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        Olivier Reimann,Udo Wagner 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        46 2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong Proceedings: 46-47 (July 2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.15444/GMC2016.01.04.01 WHY DO CONSUMERS BUY PREMIUM PRIVATE LABELS? – SOME QUAL-ITATIVE INSIGHTS Olivier Reimann, University of Vienna, Austria1) Udo Wagner, University of Vienna, Austria2) ABSTRACT Private labels (PL) have developed remarkably well during the last two decades. In many Western European countries they achieved market shares of around 30 percent and more. A phenomenon that recently gained momentum in academia and practice are premium PL (PPL). That are PL positioned as “better and cheaper” or “higher in price and superior in quality” compared to the leading NB. However, with regard to the perceived quality gaps consumers attributed economy and standard PLs vis-à-vis national brands (NB) in the past, it appears contradictory that PPL could become “one of the hottest trends in retail-ing”. To the best of the authors’ knowledge no study published up to now has addressed the following research question: Why do consumers prefer PPL over NB or other PL tiers. The present work tries to provide some insights into this research gap. We conducted two empirical research projects which aim at shedding some light on po-tential drivers of PPL product choice. Both projects are field studies with two leading grocery retail chains in a Central European country as research objects. In this country, the grocery retail market is characterized by a relatively high PL market share (29 percent in 2013) and a high concentration of retailer power: in 2014 the top three retailers cov-ered 85 percent of the overall market. Project I conducted focus group interviews. Partici-pants discussed about economy PL, standard PL and PPL products. Participants debated whether / under which circumstances they would choose one of these PL tiers or a NB. Research project II consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted with consumers in stores. The study revealed major determinants of PPL product choice: (1) quality and price, (2) packaging, (3) origin, and uniqueness, and (4) co-branding. We also gained some insights into the role of psychographics and demographics, brand management and communica-tion as well as on store loyalty. Disadvantageous for retailers, the reasons for PPL prod-uct choice are mainly not PPL brand related. PPL shoppers search for intrinsic or extrin-sic cues and would buy any other brand that offers a similar product. However, the find-ings for co-branding PPL showed that suggestions to apply traditional branding strategies in order to increase (premium) PL success should gain more attention from academia and retailers.

      • KCI등재


        ?? ?(UDO Satoshi) 비교민속학회 2013 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.52

        야나기타 구니오의 대표적인 저작 『해상의 길』은 그의 일본 조상의 기원에 대한 탐색에 적용한, 도작 경로의 대륙과 일본 군도 사이의 섬 경로로서 동중국해를 확신하려는 시도였다. 이러한 시적 용어는 일본 민족의 유일한 결정적 기원이 아니라 사실 그의 상상적 주장이라 할 수 있는 하나의 길로서 환기시키고자 하는 의도로 보이는데, 이는 땅의 길로부터 선으로 이어진다기보다는 조수 경로의 예측할 수 없는 복잡성에 기반하고 있다. Kunio Yanagita’s famous notion “Road on the Sea” represents his trial to conceive a “Rice Road” on the East China Sea as the insular pathway between the Continent and the Japanese Archipelago, which implies his pursuit of the origin of the Japanese ancestry. This poetic terminology tends to evoke one straight road that attributes the Japanese Nation to only one determined origin, but, in reality, his imaginative argument is based on unpredictable complexity of tidal ways (roads on the sea) rather than linearity of the road on the ground.

