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      • 백두산의 역사시대 화산활동 재평가: (1) 폭발성 분화

        윤성효(Sung-Hyo Yun),이정현(Jeonghyun Lee),장철우(Cheolwoo Chang),Clive Oppenheimer 대한지질학회 2021 대한지질학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        과거 화산의 분화의 특성과 영향을 나타낼 수 있는 역사기록을 조사하고 분석하는 것은 미래 화산 분화 위협을 평가하는 중요한 역할을 한다. 백두산 성층화산을 포함하는 백두산화산지대(Baekdusan Volcanic Field)에서의 역사시대 화산활동에 대한 기록은 日本紀略, 興福寺年代記, 高麗史, 高麗史世家, 東國文獻備考, 朝鮮王朝實錄, 承政院日記, 長白山江崗志略 등 역사서에서 찾을 수 있다. 서기 939년, 946년, 947년, 1014년, 1017년, 1018년, 1019년, 1124년, 1199년, 1200년, 1201년, 1265년, 1373년, 1401년, 1403년, 1405년, 1406년, 1573년, 1597년, 1654년, 1668년, 1673년, 1702년, 1989년, 1903년, 1925년에 백두산 및 주변지역에서 크고 작은 화산활동이 있었음을 기록하고 있다. 대표적인 화산 현상으로는 명동현상(volcanic rumbling: 天鼓鳴), 강하화산재 낙하(雨土, 雨灰, 微雨白如酒粉), 화산재구름의 확산(白氣如帶亘天), 화산재의 내습(黑氣, 四方昏溕雨土), 화산분화 대기 이상(赤氣, 赤祲: sky glowing red), 펠레의 머리카락(Pele’s hair: 白馬髮) 등이 나타난다. 또한 화산현상의 지속시간(2일, 3일, 5일, 14일 등), 펠레의 머리카락 길이(6~12 cm), 재(灰)의 퇴적두께 3 cm 등도 기록되어 있다. 백색 화산재의 확산 및 강하는 규장질 마그마의 폭발적 분화(plinian eruption), 흑색 화산재 및 펠레의 머리카락 강하는 고철질 마그마의 강력한 용암분천(lava fountaining) 화산활동을 지시하는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 서기 946년 11월과 947년 2월 사이의 밀레니엄(Millennium) 대분화 이후 적어도 30회 이상의 폭발성 분화로 평가할 수 있는 기록이 확인되었으며, 마지막 소규모 분화는 1925년에 발생한 것으로 기록되어 있으며, 지구물리학적 조사 결과 백두산화산지대에서 평균해수면 아래 지하 10 km 지점에 거대한 마그마방이 존재하고, 천지칼데라 정상에서 지하 5 km 지점에도 마그마방이 정치해 있는 것도 보고되어 있다. 따라서 향후 백두산 화산 분화 가능성이 충분하므로, 이에 대비한 면밀한 전조현상 모니터링 및 화산재해를 최소화하기 위한 방재 연구가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)에서 기혼부인(旣婚婦人)의 취업(就業): 과연 무엇이 문제인가?

