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        라신의 "이피게네이아"와 ‘시학적 경이’

        조만수(CHO Mansoo) 프랑스학회 2010 프랑스학연구 Vol.54 No.-

        En 1674 Lully monte son Opéra Alcéste, écrite par Quinault à Versailles dans le cadre de l’Enchantement du roi. Perrault comme représentant des Modemes, justifie l' esthétique de ce genre modeme, audacieusement intitule’ tragédie lyrique' en critiquant Euripide. Iphigenie de Racine en est une riposte des Anciens. La raison pour laquelle Racine prend le choix de Iphigénie en Aulide comme source est que la tragédie d’Euripide a une fin merveilleuse où la Déesse intervient à l'action. Racine veut substituer cet effet spectaculaire au merveilleux dramatique. Autrement dit il veut changer le merveilleux irrationnel en meπe버eux rationnel. C'est un effort de rendre le merveilleux ou l' extraordinaire en croyable. Pour la plupart des doctes du dix- septíème síècle, le merveilleux est conçu comme événement extraordinaire. Ainsi le merveilleux et la vraisemblance sont deux termes qui se contrarient. C'est Chapelain qui ouvre la voie théorique pour rendre le merveilleux en vraisemblable. Pour lui,le merveilleux ne consiste pas à Deus Ex Machina au sens du terme propre. Dans le poème dramatique le merveilleux se produit par l' enchaí.nement des causes qui ne sont pas provoquées et contraintes de l'extérieur de 1’action. Le merveilleux consiste au dénouement inattendu qu', Aristote definit comme péripétie dans sa Poétique Eriphile,personnage cree,par Racine remplace heureusement la bitche de la Diane. Sans l'intervention de la Déesse, Racine construit une fable qui contient la peripétie et la reconnassance qu’Aristote qualifie comme meilleure action. Au moment où elle attend voir la mort de sa rivale elle reçoit sa condamnation. En reconnaissant le secret de la naissance, elle affronte paradoxalement la mort.Agamemnon est un personnage qui est au coeur de la situation tragique Même si c' est Eriphile qui finit 며r mourir, Agamemnon n’enété pas moins conduit au seuil d' être responsable de sa propre fille. Roi des rois, il est pourtant un des personnges le plus faible dans le monde racinien. A la différence de Mithridate, et de Thésée, le roi de l’Argos connais très bien que sa fille est innocente. Cette souffrance suscite la crainte et la pitié chez les spectateurs. Ces passions violentes ne proviennent pas de discours pathetique du perrsonnage dans le tragique. Il s' agit encore une fois de merveilleux poetique. Racine ne comprend pas le catharsis sous angle didactique. Au lieu de purger des passions déréglées, il veut représenter d'une façon réglée le déréglement. Bref, Racine veut réaliser dans Iphigénie l’idée d’Aristote “la crainte et la pitié peuvent naître du spectacle, mais elles peuvent aussi résulter de l'agencement même des faits, et c'est là ce qui est préférable et d’un meilleur poète".

      • KCI등재

        페드르의 무대화: 프랑스 현대 연출가의 경우

        조만수(Cho, Mansoo) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2013 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.49

        The racinian world is build upon contradictions as Phedre herself is the daugther of Minos and Phasiphae at the same time. Creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man, Minotaur symbolize this contradiction. And more contradiction is added by the racinian language. Roland Barthes points out this contradiction as aesthetically divided: on the one hand, there is the jealousy of psychological drama and on the other side there is guilt and the transcendence of tragedy. To play Racine is to put on the stage this contradiction. this mixture, this composite of Racine. To play Racine, the work has to be historicized. However this does not mean to reconstitute the abolished past but to present a present of the history. This paper analyse three versions of Phedre of which we dispose the audio-visual work. Bernard de Coster, Luc Bondy and Patrice Chereau are the three directors. Phedre of Bernard de Coster is put on the stage in a traditional way corresponding to the stereotyped image. Luc Bondy features the melodramatic aspect of Phedre. The passion of loving is described not any more a sin but a happiness. Only they cannot possess it. However Luc Bondy does not transform tragedy completely into melodrama. His play shows us rather the strangeness of the tragic language with the touch of the melodrama. Patrice Chereau does not respect the automatical musicality of the alexandrin. He wants to let us hear Racine. He just illuminate the contrast precisely between tragic fiction and prosaic reality, between the monumental artificiality and daily realism.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제2족지를 이용한 시지 재건술

        조병채,백봉수,서만수,손윤호,변진석 大韓成形外科學會 1994 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.21 No.6

        The index finger is functionally and cosmetically an important finger of the hand, so reconstruction of the index finger is considered essential. The reconstruction of the index finger requires tissues of similar length, shape and skin texture, good functional ability and sensation as well as minimal donor site morbidity. We used the second toe for the reconstruction of the index finger. From April 1990 to May 1993, We treated 11 amputated index fingers and they are classified into 3 groups : group 1 is the patient with index finger defect at the distal part of DIP joint. Group 2 is from just the proximal part of DIP joint to just the distal part of PIP joint. Group 3 is more proximal part than group 2.5 cases were belonging to group 1,3 cases to group 2 and 3 cases to group 3. In group 1 and 2, the partial length of the second toe was transferred to the index finger, but group 3 required the total length of the toe. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The most excellent results were obtained in group 1, good results in group 2 and fair results in group 3. The more proximal the defect is in the index finger, the less satisfactory result is obtained. 2. Pinching power showed 83 percent in group, 1,70 percent in group 2 and 60 percent in group 3 compared to normal site. 3. Two-point discrimination of the reconstructed index tip were 2.2mm in group 1.2mm in group 2 and 2mm in group 3. 4. Donor site morbidity was minimal.

