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        임지현,한솔민,김현석,신유민,박시은,허정윤,김민영,장봉기 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2022 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.28 No.1,2

        This study attempted to determine the degree of asbestos release from the aging slate roof by comparing the asbestos content in the slate roof rain gutter with a colored steel plate (tin plate) over the slate roof. Four slate roof houses located in Haengmok-ri, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, and one house constructed with a colored steel plate on the slate roof were selected to collect the sediment of the roof rain gutter. The asbestos fiber content was calculated by a point counting method using a polarization microscope after pretreatment with conversion treatment and hydrochloric acid treatment. The average asbestos content of the four slate roof rain gutter were 1.89%. However, asbestos was not detected in the Slate covering roof rain gutter, which were constructed on the slate roof. Asbestos fiber content was the highest at 2.89% in the slate roof rain gutter installed in 1976, followed by 2.44% in 1953. From the above results, it is necessary to minimize secondary damage as asbestos fibers released from slate roof houses to the surrounding atmosphere or leaked from slate roofs as rainwater may cause soil pollution and seriously affect residents' health. Although covering with colored steel plates (tin plates) has been shown to prevent the leakage of asbestos fibers to some extent, it is believed that a policy alternative to remove the slate roof as soon as possible is needed to solve the fundamental problem.

      • 여대생들의 SNS와 소통 : 서울여자대학교 재학생의 Twitter 및 Facebook 활용을 중심으로

        박미현,전유리,김유솔,신윤지,노승용 서울여자대학교 2010 여성연구논총 Vol.25 No.-

        This study focuses on the characteristics of communication by such social network service (SNS) as Twitter and Facebook. In order to achieve the goal of this study, interview to students in Seoul Women's University was introduced to figure out such communicative behavior using SNS as frequency, motivation, purposes, and effects of SNS. The interview results show that students in Seoul Women's University have strong desire to communicate each other and SNS is one of digital mechanism to enhance their communication. Also, the results point out that interviewees communicative behavior using SNS can be categorized into two types of communication, network- oriented communication to promote friendship and fact-oriented communication to collect and share information. Moreover, interviewees indicate that SNS has both positive and negative (for example, privacy and security, time-consuming, false information, and addiction) aspects, as a results, users' self-control and digital competency should be improved. 소통은 인간 사회의 핵심 가운데 하나이다. 인간은 다른 사람들과 소통하고 싶어 한다. 즉, 상대방에 대해 알고 싶어 하는 동시에 자신을 알리고 싶어 하는 욕구를 가지고 있다. 인간의 소통에 대한 욕구를 충족시키는 방법은 시대의 발전에 따라 변화해왔다. 수천년 전부터 인류는 직접 만나서 언어로서 서로의 감정을 표현하고 정보를 교환하며 지내왔다. 즉, 이 시기에는 소통에서의 시간적․공간적 제약이 존재하였다. 그러나, 문자와 종이가 발명되면서 인류는 소통에서의 시간적․공간적 제약을 극복하기 시작하였다. 인류의 소통은 전화의 발명으로 한발 더 나아가게 되었으며, 디지털 혁명은 인간에게 시간적․공간적 제약을 뛰어넘는 소통을 가능하게 해 주었다. Bill Gates가 “PC는 인간이 만든 도구 중 인간에게 가장 많은 권한을 부여하는 도구라고 자신있게 말할 수 있다. PC는 소통의 도구, 창의력의 도구이며 사용자가 직접 만들어 나갈 수 있다(I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.)”라고 주장한 바와 같이, PC와 인터넷의 급속한 발전으로 시발된 디지털 혁명은 인간의 소통에도 20세기 후반에는 상상도 할 수 없었던 큰 변화를 가져왔다. 소위 제 3의 물결(Toeffler, 1980)이라 불리는 정보화 시대의 물결을 타고 현대인들의 소통에 대한 욕구를 더욱 더 편리하게 발현 할 수 있도록 하는 수단의 변화를 가져왔다. 현 시대의 사람들이 행하는 소통의 행태는 전통적인 소통의 방법과 디지털 네트워크의 소통방법이 함께 어우러져 행해지는 모습을 보이고 있고, 이와 더불어 인터넷 등을 통한 가상 커뮤니케이션의 방법으로도 이루어지고 있다. 그리고 디지털 네트워크 기술 발전에 따른 해당 시스템의 이용자가 증가하고 있으며, 관련 시스템이나 모바일 어플리케이션도 지속적으로 개발되어 유통되고 있다. 이러한 디지털 네트워크 발전 속에서 Social Network Service(이하 SNS)가 새롭게 등장했다. 정보기기와 해당 시스템의 발전으로, 면대면 형식의 소통을 벗어나 SNS를 통한 온라인상의 소통이 가능하게 되었고, 이는 다른 소통의 방법보다 상대적으로 편리함을 제공하여 SNS 이용자들에게 폭발적인 반응을 불러일으켰다. 2010년 초 미국에서 처음 쓰이기 시작한 신조어로 ‘TGIF’가 있다. ‘TGIF’는 트위터, 구글, 아이폰, 페이스북 등 스마트 열풍의 진원지라 할 수 있는 네 가지 서비스를 통칭하는 표현이다. TGIF가 급속히 확산된 지난 2년간 세계인들은 정치․경제․사회․문화 모든 면에서 큰 변화를 겪었다. 2008년 당선된 미국의 오바마 대통령은 세계 최초의 트위터 대통령이라 할만하며, 2011년 초에 발생한 튀니지의 ‘재스민 혁명’과 이집트의 ‘키파야 혁명’ 또한 ‘TGIF’의 소산이었다. 오바마 대통령의 당선 이후 유튜브 정치(YouTube Politics)란 용어가 탄생하였고, 2011년 1월 26일 미국 오바마 대통령의 연두교서는 유튜브를 통해 세계에 생중계 되었다. 이러한 정치 분야에서의 소통 뿐만 아니라 기업이 직접 SNS계정을 만들어 네트워크상에서 자신의 고객과의 소통을 하는 기업이라는 조직 대 개인의 소통도 증가하고 있다. KT나 삼성 등의 대기업 등은 SNS를 이용한 고객과의 소통을 통해 기업이미지 제고와 고객과의 친밀함을 시도하고 있는 것은 이미 주위에서 많이 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Unilateral Multifocal Type 2 Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma in Adolescence. A Case Report

