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      • A GPU-based Two Dimensional Flood Simulation System

        Kuo-Chan Hung,Chih-Yung Feng,Kun-Huai Cheng,Pei-Cheng Tsao1,Hung-Kwai Chen 한국방재학회 2016 Journal of Disaster Management Vol.1 No.1

        Abstract A GPU-based flood simulation system is developed in this research. The system comprises two main components: a GPU-lized two bdimensional flood simulation model named GLMRT and a web-GIS user interface. GLMRT is designed and constructed with following features. First, GLMRT is constructed based on Lattice Boltzmann method(LBM) and two dimensional shallow water equations. Second, GLMRT is combined with sink/source terms including excess rainfall and pump-like drainage. Third, a dry-wet boundary determining mechanism is considered in GLMRT. Fourth, real DEM data can be used in simulating water movement on the land surface. Finally, GPU accelerated technique is integrated into GLMRT to overcome the issue of time cost in calculation. The web-GIS based user interface is built based on cloud platform to assist data flow organization and real time simulation. The interface integrates real DEM data and receives precipitation estimation products from the Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute(TTFRI) and Central Weather Bureau(CWB). The simulation results would be displayed on the web-GIS via file and database transfer. Besides, a real time rendering technique based on real time simulation is developed, too. The real time rendering technique displays the simulation results via memory on GPU device and eliminates the time cost in data output. GLMRT solves a 800-second simulation of Zengwen Reservoir virtual dam break with 2,046x1,525 DEM grids (40 m resolution) within 140.11 seconds on the NVIDIA Tesla K20c. Compare to the 60,919 seconds computation time on the Intel?? Xeon?? CPU X5650 2.66GHz, the GLMRT gets a speedup of 438x. On the other hand, using GLMRT alone to simulate a 12-hour rainfall duration induced inundation would spend about 1.2 hours, which can provide buffer time for the requirement of flood prevention operation. Abstract A GPU-based flood simulation system is developed in this research. The system comprises two main components: a GPU-lized two bdimensional flood simulation model named GLMRT and a web-GIS user interface. GLMRT is designed and constructed with following features. First, GLMRT is constructed based on Lattice Boltzmann method(LBM) and two dimensional shallow water equations. Second, GLMRT is combined with sink/source terms including excess rainfall and pump-like drainage. Third, a dry-wet boundary determining mechanism is considered in GLMRT. Fourth, real DEM data can be used in simulating water movement on the land surface. Finally, GPU accelerated technique is integrated into GLMRT to overcome the issue of time cost in calculation. The web-GIS based user interface is built based on cloud platform to assist data flow organization and real time simulation. The interface integrates real DEM data and receives precipitation estimation products from the Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute(TTFRI) and Central Weather Bureau(CWB). The simulation results would be displayed on the web-GIS via file and database transfer. Besides, a real time rendering technique based on real time simulation is developed, too. The real time rendering technique displays the simulation results via memory on GPU device and eliminates the time cost in data output. GLMRT solves a 800-second simulation of Zengwen Reservoir virtual dam break with 2,046x1,525 DEM grids (40 m resolution) within 140.11 seconds on the NVIDIA Tesla K20c. Compare to the 60,919 seconds computation time on the Intel?? Xeon?? CPU X5650 2.66GHz, the GLMRT gets a speedup of 438x. On the other hand, using GLMRT alone to simulate a 12-hour rainfall duration induced inundation would spend about 1.2 hours, which can provide buffer time for the requirement of flood prevention operation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        조명희 소설에 나타난 잔혹한 낙관주의 -식민지 ‘동화되기’에 대한 반항적인 감정-

