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        V. MILANÉS,C. GONZÁLEZ,J. E. NARANJO,E. ONIEVA,T. DE PEDRO 한국자동차공학회 2010 International journal of automotive technology Vol.11 No.1

        Reducing the number of traffic accidents is a declared target of most governments. Since dependence on driver reaction is the main cause of road accidents, it would be advisable to replace the human factor in some driving-related tasks with automated solutions. To automate a vehicle, it is necessary to control the actuators of a car, i.e., the steering wheel, accelerator, and brake. This paper presents the design and implementation of an electro-hydraulic braking system consisting of a pump and various valves, allowing the control computer to stop the car. It is assembled in conjunction with the original circuit for the sake of robustness and to permit the two systems to halt the car independently. This system was developed for installation in a commercial Citroën C3 Pluriel of the AUTOPIA program. Various tests were carried out to verify its correct operation, and an experiment showing the integration of the system into the longitudinal control of the car is described.

      • KCI등재

        ‘라꾸’ (樂)에 대한 연구

        염미란(Youm,Mi-Lan) 한국조형디자인학회 1999 조형디자인연구 Vol.2 No.1

        To fully understand raku, we start with a journey into 16th century Japan to explore the origin of Raku wares. Although there are still much to be studied, we tried to trace out the root of the raku wares and the family with the same name. And then we describe the material and medium which we used and experimented in our works and classroom to share our experiences. We also shows our kiln designs for raku wares. In the last section Raku glaze firing and variations are presented to demonstrate the capacities and potentialities of raku pottery. We hope that this paper would serve the needs of those who make raku pottery. and also bring information and awareness to those who have not yet attempted the technique.

