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        은유분석을 통한 유아교사의 ‘학교’ 및 ‘영유아를 위한 학교’에 대한 인식

        최나은 ( Choi Naeun ),조부경 ( Cho Boo-kyung ) 한국유아교육학회 2024 유아교육연구 Vol.44 No.4

        본 연구는 은유 분석을 통해 ‘학교’와 ‘영유아를 위한 학교’에 대한 유아교사의 인식을 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 임의 선정한 유아 교육 기관 교사 230명을 연구참여자로 하여 은유 표현과 이유를 묻는 설문지를 배부, 회수하였다. 수집된 자료는 체계적 은유분석법에 따라 범주화되었으며, 범주별 빈도와 백분율을 산출하였다. 연구 결과, ‘학교’에 대한 인식은 ‘교육 실천의 장’, ‘학교 시스템’, ‘삶의 현장’과 그 세부 범주인 ‘배움’, ‘사회화의 준비’, ‘타율적 공간’, ‘구성원의 희로애락’, ‘성장’, ‘자아실현’, ‘사건과 현상’으로 범주화되었다. ‘영유아를 위한 학교’에 대한 인식은 ‘유아의 삶’, ‘돌봄과 교육의 기관’, ‘적기 교육의 실천’과 세부 범주 ‘교육, 보육 시스템’, ‘배움, ‘성장의 발판’, ‘놀이’, ‘긍정적 정서’, ‘발달 시기’, ‘전문적인 교사’로 범주화되었다. 교사가 인식하는 ‘영유아를 위한 학교‘는 사회 제도적 차원에서의 체계적인 교육, 보육 시스템을 제공하고 놀이를 통해 배움을 얻는 놀이 중심 교육과정이 이뤄지는 곳이라 볼 수 있다. 이를 통해 앞으로의 영유아를 위한 통합 기관의 성격과 방향성 모색에 대한 관점을 제시하였다는 것에 의의가 있다. This study sought to investigate early childhood teachers’ perceptions of ‘school’ and ‘school for infants and children’ through metaphor analysis. For this purpose, 230 teachers from early childhood education institutions in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daejeon, and Gyeongnam regions were randomly selected as research participants, and questionnaires asking about metaphorical expressions and reasons for expressing them were distributed and collected. The content of the collected data was categorized according to systematic metaphor analysis, and the frequency and percentage of each category were calculated. As a result of the study, early childhood teachers’ perception of ‘school’ was ‘a place for educational practice’, ‘school system’, ‘field of life’ and its detailed categories such as ‘learning’, ‘preparation for socialization’, ‘heteronomy space’, It was categorized into ‘members’ joys and sorrows’, ‘growth’, ‘self-realization’, and ‘events and phenomena’, and the most frequent category among these is ‘learning’. This indicates that many early childhood teachers perceive school as a place where learning occurs. The perception of ‘schools for infants and children’ is divided into the broad categories of ‘infant life’, ‘institutions of care and education’, and ‘practice of timely education’ and seven subcategories of ‘education and childcare system’, ‘learning, and ‘growth’. It was categorized as ‘scaffolding’, ‘play’, ‘positive emotion’, ‘developmental period’, and ‘professional teacher’, and the most frequent category was ‘education and childcare system’, which is more of an institutional system than ‘school’. It can be seen that there is a mention of . Also, although it is the same category of ‘learning’, there were many interpretations that it was learned through play in ‘schools for infants and children’. A ‘school for infants and children’, as perceived by teachers, can be seen as a place where a systematic education and childcare system is provided at a social and institutional level, and a play-centered curriculum that learns through play is implemented. This is significant in that it presents a perspective on the nature and direction of integrated institutions for infants and children in the future.

      • 발표 불안 수준에 따른 발표 과정 차이 연구

        최나은 ( Naeun Choi ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2018 先淸語文 Vol.45 No.-

        This study aims to offer educational contents and strategies of presentation for those who have high level of public speaking anxiety. Many researchers have carried out surveys and experiments targeting university students or patients. However, presentation process of adolescents who have high level of public speaking anxiety has not been examined in a detailed manner. From reflecting the limits of preceding researches, this study analyzed the presentation process of second grade of the junior high school students with mixed research method. Based on the definition of public speaking anxiety, this study examined the presentation process according to public speaking anxiety levels. As a result of quantitative analysis of presentation process, the group which has high level of anxiety received lower grade at the presentation phase even though received similar grade at the preparation phase in comparison with the group which has low level of anxiety. Furthermore, those two groups did not have any differences in the time of most activity details. To make up for the result of quantitative analysis, case study of presentation process followed up. Case study carried out with the aim of examining the motives and processes of preparation and presentation activity and interpreting it along with the context. As the result of case study, this study suggested three considerations of presentation process according to the public speaking anxiety levels. The three considerations are (1) orientation to communicate at the phase of preparation, (2) content modification from script to speech, (3) understanding of communication context and paraphrasing.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 개발협력 파트너십으로서 민관협력 거버넌스에 대한 비교연구

        김태균(Taekyoon Kim),이승철(Seung-Chul Lee),최나은(Naeun Choi) 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2015 국제관계연구 Vol.20 No.1