        Sol Yoon(윤솔),Jae Hwi Choi(최재휘),Sin Woo Lee(이신우),Seong Uk Jeh(제성욱),Jeong Seok Hwa(화정석),Jae Seog Hyun(현재석),Ky Hyun Chung(정기현),Hyun Oh Park(박현오),Jong Sil Lee(이종실),See Min Choi(최세민) 대한비뇨기종양학회 2019 대한비뇨기종양학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Papillary renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) can be classified into 2 subtypes (types 1 and 2), depending on their characteristic cytogenetics, immunostaining profiles, and gene-expression profiles. Compared with type 1 papillary RCCs, type 2 papillary RCCs are relatively rare and show more aggressive features. For those reasons, they are associated with a worse prognosis. A 13-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with right kidney mass. A laparoscopic radical nephrectomy was performed, and results of the histopathologic examination confirmed it to be type 2 papillary RCC. Type 2 papillary RCCs are rarely found in unilateral and multifocal forms, especially in adolescence. Here, we report the unique case of papillary RCC at a young age.

      • KCI등재

        Frailty and Disability in Diabetes

        Sol-Ji Yoon,김광일 대한노인병학회 2019 Annals of geriatric medicine and research Vol.23 No.4

        Diabetes is an important health problem with the population aging. Previously, it is well established that diabetes is associated with microvascular and macrovascular complication, but recently, several data suggests that diabetes is accompanied with frailty as well as disability among the older adults. Considering the clinical significance of frailty and disability, it is important to understand the pathway from diabetes to frailty and/or disability. Additionally, it is strongly recommended to find a new therapeutic intervention are required to meet the increasing demand of managing older diabetic patient with the population aging.