      • KCI등재

        검찰시민위원회의 의의와 역할 그리고 과제

        배미란 ( Bae¸ Mi-lan ) 법과사회이론학회 2021 법과 사회 Vol.- No.68

        검찰시민위원회 제도는 기소절차 상 시민참여를 보장하는 제도로서, 제도의 도입 그 자체는 우리 형사사법에서 매우 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 다만, 문제는 현행 제도 하에서는 시민의 참여 그 자체가 쉽지 않다는 점이다. 예를 들어, 현행 제도에서는 위원회는 검사의 요청에 의해서만 심의가 이루어지고, 검사는 위원회의 심의 의견을 존중할 뿐 기속되지 않는다. 그리고 전문가가 아닌 일반시민이 위원으로서 할 수 있는 역할이 매우 한정적이며, 사건관계인이자 시민이기도 한 피의자의 입장에서는 이 제도를 활용하기도 어렵다. 이처럼 검찰시민위원회가 시민참여제도라는 점을 내세우면서도 그 실질은 검사가 주도하는 전문가 자문형식을 유지한다면 이 제도는 올바른 제도로서 기능할 수 없다. 다만, 검찰시민위원회가 도입되어 꽤 시간이 흘렀으나, 그동안 소극적으로 운영되어 온 탓에 기소절차 상 시민참여나 검찰시민위원회 역시 시민들에게는 여전히 낯선 제도다. 이러한 상황에서 무리하게 새로운 제도를 도입하거나 참여를 의무 지우기보다는, 현 상황을 기소절차 상 시민참여의 과도기적 시기 내지 실험적 단계로 보고, 비록 통제의 측면에서는 부족한 점이 있더라도 우선적으로는 시민의 자발적 의사에 따라 다양한 방식을 통해 시민이 참여할 수 있는 기회를 넓힐 수 있는 방향으로 제도의 변화를 꾀할 필요가 있다. 그리고 이러한 노력을 통해 얻어낸 다수 시민의 참여와 관심이 결국 검찰 권한을 견제하는 힘이 될 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. 그러기 위해서는 크게 두 가지가 새롭게 정립되어야 한다. 하나는 시민이 자율적, 능동적으로 참여할 수 있게 하되, 그 역할을 사건의 심의에 한정하지 않고, 홍보나 교육, 모니터링 등을 통해 검찰시민위원회와 형사사법에의 시민참여의 필요성을 몸소 느끼고, 또 외부에 알릴 수 있도록 해야 한다. 다른 하나는 검찰시민위원회의 심의결과에 대한 기속력을 인정해야 한다. 이는 단지 시민의 결정에 강제력을 부여 하겠다는 취지는 아니다. 이 제도가 진정한 의미의 시민참여제도가 되기 위해서는 단순히 의견을 전달하는 것에 그치지 않고, 심도 있는 토의를 통해 의견을 하나로 모을 수 있어야 하며, 시민과 검찰의 의견이 하나로 좁혀지지 않았을 때에는 그에 대한 책임은 검찰이 지는 것이 옳다. 이러한 변화를 위해 최우선적으로 고려되어야 할 것은 기소절차 상 시민참여와 관련한 법률을 마련하는 것이고, 구체적으로는 검찰시민위원회의 운영기관 및 운영방식, 업무 등에 대한 재정립이 필요하다. 마지막으로 더 이상 검찰의 나무도장이나 거수기가 아닌, 그렇다고 검찰의 권한을 감시하고 통제하기만 하는 위원회도 아닌, 우리 지역에서 발생한 사건을 시민과 검찰이 합심하여 올바르게 해결해 나갈 수 있는 검찰시민위원회 제도를 만들어 나가야 할 것이다. The objectives of this thesis are to examine the significance of civic participation in the prosecutorial procedure of prosecution, to review if the current system accords with its purpose, and then to seek for the tasks for changes in the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power. As the system to guarantee the civic participation in the prosecutorial procedure, the introduction of the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power has a very important meaning in our criminal justice. However, under the current system, it is not easy to practice the civic participation. For example, in the current system, the commission has a deliberation only by prosecutors’ request, and the prosecutors just respect the commission’s deliberated opinions without being bound by them. And the ordinary citizens who are not experts could play very limited roles as its member. In the position of suspect who is a citizen and a person involved in a case, it is difficult to utilize this system. Like this, if the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power maintains the form of expert advice led by prosecutors even when the civic participation system is emphasized, this system cannot function as a proper system. In order for this system to be fully settled down in our society, the citizens should be able to more easily approach the system, and eventually, many citizens’ participation and interest should be working as power to check the prosecutors’ authority. For this, two things should be newly established. First, the citizens should be able to autonomously and proactively participate in it. Without limiting the role to the deliberation of cases, they should be able to feel the necessity of civic participation in criminal justice and the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power through promotion, education, or monitoring, and then to inform it to outside. Second, the binding force of deliberated results of the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power should be recognized. This is not just to give the compelling force to citizens’ decisions. In order for this system to become a true civic participation system, the opinions should be gathered as one through in-depth discussion, instead of simply delivering their opinions. In case when the citizens and prosecutors cannot narrow down to a single opinion, the prosecutors should take the responsibility for it. What should be preferentially considered for this change is to establish the law related to civic participation in the prosecutorial procedure. Concretely, it would be necessary to re-establish the operating agency, operating method, and work of the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power. Lastly, the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power is neither a wooden stamp or yes man for prosecutors, nor the commission that just monitors and controls the prosecutors’ authority. It would be needed to establish the Civil Commission for the Control of Prosecutorial Power that could correctly solve the cases happening in our region through the cooperation between citizens and prosecutors.

      • KCI등재

        FE validation of the equivalent diameter calculation model for grouped headed studs

        Milan Spremic,Marko Pavlovic,Zlatko Markovic,Milan Veljkovic,Dragan Budjevac 국제구조공학회 2018 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.26 No.3

        Existing design codes for steel-concrete composite structures give only general information about the shear connection provided by headed studs in group arrangement. Grouting of the openings in prefabricated concrete slabs, where the grouped headed studs are placed in the deck pockets is alternative to cast-in-place decks to accomplish fast execution of composite structures. This paper considers the possibility to reduce the distance between the studs within the group, bellow the Eurocode limitations. This may lead to increased competitiveness of the prefabricated construction because more studs are placed in the group if negative effectives of smaller distances between studs are limited. The main purpose of this work is to investigate these limits and propose an analytical calculation model for prediction of the shear resistance of grouped stud arrangements in the deck pockets. An advanced FEA model, validated by results of push-out experiments, is used to analyze the shear behavior of the grouped stud with smaller distance between them than recommended by EN 1994-1. Calculation model for shear resistance, which is consistent with the existing Eurocode rules, is proposed based on a newly introduced equivalent diameter of the stud group, <i>d</i><sub>G</sub>. The new calculation model is validated by comparison to the results of FE parametric study. The distance between the studs in the longitudinal direction and the number of stud rows and columns in the group are considered as the main variables.

