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        台灣對歐陸民法的繼受及其獨特性 : The Reception of Continental European Civil Law in Taiwan and Its Uniqueness

        王泰升 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2016 法學論集 Vol.20 No.4

        Taiwan became a colony of Japan in 1895, and thus followed Japan to transplant Continental European civil law. During the former period of Japanese rule, the civil matters of Taiwanese were largely decided in accordance to customs, which were translated by concepts and terminology of Continental European civil law. However, the ownership, pledge and mortgage of Continental European law had been partly introduced to Taiwan. During the latter period of Japanese rule, the property law in the Japanese Civil Code, receiving Continental European law, had taken effect in Taiwan; in contrast, the status law relating to Taiwanese was still applied to customary law shaped by terminology of Continental European civil law. Taiwan became a province of China during the period of four years after the World War II, and began to implement the civil law of China in the Republican era. As a result, the Taiwanese status law has also modeled on Continental European law. Taiwan has been a de facto state since 1949, the year China began to be ruled by the Communist. Taiwan continues to enforce the civil law which is originated from Republican China, with the root of Continental European law, and adds many elements from American law in the special civil law due to her close ties with the United States in politics and economy. However, the theory and practice of civil law in Taiwan has been dominated by the jurisprudence and laws of Continental Europe, especially Germany. In post-war Taiwan, the majority of the first generation legal scholars came from Republican China, who had been deeply influenced by Continental European law; the minority had been trained by pre-war Japanese law, which received Continental European law as well. Many Taiwanese legal scholars, from the second generation to today, directly borrowed from Germany or learned from Japan for introducing the civil law and its theories in post-war Europe to Taiwan. After the democratization of Taiwan in the 1990s, the people in Taiwan have reformed their legal system for the needs of Taiwan itself. With the legal knowledge incorporating the ideas of Continental European civil law, a Taiwanese civil law has been shaped by the decisions or interpretations of courts, the struggle of social movements and reaction of legislature in Taiwan. This law is unique among countries in East Asia because it is based on the social needs of Taiwan. 대만은 1895년부터 일본의 식민지가 되어 이에 따라 일본의 유럽민법의 계수를 따랐다. 일본지배 전기에 대만인에 대한 민사사항이 대다수의 경우에 관습에 의하였고 이에 따라 주로 대륙법의 민법개념과 용어를 가지고 대만인이 원래 가진 관습이 현대 법제도의 관습법으로 전환되었지만 민사특별법을 통하여 대륙법의 소유권, 질권, 저당권 등이 부분적으로 대만에 도입되기도 하였다. 일본지배 후기가 되어 대륙법계 민법을 계수한 일본민법전의 재산법이 이미 부분적으로 대만에서 시행되었지만 대만인의 신분법의 사항은 여전히 대륙법 개념으로 형성된 관습법이 적용되었다. 대만은 2차 대전 이후 4년 동안 중국의 1개 성(省)으로 유럽민법을 계수한 중화민국시기 중의 중국민법전이 대만에 전면적으로 시행되었다. 이에 따라 신분법 사항도 유럽민법을 개정되어 적용되었다. 대만은 1949년 말 이후에 1개의 사실상의 국가가 되었고 원래의 중화민국 시기에 중국이 제정한 민법전을 계속 시행하였지만 정치경제 분야에서 장기간 미국과 동맹을 체결하여서 민사 특별법은 부분적으로 이미 많은 미국법의 색채가 추가되었다. 하지만 전후에 대만의 제1세대 법학자는 대다수 중화민국이던 중국에서 와서 대륙법계의 전쟁 전의 일본법학에서 영향을 크게 받았고 현지인이던 법학자는 이미 일본 지배를 받아서 전쟁 이전의 일본법학을 배웠다. 무엇보다도 2세대 법학자는 직접 독일 또는 계속하여 일본으로부터 전후의 유럽의 민법제도와 학설을 도입하여 대만민법의 이론과 실무가 모두 독일을 위주로 한 대륙법계의 사고와 운용방법으로 편만하게 하였다. 법학계에 이미 유럽민법학에 정통한 상황에서 1990년대의 대만 민주화 이후부터 법원, 대법관, 사회단체, 입법기관 등은 이미 사회적 필요에 부합할 것을 목표로 하여 상대적으로 다른 나라보다 이미 독특성이 있는 대만민법으로 형성되었다. 台灣從1895年起成為日本的殖民地,而跟隨日本繼受歐陸民法。由於日治前期台灣人的民事事項大多數情形是依習慣,故主要是以歐陸民法概念及用語,將台灣人原有習慣轉譯為現代法制上的習慣法,但透過民事特別法,亦將歐陸的所有權、質權、抵押權等部分地導入台灣。到了日治後期,繼受歐陸民法的日本民法典的財產法部分已在台灣生效,但台灣人的身分法事項仍適用以歐陸法概念所形塑的習慣法。台灣在二次大戰後的四年間作為中國一省,使得繼受歐陸民法的民國時代中國民法典全面施行於台灣,故身分法事項亦改為適用歐陸民法了。台灣自1949年年底後成為一個事實上國家,雖繼續施行原在民國時代中國所制定的民法典,但由於在政經方面長期的與美國結盟,故民事特別法部分已增添許多美國法色彩。不過戰後台灣的第一代法學者大多數來自民國中國,深受屬歐陸法系的戰前日本法學影響,而屬於本地人的法學者更因曾受日本統治而習於戰前日本法學。尤要者,從第二代法學者開始,直接從德國或繼續從日本,引進戰後歐陸民法制度及學說,使得台灣民法的理論及實=,全都籠罩在以德國為主的歐陸法系思維及操作方式。就在法學界已將歐陸民法學融會貫通的情況下,從1990年代台灣民主化之後,經由法院、大法官、社運團體、立法機關等,已形塑出以符合在地社會需求為旨、相對於他國已具獨特性的台灣民法。