        조가유 ( Tsao Chia-yu ) 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2020 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        이 연구에서는 조명희의 소설에 대해 기존의 이분법적 관점의 한계를 극복하기 위해 정동의 관점으로 분석하는 것을 시도하였다. 조명희 소설에서 대다수 인물들이 서구 식민자의 문화에 대해 잔혹한 낙관주의의 태도를 가지고 살아간다. 그것은 식민지 조선의 현실을 개선하는 데 도움을 주지 못하지만 일제와의 차이를 유지하는 데 도움을 준다. 전기소설 속 문인들은 자신이 처한 현실에 도움이 되지도 않을 자부심과 연민 같은 감정들을 구현한다. 문인들이 이 지배논리를 수용한 것은 조선인을 동화시키려는 일제의 욕망에 대해 무의식적으로 반항하려는 욕망이 있었기 때문이다. 특히 연민의 구현은 주권을 되찾으려는 조선인들의 무의식을 보여준다. 이러한 잔혹한 낙관주의 태도는 후기소설 속 인물들이 사회주의라는 외부의 사상을 수용할 때에도 나타난다. 이것은 당시 사람들이 맹목적으로라도 마지막 수단을 동경해야 한다는 사실을 보여준다. 앞서 언급한 논리들은 일제가 조선인의 습성에 대해 비웃는 개념인 문약(文弱), 관용(寬容), 당파심(黨派心), 낙천성(樂天性)과 일치한다. 이 외에 중기소설에서 수치의 쓰기가 이루어졌음을 밝힌 부분에서 작가가 창작의 과정 중 자신의 과거에 있었던 부르주아 근성인 무정함과 나약함에 대해 반성하였으며, 전기소설에 나타난 인간문제를 수정하기 위해 가족과 민족에 대한 사랑과 심려의 감정을 제시했을 가능성이 있다는 것을 보여준다는 점에서 의미가 있다. This paper attempted to examine the works of Choi Myeonghee from the perspective of affects theory in order to overcome the limitations of dichotomous perspective of the previous studies. Most of characters in Choi’s novels live with the attitude of cruel optimism about the culture of western colonialist. Such characters were not capable to help to improve the reality of Joseon but they help to manage the difference with Japanese impartialism. In Choi’s early novels, intellectual and writer’s character carry out the sense of self-respect, compassion and sympathy even though it was not helping them in the surface of their own reality. Intellectuals adopted this logic of rule because they had unconscious desire of resistance against the japanese imperialism desire of assimilating of Joseon people. Especially the realization of compassion shows the unconsciousness desire of Korean people that they want to regain the sovereignty of their lost nation. Such cruel optimistic attitude also appear in the character of Choi later works when he adopted the socialism, an outside ideology in his works. This demonstrate the reality of Korean people that they had no way but have to yearn for the last resort even blindly. The aforementioned logical concept that Japanese imperialism mocked about Korean people were similar to effeminate, tolerance, partyism and optimism. Beside this, his middle period works demonstrate two kinds of possibility in his writing of shame. During his creative process and writing activity, Choi introspected about his past behaviour such as heartless bourgeois nature and effeminate character though his works. He also took an initiative to demonstrate the affection of love and anxiety(fürsorge) for family and nation in order to correct the human problem through his early works which is especially meaningful.

      • KCI등재

        중국에 소개된 장혁주 소설의 리얼리즘 연구-「쫓겨가는 사람들」, 「권이라는 사나이」, 「산령」을 중심으로-

        조가유 ( Tsao Chia-yu ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2021 한국학연구 Vol.- No.60

