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      • SCIEKCI등재

        Analysis of in planta Expressed Orphan Genes in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

        Sadat, Md. Abu,Jeon, Junhyun,Mir, Albely Afifa,Kim, Seongbeom,Choi, Jaeyoung,Lee, Yong-Hwan The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2014 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.30 No.4

        Genomes contain a large number of unique genes which have not been found in other species. Although the origin of such "orphan" genes remains unclear, they are thought to be involved in species-specific adaptive processes. Here, we analyzed seven orphan genes (MoSPC1 to MoSPC7) prioritized based on in planta expressed sequence tag data in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Expression analysis using qRT-PCR confirmed the expression of four genes (MoSPC1, MoSPC2, MoSPC3 and MoSPC7) during plant infection. However, individual deletion mutants of these four genes did not differ from the wild-type strain for all phenotypes examined, including pathogenicity. The length, GC contents, codon adaptation index and expression during mycelial growth of the four genes suggest that these genes formed during the evolutionary history of M. oryzae. Synteny analyses using closely related fungal species corroborated the notion that these genes evolved de novo in the M. oryzae genome. In this report, we discuss our inability to detect phenotypic changes in the four deletion mutants. Based on these results, the four orphan genes may be products of de novo gene birth processes, and their adaptive potential is in the course of being tested for retention or extinction through natural selection.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Wheat Blast: A New Fungal Inhabitant to Bangladesh Threatening World Wheat Production

        Sadat, Md. Abu,Choi, Jaehyuk The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2017 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.33 No.2

        World wheat production is now under threat due to the wheat blast outbreak in Bangladesh in early March 2016. This is a new disease in this area, indicating the higher possibility of this pathogen spreading throughout the Asia, the world's largest wheat producing area. Occurrence of this disease caused ~3.5% reduction of the total wheat fields in Bangladesh. Its economic effect on the Bangladesh wheat market was little because wheat contributes to 3% of total cereal consumption, among which ~70% have been imported from other countries. However, as a long-term perspective, much greater losses will occur once this disease spreads to other major wheat producing areas of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan due to the existing favorable condition for the blast pathogen. The wheat blast pathogen belongs to the Magnaporthe oryzae species complex causing blast disease on multiple hosts in the Poaceae family. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Bangladesh outbreak strains and the Brazil outbreak strains were the same phylogenetic lineage, suggesting that they might be migrated from Brazil to Bangladesh during the seed import. To protect wheat production of Bangladesh and its neighbors, several measures including rigorous testing of seed health, use of chemicals, crop rotation, reinforcement of quarantine procedures, and increased field monitoring should be implemented. Development of blast resistant wheat varieties should be a long-term solution and combination of different methods with partial resistant lines may suppress this disease for some time.

      • KCI등재

        Wheat Blast: A New Fungal Inhabitant to Bangladesh Threatening World Wheat Production

        Md. Abu Sadat,최재혁 한국식물병리학회 2017 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.33 No.2

        World wheat production is now under threat dueto the wheat blast outbreak in Bangladesh in earlyMarch 2016. This is a new disease in this area, indicatingthe higher possibility of this pathogen spreadingthroughout the Asia, the world’s largest wheat producingarea. Occurrence of this disease caused ~3.5%reduction of the total wheat fields in Bangladesh. Itseconomic effect on the Bangladesh wheat market waslittle because wheat contributes to 3% of total cerealconsumption, among which ~70% have been importedfrom other countries. However, as a long-termperspective, much greater losses will occur once thisdisease spreads to other major wheat producing areasof Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan due to the existingfavorable condition for the blast pathogen. The wheatblast pathogen belongs to the Magnaporthe oryzae speciescomplex causing blast disease on multiple hostsin the Poaceae family. Phylogenetic analysis revealedthat the Bangladesh outbreak strains and the Braziloutbreak strains were the same phylogenetic lineage,suggesting that they might be migrated from Brazil toBangladesh during the seed import. To protect wheatproduction of Bangladesh and its neighbors, severalmeasures including rigorous testing of seed health, useof chemicals, crop rotation, reinforcement of quarantineprocedures, and increased field monitoring shouldbe implemented. Development of blast resistant wheatvarieties should be a long-term solution and combinationof different methods with partial resistant linesmay suppress this disease for some time.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of in planta Expressed Orphan Genes in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

        Md. Abu Sadat,이용환,Albely Afifa Mir,김성범,최재영,전준현 한국식물병리학회 2014 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.30 No.4

        Genomes contain a large number of unique genes which have not been found in other species. Although the origin of such “orphan” genes remains unclear, they are thought to be involved in species-specific adaptive processes. Here, we analyzed seven orphan genes (MoSPC1 to MoSPC7) prioritized based on in planta expressed sequence tag data in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Expression analysis using qRT-PCR confirmed the expression of four genes (MoSPC1, MoSPC2, Mo- SPC3 and MoSPC7) during plant infection. However, individual deletion mutants of these four genes did not differ from the wild-type strain for all phenotypes examined, including pathogenicity. The length, GC contents, codon adaptation index and expression during mycelial growth of the four genes suggest that these genes formed during the evolutionary history of M. oryzae. Synteny analyses using closely related fungal species corroborated the notion that these genes evolved de novo in the M. oryzae genome. In this report, we discuss our inability to detect phenotypic changes in the four deletion mutants. Based on these results, the four orphan genes may be products of de novo gene birth processes, and their adaptive potential is in the course of being tested for retention or extinction through natural selection.