      • 地方 政府 豫算의 成果 測定 硏究

        박태준 昌原大學校社會科學硏究所 2000 사회과학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구는 지방정부예산의 성과측정에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 성과측정 지표를 중심으로 연구하였다. 예산성과 측정이란 예산의 목적이 어느 정도 성공적으로 달성되었는가를 판단하는 과정이다. 지방정부 예산이 궁극적으로 추구하는 목적은 대표적으로 효율성과 형평성이라고 말할 수 있다. 효율성의 측정기준으로서는 비용편익분석, 비용효과분석, 비용분석, 자료포락화분석(DEA) 등이 있다. 이 논문에서는 비용편익분석과 지방예산과의 관계를 구체적으로 제시하고 정책안의 채택경위를 설명하고자 한다. 형평성의 측정기준으로서는 파레토기준, 칼도기준, 스키토브스키기준 등이 있다. 더욱더 발전된 측정지표는 사회적 후생함수에 기반을 두고있는 사회무차별곡선과 바람직한 분배의 도출을 위한 애로우(K.Arrow)의 불가능성정리 등이 있다. 사회무차별곡선에 내재하고 있는 가치판단은 공리주의적 가치판단, 평등주의적 가치판단, 롤스적 가치판단 등으로 설명이 가능하나, 이러한 이상적인 사회무차별곡선이 실재로 존재할 수 있느냐에 의문이 제기된다. 그 이론이 애로우의 불가능성 이론이다. 그러나 애로우가 사회적 선호체계는 모든 가능한 사회적 상태의 서열을 매길 수 있는 완벽한 선호체계라는 이론도 한계점이 있다. 이 논문에서는 형평성 측정은 하나의 기준이 아닌 여러 기준이 있을 수 있다고 설명하였다. 사회적 후생함수를 만든 후 애로우(K.Arrow)의 이론을 적용하면 형평성 측정은 쉽게 달성 할 수 있다. This paper is to aim at measuring performance of the local government budget. In order to do it, the index of measuring performance should be introduced. The measurement of budget performance proceeds to judge that the object of the budge is successfully achieved, to the extent. The purposes that the local government budget is pursuing are efficiency and equity. The standards measuring efficiency are cost-benefit, cost-effective, cost analysis and data envelopment analysis. In this paper, I am willing to explain a process of selecting Police that the relation to local government budget and cost-benefit are suggested. The standards measuring equity are pareto, Kal-do and skitovski standards. The measure indexs to further develop are social indiscriminate corve on basising social welfare function and impossibility theory to sharing desirable distribution. The value judgement including social indiscriminate curve are explained by utilitarian, eqalitarian and Rawls, but Arrow suggests question whether desirable social indiscriminate curve is. This theory is impossibility theory of Arrow, but, this theory is critical point. This paper attempts to explain equity by not one standard but two to three standards. After social welfare function was made, and if the theory of Arrow was applied, the measurementof equity is to achieve easily.