        이 글은 1930년대 초 중국에 소개된 장혁주의 작품들이 지니는 리얼리즘적 의미를 밝혔다. 식민지인인 장혁주는 「쫓겨가는 사람들」, 「권이라는 사나이」, 「산령」 등의 작품을 통해 일본에서뿐만 아니라 중국에서도 크게 주목을 받았다. 이는 당시 중국인들이 장혁주의 리얼리즘 기법인 보편성과 특수성의 재현방식에 매력을 느꼈기 때문으로 보인다. 장혁주는 노골적으로 식민통치의 문제에 대해 이야기했다가 지배당국에 협박을 받은 후, 이후 작품에서는 중국에서도 화제인 동족상잔이라는 주제로 조선의 권력자 문제를 폭로했다. 나아가 장혁주는 중국에도 존재했던 봉건자본의 문제를 조선의 식민지인들의 실향 문제와 교묘하게 연결시켜 다뤘다. 이 소재들은 중국 지식인들에게 망국의 상징이라는 경고의 메시지로 작용하였다. 장혁주는 리얼리즘 기법을 활용하여 자국과 타국의 상황에 대해 정확하게 인식하고 형상화한 것은 분명하다. 그러나 그는 그의 소설의 수용자인 중국인 문학 평론가인 호풍처럼 지나친 자아비판의 정신 때문에 소설에서 자민족 내부 소수의 불명예스러운 문제를 형상화하다가 동포들로부터 미움을 사게 되었다. 그렇기 때문에 장혁주의 문학에 대해 많은 국내의 연구자들은 큰 관심을 가지고 살펴보려 하지 않으며, 그의 몇 백편이나 되는 소설은 시중에 제대로 소개되지 않았다. 그러나 그의 영향력은 동아시아에서 무시할 수 없을 정도였다. 따라서 1930년대의 한국 문단이 그의 소설에 대해 내린 평가는 재고의 여지가 있으며 또한, 그의 작품들은 세계문학의 관점에서 제대로 이해할 필요가 있어 보인다. This article reveals the realistic significance of Jang Hyeokju's early 1930's works which was introduced in translation works in China. Being a Japanese colonial subject Jang Hyeokju received a great amount of attention not only in Japan but also in Chinese literary world through his several works such as “Hunted People”, “A Man Whose Named was Kwon” and “Mountain Spirits”. It shows that it was happened because Chinese intellectuals were fascinated by Jang Hyeokju’s representation method of universal and characteristic realism technique at that time. Jang Hyeokju openly talked about the problems of colonial rule and eventually he was threatened by the ruling authority. Later, he started to expose the problems of ruling class of Joseon with the theme of fratricidal war through his writings which was also a big issue in China. Furthermore, Jang Hyeokju also depicted the lose of hometown problem of Josen’s people who were Japanese colonial subjects and he skillfully connected the feudal capitalism problem which also existed in China. These topics of Jang Hyeokju’s works influenced as a symbol of country’s ruination to the Chinese intellectuals as a warning message. It is an obvious fact that Jang Hyeokju embodied and recognized accurately about the situation of his own homeland and other’s nations and he used these realism technique in his literary works. However, Jang Hyeokju incurred the hatred of his own countrymen by embodying the inglorious problem of his nation’s internal minorities due to his excessive self-criticism just like Chinese literary critic Hu Feng who were a recipient and translator of Jang Hyeokju’s works. Therefore, Korean domestic researchers have shown very less interest in Jang Hyeokju’s literature and his hundreds of works have not yet been introduced properly in the literary market. However, His literary influence in East Asian region were non-negligible level. Therefore, it is sufficient spaces to re-examine on the result of his 1930s works by Korean literary world. Moreover, it shows that those of his works which have not yet received the proper attention in Korea, need to understand from the perspective of world literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        장혁주의 초기 소설에 나타난 낙동강 유역의 표상

        조가유(Tsao, Chiayu) 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2021 인문학연구 Vol.36 No.-

        이 글은 장혁주의 초기소설에 등장하는 낙동강 유역의 지리적 위치를 분석하고 나아가 그 장소들이 지니는 문학적 의미를 고찰하였다. 대구 작가인 장혁주는 식민지 조선인들의 진실되고 비참한 삶을 전세계에 알리기 위해 소설을 써서 동서양에서 호평을 받았다. 장혁주는 그의 소설 속 인물들을 낙동강의 상류권역과 하류권역을 중심으로 활동하게 했는데 문경 이곡리에서 의성 다인면 비봉산, 문경 점촌동에서 예천 지보면 마전리, 예천 지보면 소화리에서 안동 풍천면 하회리, 창원 대산면에서 부산시까지 등이 있다. 이들은 생존, 발전, 정의, 화합의 관계를 실현하기 위해서 분주하게 움직였다. 강을 둘러싸고 생활하는 그들은 출정, 암투, 희생 및 교섭 행위를 부지런히 보여주었다. 장혁주의 작품에 나타나는, 낙동강 관련 인물의 이야기들은 강의 동쪽에서 서쪽으로, 하류에서 상류로 악영향이 퍼져나가는 것을 보여준다. 거기서 멈추지 않고, 장혁주는 선한 영향력이 상류에서 하류로 퍼질 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다. 소설에서 작가가 우회적으로 조선의 동남쪽에 위치한 대상을 비판하고자 하는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. This article analyzes the actual location of the Nakdong river basin’s regions and its literary significance as it appears in Jang Hyeok-ju’s early works. The characters in his novels mainly appear taking part in activities in the upper and lower regions of the Nakdong river. Those regions are Mungyeong’s Yigokri to Uiseong’s Bibongsan, Mungyeong’s Jeomchondong to Yecheon’s Majeonri, Yecheon’s Sohwari to Andong’s Hahoeri and Changwon’s Daesanmyeon to Busan. These characters struggle to achieve social harmony, survival, development and justice as well as partake in the act of long journeys, secret strife, sacrifices and negotiations. Jang Hyeokju illustrates how negative influences spread from east to west and from downstream to the upstream in the river basin. He also suggests the possibility that positive influence can spread from upstream to downstream. In this way, the critical representation of the south-east location in his novels could be interpreted as an attempt to criticize the existence circuitously.

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