyl chloride occurred via the bimolecular addition - elimination mechanism.

      • 논보리로서의 쌀보리품종 비교시험

        이영인 진주산업대학교 1970 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        종래의 밭농사 위주의 방법을,재배폭이 넓은 논보리 방식으로 재배시험하여 수량이 많고 내습,내병,내도복성이 높은 품종을 선발하여 논보리방식에 적합한 쌀보리 품종을 장려하고저 경남의 과맥장려품종인 청맥, 경과1호와 타도의 장려품종인 죽하, 괴과, 전북 53호 진안동, 논산과 1호∼6, 백동, 도원의 9품종을 2년간 시험을 시행했던바 품종 반복 모두 유의성이 있었으며 죽하 103.2, 청맥 100.0, 경과1호 98.3, 도원 95.7의 순위로 양호하였으며, 특히 경남의 장려품종인 청맥은 내습,내병,내도복성이 높았으며, 의연 우수한 품종으로 인정되었다. At the present time, the food situation is so serious in Korea. Barley is one of main food crops as rice. Naked barley shows generally higher yields than barly. If naked barley could be growed on the paddy fields as after crops, the breakthrough of food self-sufficience will be accomplished easily. Since this experiment was carried out to select naked barley adapted for after cropping culture. The experimental varieties were Cheongmaik and Kyeungkwa, which were recommended naked barlies of Kyeungnam provins and recommended varieties of other provinces; Juckhwa, Kwuikwa, Chonpuck No.3, Chinandong, Nonsankwa No.1-6, Baikdong, Dowon. The results obtained in this experiment were as follows; 1. Juckhwa, Cheongmaik, Kyeungkwa No.1, Dowon showed such as following yield index 103. 2,100. 0, 98.3, 95.7 in term, respectively 2. Especialy, Cheongmaik which was recommended variety of Kyeungnam province, was so highly resistant to disease, responsive to application of fertilizers, resistant to lodging that it will be cultured as a double croping system in the paddy field.

      • 專門大學 演習林運營의 問題点에 관한 調査硏究

        金榮斗,尹在根 진주산업대학교 1979 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        實技爲主의 敎育을 담당하는 專門大學 林業科에서는 演習林活用이 內實있는 技術敎育에 絶對必要한 것이나 現實的으로 各專門大學別로 演習林의 現況은 어떤지 또한 어는 程度 活用되고 있는지에 관한 調査 報告가 없었다. 筆者는 앞으로 專門大學의 演習林이 보다 合理的으로 運營될 수 있도록 諸般問題를 찾아내어 이를 改善補完하기 위하여 專門大學別 演習林 運營實態를 調査했던바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 一部 專門大學에서는 演習林의 面積이 極히 작아 演習林으로서 使命을 다하기 어려움으로 이의 確保가 時急하며 特히 國有貸付林은 文敎部小管으로 移管이 되어져야 한다. 2. 演習林의 諸般施設 및 設備는 極히 貧弱하므로 하루速히 補完되어야 演習林의 구실을 할 수 있을 것이다. 3. 演習林의 管理組織은 出講하고 있는 교수가 겸무하고 있는 실정이니 이로서 광대한 森林의 經營을 담당한다는 것은 거의 不可能한 일이니 하루속히 定員上으로 充員이 되어야 할 것이다. 4. 演習林의 經營과 學生실습 및 교수 硏究業績 등은 上記 2,3등의 主要因으로 원활히 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 5. 特히 文敎部施設基準會에 있는 演習林과 그 附屬施設에 관한 基準은 改善 補完되어야 하며 專門大學 敎育過程에 演習林演習을 敎科目으로 채택되도록 制度上으로 補完되어야 할 줄 안다. For the purpose of finding the improvement of some problems of J.T.College forest management author investigated the realities of all college forests in our country and the results may be summarized as follows. 1. J.T. college forests of most J.T. college were too small in area to fulfil there mission and every J.T. colleges ought to be secure the suitable area of college forests immediately, especially if the college forests were belonged to the state it should be transfer to Min. of Education. 2. As the equipment of J.T. collesge is very poor in present time it doesn't carry out there whole duty if the J.T. college does not fill up them. 3. A professor who has lecture at campus control the whole of the college forests but it is almost impossible to do it, therefore the government should be suplement the personnel immediately for the regular staff of management system of college forests. 4. Perfect management, student's experiment and actual training, and professor's researcher were not accomplished by the causes of the above-mentioned. 5. Especially the standard degree about the J.T. college forests and is's attached equipment in the standard equipment statute of ministry of education should be improved more widely, and curriculum must be so improved that the actual training in college forests should be adopted for the subject in curriculum.

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