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        살인죄에서 기수 문제

        Susanne Walther,김성룡,박남미 경북대학교 법학연구원 2010 법학논고 Vol.0 No.33

        아래 글은 범죄의 기수와 종료(완료) 시점 및 그 구별에 관한 종래의 피상적인 이해를 다시 한번 돌아보게 하는 다수의 논점을 다루고 있다. 특히 발터(Walther) 교수는 즉시범의 유형으로 이해되는 살인죄에 있어서 기수와 종료 시점이 구별될 수 있는가의 문제를 승계적 공(동정)범의 성립, 중지미수 및 가중구성요건의 실현 가능성을 도구로 검토하고 있다. 1992년 뎅커(Dencker) 교수의 살인죄의 기수와 종료의 구별에 관한 판례평석(Dencker, Zum Erfolgder Todesdelikte, NStZ, 1992, S. 311)에 자극받은 이 글은, 살인죄에서도 기수와 종료시점은 구별될 수 있으며, 이미 불가역적으로 치명상을 입은 피해자에 대한 추가적인 공격도 살인죄의 구성요건을 충족시킬 수 있다는 것을 다양한 관점에서 근거지우려 하고 있다. 나아가 독일 형법 제211조와 제212조와 관련하여 고살의 기수 이후 범죄의 종료 이전에 모살죄에서 규정하고 있는 소위 ‘모살’표지의 실현으로 가중구성요건(모살)이 충족될 수 있는가 라는 물음에 대해서도 긍정적인 결론에 도달할 수 있는 논거들을 제시하고 있다. 이러한 두 가지의 논점이 행위자에게 어쩌면 불리한 해석으로 비춰질 수 있다면, 마지막 쟁점에서 발터 교수는 살인죄에서 기수와 종료를 구별하는 것은 행위자에게 소위 중지미수의 가능성을 열어줌으로써 오히려 유리한 결론에 이른다는 것도 주장하고 있다. 특히 독일 형법 제24조의 규정에 비추어 일정한 요건이 충족된 경우 진지한 결과발생방지를 위한 노력이 있었다면 중지미수의 형벌혜택을 주겠다는 입법자의 의사가 살인죄의 기수와 종료 단계의 구별과 관련하여 어떠한 의미를 갖는지에 대해서도 논구하고 있다. 국내와 독일법상태의 차이와 이론적인 차이점에 따른 이해의 곤란을 피할 수 있도록 적절하게 [옮긴 이 주]와 ( )로 내용을 보충하였다

      • Inclusion-Provocation for the 21st Century : Are We Afraid of Another 'Trojanian Horse'?

        Walther Dreher 대구대학교 2002 Journal of Asia-Pacific Special Education Vol.2 No.2

        What I have carried along for you mosaic stones for a fresco, for a picture of our world in the 21st century. Four mosaic stones represent four topics: 1. Inclusion - a provocation for special education. Or: Segregation - Integration - Inclision ......? 2. Inclusion - a provoction for Epistemology. Or: Are we digging our own grave? 3. Inclusion - a provocation for human culture. Or: Rethinking society? 4. Inclusion - an enterprise of the future Or: Are we afraid of a new 'trojanian horse'? The spirit of the 21st cenetury might be called: GENIUS 'Genius' is the created and created and creating power which emerges out of the future and which means emerging futures. 'Genius' is the power of each person and the bond of the power of mankind.

      • KCI등재

        New insights in the formation processes of Pu(IV) colloids

        Walther, Clemens,Rothe, Jö,rg,Brendebach, Boris,Fuss, Markus,Altmaier, Marcus,Marquardt, Christian M.,,chner, Sebastian,Cho, Hye-Ryun,Yun, J.-I.,Seibert, Alice De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2009 RADIOCHIMICA ACTA Vol.97 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The high tendency of tetravalent plutonium to form polymeric complexes and colloids is well known but the exact processes underlying their formation are still controversially discussed. In the present work, the nucleation of small polynuclear hydroxide complexes,<I>i.e.</I>, ionic species containing more than one Pu ion, their aggregation and formation of larger colloids (polymers exceeding some 5 nm in size) and finally ripening processes of freshly formed amorphous Pu(IV) colloids towards more crystalline particles are investigated by use of a combination of various spectroscopic techniques. By electrospray mass-spectrometry small polymers such as dimers, trimers and tetramers containing mixed oxidation states of Pu were observed. These polymers might be responsible for the equilibration between the Pu(III)/Pu(IV) and the plutonyl species Pu(V)/Pu(VI) even in dilute solutions in the absence of colloids or precipitates.</P>

