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        Research on and Construction of the Concrete-filled Steel Tube Column System in Japan

        Shosuke Morino,Jun Kawaguchi 한국강구조학회 2005 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.5 No.5

        system. One of the main advantages is the interaction between steel tube and concrete: occurence of the local buckling of steeltube is delayed by the restraint of concrete; the strength of concrete is increased by the confing effect provided from the steeltube. Extensive research work has been done in Japan last 15 years, including “New Urban Housing Project” and “US-JapanCoperative Earthquake Research Program”, in adition to the work done by individual universities and industries, which hasedevelopment of the CFT column system in a great extent. This paper introduces the merits, the research activities and findings,the design provisions and the recent construction trends of CFT column system in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        Risk Factors for Delirium after Spine Surgery: An Age-Matched Analysis

        Tadao Morino,Masayuki Hino,Shintaro Yamaoka,Hiroshi Misaki,Tadanori Ogata,Hiroshi Imai,Hiromasa Miura 대한척추외과학회 2018 Asian Spine Journal Vol.12 No.4

        Study Design: A retrospective cohort study. Purpose: To investigate the risk factors for postoperative delirium after spine surgery, excluding older age, which has already been established as a strong risk factor. Overview of Literature: More than 30 risk factors have been reported for delirium after spine surgery, making it challenging to identify which factors should be prioritized. We hypothesized that risk factors could not be prioritized to date because the factor of older age is very strong and influenced other factors. To eliminate the influence of older age, we performed an age-matched group comparison analysis for the investigation of other risk factors. Methods: This study involved 532 patients who underwent spine surgery. Two patients of the same age without delirium (delirium negative group) were matched to each patient with delirium (delirium positive group). Differences in suspected risk factors for postoperative delirium between the two groups identified from previous reports were analyzed using univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis was performed for factors that showed a significant difference between the two groups in the univariate analysis. Results: Fifty-nine (11.1%) of 532 patients developed postoperative delirium after spine surgery. Large amounts of intraoperative bleeding, low preoperative concentration of serum Na, high postoperative (day after surgery) serum level of C-reactive protein, low hematocrit level, low concentration of albumin, and high body temperature were detected as significant risk factors in the univariate analysis. Large amounts of intraoperative bleeding remained a risk factor for postoperative delirium in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: We should pay attention to and take precautions against the occurrence of postoperative delirium after spine surgery in patients of older age or those who experience severe intraoperative bleeding.


        Pivotal Role of <i>O</i>-GlcNAc Modification in Cold-Induced Thermogenesis by Brown Adipose Tissue Through Mitochondrial Biogenesis

        Ohashi, Natsuko,Morino, Katsutaro,Ida, Shogo,Sekine, Osamu,Lemecha, Mengistu,Kume, Shinji,Park, Shi-Young,Choi, Cheol Soo,Ugi, Satoshi,Maegawa, Hiroshi American Diabetes Association 2017 Diabetes Vol. No.

        <P>Adipose tissues considerably influence metabolic homeostasis, and both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipose tissue play significant roles in lipid and glucose metabolism. O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modification is characterized by the addition of N-acetylglucosamine to various proteins by O-GlcNAc transferase (Ogt), subsequently modulating various cellular processes. However, little is known about the role of O-GlcNAc modification in adipose tissues. Here, we report the critical role of O-GlcNAc modification in cold-induced thermogenesis. Deletion of Ogt in WAT and BAT using adiponectin promoterdriven Cre recombinase resulted in severe cold intolerance with decreased uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) expression. Furthermore, Ogt deletion led to decreased mitochondrial protein expression in conjunction with decreased peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha protein expression. This phenotype was further confirmed by deletion of Ogt in BAT using Ucp1 promoter-driven Cre recombinase, suggesting that O-GlcNAc modification in BAT is responsible for cold-induced thermogenesis. Hypothermia was significant under fasting conditions. This effect was mitigated after normal diet consumption but not after consumption of a fatty acid-rich ketogenic diet lacking carbohydrates, suggesting impaired diet-induced thermogenesis, particularly by fat. In conclusion, O-GlcNAc modification is essential for cold-induced thermogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis in BAT. Glucose flux into BAT may be a signal to maintain BAT physiological responses.</P>


        Study of Crack Propagation Behavior during Low Cycle Fatigue in Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron based on Observation of Surface and Fracture Sections

        Nishimura, F .,Morino, K .,Nisitani, H . 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 2000 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.6 No.6

        In this paper, in order to clarify the effect of crack coalescence for crack growth rate, low cycle fatigue tests were carried out using two kinds of spheroidal graphite cast iron (SGI). Crack propagation behavior from crack initiation to fracture was investigated by observing the surface of specimens and their fracture section. 'The main results obtained are as follows: (1) The variation range in the crack growth curves in SGI is larger than that in its matrix material. This tendency is caused by the occurrence of crack coalescence and the difference in crack initiation length. (2) In most of the cases where the crack growth rate accelerated, there was microshrinkage on the neighboring surface. (3) Crack coalescence is not the main factor in accelerating crack growth rate.



