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      • KCI등재후보

        Development of an index that decreases birth weight, promotes postnatal growth and yet minimizes selection intensity in beef cattle

        Togashi Kenji,Watanabe Toshio,Ogino Atsushi,Shinomiya Masakazu,Kinukawa Masashi,Kurogi Kazuhito,Toda Shohei 아세아·태평양축산학회 2024 Animal Bioscience Vol.37 No.5

        Objective: The main goal of our current study was to improve the growth curve of meat animals by decreasing the birth weight while achieving a finishing weight that is the same as that before selection but at younger age. Methods: Random regression model was developed to derive various selection indices to achieve desired gains in body weight at target time points throughout the fattening process. We considered absolute and proportional gains at specific ages (in weeks) and for various stages (i.e., early, middle, late) during the fattening process. Results: The point gain index was particularly easy to use because breeders can assign a specific age (in weeks) as a time point and model either the actual weight gain desired or a scaled percentage gain in body weight. Conclusion: The point gain index we developed can achieve the desired weight gain at any given postnatal week of the growing process and is an easy-to-use and practical option for improving the growth curve.

      • KCI등재

        한국인일본어학습자의 자타동사 선택과 오용

        ( Togashi Yoko ) 한국일어교육학회 2011 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.20


      • KCI등재

        Predicting the rate of inbreeding in populations undergoing four-path selection on genomically enhanced breeding values

        Togashi Kenji,Adachi Kazunori,Kurogi Kazuhito,Yasumori Takanori,Watanabe Toshio,Toda Shohei,Matsubara Satoshi,Hirohama Kiyohide,Takahashi Tsutomu,Matsuo Shoichi 아세아·태평양축산학회 2022 Animal Bioscience Vol.35 No.6

        Objective: A formula is needed that is practical for current livestock breeding methods and that predicts the approximate rate of inbreeding (ΔF) in populations where selection is performed according to four-path programs (sires to breed sons, sires to breed daughters, dams to breed sons, and dams to breed daughters). The formula widely used to predict inbreeding neglects selection, we need to develop a new formula that can be applied with or without selection. Methods: The core of the prediction is to incorporate the long-tern genetic influence of the selected parents in four-selection paths executed as sires to breed sons, sires to breed daughters, dams to breed sons, and dams to breed daughters. The rate of inbreeding was computed as the magnitude that is proportional to the sum of squared long-term genetic contributions of the parents of four-selection paths to the selected offspring. Results: We developed a formula to predict the rate of inbreeding in populations undergoing four-path selection on genomically enhanced breeding values and with discrete generations. The new formula can be applied with or without selection. Neglecting the effects of selection led to underestimation of the rate of inbreeding by 40% to 45%. Conclusion: The formula we developed here would be highly useful as a practical method for predicting the approximate rate of inbreeding (ΔF) in populations where selection is performed according to four-path programs. Objective: A formula is needed that is practical for current livestock breeding methods and that predicts the approximate rate of inbreeding (∆F) in populations where selection is performed according to four-path programs (sires to breed sons, sires to breed daughters, dams to breed sons, and dams to breed daughters). The formula widely used to predict inbreeding neglects selection, we need to develop a new formula that can be applied with or without selection.Methods: The core of the prediction is to incorporate the long-tern genetic influence of the selected parents in four-selection paths executed as sires to breed sons, sires to breed daughters, dams to breed sons, and dams to breed daughters. The rate of inbreeding was computed as the magnitude that is proportional to the sum of squared long-term genetic contributions of the parents of four-selection paths to the selected offspring.Results: We developed a formula to predict the rate of inbreeding in populations undergoing four-path selection on genomically enhanced breeding values and with discrete generations. The new formula can be applied with or without selection. Neglecting the effects of selection led to underestimation of the rate of inbreeding by 40% to 45%.Conclusion: The formula we developed here would be highly useful as a practical method for predicting the approximate rate of inbreeding (ΔF) in populations where selection is performed according to four-path programs.


        Lactation Persistency as a Component Trait of the Selection Index and Increase in Reliability by Using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Net Merit Defined as the First Five Lactation Milk Yields and Herd Life

        Togashi, K.,Hagiya, K.,Osawa, T.,Nakanishi, T.,Yamazaki, T.,Nagamine, Y.,Lin, C.Y.,Matsumoto, S.,Aihara, M.,Hayasaka, K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2012 Animal Bioscience Vol.25 No.8

        We first sought to clarify the effects of discounted rate, survival rate, and lactation persistency as a component trait of the selection index on net merit, defined as the first five lactation milks and herd life (HL) weighted by 1 and 0.389 (currently used in Japan), respectively, in units of genetic standard deviation. Survival rate increased the relative economic importance of later lactation traits and the first five lactation milk yields during the first 120 months from the start of the breeding scheme. In contrast, reliabilities of the estimated breeding value (EBV) in later lactation traits are lower than those of earlier lactation traits. We then sought to clarify the effects of applying single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on net merit to improve the reliability of EBV of later lactation traits to maximize their increased economic importance due to increase in survival rate. Net merit, selection accuracy, and HL increased by adding lactation persistency to the selection index whose component traits were only milk yields. Lactation persistency of the second and (especially) third parities contributed to increasing HL while maintaining the first five lactation milk yields compared with the selection index whose only component traits were milk yields. A selection index comprising the first three lactation milk yields and persistency accounted for 99.4% of net merit derived from a selection index whose components were identical to those for net merit. We consider that the selection index comprising the first three lactation milk yields and persistency is a practical method for increasing lifetime milk yield in the absence of data regarding HL. Applying SNP to the second- and third-lactation traits and HL increased net merit and HL by maximizing the increased economic importance of later lactation traits, reducing the effect of first-lactation milk yield on HL (genetic correlation ($r_G$) = -0.006), and by augmenting the effects of the second- and third-lactation milk yields on HL ($r_G$ = 0.118 and 0.257, respectively).

