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      • Two Higgs Bosons near 125 GeV in the Complex NMSSM and the LHC Run I Data

        Moretti, Stefano,Munir, Shoaib Hindawi Limited 2015 Advances in high energy physics Vol.2015 No.-

        <P>We analyse the impact of explicit CP-violation in the Higgs sector of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) on its consistency with the Higgs boson data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Through detailed scans of the parameter space of the complex NMSSM for certain fixed values of one of its CP-violating (CPV) phases, we obtain a large number of points corresponding to five phenomenologically relevant scenarios containing ∼125 GeV Higgs boson(s). We focus, in particular, on the scenarios where the visible peaks in the experimental samples can actually be explained by two nearly mass-degenerate neutral Higgs boson states. We find that some points corresponding to these scenarios give an overall slightly improved fit to the data, more so for nonzero values of the CPV phase, compared to the scenarios containing a single Higgs boson near 125 GeV.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        A Comparative Study of Coffee Culture between Italy and South Korea: An Exploratory Study

        Raul Moretti 강원대학교 경영경제연구소 2017 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Vol.8 No.2

        This exploratory research compares two particular features of coffee culture, namely thereason why a particular coffee shop is frequented and the reason for going to the chosencoffee shop in Italy and South Korea. A survey was carried out targeted at current undergraduateuniversity students in both countries with data being collected in the late spring and earlysummer of 2017. The main impetus for this research was to investigate the aforementionedareas given the fact that Italy has such a long standing coffee culture that dates back centuriesand is still an industry dominated by independent coffee houses while the Korean coffeeindustry started developing in the early 1980s and taking off after the 1988 Olympic Games. The Korean coffee industry, in contrast, is driven by the franchise coffee shops such asStarbucks, Café Benne, and The Coffee Bean among others. While both countries have welldeveloped coffee cultures, they developed along very different lines. Data collected fromrespondents are tabulated and presented followed by an analysis and interpretation of the data. Finally, some suggestions on how to conduct further research in order to better understandingthe underpinnings and contributing factors in understanding consumer choice and coffeeculture in both Italian and Korea are suggested.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        “Operationalizing”: or, the Function of Measurement in Modern Literary Theory

        ( Franco Moretti ) 한국영어영문학회 2014 영어 영문학 Vol.60 No.1

        “Operationalizing” refers to a process which is absolutely central to the new field of computational criticism, and of the digital humanities. It means building a bridge from the concepts of literary theory, through some form of quantification, to literary texts. The concept of “characterspace,” coined by Alex Woloch in The One vs. The Many, smoothly into “word-space”.“the number of words allocated to a particular character”. and, by counting the words each character utters, we can determine how much textual space it occupies. Measurement does not lead from the world, via quantification, to the constructions of theories; if anything, it leads back from theories, through data, to the empirical world. The measurement of character-space undermines the older notion, replacing it ith the idea of a conflict arising near the center of the network. In this context, this paper attempts to demonstrate how the unprecedented empirical power of digital tools and archives offers a unique chance to rethink the categories of literary study. Digital humanities may not yet have changed the territory of the literary historian, or the reading of individual texts; but operationalizing has certainly changed, and radicalized, our relationship to concepts: it has raised our expectations, by turning concepts into magic spells that can call into being a whole world of empirical data; and it has sharpened our skepticism. A theory-driven, data-rich research program has become imaginable, thanks to this enterprise of operationalizing.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Technology Readiness and Consumer Innovativeness on Usage and Satisfaction of Korean Smartphone Consumers

        Raul Moretti(라울 모레티) 한국관세학회 2012 관세학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        In this study, the effects of technology readiness and consumer innovativeness on usage and satisfaction of smartphone users in Korea is examined. One unique facet of this research is to determine if consumer innovativeness and technology readiness are distinct constructs and how they affect the dependent variables. Structural modeling was used in the analysis and findings suggest that both consumer innovativeness and technology readiness are indeed independent constructs and have a significant impact on the dependent variables.

