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      • 副詞的 量化 表現의 修飾領域에 關한 硏究

        柳在根 광주대학교 인문과학연구소 1995 인문과학 Vol.1 No.-

        The semantic description of quantifers is based on what kind of the syntactic categories the quantifiers have and what the quantified objects are. In addition to these, the scope of quantifiers and the anaphor involves with the quantificational meaning of the NP. Especially the donkey-sentence has the problem such that the ananphor IT and quantified NP “SOME DONKEY”have the same coreferential meaning, however there was no any theory to describe it. When some kind of time-adverbs appear in the quantified sentences, they represent the quantificational meaning in addition to the actual quantifers. In that case there are some problems of conflict between quantifers and time-adverbs. In order to solve those problems, adverbial quantifiers could be treated as a domain which contains a element of variable, event, situation, or condition. There are some difference of focus and scope between an indefinite noun phrase and adverbial quantifiers. Especially the difference of focus and scope is formalized with respect to the compound conditions such as ONLY IF, EVEN IF ect. That is, we can define the relation between the element of focus and the complement of condition as a relation between the situation and the set of situations respectively. With the concept of relation between the part and whole, the pronoun IT has the coreferential meaning with the indefinite noun phrase because the pronoun can be substituted for the definite noun phase. The meaning of quantified expression can be described as the relation between the part and whole in situation semantics, because it is enough to have the minimal situation among the set of situations. So the meaning of the donkey-sentence is “Many of the minimal situations in which there is a farmer and there is a donkey that the farmer owns are part of a larger situation in which the farmer beats the donkey.”It means that the time-adverbs can be treated as a quantifiers, and the adverbs also represent the set of situations.

      • 양화표현으로서 even의 의미재고

        柳在根 광주대학교 인문과학연구소 1997 인문과학 Vol.3 No.-

        Adverb even expresses unexpectedness or surprise. It also entails the existence of a contrast class. In this paper it is the aim to explain that even implies not only surprise or the existence of the comparative object but also quantification over a wider class and to formulate a general priciple for even sentences and their truth conditions: "even implies an unexpected element in a truth-functional expansion of an existentional quantifier or a universal quantifier. Universal generalizations of even involves a universal quantifier and the comparative-intensifying use of even under the universal quantifier account. Along with universal quantification of even, as the object of even indicates an instantiation of an explicit existential quantifier, even is an existential quantifier, its use implying some forms of existential quantification. The comparative intensifying use including disjunctive enumerations may be a reading with an existential quntifier. But the original use of even is ambiguous as between a universal quantifier and an existential quantifier.

      • Already의 의미적 특성과 화용적 기능에 관한 연구

        柳在根 광주대학교 인문과학연구소 1998 인문과학 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is explore the some semantic aspects and pragmatic functions of the adverb 'already.' Semantically 'already' has been analysed as the dual negative concepts. That is, it is analyzed ashaving the non-instantional and premature inceptional presuppositions. However, the semantic structures of adverb 'already' depends on the priority of event time. The one event time is reference interval and the other is already state. According to those semantic structure. we can define the pragmatic functions of the meanings of 'already.' That is priority to process, priority to comparison, priority t expected eventuation point, and priority to further accretion. But those functions have no clear cut distintion in their relations so that they can be formualted as a complex function based on the speakers intention.