      • KCI등재

        Effects of selection index coefficients that ignore reliability on economic weights and selection responses during practical selection

        Kenji Togashi,Kazunori Adachi,Takanori Yasumori,Kazuhito Kurogi,Takayoshi Nozaki,Akio Onogi,Yamato Atagi,Tsutomu Takahashi 아세아·태평양축산학회 2018 Animal Bioscience Vol.31 No.1

        Objective: In practical breeding, selection is often performed by ignoring the accuracy of evaluations and applying economic weights directly to the selection index coefficients of genetically standardized traits. The denominator of the standardized component trait of estimated genetic evaluations in practical selection varies with its reliability. Whereas theoretical methods for calculating the selection index coefficients of genetically standardized traits account for this variation, practical selection ignores reliability and assumes that it is equal to unity for each trait. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of ignoring the accuracy of the standardized component trait in selection criteria on selection responses and economic weights in retrospect. Methods: Theoretical methods were presented accounting for reliability of estimated genetic evaluations for the selection index composed of genetically standardized traits. Results: Selection responses and economic weights in retrospect resulting from practical selection were greater than those resulting from theoretical selection accounting for reliability when the accuracy of the estimated breeding value (EBV) or genomically enhanced breeding value (GEBV) was lower than those of the other traits in the index, but the opposite occurred when the accuracy of the EBV or GEBV was greater than those of the other traits. This trend was more conspicuous for traits with low economic weights than for those with high weights. Conclusion: Failure of the practical index to account for reliability yielded economic weights in retrospect that differed from those obtained with the theoretical index. Our results indicated that practical indices that ignore reliability delay genetic improvement. Therefore, selection practices need to account for reliability, especially when the reliabilities of the traits included in the index vary widely.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of preselection of genotyped animals on reliability and bias of genomic prediction in dairy cattle

        Kenji Togashi,Kazunori Adachi,Kazuhito Kurogi,Takanori Yasumori,Kouichi Tokunaka,Atsushi Ogino,Yoshiyuki Miyazaki,Toshio Watanabe,Tsutomu Takahashi,Kimihiro Moribe 아세아·태평양축산학회 2019 Animal Bioscience Vol.32 No.2

        Objective: Models for genomic selection assume that the reference population is an unselected population. However, in practice, genotyped individuals, such as progeny-tested bulls, are highly selected, and the reference population is created after preselection. In dairy cattle, the intensity of selection is higher in males than in females, suggesting that cows can be added to the reference population with less bias and loss of accuracy. The objective is to develop formulas applied to any genomic prediction studies or practice with preselected animals as reference population. Methods: We developed formulas for calculating the reliability and bias of genomically enhanced breeding values (GEBV) in the reference population where individuals are preselected on estimated breeding values. Based on the formulas presented, deterministic simulation was conducted by varying heritability, preselection percentage, and the reference population size. Results: The number of bulls equal to a cow regarding the reliability of GEBV was expressed through a simple formula for the reference population consisting of preselected animals. The bull population was vastly superior to the cow population regarding the reliability of GEBV for low-heritability traits. However, the superiority of reliability from the bull reference population over the cow population decreased as heritability increased. Bias was greater for bulls than cows. Bias and reduction in reliability of GEBV due to preselection was alleviated by expanding reference population. Conclusion: Cows are easier in expanding reference population size compared with bulls and alleviate bias and reduction in reliability of GEBV of bulls which are highly preselected than cows by expanding the cow reference population.

      • KCI등재

        Selection on milk production and conformation traits during the last two decades in Japan

        Kenji Togashi,Takefumi Osawa,Kazunori Adachi,Kazuhito Kurogi,Kota Tokunaka,Takanori Yasumori,Tsutomu Takahashi,Kimihiro Moribe 아세아·태평양축산학회 2019 Animal Bioscience Vol.32 No.2

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare intended and actual yearly genetic gains for milk production and conformation traits and to investigate the simple selection criterion practiced among milk production and conformation traits during the last two decades in Japan. Learning how to utilize the information on intended and actual genetic gains during the last two decades into the genomic era is vital. Methods: Genetic superiority for each trait for four paths of selection (sires to breed bulls [SB], sires to breed cows [SC], dams to breed bulls [DB], and dams to breed cows [DC]) was estimated. Actual practiced simple selection criteria were investigated among milk production and conformation traits and relative emphasis on milk production and conformation traits was compared. Results: Selection differentials in milk production traits were greater than those of conformation traits in all four paths of selection. Realized yearly genetic gain was less than that intended for milk production traits. Actual annual genetic gain for conformation traits was equivalent to or greater than intended. Retrospective selection weights of milk production and conformation traits were 0.73:0.27 and 0.56:0.44 for intended and realized genetic gains, respectively. Conclusion: Selection was aimed more toward increasing genetic gain in milk production than toward conformation traits over the past two decades in Japan. In contrast, actual annual genetic gain for conformation traits was equivalent to or greater than intended. Balanced selection between milk production and conformation traits tended to be favored during actual selection. Each of four paths of selection (SB, SC, DB, and DC) has played an individual and important role. With shortening generation interval in the genomic era, a young sire arises before the completion of sire’s daughters’ milk production records. How to integrate these four paths of selection in the genomic era is vital.

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