      • Slide Session : OS-ALG-10 ; Allergy : Relationship of Extended Nitric Oxide Analysis with Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness (BDR) and Brconhodilator Response (BDR) in Children with Asthma According to Atopy

        ( Yoon Hee Kim ),( Young A Park ),( In Suk Sol ),( Seo Hee Yoon ),( Min Jung Kim ),( Kyung Won Kim ),( Myung Hyun Sohn ),( Kyu Earn Kim ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Extended nitric oxide (NO) analysis such as alveolar NO has been studied ardently because it is not affected by exhaled flow rate. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether extended nitric oxide analysis parameters are correlated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and Brconhodilator response (BDR). Methods: Children with a typical asthmatic symptom were evaluated. The exhaled nitric oxide test was done with methacholine challenge test for BHR for the children and spirometry before and after bronchodilator for BDR for the other children. We measured exhaled nitric oxide at 30, 50, 100, 200 mL/s and calculated JawNO (total NO flux). Alveolar NO, NO transfer factor and airway wall NO (CawNO) using Hogman and Merilainen algorithm. Atopy was defined as a positive skin test result or more than 0.7 KUa/L specific lgE or a more than 150 IU/ml total lgE. Results: In atopic children, JawNO was significantly higher in the positive BHR (PC20 < 16 mg/ml) than in the negative BHR subjects and correlated negatively with PC20. In atopic children, JawNO was significantly higher in the positive BDR (ΔFEV1 = 12%) than in the negative BDR subjects and correlated positively with ΔFEV1. In non-atopic children, CawNO was significantly higher in the positive BHR than in the negative BHR subjects and correlated negatively with PC20. In non-atopic children, CawNO was significantly higher in the positive BDR than in the negative BDR subjects and correlated positively with ΔFEV1. Conclusions: The relationship of extended nitric oxide analysis parameters with BHR and BDR was different according to atopy. The JawNO in the atopy and the CawNO in the non-atopy might give useful information for understanding BHR and BDR in children with asthma.

      • A Study on the Effect of Non-Driving Related Task in Take-over task for Highly Automated Driving

        Sol Hee Yoon(윤솔희) 대한인간공학회 2021 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.11

        Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of non-driving related task attributes on drivers’ takeover task in highly automated driving. Background: The introduction of new assistive technologies improves safe driving and reduce car accidents while changes the drivers’ behavior. These changes highly automated driving concerns with the importance of drivers being out of the loop and engaging in task not related to driving. Thus, highly automated driving have to take consideration about issues related to the transition of control between the vehicle and the drivers. Method: A driving simulator experiment was conducted to analyze the effect of non-driving related task attributes on the process of transition of control in highly automated driving by analyzing and investigating the takeover performance and quality of drivers. Tasks attributes were categorized depending on the visual, physical, and cognitive demand of the non-driving related task. The measures used to evaluate the transition of control were categorized into visual (gaze on time, fixation time) performance, physical (hand on time) and overall takeover time. Results: Results from the experiment showed a significant effect on non-driving task attributes on takeover performance and quality. In addition, the current study presented a conceptual model to explain the transition of control in highly automated driving based on non-driving related task attributes engaged during automated driving. Conclusion: The results from this study provides insights and understanding on the process of transition of control between the drivers and the automated vehicle system taking into consideration the drivers’ state before the takeover request and the drivers’ performance after the takeover has been conducted.

      • Production of soybean transgenic plants to improve agronomic traits

        Yoon Jeong Lee,Jin Ho Yang,Jin Sol Park,Hye Jeong Kim,Hyun Suk Cho,Jae Seong Kim,Hyun Hee Im,Ki Jung Lee,Jeong Il Kim,Soon Chun Jeong,Dong Hee Lee,Yung Soo Chung 한국육종학회 2015 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2015 No.07

        Soybean is a crop of importance economically and nutritionally in many parts of the world. Thanks to many new genes brought from genomic research, It is possible to introduce various candidate genes through genetic transformation to see the performance of the genes in field. In our lab, soybean transformations have been tried for last 10 years to probe the possibility of traits improvement by transformation of new gene into soybean. For this purpose, three different genes were transformed into Korean soybean variety, Kwangan. First, the gene that controls early flowering of plant was transformed into Kwangan. Second, a candidate gene for soybean mosaic virus (SMV) resistance was transformed to produce transgenic plants. Third, another candidate gene for drought tolerance was transformed. All the transgenic plants from three genes transformation were produced for their gene insertion and their expression using PCR, qRT-PCR. Further analysis including harvesting seeds is currently undertaken.