      • Neisseria gonorrhoeae의 樂劑耐性에 대한 調査硏究

        柳在根 건국대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        Measurement of the sensitivity of gonococci to antibiotics is of great importance in the rational use of chemoteraphy, in the evaluation of new agents and in epidemiological studies, especially in relation to frequent failure in some cases of chemoteraphy. In view of the facts, the authors tried to measure antibiotic sensitivity of gonococci in vitro, and to establish to some extent the new patterns of resistance among the isolated strains. Most of the strains studied were isolated in 1974 from women serving for foreign soldiers at the camps in Seoul City and Gyeunggj-Do Province. The National Venereal Disease Centre, N.I.H. identified and confirmed as gonococci the presumptive strains. Antibiotics used for the susceptibility test by the afar dilution method are penicillin, tetracycline, spectinomycin and ampicillin ; which all are recommended for treatment of gonorrhoeae by the WHO and CDC in USA. The agar dilution tests were made on the isolated strains against each of the 4 antibiotics. The agar dilution MIC values gave rise to the following results : 1) The MIC values against penicillin ranged within 0.01 to 2 iu/ml. The strains with penicillin MIC's above liu/ml were especially 30%, having relative degree of resistance. 2) The MIC values against ampicillin ranged within 0.01 to 2.0 mcg/ml, and all the strains appeared to be very sensitive to the antibiotic. 3) Tetracycline MIC's ranged within 0.1 to 8 mcg/ml, giving rise to sensitivity of the strains to the antibiotic. 4) Spectinomycin MIC's had relatively wide range of 2 to 32 mcg/ml in sensitivity of the strains to the antibiotic. 5) The MIC's against the 4 antibiotics showed that all the strains used in the study are very sensitive to the antibiotics at the lower concentraion.

      • 우리나라 여성 노동력 상태의 동태적 특성 연구

        남재량,류근관 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 1999 한국사회과학 Vol.21 No.4

        본연구는 「경제활동인구조사」원자료를 패널자료 형태로 연결시켜 우리나라 여성노동력 상태의 동태적 특성을 밝히고 이를 통해 저량측면에서 나타나는 전형적 사실들에 대한 설명을 시도하고 있다.분석에 따르면 여성의 강한 비경제활동 인구화 경향과 높은 실망실업효과가 우리나라여성노동력의 가장 중요한 동태적 특성이다.이러한 특성은 시간에 걸쳐 점차 약화되고 있어서 빈번하던 여성의 노동력상태 변화정도가 점차 하락하는 추세를 보인다.이러한 유량 요인들이 경제활동참가율과 실업률의 성별격차 및 그 격차들의 시간에 걸친 하락이라는 저량 측면의 전형적인 사실들을 나타나게 한 주요 원인이다. This paper constructs a sequence of moving panel data using the raw data files of the Korean current population survey, a monthly household survey conducted by the Korea statistic bureau.Analysing these panel data, this paper finds that strong tendency toward no labor force and a high discouraged worker effect are two major characteristics of the Korean female labor force.These characteristics cause both female labor force participation rates and the female unemplyment rates to be lower than their male counterparts.These characteristics are commonly observed for each age and education subgroup, but are decreasing over time.

      • KCI등재

        국내 Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) 감염자와 정상인의 면역학적 표지인자 비교연구

        신영오,류재천,최병선,박용근 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCINE 1995 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.1 No.1