      • KCI등재

        리스크행정에서 행정행위에 의한 개별사건규율에 관한 소고

        Udo Di Fabio,김중권(Kim Jung Kwon) 한국지방자치법학회 2006 지방자치법연구(地方自治法硏究) Vol.6 No.1

        환경행정법과 리스크행정법에서 점차 문제가 제기되는 점은, 과연 현재의 作用(行爲)形式수준이 효과적이며, 법치국가적 활동을 보장하는 데 충분한지 여부이다. 행정법을 법치국가원리적으로 정립하는 것은, 作用形式論이 특별행정법을 일반적 개념으로 체계화가능하게 포착할 수 있는지, 행정활동을 법적으로 명확히 한정할 수 있는지, 사법구제의 실현을 증진할 수 있는지에 좌우된다. 설사 리스크행정법과 의약품법상의 다른 작용형식에 유리하도록 행정행위가 그 중요성을 상실했다 하더라도, 행정행위는 여전히 동법이 개별결정을 위해 규정한 핵심적인 형성수단이다. 이러한 점은 특히 예방적 승인결정에서도 마찬가지이다. 의약품의 承認은 豫測決定인데, 이는 현저히 상대화된 존속력과 신뢰구속을 지닌다. 承認을 부여하는 행정행위란 작용형식은 법적 형성을 통해서 그 나름의 역동성과 잠정성을 지닌다. 수정에서의 자유로움(개방성), 가령 불확실성의 영역에서의 행정결정의 暫定性이 국가적 리스크결정의 특정이다. 給付浩에서 발전되어 온 잠정적 행정행위는, 규율의 現時化가 그 특징이다. 잠정적 행정행위를 인정함은, -행정행위를 폐지할 것 없이-당초 규율의 소급적 수정을 허용한 셈이다. 잠정적 행정행위나 일시적(가명령적) 행정행위의 정당화가 문제될 때, 문헌 역시 결정적으론 특별한 불확실성의 조건을 목표로 삼는다. 이에 적용영역에서 본 즉, 잠정적 행정행위는 불확실성의 조건하에 있는 행정결정을 위한-가령 특히 리스크결정과 혐의결정에 있어서-일반적으로 적용가능한 作用形式일 수 있다. 하지만 근본적 판단을 내리기 위해선, 이런 作用形式의 허용성은 물론, 그것의 도그마적, 법치국가원리적 성과도 탐구되지 않으면 안 될 것이다. 諸 作用形式은 行政法學의 目的指向的 創造物(Zwecksch!2oupfung)이다. 이들은 실체법의 요청에 따라야 하고, 또한 법익보호와 법적 안전성을 증진해야 한다. Im Umwelt- und Risikoverwaltungsrecht wird zunehmend die Frage gestellt, ob der gegenwärtige Bestand an Handlungsformen ausreicht, effektives und rechtsstaatliches Handeln zu gewährleistungen. Die rechtsstaatliche Ausrichtung des Verwaltungsrechts steht und fällt mit der Fähigkeit der Handlungsformen, das besondere Verwaltungsrecht in allgemeinen Begriffen systemtisierbar einzufangen, das Handeln der Verwaltung rechtlich zu umgrenzen und die Verwirklichung gerichtlichen Rechtsschutzes zu fördern. Wenngleich der Verwaltungsakt zugunsten anderer Handlungsformen im Recht der Risikoverwaltung und damit auch im Arzneimittelrecht an Gewicht verloren hat, so bleibt er doch das vom Arzneimittelgesetz vorgesehene zentrale Gestaltungsmittel für Einzelentscheidungen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die präventive Zulassungsentscheidung. Die Zulassung eines Arzneimittels ist eine Prognoseentscheidung mit stark relativierter Bestandskraft und Vertrauensbindung. Die Handlungsform des die Zulassung aussprechenden Verwaltungsakts erhält durch diese gesetzliche Ausgestaltung ein eigentümliches Maß an Dynamik und Vorläufigkeit. Revisionsoffenheit, also Vorläufigkeit von Verwaltungsentscheidungen im Unsicherheitsbereich, ist ein Kennzeichen staatlicher Risikosentscheidungen. Der im Leistungsrecht entwickelte vorl äufige Verwaltungsakt zeichnet sich durch die Temporalisierung der Regelung aus; die Annahme eines vorläufigen Verwaltungsaktes erlaubt rückwirkende Korrekturen der ursprü nglichen Regelung, ohne daß der Verwaltungsakt aufgehoben werden müßte. Auch die Literatur stellt maßgeblich auf besondere Ungewißheitsbedingungen ab, wenn es um die Rechtfertigung vorläufiger order einstweiliger Verwaltungsakte geht. Vom Anwendungsfeld her könnte der vorläufige Verwaltungsakt demnach eine allgemein verwendbare Handlungsform für Verwaltungsentscheidungen unter Ungewißheitsbedingungen. Für eine fundiertere Beurteilung müßte allerdings sowohl die Zulässigkeit dieser Handlungsform als auch ihr dogmatischer und rechtsstaatlicher Gewinn ermittelt werden. Handlungsformen sind Zweckschöpfung des Verwaltungsrechts. Sie müssen den Anforderungen des materiellen Rechts folgen und den Rechtsgüterschutz und die Rechtssicherheit fördern.

      • KCI등재


        UDO MOENIG,KIM MINHO 계명대학교 한국학연구원 2016 Acta Koreana Vol.19 No.2

        Taekwondo's popular, historical narrative presents an excellent example of nationalistic attitudes in South Korean society toward portraying historical accounts in a favorable light, regardless of empirical evidence. This article explores various historical accounts regarding the origins of taekwondo, as presented by early taekwondo pioneers. After Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule, taekwondo's earliest and most central historical source became the hwarang myth, which dominated, due to its promotion by the government as a symbol of South Korea's military might, martial traditions, and nationalism. Only over time, did a variety of additional events result in an 'official' martial arts narrative for taekwondo. By 1971, the accounts became consolidated and unified with taekwondo's emergence as an internationally known Korean national sport, with all references to foreign influences omitted from the official record. This article demonstrates how the creation of taekwondo's historical narrative represents a classic case of, 'the invention of tradition.'

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