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      • KCI등재

        Recent Advances in Molecular Marker Techniques: Insight into QTL Mapping, GWAS and Genomic Selection in Plants

        Sajad Majeed Zargar,Bodo Raatz,Humira Sonah,Muslima Nazir,Javid A Bhat,Zahoor Ahmad Dar,Ganesh Kumar Agrawal,Randeep Rakwal 한국작물학회 2015 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.18 No.5

        Recent advances in sequencing technology have brought several novel platforms for marker development and subsequent genotyping. The high-throughput and cost effective marker techniques have changed the entire scenario of marker applications. The huge genotypic data obtained with next generation sequencing (NGS) also demands analytical tools, statistical advances, and comprehensive understanding to cope with breeding applications. In the present review, we discussed different available marker techniques, their strengths, and limitations. Emphasis was given on software tools, analytical pipelines, workbenches, and online resources available for marker development. Comparison of SNP genotyping involving complexity reduction techniques like GBS, RRL, RAD, and array-based platforms were presented in a view to describe suitability for specific purposes. We found that genotyping by whole genome re-sequencing has great potential, and could be a routine application in the near future with continuously decreasing cost of sequencing. Microsatellites, still a valuable option for breeders, have also advanced with NGS. Here a catalogue of tools for microsatellite evaluation in short sequence reads was provided. The most common applications of molecular marker like QTL mapping, genome-wide association mapping (GWAS), and genomic selection were highlighted. The present review will be helpful for the effective utilization of available resources and for the planning of crop improvement programs employing molecular marker techniques

      • KCI등재

        Ginseng (Panax sp.) proteomics: an update

        김수원,이서현,민철우,조익현,방경환,현동윤,Ganesh Kumar Agrawal,Randeep Rakwal,Sajad Majeed Zargar,GUPTARAVI,김선태 한국응용생명화학회 2017 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.60 No.3

        Panax ginseng, commonly known as ginseng, is a well-known medicinal plant that has been used as traditional medicine in China and Korea. Research in the past few decades supports the pharmacological effects of ginseng. For example, ginseng roots (extracts) exhibit multiple medicinal effects, such as anticancer, antiaging, and protection against circulatory shock, in humans. In this review, we summarize the progress made so far in the ginseng proteomics, starting from sample preparation to establishments of proteomes and databases. Both gel-based (1-DE and 2-DE in combination with LC–MS/MS) and gel-free proteomics technologies have been applied on wide range of samples, collected during different growth and developmental stages and under normal or adverse stress conditions. In particular, comparative proteome analysis has been carried out to investigate the protein profiles of Oriental, American and Indian ginsengs using majorly root and leaf tissues. Moreover, identification of stress-responsive proteins was a key focus that led to the detection of some of the common proteins such as heat shock protein (HSP), ATPase, enolase, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and ribonuclease/ ginseng major protein (GMP). Acquired proteomicsbased knowledge has been very fruitful in providing better insight into the ginseng biology, opening a door for comparative and translation research of other important medicinal plants. However, due to the fact that proteins undergo various post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications, obtained proteomics data do not always complement the transcriptomics data perfectly; therefore, future efforts would require the utilization of an integrated/holistic molecular-genetic (or omics) approach to explore the biology of this golden plant.

      • KCI등재

        Rice OsOPRs: Transcriptional Profiling Responses to Diverse Environmental Stimuli and Biochemical Analysis of OsOPR1

        장성국,조경원,Junko Shibato,Oksoo Han,Hitoshi Iwahashi,Shigeru Tamogami,Sajad Majeed Zargar,Akihiro Kubo,Yoshinori Masuo,Ganesh Kumar Agrawal,Randeep Rakwal 한국식물학회 2009 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.52 No.3

        The 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid reductase (OPR) is a key enzyme in jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis. Previously, we reported the presence of 13 OPR isogenes (OsOPR1-13) in rice. OsOPRs phylogenetically belong to two subgroups, OPRI and OPRII. OsOPR13 is assigned to the second subgroup, which is involved in JA biosynthesis, while the others are found in the first subgroup. Here, we systematically investigated transcript levels of OsOPRs in various tissues and against diverse environmental stresses. Each gene was differentially involved in flower maturation, showing a tissue-specific response. OsOPR1, OsOPR2, and OsOPR13 were also active in responses to wounding, a fungal elicitor (chitosan), salt, UV-C irradiation, H2O2, and ozone exposure. In the case of JA-responsive OsOPRs (OsOPR1, OsOPR2, OsOPR6, OsOPR10, and OsOPR13), co-application of JA and SA suppressed jasmonate-induced transcript levels and delayed OsOPR10 expression. We also investigated the biochemical properties of OsOPR1 and found a flavin cofactor with optimal activity at pH7.8 and values of 0.048 min−1 kcat and 8.33 μM Km for (9S,13R)- 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Here, we discuss the role of OsOPRs in stress responses and floral development.

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