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      • Plenary Session l : A 96-week Randomized Trial of Switching to Entecavir in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with a Complete Virologic Response to Lamivudine

        ( Jeong Heo ),( Sang Hoon Ahn ),( Jun Yong Park ),( Hyun Young Woo ),( Heon Ju Lee ),( Won Young Tak ),( Soon Ho Um ),( Ki Tae Yoon Soo ),( Young Park ),( Yeon Seok Seo ),( Chang Wook Kim ),( Kwang Hy 대한간학회 2013 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2013 No.1

        Backgrounds: Entecavir has a higher potent antiviral efficacy and a lower drug resistance rate than Lamivudine in nucleoside- naive chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients. The switch from Lamivudine to Entecavir in patients who have undetectable hepatitis B virus DNA (HBV DNA < 60 IU/mL) may lead to more prolonged viral suppression to undetectable level by PCR method, compared to patients with continuous Lamivudine treatment. This prospective, 96 week study investigated the antiviral efficacy, safety and tolerability of switching to Entecavir versus maintaining Lamivudine in CHB patients with virologic response to Lamivudine. Methods: A total of 73 HBeAg-positive patients, with serum HBV DNA < 60 IU/mL after at least 6 months Lamivudine monotherapy were randomized 1:1 into either switching to Entecavir 0.5 mg/day, or continuing with Lamivudine 100 mg/ day. Results: Mean duration of prior Lamivudine treatment (n=35) was 25.7 months in the Lamivudine-maintained, and 27.4 months in the Entecavir-switch patients. At 96 weeks of followup, 20/35 (57.1%) patients in the Lamivudine arm had persistently undetectable HBV DNA, compared with 37/38 (97.4%) patients in the Entecavir arm (P <0.001). Out of total 16 patients with HBV DNA rebound, 8/15 in the Lamivudine arm had HBV DNA of more than 1,000 IU/mL during rebound, while none in Entecavir arm. Genotypic resistance to assigned intervention emerged in 28.6% (10/35) of Lamivudine-maintained patients, and in 0% (0/38) of Entecavir-switched patients during 96 weeks (P <0.001). Seventeen Entecavir-switched (45.9%) and seven Lamivudine-maintained (21.2%) patients achieved HBeAg loss (P =0.043), and nine Entecavir (24.3%) and five Lamivudine (15.2%) patients achieved HBeAg seroconversion.

      • KCI등재

        Perceived Risk of Re-Identification in OMOP-CDM Database: A Cross-Sectional Survey

        Tak Yae Won,You Seng Chan,Han Jeong Hyun,Kim Soon-Seok,Kim Gi-Tae,Lee Yura 대한의학회 2022 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.37 No.26

        Background: The advancement of information technology has immensely increased the quality and volume of health data. This has led to an increase in observational study, as well as to the threat of privacy invasion. Recently, a distributed research network based on the common data model (CDM) has emerged, enabling collaborative international medical research without sharing patient-level data. Although the CDM database for each institution is built inside a firewall, the risk of re-identification requires management. Hence, this study aims to elucidate the perceptions CDM users have towards CDM and risk management for re-identification. Methods: The survey, targeted to answer specific in-depth questions on CDM, was conducted from October to November 2020. We targeted well-experienced researchers who actively use CDM. Basic statistics (total number and percent) were computed for all covariates. Results: There were 33 valid respondents. Of these, 43.8% suggested additional anonymization was unnecessary beyond, “minimum cell count” policy, which obscures a cell with a value lower than certain number (usually 5) in shared results to minimize the liability of re-identification due to rare conditions. During extract-transform-load processes, 81.8% of respondents assumed structured data is under control from the risk of re-identification. However, respondents noted that date of birth and death were highly re-identifiable information. The majority of respondents (n = 22, 66.7%) conceded the possibility of identifier-contained unstructured data in the NOTE table. Conclusion: Overall, CDM users generally attributed high reliability for privacy protection to the intrinsic nature of CDM. There was little demand for additional de-identification methods. However, unstructured data in the CDM were suspected to have risks. The necessity for a coordinating consortium to define and manage the re-identification risk of CDM was urged.