        2000년 MDGs를 넘어 Post-2015 개발의제 도출과 SDG의 17개 목표를 이행하기 위한 다양한 기제 중 민관협력이 중요하게 거론되고 있는 반면, 민관협력의 가치에 대한 평가가 상대적으로 관대한데 비해 실질적인 이용가치와 제도화 방안에 대한 논의와 분석은 빈약한 수준이다. 향후 Post-2015 시대에 보다 적극적으로 민관협력을 국제개발 사업에 도입하기 위해서는 민관협력에 배태된 다양한 문제에 대한 정치한 분석이 수반되어야 하며, 이는 위험관리, 레버리지 효과, 책무성 기제, 민간부문과 ODA와의 역할관계 등이 포함된 체계적인 분석틀에 기반을 두어야 한다. 본 연구는 세계은행과 유엔개발계획이 축적해 온 민관협력사업의 성과와 특징을 비교 · 분석함으로써, 대단히 상반된 방식의 민관협력이 각각의 다자개발기구가 추구하는 비전과 정책적 환경에 따라 내부적으로 제도화되는 과정을 두 가지 유형으로 정리하였다. 즉, 세계은행의 경우는 신자유주의를 기반한 시장주의에 입각하여 민간부문이 차지하는 역할의 비중이 커지는 데 비해 이에 대한 책무성의 무게는 불균형적으로 배분되는 딜레마에 빠지게 된다. 반면, UNDP의 민관협력 방식은 공적 기관으로서 UNDP가 실질적인 촉매제 역할을 수행하면서 개발파트너로서 민간부문이 맡아야 할 책무성을 보다 명확하게 설계하고 위임할 수 있는 제도적 장치가 마련되어 있다. 이러한 책무성 소재의 명확화는 효과적인 레버리지 활용으로 개발협력의 파트너십의 분업효과를 극대화할 수 있으며, 민간재원의 활용으로 글로벌 공공재 제공을 확장하고, 민간재원의 동원으로 인한 ODA의 대체효과 발생을 적극적으로 통제할 수 있다. While public-private partnerships(PPPs) have been highlighted as a critical implementation mechanism for the transition from the 2000 Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) to the Post-2015 development agenda, scholarly discussions over value and utility of PPPs have been poorly forged with the lack of genuine attempts to investigate how to institutionalize them in real practices. For more affirmative embracement of PPPs in the Post-2015 Era, more thorough analysis on PPPs should be accompanied by a combined package of risk management, leverage effects, accountability mechanisms, and the division of labour between the private sector and ODA. In this sense, this study sets out to compare the dual modes of PPPs, which are respectively conducted by the World Bank and the UNDP, particularly focusing on not only policy visions, but also internal processes of how to institutionalize PPPs in different shapes. In case of the World Bank, its PPPs, embedded in neoliberalism, generate market-based contributions of the private sector and its engagement for development, but end in facing the dilemma of accountability deficits. By stark contrast, UNDP’s PPPs demonstrate an accountable pattern of development partnerships in the sense that the UNDP plays a significant role in facilitating private involvements and institutional leverage for inviting the private sector into a PPP framework. Such a reinforced clarification of accountability is aimed to maximize a positive effect of the division of labour between the public and private partners via leverage effects, to extend the provision of global public goods via the introduction of private funds, and to prevent negative results replacing ODA by private sources of development financing.

      • KCI등재
      • 압력선회형 인젝터를 이용한 소형 하이브리드 로켓 설계

        신동욱(DongWook Shin),김승현(SeungHyun Kim),최지현(JiHyun Choi),강창수(ChangSoo Kang),황예린(YeRin Hwang),김수빈(Subinn Kim),박민규(MinGyu Park),장세원(SeWon Jang),최나은(NaEun Choi),심성민(SungMin Shim),이유진(YuJin Lee),고수한(Suhan K 한국추진공학회 2023 한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2023 No.11

        본 연구에서는 압력선회형 인젝터를 적용한 하이브리드 로켓의 후퇴율을 도출하고, 샤워헤드 인젝터의 후퇴율과 비교해 인젝터의 성능을 분석하였다. 낮은 공급 압력에서도 미립화가 가능하며, 단순한 구조로 소형화가 용이한 압력선회형 인젝터를 선정하였다. Origin 소프트웨어의 curve fitting을 활용해 연소시험 데이터에서 후퇴율을 도출하였으며, 압력선회형 인젝터의 후퇴율은 샤워헤드와 비교해 약 15% 증가하였다. 이는 스월 인젝터에 의해 형성된 선회류가 경계층 두께를 감소시키고, 연소가스의 연소실 내 체류 시간을 연장시켜 후퇴율이 증가한 것으로 판단된다. 추후 압력선회형 인젝터의 스월 상수를 독립 변수로 설정하여 스월 상수가 후퇴율에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 분석할 예정이다. In this study, the regression rate of a hybrid rocket with a pressure-swirl injector was derived, and the injector performance was analyzed by comparing it with the regression rate of a showerhead injector. The pressure-swirl injector, chosen for its capability to atomize even at low supply pressures and its easily miniaturizable and simple design, was employed. The regression rate was derived from combustion test data using the curve-fitting in OriginLab software. The regression rate with the pressure-swirl injector was increased by approximately 15% compared to that of the showerhead injector. This is attributed to the swirl flow generated by the Swirl injector, reducing the boundary layer thickness and extending residence time of combustion gases in the combustion chamber, resulting in an enhancement of the regression rate. Future research is planned to analyze quantitatively the influence of the Swirl number, treated as an independent variable, on the regression rate.

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