        HIV감염자는 질병의 진전에 무관하게 감염 후의 경과시기에 따라서 CD4 T림프세포등 각종 면역상태를 나타내는 표지가 변한다. 따라서 HIV감염자의 질병진전을 예보하기 위하여서는 정기적으로 CD4등 각종표지를 측정하여 감염자의 질병상태를 monitoring하게 된다. 그러나 이러한 수치를 감염자관리에 적용하기 위하여서는 우리나라 일반인의 정상치를 파악하여 이를 지표로 해야하므로 국내정상인의 각종면역치에 대한 조사가 요구된다. 현재의 기준으로는 500이하로 떨어질 때에는 예방차원에서 AZT를 복용하게 되며 200이하로 떨어지면 질병의 유무에 관계없이 환자로 관리하게 된다. 본연구에서는 한국인 185명의 감염자와 140명의 비감염자에 대하여 정기적으로 CD4 및 CD8T 림프세포와 CD4/CD8비를 측정하였다. 시험은 Flow cytometer(Facstar)를 이용하여 각각의 CD 분자에 대한 모노크로날 항체를 이용하여 2중혈광색소염색방법으로 측정하였다. HIV감염자의 CD4-T림프세로 절대수 및 백분율은 각각 462 및 18.2%이었는 반면, CD8의 수치는 1,170 및 47.0%이었다. 또한 CD4/CD8비는 0.43이었다. 이와는 대조적으로 비감염자의 경우, 한국인의 CD4의 평균세포수는 886, 백분율은 32.9%이었으며, CD8 세포수는 730, 백분율은 26.8 그리고 CD4/CD8비는 1.31이었다. 외국인과 한국인과의 면역지표수치를 비교하였을 때에 CD4세포수와 백분율, CD8의 백분율에서는 현저한 차이가 없었으나 외국인 비감염자의 경우 CD4백분율이 43.6%, CD8 T림프세포의 절대수가 560으로 한국인과 약간의 차이가 있었다. 따라서 HIV감염자관리를 위한 면역지표측정시험에서의 각종수치의 정확한 해석을 위하여서는 한국인 비감염자수치를 고려해야할 것으로 판단된다. Several studies showed that the immunological factors such as CD4+ cell number, CD4%, CD8+ cell number and CD4/CD8 ratio and the serological factors such as β²-microglobulin(β²-MG), neopterin, soluble CD4, and soluble CD8 are related to the risk of development of AIDS. Especially, the CD4+ cell counts have been used to monitor progresson of HIV disease, to stratify, and to follow patients in clinical trials. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCP) in USA has made the CD4+ cell count as a part of the classification of HIV disease. It is composed of 3 categories such as 1, 2, and 3 which asr ≥500/㎣, 200/㎣ ≥and <500/㎣, and < 200/㎣, respectively. In this study, to estimate the differences of immunological factors between HIV-infected and normal human groups in Korea, CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells, and the CD4/CD8 ratio were measured in 185 HIV-infected subjects and 140 healthy adult subjects. The lymphocyte subsets such as CD4+ T and CD8+ T were analysed by flow cytometer(FACStar) with two-color immunofluorescent stain using monoclonal antibodies such as anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 antibodies. The absolute numbers and percentages of CD4+ T and CD8+ T and the CD4/CD8 ratio of HIV infected persons were 462±277/㎣, 18.2±7.7%, 1,170±534/㎣, 47.0±10.6% and 0.43±0.26 whereas those of uninfected persons were 886±299/㎣, 32.9±7.0%, 730± 259/㎣, 26.8±6.4% and l.31±0.46(P<0.01). In addition, estimating the reference values of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets of Korean, the absolute numbers and percentages of CD4+ T and CD8+ T and the CD4/CD8 ratio of 140 healthy adults persons were measured and compared with those of foreigners. The reference ranges of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, CD4%, CD8%, and the CD4/CD8 ratio and 1.31t0.46, respectively. The significant differences were not observed when compared with those of foreigners. However a little difference was observed in the percentages of CD4+ T and the absolute numbers of CD8+ T between the normal values of Korean and those of foreigners were 43.6±8.9%, 560±230/㎣. This result can also be useful as a basic data for the treatment and surveillance of HIV-infected patients in Korea.

      • 有害重金屬 産業廢水處理의 技術開發에 關한 硏究

        李燦基,柳在恨 江原大學校 附設 環境硏究所 1990 環境硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        In recent year there has been considerable concern about waste discharges of chromium and cyanides to aquatic ecosystems. Chromium occurs in aqueous systems as both Cr (III)and Cr(VI).the Cr(VI)is of particular concern because this form has been demonstrated to be a public health hazard. The toxicity of cyanides to fish has long been recognized. Compounds containing the cyanides radical are freguently present in effluents of many industries, including electroplating plants, steel mills, petroleum refineries and gas works. The objective of this study is to remove the chromium and cyanides in the wastewater efficiently. In the experiment the amount of NaHSO₃used for treatment were 2,4,6,10 and 20 ml and the concen-tration of chromium was 100,200,300,500 and 1000 ㎎/1 wastewater. At that time efficiency was 99.1%-99.9% and the dfficiency of pH 1.5was better than pH 1, pH 2 and pH 3. The results of cyanides treatment was that concentration of residual CN^(-)ion was below 0.003㎎/1, treated efficiency was 99.9%-99.98%, and in case of pH 9 was better than pH 11.

      • KCI등재

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