      • KCI등재후보

        Hexagonal reciprocating pump: advantages and weaknesses

        Milan Stanko,Michael Golan 한국유체기계학회 2013 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.6 No.3

        This paper reports the 1-D fluid transient simulation results of the discharge flow conditions in a 6-cylinder reciprocating slurry pump. Two discharge manifold configurations are studied comparatively; a case with a hexagon shaped discharge manifold where each cylinder discharges at a single vertex, and a case where all the cylinders discharges are lumped together into a tank shaped manifold. In addition, the study examines the effect of two pulsation mitigation measures in the case of hexagonal manifold; a single inline orifice in one of the hexagon sides and a volumetric dampener at the manifold outlet. The study establishes the pressure and flow fluctuation characteristics of each configuration and decouples the pulsation characteristics of the pump and the discharge manifold.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Characteristics and Usage of Czech Prepositions

        Milan Hrdlicka 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2016 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.40 No.6

        Czech prepositions are very difficult for foreigners. The factors causing this difficulty are of language nature, for example a high number of prepositions, many semantic units, diverse style distribution of prepositions, interferences, etc., and also of linguodidactic nature, especially not paying enough attention to this part of speech and presenting it mainly or uniquely from the formal point of view (being connected to a certain case), rather than concentrating on the semantics and function of prepositions. The introduction to Czech prepositions and their presentation to foreign speakers is closely connected to presentation of Czech declension system. In teaching materials for foreigners, the horizontal approach prevails: that is presenting Czech cases one by one, together with the prepositions connected to the individual cases. This approach is not optimal in our view because it mainly gives consideration to the preposition being connected with a case, but not to its meaning. A more appropriate way, according to our belief, it the application of vertical approach, at least for Slavs: that means preparing whole declension paradigms that would allow to present Czech prepositions in semantic units (prepositions with spacial or temporal meaning, etc.). It is needed to implement onomasiological approach and further analyse relevant factors that play a role in choosing a preposition.

      • Six-DOF Sensory System for Interactive Positioning and Motion Control in Rehabilitation Robotics

        Milan Kvasnica 한국과학기술원 인간친화 복지 로봇 시스템 연구센터 2003 International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Me Vol.4 No.3

        This paper introduces the utilization of a six-DOF modular, optics-based sensory system for the measurements of axial shiftings and angular displacements in rehabilitation robotics. This is done by means of a 2-D or annular CCD array, or a set of PSD elements creating the basis, and four laser diode light rays or planes that define the edges of a pyramid. The algorithm for the computation of three axial shiftings and three angular displacements is based on the inverse transformation in order to determine the relative location and orientation of a floating 2-D coordinate system against a fixed 3-D coordinate system. The applications of fine positioning of the multi-pod"s parallel structures in robotics aided therapy, and the head joystick for the control and positioning of a wheelchair are presented.

      • KCI등재

        Kontury češtiny a rezistence jejích rovin v kontaktu s jazykem (ne)příbuzným: kauza Střelínsko

        Milan Hrdlička 한국슬라브어학회 2020 슬라브어연구 Vol.25 No.2

        Systematically demarcating the language contours of a specific nation has been considered as one of the important fields related with language contact. It seems, however, that this matter has not been extensively discussed yet in terms of Czech national language. Recently, it is one of the crucial topics of Czech sociolinguistics. The question of the Czech language contour is critical to specify whether its abroad variants, such as, American Czech, Ukrainian Czech, Viennese Czech and Banat Czech etc., belong to this complex. With this perspective, this thesis specifically focuses on the problem of language contact between Czech and Polish. Czech and Polish are connected by a common destiny as well as by numerous language means. The consequences of the Czech language contact with German and Polish have been analyzed in this study. In regards to the resistance of the individual levels of Czech as a minority language under these two majority languages, I propose a hypothesis that the immunity of Czech language depends on the degree of typological similarity and genealogical affinity of language systems. We have found the least resistance of Czech in the vocabulary, while Czech morphology most resistant to Polish majority in Střelínsko.

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