      • KCI등재
      • 高麗人蔘 種子 開匣과정에서 內生 Abscisic acid와 Indole-3-acetic acid 수준변동

        黃台益,李載窪 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1992 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        人蔘種子 개갑중 식물 홀몬의 생리적 생화학적 기전을 구명하기 위한 첫번째 연구로서 ABA 와 IAA 에 대한 단크론 항체를 이용한 ELISA 에 의해서 ABA와 IAA 의 수준 변동을 탐색하였던바 그 결과를 요약하면 1. 인삼종자 개갑중 수분 흡수는 처음 30일까지 급속하게 일어났으며 15℃, 20℃ 에서 높았으며 저온조건에서는 흡수가 느리게 일어났다. 2. 개갑중 배 생장은 고온조건하에서는 90일 후에 75%까지 생장 항였으며 5℃ ,10℃에서는 극히 낮은 배생장을 보였을 뿐이다. 3. 인삼종자 중의 ABA와 IAA 의 함량은 각각 382.1ng 과 78.3pg 이었다. 4. 인삼종자 중의 ABA는 개갑중에 감소하였다 5℃ ,10℃ 는 약100ng 정도 밖에 감소하지 않았다.그러나 15℃,20℃에서는 전함량 중의 잔류량이 100ng 정도로 감소하였다. 5. 인삼종자 중의 IAA 는 종자중에 극히 낮은 함량을 가지고 있었으나 개갑 과정에서 증가 하였다. 낮은 온도 조건에서는 별로 증가 하지 않았으나 15℃,20℃에서는 개갑 기간과 배생장에 비례적으로 증가하였다. 6. 상기와 같은 결과에 따라서 수분 흡수와 온도는 개갑에 주 요인으로 작용하며 ABA와 IAA는 개갑에 직접 관계되어 있음이 확인되었다. We examined the dehiscence process of Korea ginseng seed (Panax ginseng c.A.Meyer) grown in petri dish. The ginseng seeds and seedlings were analyzed for abscisic acid (ABA)and indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) by ELISA with specific monoclonal antibodies, water absorption and embryo growth. The results obtained were summarized as follows. Water-absorbing rate during dehiscence in plating ginseng seed was rapidly increased at 15℃ and 20℃ for 30 days. The embryo during dehiscence process of ginseng seed was elongated to 75% at 15℃ treated. The content of ABA and IAA in ginseng seed were 382.1ng/dry weight and 78.3pg/dry weight respectively. An amount of ABA decresed in seed was about 100ng/dry weight after seed imbition at 5℃ and 10℃ and amount of ABA remained under high temperature(15℃, 20℃) was 100ng/ dry weight. A low content of IAA in seed appeared to increase a direct proportion to the dehiscence time and embryo growth. The results indicated that water-absorbing and germinating temperature in treated seed were a major factor for dehisccence and changes of ABA and IAA level were influenced to dehiscence of ginseng.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental and finite element parametric investigations of the thermal behavior of CBGB

        Hesham A. Numan,Nildim Tayşi,Mustafa Özakça 국제구조공학회 2016 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.20 No.4

        This research deals with the behavior of Composite Box Girder Bridges (CBGBs) subjected to environmental effects such as solar radiation, atmospheric temperature, and wind speed. It is based on temperature and thermal stress results, which were recorded hourly from a full-scale experimental CBGB segment and Finite Element (FE) thermal analysis. The Hemi-cube method was adopted to achieve the accuracy in temperature distributions and variations in a composition system during the daily environmental variations. Analytical findings were compared with the experimental measurements, and a good agreement was found. On the other hand, parametric investigations are carried out to investigate the effect of the cross-section geometry and orientation of the longitudinal axis of CBGB on the thermal response and stress distributions. Based upon individual parametric investigations, some remarks related to the thermal loading parameters were submitted. Additionally, some observations about the CBGB configurations were identified, which must be taken into account in the design process. Finally, this research indicates that the design temperature distribution with a uniform differential between the concrete slab and the steel girder is inappropriate for describing the thermal impacts in design objective.