      • S-735 Socioeconomic status is associated with frailty in Korean old adults: Data from KHANES

        ( Sol-ji Yoon ),( Jung-yeon Choi ),( Min-gu Kang ),( Sun-wook Kim ),( Cheol-ho Kim ),( Kwang-il Kim ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.1

        Background:?Low Socioeconomic status (SES) is a common risk factor of poor health in older adults. Frailty is also a common risk factor for morbidity and mortality in older adults. Although the existence of a social gradient in the frail elderly is known previously, there are no studies how SES affects the health status of the frail elderly. This study aims to examine the relationship between SES and frailty and analyze how SES affects frailty in Korean older adults.?Methods:?This study use the data from Korean Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KHANES). It is a cross-sectional population study and designed to assess the health related behavior, health condition, and nutritional state of Korean. Of 4557 participants (≥ 65 years) in 6th cycle KHANES (2010-2012), excluding of 1,268 who were not answered parents’ educational level, we analyzed 3,289 participants. We used the frailty index using 41 deficits in the data. The relationships between difference indicators of SES and frailty were assessed in multivariable logistic regression models adjusted for potential confounders.?Results:?Of the samples, 1,199(36.4%) were robust, 1,112(33.8%) were prefrail and 978(29.7) were frail. In adjusted models, low level of education was associated with frailty (odd ratio [OR]: 3.16, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.40-4.54). Frailty also related with low level of occupation during midlife (OR: 2.97, CI: 2.00-4.38) and poor financial security (OR: 1.79, 95% CI: 1.48-2.16). The education/occupation level and marital status were related to health behaviors like smoking, drinking and irregular hospital visit (p<0.001).Conclusions:?The odds of frailty are increased as lower education/occupation level and unmarried/divorced/widowed status. The education/occupation level and marital status are related to health behavior, which may influence on glucose and BP control.

      • S-732 Practical Application of Fall Prevention Guideline in Community-dwelling Elderly

        ( Sol-ji Yoon ),( Jung-yeon Choi ),( Min-gu Kang ),( Sun-wook Kim ),( Cheol-ho Kim ),( Kwang-il Kim ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.1

        Background:?Fall is one of the most important causes of injury in the elderly and it triggers calamitous consequence in independence of daily living, and quality of life. The Korean Association of Internal Medicine and the Korean Geriatric Society developed evidence-based guideline for fall prevention and release conjointly. This study aim to analyze the results of fall risk assessment and examine the effects of structured physical activity program in the community-dwelling elderly based on the guideline.?Methods:?We registered community dwelling older persons (≥65 years) who live in Seongnam-si between April and May 2016. 29 participants were enrolled from Seongnam home visiting program, 23 were enrolled from daycare program in Seongnam central welfare center and 12 were recruited through announcements in the welfare center. All participants examined multidimensional fall risk assessment including the initial physical performance test and frailty assessment. They joined moderated-intensity physical activity program conducted in a welfare center or at home 2 times per week over 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of physical intervention, we followed up the physical performance test.?Results:?Participants of home visiting group and daycare program group were more frail than welfare recruitment group, but not statistically significant (Home visiting program group: Robust 24.1%, Pre-frail: 44.8%, Frail: 31.0%; daycare program group: 47.8%, 34.8%, 17.4%; welfare recruitment group: 50.0%, 41.7%, 8.3%, p=0.088). After 4 weeks physical activity program, grip strength was significant improved in home visiting group and daycare program group (12.0±4.8 vs 15.8±5.3, 12.7 ±5.8 vs 16.1±6.4, p<0.001, p=0.004). POMA score was improved in home visiting group (22.9±5.9 vs 24.3±5.2, p=0.019). But welfare recruitment group and daycare program group showed no improvement (28.0 vs 28.0, 26.4±3.1 vs 25.4±3.8, p=0.173).?Conclusions:?A structured physical activity program improved physical performance in the elderly over 1 month. It especially effected on home visiting group. This finding suggests that mobility have more benefits from such a program in vulnerable older adults.

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