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        Aspects of the Pitch-Accent System of a Japanese Dialect : The Case of Ibuki-jima, Kagawa-ken

        Robb, Thomas 서울대학교 어학연구소 1993 語學硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        This is a brief report on the accent system of a unique dialect of Japanese, that of Ibuki-jima, Kan onji City, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, which was the object of study for the author’s Ph. D. dissertation. In the mid-1960’s this dialect was discovered to maintain the same 5-way distinction for 2-mora nouns that is documented in the Ruijuumyougisho, a dictionary compiled in 1081. As described in Wada (1966b) not only does a 5-way distinction exist, but there is also a difference in the manifestation of the pitches between different age groups. Using the model for Japanese Pitch-Accent proposed in Pierrehumbert & Beckman (1988) sequences of the 3-mora nouns were analyzed to determine the degree and manner that ‘catathesis’ applies in the dialect. We conclude that catathesis most likely does apply, but unlike Osaka, focus does not cause a lowering of the F_0 for words that start Low. In emulation of Pierrehumbert & Beckman, the dissertation presents an algorithm for generating pitch contours for Ibuki accent classes using a set of parameters including, declination, maximum and minumum F_0 levels, accent peaks as a percentage of available pitch range, focus increment, and catathesis. To demonstrate the validity of the algorithm, a computer program, IBUGEN, is used to produce contours which are matched with pitch extractions for actual utterances.

      • KCI등재후보

        Cultural Awareness in E F L Instruction: Rationale and Suggestions for Implementation

        Ross,Robb 팬코리아영어교육학회 2004 영어교육연구 Vol.16 No.4

        This paper begins by outlining culture’s evolving role and function in language teaching. While in previous centuries students would learn an L2 and attempt to access the target culture through its literature and great works, more contemporary approaches strive to achieve Cultural Awareness or Intercultural Communicative Competence. These focus on the important task of providing learners with the cultural knowledge and skills needed to successfully interact with members of a target culture. Korea’s own experience in cross-cultural contact is then discussed, emphasizing that due to historical and political factors Korea’s awareness of other cultures has been, until relatively recently, rather limited. Next, this article argues that a greater emphasis on cultural content is warranted and necessary. In considering a typical communicative exchange it is often the L2 speaker’s level of cultural awareness that determines its success, rather than the L2 speaker’s mastery of grammar, for example. Finally, in attempting to improve learners’ level of cultural awareness, instructors do not need to discard existing and preferred teaching methods. Only a more principled focus on the selection of materials and choice of tasks is required to implement a process that will improve Korean L2 learners’ cross-cultural communication skills.

      • KCI등재

        Entrepreneurial Orientation and Export Performance of Emerging Market SMEs: The Moderating Role of Dynamic Capabilities in South Africa

        Charles Robb,Eun-Mi KIM,Jae-Woo LEE 한국유통과학회 2020 유통과학연구 Vol.18 No.12

        Purpose: Due to an ever more interconnected global commercial environment, the role of SMEs from emerging markets has attracted considerable attention in business literature of late. Reinforced by strategic management theory, this study builds on aspects such as entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities to construct and test a framework that focuses on exploring their associations with export performance. Research design, data and methodology: To contribute further towards a deeper understanding of these markets, the current study empirically tests a model using data collected from 225 exporting firms located throughout South Africa. Results: The results from the data analysis show that entrepreneurial orientation contributes significantly towards improving the performance of South African SMEs. Additionally, this study integrates three dynamic capabilities in the strategy-performance relationship to test their interacting effects on the correlation between entrepreneurial orientation and export performance. Further findings advocate support for relationship-based capabilities playing a moderating role between entrepreneurial orientation and the exporting performance of small and medium firms emanating from emerging markets. Conclusions: Findings provide substance to the argument that entrepreneurship, as a strategy-making process, leads to export performance in emerging nations. Especially, this study provides several suggestions as to how small and medium-sized organizations can develop their exporting performance based on the research findings.