        HANDA T.,HASEGAWA T.,MORINO J. I.,OKA T.,SATO K.,SORAI K.,SETA M.,HAYASHI M.,SAKAMOTO S. The Korean Astronomical Society 1996 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.29 No.suppl1

        We developed a telescope control system called ASTROS for the VST1 and VST2, which are specially designed radio telescopes to make a survey and have a 60-cm main dish. ASTROS is designed on the distributed intelligence concept and structurized programming. The hardware of the system is composed of several intelligent devices connected with de facto standard interfaces and main control unit is PC. The program is coded in the C language and its structure is object oriented in order to make easy to replace the component devices. ASTROS is now running on two twin telescopes, VST1 and VST2. VST1 is installed at Nobeyama in Japan and VST2 is installed at La Silla in Chile. They are making a galactic plane survey in CO (J=2-1) with 9 arcmin beam semi-automatically.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical Simulation of Extreme Air Pollution by Fine Particulate Matter in China in Winter 2013

        Hikari Shimadera,Hiroshi Hayami,Toshimasa Ohara,Yu Morino,Akinori Takami,Satoshi Irei 한국대기환경학회 2014 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) Vol.8 No.1

        In winter 2013, extreme air pollution by fine particulatematter (PM2.5) in China attracted much publicattention. In order to simulate the PM2.5 pollution,the Community Multiscale Air Quality model drivenby the Weather Research and Forecasting model wasapplied to East Asia in a period from 1 January 2013to 5 February 2013. The model generally reproducedPM2.5 concentration in China with emission data inthe year 2006. Therefore, the extreme PM2.5 pollutionseems to be mainly attributed to meteorological (weakwind and stable) conditions rather than emissionincreases in the past several years. The model wellsimulated temporal and spatial variations in PM2.5concentrations in Japan as well as China, indicatingthat the model well captured characteristics of thePM2.5 pollutions in both areas on the windward andleeward sides in East Asia in the study period. Inaddition, contribution rates of four anthropogenicemission sectors (power generation, industrial, residentialand transportation) in China to PM2.5 concentrationwere estimated by conducting zero-out emissionsensitivity runs. Among the four sectors, the residentialsector had the highest contribution to PM2.5concentration. Therefore, the extreme PM2.5 pollutionmay be also attributed to large emissions from combustionfor heating in cold regions in China.

      • KCI등재

        한국 프로야구선수의 의식과 생활만족도 규정요인

        김유수(Yoo Soo Kim),Shinji Morino 한국사회체육학회 1998 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.9 No.-

        1982년 출범 이래 우리나라의 프로야구는 수많은 팬들과 선수 그리고 여러 관계자들의 사랑에 힘입어 오늘과 같은 국민들의 건전한 여가수단으로 자리를 잡게 되었다. 그러나, 정작 프로스포츠의 주역들인 선수들의 여건을 중심으로 한 실태에 관해서는 구체적인 연구가 크게 부족함에 주목하면 현역선수들의 실태조사를 통해 그들의 의식과 생활만족도에 작동하는 제요인들을 구명해 보았다.연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.우리나라 프로야구 선수들의 학력은 56.6% 대졸이상으로 프로스포츠계에도 고학력 지향의 전통적인 사회분위기가 그대로 드러나고 있었으며, 연평균수입은 48.5%의 선수들이 1,500만원~3,000만원의 연간수입을 나타내고 있었으며 전체의 65.1%가 3,000만원 이하의 연간총수입으로 평균활동기간이 극히 짧은데 비해 경제적으로 열악한 수준에 처해 있음을 알 수 있었다.2. 대다수의 선수가 초등학교(78.5%)와 중학교(21.1%)시절부터 선수생활을 시작한 것으로 나타났으며, 평균연령은 24.9세, 평균활동기간은 3.6년이었다.3. 선수들의 불만요인으로는 낮은 연봉과 열악한 처우, 여가시간의 부족, 인간관계 등으로 나타났다.4. 전체의 55.7%가 중도에 그만둘 위기가 있었으며 그 원인은 신체의 부상. 미래에 대한 불안, 출장기회부족 등을 들었다.5. 선수들은 코칭스탭에 대하여 선수데 대한 깊은 배려와 과학적 트레이닝 기술의 제공을 희망하고 있었다.6. 현재의 생활에 대한 만족도를 규정하는 요인을 편상관과 레인지의 크기에 의해 분석한 결과, 야구에 대한 의미, 은퇴후의 예상, 입단권유시기, 입단계약방법, 평소의 생활태도 등의 순으로 나나났으며, 연령이나 선수경력 등은 생활만족도 여부에 영향을 미치는 요인으로서는 크게 작용하지 않는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Summertime Atmospheric Transport of Fine Particulate Matter in Northeast Asia

        Hikari Shimadera,Hiroshi Hayami,Yu Morino,Toshimasa Ohara,Satoru Chatani,Shuichi Hasegawa,Naoki Kaneyasu 한국기상학회 2013 Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Vol.49 No.3

        In Northeast Asia, the effect of long-range transport of air pollutants is generally pronounced in spring and winter, but can be important even in summer. This study analyzed summer-time atmospheric transport of elemental carbon (EC) and sulfate (SO42−) with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model driven by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The WRF/CMAQ modeling system was applied to regions ranging from Northeast Asia to the Greater Tokyo Area in Japan in summer 2007. In terms of EC,while the model simulated well the effect of long-range transport, the simulation results indicated that domestic emissions in Japan dominantly contributed (85%) to EC concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. In terms of SO42−, the simulation results indicated that both domestic emissions (62%) and long-range transport from the other countries (38%) substantially contributed to SO42− concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. Distinctive transport processes of SO42− were associated with typical summer-time meteorological conditions in the study region. When a Pacific high-pressure system covered the main island of Japan, domestic emissions, including volcanic emission, dominantly contributed to SO42− concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. When a high-pressure system prevailed over the East China Sea and lowpressure systems passed north of Japan, synoptic westerly winds associated with this pressure pattern transported a large amount of SO42− from the continent to Japan. In addition, although heavy precipitation and strong wind decreased SO42− concentrations near the center of a typhoon, peripheral typhoon winds occasionally played an important role in long-range transport of SO42−.

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