      • KCI등재

        The Membrane-Bound Protein, MoAfo1, Is Involved in Sensing Diverse Signals from Different Surfaces in the Rice Blast Fungus

        Md Abu Sadat,Joon-Hee Han,Seongbeom Kim,Yong-Hwan Lee,Kyoung Su Kim,Jaehyuk Choi 한국식물병리학회 2021 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.37 No.2

        To establish an infection, fungal pathogens must recog- nize diverse signals from host surfaces. The rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, is one of the best models studying host-pathogen interactions. This fungus recog- nizes physical or chemical signals from the host surfac- es and initiates the development of an infection struc- ture called appressorium. Here, we found that protein MoAfo1(appressorium formation, MGG_10422) was involved in sensing signal molecules such as cutin mono- mers and long chain primary alcohols required for ap- pressorium formation. The knockout mutant (ΔMoafo1) formed a few abnormal appressoria on the onion and rice sheath surfaces. However, it produced normal ap- pressoria on the surface of rice leaves. MoAfo1 localized to the membranes of the cytoplasm and vacuole-like organelles in conidia and appressoria. Additionally, the ΔMoafo1 mutant showed defects in appressorium mor- phology, appressorium penetration, invasive growth, and pathogenicity. These multiple defects might bepartially due to failure to respond properly to oxidative stress. These findings broaden our understanding of the fungal mechanisms at play in the recognition of the host surface during rice blast infection.

      • KCI등재

        Development of early flowering, short life-spanned jute (Corchorus spp.) mutant via ethyl methane sulfonate mutagenesis

        Hossen Quazi Md. Mosaddeque,Rahman S. M. Badier,Rahman Md. Nazibur,Sarker Muhammad Delwar Hossain,Moniruzzaman Md.,Tareq Md. Zablul,Sadat Md. Abu,Arafat Kazi Md. Yasin,Jahan Md. Sarwar,Haque Md. Samiu 한국작물학회 2022 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.25 No.4

        Polyethene is a global environmental threat, whereas jute (Corchorus spp.) fber is biodegradable, eco-friendly and can be used as a substitute for polyethene. Jute is a short-day plant and cultivated in March to July in Indian subcontinent for bast fber production. This season-bound cultivation nature hampers continuous supply of bast fber in the industry. In addition, its long cultivation period creates difculties to accommodate other high-value crops. To address these issues, a short life span (early fowering) jute genotype is extremely felt in jute growing areas of the world. But, unfortunately such variety has not been developed yet through both conventional and biotechnological approach. Accordingly, we adopted chemical mutagenesis by establishing LD50 (Lethal Dose) of EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulfonate) at 150 mM with 4h’ incubation for Capsularis jute seed. A novel mutant was found named—Komola, which showed a shorter lifespan than its ancestor by fowering at 70 days instead of 120 days. In addition, the mutant's stem and petiole was coppery-red instead of green. Molecular analysis revealed four SNPs in PMIR1 (Plastid Movement Impaired 1 Related 1) and two clade deletions in ELF3 (Early Flowering 3) genes from stable M4 generation. Histochemical and biochemical analyses explained this genotype’s lower content of lignin. This mutant could be used as future breeding material for the development of year-round cultivable jute genotype along with ofer up accommodation of other high-value agricultural crops in cropping pattern with a good source of year-round supply of bast fber to the industry

      • KCI등재

        Comprehensive Transcriptomic Analysis of Cordyceps militaris Cultivated on Germinated Soybeans

        Yoo Chang-Hyuk,Sadat Md. Abu,Kim Wonjae,Park Tae-Sik,Park Dong Ki,Choi Jaehyuk 한국균학회 2022 Mycobiology Vol.50 No.1

        The ascomycete fungus Cordyceps militaris infects lepidopteran larvae and pupae and forms characteristic fruiting bodies. Owing to its immune-enhancing effects, the fungus has been used as a medicine. For industrial application, this fungus can be grown on geminated soy- beans as an alternative protein source. In our study, we performed a comprehensive tran- scriptomic analysis to identify core gene sets during C. militaris cultivation on germinated soybeans. RNA-Seq technology was applied to the fungal cultures at seven-time points (2, 4, and 7-day and 2, 3, 5, 7-week old cultures) to investigate the global transcriptomic change. We conducted a time-series analysis using a two-step regression strategy and chose 1460 significant genes and assigned them into five clusters. Characterization of each cluster based on Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes databases revealed that transcription profiles changed after two weeks of incubation. Gene mapping of cordycepin biosynthesis and isoflavone modification pathways also confirmed that gene expression in the early stage of GSC cultivation is important for these metabolic pathways. Our transcrip- tomic analysis and selected genes provided a comprehensive molecular basis for the cultiva- tion of C. militaris on germinated soybeans.

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