      • KCI등재

        Reader-Response Theory in Literature Circles

        Erik Robb Thompson(에릭랍탐슨) 새한영어영문학회 2017 새한영어영문학 Vol.59 No.1

        Literature Circles, which are collaborative and student-centered reading groups, are becoming more popular as a teaching method that draws students into increasingly abstract and relevant discussions about literature. In classrooms structured around collaborative discovery of the ideal reader, the question of what role experts will play still needs to be adequately addressed. To that end, this article will explore and evaluate Wolfgang Iser’s and Stanley Fish’s approaches to reader-response theory as they apply to collaborative learning practices, particularly those informed by the “faith”-based teaching philosophy of Parker J. Palmer. Reader-response theorists, especially Iser, show how literary understanding emerges through the temporal process of reading rather than through a reader-expert translating the meaning that is already contained in a literary work. In a less technical and more spiritual pursuit of a similar process-based understanding of educational subjects, Palmer advocates for communitarian models of truth that are engaged with the indeterminate “otherness” of great things, and argues against objectivist models of truth that do not serve the interests of readers or the literature itself.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Export Performance of Emerging Economies: A Multi-dimensional Approach

        Charles Robb,김은미,이재우 한국무역연구원 2020 무역연구 Vol.16 No.3

        Purpose Owing to the dynamic and complex nature of the global business environment, firms are required to develop clearer organizational strategic approaches for combating market ambiguity when creating sustainable growth while undertaking internationalization. As a strategic-making process, entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has received much attention in current business literature. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to further examine the entrepreneurial construct with regards to its multi-dimensional classification which provides additional benefits for smaller or medium sized firms (hereafter SME). Further discussed in this research is the extent to which SMEs need to possess knowledge or competencies related to all the (or individual) dimensions of EO when conducting global commerce. Design/Methodology/Approach To test the presumptions of the study further, data were collected from 204 South African exporting SMEs. An EFA and CFA where adopted to assess data reliability and validity. Finally, a hierarchical linear regression analysis technique was considered for evaluating the research models and clearly present the findings. Findings Results from the data analysis shows that while several EO dimensions contributed significantly towards the improved export performance of SMEs, others did not. As SMEs are often hampered by resource limitations, a focus on the roles of each EO dimension provides an opportunity for greater efficiency when SMEs conduct global business by assisting SMEs in increasing their overall exporting performance. Research Implications While much research exists in the field of EO, a clearer approach for measuring the construct has provided opportunities to explore EO further. The current study builds upon the current novel approach of EO, thus adding more to the papers originality. Finally, the context of the study offers a defining feature towards the originality of the research. While most EO research is focused on advanced nations, the current study conducts research in an African nation, where EO and export research remains scarce.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Cultural Not Political Colonization in the Poems of Wallace Stevens

        Thompson, Erik Robb(에릭 롭 톰슨) 새한영어영문학회 2013 새한영어영문학 Vol.55 No.1

        The reason for Stevens’ skepticism regarding cultural colonies is clear. Most of the people in America are descendents of immigrants who bring with them their own cultural ideas to a colony. That is the reality of the American situation, and it is also Stevens’ modest understanding of the reality of an America that was still in the process of trying to express its cultural relationship to the vast continent of North America. Tacit in that choice, however, is a rejection of a political solution that would preserve out-of-date cultural ideals such as that contained in the example of General Andrew Jackson, a figure who appears several times in Stevens’ poetry and prose and who was famous both for waging brutal wars against the Seminole Indians in Florida and for being a champion of a populist form of political democracy. Stevens’ emphasis on failure and division in his poems about American colonization, then, can be understood as a way to defamiliarize a political understanding of who Americans are as a peop in order to create a basis for a new modernist cultural understanding of an American place. Of the many characters and motifs that typify Stevens’ imaginary colonists in exile, I will focus on Stevens’ hidalgo figure as a unifying concept to cover all figures who fail at cultural colonization in Stevens’ poems. The term hidalgo, meaning a Spanish country gentleman, only appears five times in the corpus of Stevens’ poetry, but it can be deployed usefully to describe a colonist from a traditional as opposed to a modern culture. As the term is used here, hidalgo refers to the inhabitants (landed elites and feudal peasants alike) of a place who have acquired “tenure in the land” through generations of habits and customs cultivated in tandem with the particulars of a homeland’s culture, climate and landscape.

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