      • KCI등재

        Modelling of bonded and unbonded post-tensioned concrete flat slabs under flexural and thermal loading

        Abbas H. Mohammed,Nildem Tayşi 국제구조공학회 2017 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.62 No.5

        During their life span, post-tensioned concrete structures may be exposed to thermal loads. Therefore, there has been a growing interest in research on the advanced analysis and design of post-tensioned concrete slabs subjected to thermal loads. This paper investigates the structural behaviour of post-tensioned one-way spanning concrete slabs. A nonlinear finite element model for the analysis of post- tensioned unbonded and bonded concrete slabs at elevated temperatures was developed. The interface between the tendon and surrounding concrete was also modelled, allowing the tendon to retain its profile shape during the deformation of the slab. The load-deflection behaviour, load-force behaviour in the tendon, and the failure modes are presented. The numerical analysis was conducted by the finite element ANSYS software and was carried out on two different one-way concrete slabs chosen from literature. A parametric study was conducted to investigate the effect of several selected parameters on the overall behavior of post-tensioned one-way concrete slab. These parameters include the effect of tendon bonding, the effect of thermal loading and the effect of tendon profile. Comparison between uniform thermal loading and non-uniform thermal loading showed that restrained post tensioned slab with bottom surface hotter has smaller failure load capacity.

      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear Finite Element Model for the Optimization of Post-Tensioned One-Way Concrete Slab

        Abbas H. Mohammed,Dia Eddin Nassani,Nildem Tayşi,Ali K. Hussein 대한토목학회 2018 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.22 No.7

        Optimization in its wide sense can be used to solve many engineering problems and to find the best solutions so that designers cangain a maximum benefit from the available resources. In this research a nonlinear Finite Element (FE) model was developed for theoptimization of Unbonded Post-Tensioned (UPT) one-way slab. ANSYS program was used to find the optimum total weight of Post-Tensioned Tendon (PTT). In the optimization analysis, the objective function is the total weight of PTTs. The area of PTT, tendoninitial stress, and tendon eccentricity are considered as the design variables. Concrete normal stress, steel tendon stress, concrete shearstress, and mid-span deflection of concrete slab are considered as constraints. The optimization result indicates that the total weight ofPTTs can be reduced about 33% for the UPT slabs using an appropriate optimization algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        The potential applications of site‑directed mutagenesis for crop improvement: a review

        Bezie Yilkal,Tilahun Tadesse,Atnaf Mulugeta,Mengistie Taye5 한국작물학회 2021 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.24 No.3

        The search for technologies for crop improvement has been a continuous practice to address the food insecurity to the growing human population with an ever-decreasing arable land and dynamic climate change around the world. Considering the potential technologies for crop improvement could close the rooms of poverty in developing countries in particular and around the globe at large. This review aimed to assess the site-directed mutation creation methods and show the potential tools for future crop improvement programs. Site-directed mutagenesis was found to be an efcient process to create targeted mutation on cereal crops, horticultural crops, oilseed crops, and others. Agronomic traits such as yield, quality, and stress tolerance have been improved using site-directed mutagenesis. Besides, selectable marker elimination was also reported from transgenic crops by targeted mutation. Most of the reports on site-directed mutagenesis is focusing on cereal crops (58.339%) followed by horticultural crops (22.92%). Among the four mutagenic tools that have been reported, the CRISPR/ Ca9 technology was found to be frequently used (66.67%) followed by TALENs. This tool is potential, since it is efcient in creating targeted mutagenesis and less likely of-target efect, so it is repeatedly used in diferent research works. TALENs were used usually to knockout genes with bad traits. Moreover, the mutation created by mutagenic tools was found to be efcient, and the mutated traits proved to be heritable to generations. Hence, site-directed mutagenesis by the CRISPR/Cas9 system is advisable for agricultural development, thereby ensuring food sustainability around the world.

      • KCI등재

        Discontinuing Denosumab: Can It Be Done Safely? A Review of the Literature

        Wei Lin Tay,Donovan Tay 대한내분비학회 2022 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.37 No.2

        Denosumab, which has been approved for the treatment of osteoporosis since 2010, is a fully humanised monoclonal antibody against a cytokine, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), involved in bone resorption. Continued use of denosumab results in a potent and sustained decrease in bone turnover, an increase in bone mineral density (BMD), and a reduction in vertebral and hip fractures. The anti-resorptive effects of denosumab are reversible upon cessation, and this reversal is accompanied by a transient marked increase in bone turnover that is associated with bone loss, and of concern, an increased risk of multiple vertebral fractures. In this review, we outline the effects of denosumab withdrawal on bone turnover markers, BMD, histomorphometry, and fracture risk. We provide an update on recent clinical trials that sought to answer how clinicians can transition away from denosumab safely with follow-on therapy to mitigate bone loss and summarise the recommendations of various international guidelines.

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