      • Lakes and Palaeolakes in Mongolia and Northwestern China

        Michael, Walther,Bernd, Wunnemann,Altangerel, Tshimeksaichan Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2004 제사기학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The Pleistocene lake level and climate development is described by proxies from sediment, pollen and diatom records in Mongolia and Northwest-China. It could be proved that higher lake levels seem to have existed during the old and mid Pleistocene period interpreted on the base of geomorphological and sedimentological reords. They are dated in a relativ time scale. The lake basins are filled up to 300 m by limnic deposits, which foused on a constant water balance of more than 700.000 years. Late Glacial and Holocene lake level fluctuations and climate changes can be proved by biostratigraphic records pointing to dry and wet phases. Only for the youngest history desiccation of some lakes are related to human impact.

      • KCI등재

        Testosterone and Dehydroepiandrosterone Treatment in Ageing Men: Are We All Set?

        Andreas Walther,Julian Seuffert 대한남성과학회 2020 The World Journal of Men's Health Vol.38 No.2

        Although demographic statistics show that populations around the world are rapidly ageing, this rising life expectancy is accompanied by an increase in the number of people living with age-related chronic conditions, such as frailty, cognitive decline, depression, or sexual dysfunction. In men, a progressive decline in androgens occurs with increasing age, and low androgen levels are associated with age-related chronic conditions. However, androgen administration studies are inconclusive, showing differing results according to the androgen used (testosterone [T], dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA]), the group of men examined (younger vs. older; eugonadal vs. hypogonadal) and the conditions studied (frailty, cognitive decline, depression, sexual dysfunction). In this review, the current state for the use of T and DHEA therapy in men for the age-related conditions is examined. Due to the progressive age-related decline in androgens leading to a higher rate of older men having low androgen levels, the effects of androgen treatment in elderly males will be of particular interest in this review. Doseresponse relationships, the role of potential moderators, and the androgen treatment-related risk for adverse events will be discussed. Studies have suggested that T treatment – more so than DHEA treatment – may be an effective therapy against agerelated chronic conditions in men with low T levels; especially older men. Such conditions include frailty, depression, or sexual dysfunction. However, T treatment does not emerge as an effective therapy against cognitive decline. Nevertheless, more high-quality, randomised controlled trials using T treatment for age-related chronic conditions are necessary if further conclusions are to be made.

      • Modeling and Optimization Algorithms in Ship Weather Routing

        Laura WALTHER,Anisa RIZVANOLLI,Mareike WENDEBOURG,Carlos JAHN 국제이네비해양경제학회 2016 International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Vol.4 No.1

        Efficient and sustainable sea transport is a key aspect to ensure cost competitive ship operation. The constant need to increase economic feasibility, energy efficiency and safety while complying with emission regulations motivates further developments and improvements in voyage optimization and weather routing systems. These systems optimize a voyage based on meteorological and oceanographic information taking into account ship characteristics and routing information. The quality of the provided route not only depends on the quality of this data, but also on the modeling of the optimization problem and the algorithm chosen to solve it. Due to the wide range of mathematical approaches and consequently challenges in decision making, this paper aims to give a comprehensive and comparative overview of the existing state-of-the-art methods by a thorough literature review and elaboration of different modeling approaches, optimization algorithms, and their application in weather routing systems. The research shows that approaches range from modeling the weather routing problem as a constrained graph problem, a constrained nonlinear optimization problem or as combination of both. Based on the formulation of the ship weather routing optimization problem different methods are used to solve it ranging from Dijkstra’s algorithm, dynamic programing and optimal control methods to isochrone methods or iterative approaches for solving nonlinear optimization problems. However, it can be concluded that the determination whether an approach is suitable, produces sufficient results and may be recommended, strongly depends on the specific requirements concerning optimization objectives, control variables and constraints as well as the implementation.

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