      • KCI등재후보

        흰쥐 이하선 선세포에서 Potassium Release와 관련된 Calcium 동원계

        서정택,김순이,이승일 대한구강생물학회 1992 International Journal of Oral Biology Vol.16 No.1

        On stimulating receptors(muscarinic, substance P) in plasma membrane of the salivary gland, the elevation of cytosolic cacium(Ca^2+) evokes the salivary secretion. There are two basic mechanisms fo Ca^2+ mobilization by which the cell increase its cytosolic free calcium : 1) via Ca^2+ release triggered by inositol trisphosphate (IP_3), and 2) via entry of extracellular Ca^2+. In addition, there are several possibilities by which intracellular Ca^2+ concentration may be modlulated by the IP_3-insensitive Ca^2+ pool (IICP) and intracellular Ca^2+ mobilization might be sophisticately intercommunicated with types of agonists and the interaction among agonists. This study was aimed at characterizing the Ca^2+ mobilization system of rat parotid glands in resonse to carbachol (CCh) and substance P (Sub-P). The minced tissue of rat parotid acini was placed in the perifusion chamber with the K^+-sensitive electrode(Orion Research), followed by perfusing the Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution. In order to stimulate the parotid acini, CCh and Sub-P were perfused with KRB solution. Also the K^+-release from parotid acini was measured and interpreted in terms of the intracellular Ca^2+ concentration. In the absence of Ca^2+ the parotid acini was repeatedly stimulated by CCh. As a result, CCh-induced K^+-release was dramatically reduced. However, the addition of Ca^2+ caused an increase in the CCh-induced K^+release. On the other hand, staurosporine(10^-6M), an inhibitor of PKC, did not affect the CCh-induced K^+release. A dose of 10 mM caffeine given to parotid acini increased the K^+release in both cases of Ca^2+, and Ca^2+ free solution. But the level of K^+release was sustained higher in the presence of Ca^2+. In addition, parotid acini were stimulated by the CCh under the condition of caffeine pretreatment. Consequently, CCh-induced K^+release was remarkably inhibited in the presence or absence of Ca^2+, while Sub-P-induced K^+release was not changed by the caffeine pretreatment. Nevertheless, if CCh or Sub-P was administrated with caffeine at a time. Caffeine did not blunt the CCh-induced K^+release. Furthermore, the removal of caffeine in the sustained phase resulted in the successive increase of K^+release by the CCh, while not in the case of Sub-P. Taken all together, CCh-and Sub-P-induced K^+release seem to be caused by Ca^2+ entry and the cytosolic Ca^2+ released from internal Ca^2+ store. However, the regulation of Ca^2+ mobilization of Sub-P might be different from that of CCh. In particular, the process of Ca^2+ entry may be closely associated with the filling state of internal Ca^2+ store. However, the interrelation between Ca^2+ entry and internal Ca^2+ store in terms of Ca^2+ mobilization, should be remained to be solved.

      • KCI등재

        공간분석을 활용한 해상교통관점의 해상풍력발전 최적지 영향요인 분석

        이정석(Jeong-Seok Lee),손우주(Woo-Ju Son),이형탁(Hyeong-Tak Lee),조익순(Ik-Soon Cho) 한국연안방재학회 2020 한국연안방재학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        At present, interest and technology development in offshore wind generation is rapidly progressing worldwide. Offshore wind farm to be set up on the ocean should be selected in a comprehensive perspective, including wind conditions, economic efficiency, environmental issues and maritime traffic. In this study, spatial analysis was performed based on AIS(Automatic Identification System) data collected in donghae gas plant to select the optimal site for maritime traffic safety in consideration of the intentional relationship between maritime traffic and ship accident. In order to perform the spatial analysis, the safety distance of ships near the plant was analyzed, also ship density and traffic patterns were analyzed through KDE(Kernel Density Estimation) analysis in the study area. To quantify this, ship density and mean speed density are totaled on a grid cell base. A spatial autocorrelation showing correlation between a grid cell including a ship accident and an adjacent grid cell is analyzed by Moran s I. As a result, the global spatial autocorrelation between the ship density and the mean speed density has shown clustered. In addition, local spatial autocorrelation values of grid cells in which ship accidents occurred are analyzed to have occurred frequently in areas where  values of ship density is 26.47 and mean speed density is 4.89, while    values of ship density is 34.46 and mean speed density is 17.06.