        김민자 ( Minja Kim Choe ),공세권 ( Sae-kwon Kong ),( Oppenheim Mason ) 한국보건사회연구원 1993 保健社會硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        이 논문은 한국 기혼부인들의 취업행태(就業行態)에 미치는 요인이 무엇인지를 검토한 것이다. 최근 부인(15~64세)들의 취업의사(就業意思)는 여성취업(女性就業)을 반대하는 경우가 8퍼센트에 불과하며, 가정사정을 고려한 조건부 찬성이 35퍼센트, 그리고 원한다면 언제든지 취업을 해야 한다는 경우가 57퍼센트에 달한다. 이러한 취업의사는 부인들이 도시에서 성장한 경우, 교육수준이 높을수록, 그리고 가정적 이유가 아닌 개인 적 이유에 의한 취업경험에서 높은 상관관계를 나타내고 있다. 그러나 실제 취업은 자의 (自意)에 의해서보다 가족에 의한 영향이 크고, 또 교육수준이 높을수록, 경제수준이 높을수록, 그리고 6세 미만 어린 자녀를 둔 경우일수록 역상관관계(逆相關關係)를 볼 수 있다. 여기서 부인취업에 대한 긍정적 의식은 교육기회의 확대, 혼전취업(婚前就業)의 증가, 가사노동(家事勞動)의 기계화, 그리고 출산력 저하 등 사회경제적 여건 변화에 의해서 높아질 수 있었지만 실제 취업은 개인적 전문지식 및 기술의 부족, 가정적 가사(家事) 및 자녀 양육 등 전통적 역할, 그리고 사회적으로 마땅한 일자리를 구하기 어려움 등에서 저항과 갈등이 있다. 이러한 점에서 부인취업(婦人就業)은 부인 자신만의 관심이 아니라 사회적으로 여성교육이 확대되면서 많은 고급인력이 양성되고, 또 기업은 인력난으로 경영에 차질을 겪고 있는 상황에서 인력 수급의 구조적 모순을 해결하기 위한 점에서도 관심을 갖게 된다. This paper focuses on the employment of married women in the Republic of Korea, especially on married women`s attitude toward the employment. Although the data we analyze were collected at only one point in time, our ultimate concern is with change over time. The data used in our analysis are from the Survey on Family Life Cycle conducted in 1986 by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (formerly the Korea Institute for Population and Health). This survey collected information on marriage, fertility, employment, family roles, and attitudes from a nationally representative sample of 3,013 married women under age 65. Information on employment before and after marriage as well as the attitudes toward employment were collected. Married women in Korea hold quite liberal views on women`s work, with a majority of them espousing a woman`s right to choose whether she works, regardless of her marital or parental status. Fifty-seven percent of all married women endorse the idea of a woman`s freedom to choose to work; among those who grew up in urban areas, attended 12 years of school, and worked before married for non-familial reasons, the percentage rises to 68. This high level of support for wives` employment is surprising, given the strong family tradition that made a woman`s duties as a wife and mother her primary obligation in life, and the recency of mass labor force participation among married women. Although women born at different periods in the past did not differ significantly in their attitude toward wives` employment, three other variables significantly predicted support for women`s employment. These were having grown up in an urban rather than a rural area, having attained a relatively high level of schooling, and having worked before marriage, especially for non-familial reasons. Marked shifts in the South Korean population during the past 3- 4 decades from rural to urban residence, toward secondary school completion, and for women, toward premarital employment in the formal sector of the economy, all suggest that women`s attitudes about the employment of wives are likely to have liberalized considerably during this period. The correlations between urban residence, education, and premarital employment and women`s attitudes also suggest the strong possibility of further liberalization of attitudes in the future. Do women`s attitudes affect actual labor force participation? An earlier analysis of the same data as were used in this analysis concluded that women`s attitudes do not necessarily predict their employment(Kong and Choe 1989). Women`s actual labor force participation was found to be affected more by the perceived attitude of family members such as husbands and parents-in-law than by their own attitude. In addition, the same study reported that in urban areas controlling factors such as presence of young children, presence of older members in the household, and economic conditions of the household, women`s level of education were inversely associated with labor force participation, rather than being directly related, as one would expect on the basis of the educational differentials in women`s attitudes found in the current analysis. These results suggest that recent increases in female labor force participation in Korea probaly have not been driven by attitudinal changes. The high level of support for women`s employment expressed by Korean wives, however, suggests that the lag between behavioral and attitudinal changes noted in earlier studies of the United States may be much shorter or non-existent in Korea. Further research is needed to identify factors that would facilitate women`s labor force participation, especially among the more educated urban women. Support from family members, improved conditions of employment, making adequate child care available, and sharing of house work by family members are some of the changes that would be likely to facilitate married women`s labor force participation. Obviously, Korean women strongly support the idea that a married woman has the right to work if she chooses to. It would appear that for many of these women, especially many of the best educated women in urban areas, significant barriers to their participation and realization of their full human potential still exist.

      • KCI등재

        Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients with a Large Ischemic Volume at Presentation: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

        Basile Kerleroux,Kevin Janot,Jean François Hak,Johannes Kaesmacher,Wagih Ben Hassen,Joseph Benzakoun,Catherine Oppenheim,Denis Herbreteau,Heloise Ifergan,Nicolas Bricout,Hilde Henon,Takeshi Yoshimoto 대한뇌졸중학회 2021 Journal of stroke Vol.23 No.3

        The benefits of mechanical thrombectomy (MT) for patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and a large ischemic core (LIC) at presentation are uncertain. We aimed to obtain up-to-date aggregate estimates of the outcomes following MT in patients with volumetrically assessed LIC. We conducted a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)-conformed, PROSPERO-registered, systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that included patients with AIS and a baseline LIC treated with MT, reported ischemic core volume quantitatively, and included patients with a LIC defined as a core volume ≥50 mL. The search was restricted to studies published between January 2015 and June 2020. Random-effects-meta-analysis was used to assess the effect of MT on 90-day unfavorable outcome (i.e., modified Rankin Scale [mRS] 3–6), mortality, and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) occurrence. Sensitivity analyses were performed for imaging-modality (computed tomography-perfusion or magnetic resonance-diffusion weighted imaging) and LIC-definition (≥50 or ≥70 mL). We analyzed 10 studies (954 patients), including six (682 patients) with a control group, allowing to compare 332 patients with MT to 350 who received best-medical-management alone. Overall, after MT the rate of patients with mRS 3–6 at 90 days was 74% (99% confidence interval [CI], 67 to 84; Z-value=7.04; I2=92.3%) and the rate of 90- day mortality was 36% (99% CI, 33 to 40; Z-value=–7.07; I2=74.5). Receiving MT was associated with a significant decrease in mRS 3–6 odds ratio (OR) 0.19 (99% CI, 0.11 to 0.33; P<0.01; Z-value=–5.92; I2=62.56) and in mortality OR 0.60 (99% CI, 0.34 to 1.06; P=0.02; Z-value=–2.30; I2=58.72). Treatment group did not influence the proportion of patients experiencing sICH, OR 0.96 (99% CI, 0.2 to 1.49; P=0.54; Z-value=–0.63; I2=64.74). Neither imaging modality for core assessment, nor LIC definition influenced the aggregated outcomes. Using aggregate estimates, MT appeared to decrease the risk of unfavorable functional outcome in patients with a LIC assessed volumetrically at baseline.

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