      • KCI등재

        The Mediating Role of Perceived Product Benefits among Korean Smartphone Users

        Raul Moretti(라울 모레티) 한국관세학회 2014 관세학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        This study focuses on the mediating role of perceived benefits between technology readiness and consumer innovativeness as the independent variables and usage and satisfaction as the dependent variables among smart phone users in Korea. High levels of technology readiness among Korean consumer s are expected to find support for the effect of perceived benefits on consumer’s usage and levels of satisfaction of Korean smartphone users. A large sample size was surveyed across a number of demographic variables. Confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis and effect decomposition analyses are carried to determine direct and indirect effects of the mediating variable. Findings for the mediating effect of the benefits variable were all either partially or fully supported.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of Smartphone Diffusion in General and Specific Domains: A Theoretical Perspective

        Raul Moretti 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2015 지역산업연구 Vol.38 No.1

        This study looks at two types of diffusion research with an emphasis on smartphones. One type ofresearch stream is termed 'general' which is a category of research that is wide in nature and involvesnumerous variables to determine linear and non-linear effects among them with the goal ofgeneralizing findings. The second stream is termed 'specific domain' which refers to research done in avery specific context or situation and the results are specific to the chosen domain. The focal point ofthis study is to use characteristics of both methods into a hybrid version of research. The suggestedapproach is specifically aimed at presenting results in such a way that firms can use the researchresults to make more practical decisions concerning smartphone diffusion.

      • KCI등재

        Purchasing Pattern Analysis by Business Fluctuations

        Raul Moretti 한국자료분석학회 2010 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.12 No.4

        In 2008, the global economic crisis that came from the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers had a big impact all over the world and in Korea's overall economy. The depression of the economy brought about a more distinctive income polarization and also changed customer's purchasing patterns. The collapse of the world's largest investment bank had a domino effect in trade across countries, industries, companies, and all the way down to the consumer. Korea, whose economy is intricately connected with the U.S. economy, also saw sharp drops in stock prices as a result of dropping consumer confidence in the United States. The effects escaped the confines of the financial sector to consumer's everyday lives. Nowadays, many evaluation institutes such as Moodys' and S&P state that the economy has somewhat recovered. However, there still remain dangerous instabilities caused by the European and Chinese economies. In this paper, we investigate how customer's purchasing patterns are changed by business fluctuations resulting from the financial stresses caused in part from the Lehman bankruptcy. To do this, we use the MCR (Media & Customer Research) dataset which is developed by Kobaco (Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation) each year and fit the data to a factor analysis which is one of the well established multivariate statistical methods. A questionnaire that determines purchasing behaviors is condensed into two factors: frugal buying and impulse buying. I predict that purchasing patterns will have been affected by a decline in the economy, especially in 2008, which was considered to have suffered considerably after some high profile bankruptcies, most notably Lehman Brothers.

      • KCI등재

        An Introduction On The Use Of Pre-Visualization In Marketing And How It Can Benefit Firms

        Raul Moretti 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.4

        This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of pre-visualization, and its evolution from use strictly in the movie industry to its expansion into the computer gaming and business sector. Since its inception in the 1930s, pre-visualization has been used to analyse movie scenes before actual production began. This was done in order to cut costs of actual stage setups by examining scenes through a series of drawings and sketches that showed scenes in sequence. Disney Studios was the first to use this technique in the 1930s and later on through digital software as technologies developed. This process gave directors the opportunity to experiment with lighting and different camera angles before deciding on scene design. As computer technology has evolved, pre-visualization emerged in computer game development and more recently in marketing as a way for firms to not only promote their products or services in a visual and interactive way but also to help develop products and services that are more experiential for the consumer. Currently, pre-visualization in marketing is becoming a useful tool to help customize products and services in such a way as to make the marketing experience more effective.

      • KCI등재

        Effectiveness of different confining configurations of FRP jackets for concrete columns

        Marina L. Moretti 국제구조공학회 2019 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.72 No.2

        This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the compressive strength of small scale concentrically axially loaded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) confined plain concrete columns, with cylinder concrete strength 19 MPa. For columns with circular (150-mm diameter) and square (150-mm side) cross sections wrapped with glass- and carbon- FRP sheets (GFRP and CFRP, respectively) applied with dry lay-up the effect of different jacket schemes and different overlap configurations on the confined characteristics is investigated. Test results indicate that the most cost effective jacket configuration among those tested is for one layer of CFRP, for both types of sections. In square sections the location of the lap length, either in the corner or along the side, does not seem to affect the confined performance. Furthermore, in circular sections, the presence of an extra wrap with FRP fibers parallel to the column’s axis enhances the concrete strength proportionally to the axial rigidity of the FRP jacket. The recorded strains and the distributions of lateral confining pressures are discussed. Existing design equations are used to assess the lateral confining stresses and the confined concrete strength making use of the measured hoop strains.

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