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      • KCI등재

        交通理論의 一般的 考察

        Voigt, Fritz,Witte, Hermann 단국대학교 산업연구소 1980 산업연구 Vol.2 No.-

        교통론도 여타 과학과 마찬가지로 그 과학적 원리에 있어서는 방법론적으로 복수주의가 채택된다. 그러기 때문에 전 경제적 입장에서 본 여타부문 상호간이나 교통정책 수행과정의 분석을 위하여 여러가지의 이론이 서로 관련을 가지게 된다. 일반적인 교통이론을 설명하고 교통이론의 근본적인 요소를^1) 정확히 서술하려는 시도가 본 연구의 목적이다. 따라서 한 교통제도에서 부터 파급되는 경제전체의 교통분석을 위한 하나의 포괄적인 시도가 다음에 설명하는 교통이론에서 다루어 질것이다. 한 경제사회제도 내에서 본 논문이 전개하는 교통정책의 특징이란 교통부문의 국민경제적 의의를 살린 일반적 이론의 전제조건을 말한다.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization and Microstructure of Recycled Eroded Particles from Die-Sink Electro Discharge Machining of H11 Alloy for Applicability in Additive Manufacturing

        Oliver Voigt,Marco Wendler,Asim Siddique,Hartmut Stöcker,Caroline Quitzke,Urs A. Peuker 대한금속·재료학회 2024 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.30 No.5

        Different waste streams from electro discharge machining (EDM) were investigated for an upcycled usage in processes foradditive manufacturing (AM). These erosion sludges accumulate in filter cartridges and at the bottom of machining basins. The enclosed particles were extracted, sieved and investigated via laser diffraction, dynamic image analysis, scanning electronmicroscopy, optical emission spectroscopy, elemental analysis and flowability measurements. Additionally, thermal,crystallographic and metallographic investigations as well as X-ray micro-computed tomography (μ-CT) were utilized forthe characterization of particle and material properties. In general, eroded powders fulfill the requirements for AM regardingparticle size and shape very well, which is confirmed in morphological investigations and powder flow characteristicsshowing similar properties as the H11 AM reference material. The chemical composition of the powders is equal to themachined H11 alloy, except for the high carbon content. Carbon is entrapped in the iron lattice originating from pyrolysis ofthe present dielectric fluid and the graphite electrode during rapid solidification, which leads to a transition from martensiteto cementite structures. This change is observed in the microstructure of powders, in which acicular primary cementite andaustenite are present. After remelting with slow heating and cooling rates the microstructure changed to ledeburite II withretained austenite and martensitic phases. The pore size and shape distributions obtained by μ-CT measurements showeda pore formation in the compact sample. These results provide a fundament of major properties as well as handling andrecycling suggestions for eroded particles enclosed in waste sludges.

      • Health Monitoring of Early Age Concrete

        Thomas Voigt,Zhihui Sun,Surendra P. Shah 단국대 부설 리모델링연구소 2004 리모델링 연구소 논문집 Vol.2 No.2

        The setting and hardening process of concrete can be considered as the most critical time period during the life of a concrete structure. To assure high quality and avoid problems in performance throughout the life of the material, it is essential to have reliable information about the early age properties of the concrete. This paper presents a new method to monitor the hydration process of cementitious materials at early ages. The technique is based on the measurement of the reflection coefficient (or reflection loss) of high frequency shear waves at an interface between a steel plate and e.g. concrete. Several experimental studies that examine the ability of the wave reflection method to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the setting and hardening process of cement paste, mortar and concrete are presented. The results show that parameters such as setting time, compressive strength, elastic and visco-elastic moduli and degree of hydration of cementitious materials can reliably monitored with the wave reflection method. The relationship between the measured reflection loss and the compressive strength was successfully used in a first field trial of the method to determine the inplace strength of precast concrete elements.

      • KCI등재

        Spatial Metaphor in Cho Se-hui’s The Dwarf

        Joseph Robert Voigts 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문학논총 Vol.31 No.-

        본 논문은 최근 영어로 번역된 20세기 대중적이었던 한국 소설의 이야기, 은유, 그리고 윤리적 측면에 관하여 연구하였다. 조세희의 ‘난장이가 쏘아 올린 작은 공’은 한국경제가 급격히 발전한 1970년대, 고립된 개인들 사이에서 나타난 연이은 비극을 표현함으로써 작품의 구조 안에서 사회적 분리를 강하게 드러내고 있다. 이러한 이야기는 전통적 소설과 쉽게 일치하지 않기 때문에 주요 줄거리의 핵심들은 모호하고 등장인물의 정체성 또한 확인하기 어렵다. 그렇지만 작가의 가장 중요한 분리의 대한 상징성은 소설의 등장인물들이 추구하는 과학적 교육이라고 할 수 있다. 그 과학적 교육은 뫼비우스의 띠와 클라인의 항아리의 차원적 개념이다. 역설적인 통합과 분열에 관한 공간적 은유는 그의 골절된 줄거리 와 평행하고 그의 자본주의와 마르크스주의 사회적 정치적 비평문에 포함된다. 도덕적 윤리 보다 금전적 이익을 더욱 중시하는 교육시스템 또한 마찬가지로 걱정하고 있다. 궁극적으로 ‘난장이가 쏘아 올린 작은 공’의 분열에 대한 상징성은 Gayatri Spivak 가 말한 정치적 연관성의 윤리적 특성과 Mikhail Bakhtin 이 말한 시적인 대화식 토론법 들을 달성하기 위해 실패라는 것을 극대화 하고 있다. 이 두 인물은 타인과 좀 더 진실된 만남의 추구를 촉구하고 있다. 그 만남들은 타인에 관한 공간을 만들기 위한 주체의 힘이 감소하고 있는 것이다. This paper explores the narrative, metaphorical, and ethical aspects of a popular twentieth-century Korean novel recently translated into English. Rendering the dramatic upheavals of Korea’s rapid economic development during the 1970’s as a series of tragic encounters between isolated individuals in his short story cycle TheDwarf, ChoSe-huireinforcesthese social divisions in its structure. Because the stories do not easily cohere into a traditional novel, major plot points remain obscure and characters are difficult to identify and to identify with. However, his most significant representation of division is the science education his characters seek out?the dimensional concepts of the Mobius Strip and the Klein Bottle. These spatial metaphors for paradoxical unity/disunity parallel his fractured narrative and embody his social/political critique of both capitalism and Marxism, as well as an educational system more concerned with profit than ethics. Ultimately, TheDwarf’s representations of division dramatize the failure to achieve what Gayatri Spivak calls ethical singularity in political relations and what Mikhail Bakhtin calls dialogism in poetics. They urge the pursuit of a more genuine encounter with The Other that decreases the power of the subject in order to create space for the other.

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