      • KCI등재

        주의집중 피로회복이론의 장으로 본 경주 옥산서원 강학 및 유식공간의 일원적 공간성

        탁영란 ( Tak Young-ran ),성종상 ( Sung Jeong-sang ),최종희 ( Choi Jong-hee ),김순애 ( Kim Soon-ae ),노재현 ( Rho Jae-hyun ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        조선 중기 대표적 서원중의 하나인 옥산서원을 사례대상으로, Kaplan의 「주의집중회복이론 틀」을 적용시켜, 서원의 기호학적 의미체계로서의 강학과 유식공간 상호 간의 보완적 특성을 파악함으로써 전통조경의 함축적 의미 도출과 경관해석의 지평을 넓히고, 현대적학교 공간계획과 조경설계에 일조할 수 있는 논거를 구축하고자 한 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 옥산서원의 강학과 유식공간의 공간과 경관의 일원성을 통해 주의집중과 회복, 자연과의 합일 그리고 심성론과 수양론을 관통하는 성리미학적 속성이 확인되었다. 이는 정보처리과정을 위한 주의집중을 효과적으로 재개하는 회복적 공간특질로 설명할 수 있다. 옥산서원과 그 주변 환경은 입지와 공간구성, 공간포치 그리고 당호 등을 통한 기호체계의 일부로서, 강학과 유식공간의 일원성을 설명하는 유기체적 환경이며 이는 주의집중으로 부터의 네 가지 회복적 환경요소과 결부되어 나타난다. 즉 자연완상은 강학의 연장인유식을 통해 강학의 궁구함을 가져오는 체험을 넓히게 한다. 요컨대 ‘공부’와 ‘쉼’의 과정은 완물적정을 통해 존재의 의미를 발견하고 인간의 심성을 수양하며 도덕을 체득하게 유도되고 있다. 옥산서원은 입지적으로 읍치로 부터 일정 거리를 두고 떨어진 ‘벗어남’과 서원의 조망경관과 공간 포치를 이용한 영역 간의 일체감을 통한 ‘확장감’이 부상되며, 폐쇄성 강한 서원내부에서 자연 우월적 외부공간으로 이르는 다양한 출구 또한 자연으로의 확장을 돕고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 옥산서원에서는 강학과 유식의 호환 및 양립성을 통해 본 ‘부합성’등에 기반한 서비스스케이프가 잘 드러난다. 회복관경의 극점은 학문적 존양자인 회재의 자연 유상공간인 사산오대 및 옥산구곡과 관련된 경물 체험을 통해 환기되는 ‘매혹감’에서 더욱 여실히 나타난다. 이는 강학과 유식이라는 서로 다른 기능공간을 일원적으로 통합하는 내적 질서이자 중요한 회복환경의 가치임을 일깨운다. 특히 옥산서원 주변에 펼쳐져, 회재로부터 정의되고 의미를 부여받은 사산오대는 성리학적 인식론의 관점에서 자연의 숭고미와 격물치지를 이해하는 매우 유효한 학습환경일 뿐 아니라 주의집중능력을 강화시킬 수 있는 서비스스케이프로써, 최적화한 회복환경이 되고 있음을 실증적으로 보여주었다. This study attempts to understand and explain how “Directed Attention Restorative Environment (DARE)” is managed and fostered in “Gang-Hak (講學)” and “Yu-Sik (遊息)” spaces both inside and outside of Oksan Seowon Confucian Academy, Gyeongju. Directed Attention is a pivotal element in human information processing so that its restoration is crucial for effective thinking and learning. According to Kaplan & Kaplan``s Attention Restoration Theory, an environment, in order to be restorative, should have four elements: ‘Being Away,`` ’Extent,`` ‘Fascination,’ and ‘Compatibility.`` We could confirm OkSan Seowon Confucian Academy has an inner logic that integrates two basically different spacial concepts of “Jangsu” and “Yusik” and thus fosters the Attention Restorative Environment. Particularly, the Four Mountains and Five Platforms (四山五臺) surrounding the premises provides an excellent learning environment, and is in itself educational in terms of the Neo-Confucian epistemology with “Attaining Knowledge by way of Positioning Things (格物致知)” as its principle precept, and of its aesthetics with “Connectedness with Nature” as its central tenet. This study attempts to recapture the value of Korea``s cultural heritage concerning the Human/Nature relationship; and it may provide useful insights and practical guidelines/grounds in designing today``s schools and campuses, where the young people``s needs for the Directed Attention- and Attention Restorative- Servicescapes seem to be greater than ever.

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