      • 적응형 소프트웨어 아키텍처를 위한 휘쳐 기반의 상황 모델링 기법

        서만수(Mansoo Seo),박수용(Sooyong Park),조훈(Hun Cho) 한국정보과학회 2003 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.30 No.2Ⅱ

        우리의 일상생활에서 차지하고 있는 소프트웨어의 비중은 점점 더 커져가고 있으며, 그만큼 소프트웨어의 오류가 우리에게 미치는 영향도 커지고 있다. 또한, 현대의 소프트웨어는 더 복잡해지고 높은 안정성이 필요하게 되므로 기존 소프트웨어와는 다른 새로운 패러다임의 소프트웨어가 필요하다. 적응형 소프트웨어는 소프트웨어 스스로가 자신의 기능을 추론하고 오류가 발생하면 이에 적적하게 대처할 수 있는 새로운 소프트웨어 패러다임이다. 적응형 소프트웨어를 개발하려면 소프트웨어가 적응해야 하는 상황을 모델링 하는 기술이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 프로덕트 라인 개발 방법에서 사용하는 휘쳐 모델을 사용해 적응형 소프트웨어의 상황을 모델링 하는 기법을 제안한다.

      • 이해관계자 중심의 경북 산업용 헴프 규제자유특구 프로세스 연구

        SooHyang Noh,ManSoo Cho,YoungHwan Pan 한국서비스디자인학회 2021 서비스디자인융합연구 Vol.5 No.1

        기술의 발전에 따라 신기술 및 서비스를 기반으로 지역을 지정해 관련 규제를 완화해주고 일정기간 실증을 진행하는 규제자유특구 제도가 시행되고 있다. 규제자유특구 사업의 추진 배경 및 목적, 지정 절차, 사후관리, 추진 체계를 이해하고 그 관점을 바탕으로 경상북도에서 진행중인 산업용 헴프 규제자유특구에 대해 정리하였다. 실증에 참여하는 모든 기관 및 기업은 유기적으로 협업이 이루어지는데, 운영 관리 감독 체계는 구체적으로 수립되어 있으나 사업에 참여하는 이해관계자 간의 업무 교류 및 협력에 관하여서는 별도의 체계가 수립되어 있지 않다. 따라서 각 이해관계자의 실무 관여도와 서비스 관여도에 따라 이해관계자를 서비스 운영자, 서비스 관리자, 서비스 실행자, 서비스 협력자와 같이 네 개의 집단으로 정의하였다. 각 집단의 역할에 대해 설명하고 규제자유특구 사업전 과정에 걸쳐 이해관계자간의 의견을 수렴하고 상호 간 원활한 소통과 협업을 도모할 수 있는 방안으로 ‘임시 협의체’ 구성을 제안하였다. As technology develops, Regulation-Free Special Zone system is being implemented to designate areas based on new technologies and services, easing related regulations and conducting demonstrations for a certain period of time. It understood the background and purpose of implementing the Regulation-Free Special Zone, designated procedures, follow-up management, and promotion system, and summarized the industrial hemp Regulation-Free Special Zone in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province based on that perspective. All organizations and companies participating in the demonstration are organically collaborated, and the operation management and supervision system is specifically established, but there is no separate system for business exchanges and cooperation among stakeholders involved in the project. Accordingly, the stakeholders were defined as four groups: service supervisor, service manager, service operator and service cooperator, depending on their work involvement and service involvement. The organization of a “Consultative Group” was proposed as a way to explain the role of each group, gather opinions among stakeholders throughout the entire process of the Regulation-Free Special Zone, and promote smooth communication and cooperation between each other.

      • Engineered multi-scale structures by electrostatic autofocusing of charged nanoparticles via designed ion assisted aerosol lithography(IAAL)

        Yongjun Bae(배용준),Hyesung Cho(조혜성),Mansoo Choi(최만수) 대한기계학회 2014 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2014 No.11

        The growth methods for the complex and hierarchical structure have been studied due to their interesting and unique optical, mechanical, electrical and electrochemical properties. Especially since the nanoparticles have been considered as the building blocks for the micro-architecture, integrating the nano-building blocks into the complex structures and innovative devices remains a key goal for many research fields. In this presentation, we introduce the method known as IAAL (Ion Assisted Aerosol Lithography) for nanoparticles assembly to generate complex and hierarchical structures. As the basic concept of IAAL is the electrostatic focusing of charged particles, the charged aerosol will be guided following the electric field on the substrate and focused on specific spots like opened electrodes. To prove the basic rule of this focusing and growing effect via IAAL, we control and compare the electric field on the substrate according to the dielectric layer design for the distance and alignment angle between patterns. Using the basic rule of the IAAL, we identify that we can generate various structures and determine the structure symmetry and structural differentiation. Finally, we connect the gap between two electrodes with various structures grown via IAAL and demonstrate CO gas molecule sensors as the application.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        광산란과 입자포집을 이용한 동축류 확산화염 내의 실리카 입자의 성장 측정(II) - 확산의 영향 -

        조재걸,이정훈,김현우,최만수,Cho, Jaegeol,Lee, Jeonghoon,Kim, Hyun Woo,Choi, Mansoo 대한기계학회 1999 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.23 No.9

        The effects of radial heat and $H_2O$ diffusion on the evolution of silica particles in coflow diffusion flames have been studied experimentally. The evolution of silica aggregate particles in coflow diffusion flames has been measured experimentally using light scattering and thermophoretic sampling techniques. The measurements of scattering cross section from $90^{\circ}$ light scattering have been utilized to calculate the aggregate number density and volume fraction using with combination of measuring the particle size and morphology through the localized sampling and a TEM image analysis. Aggregate or particle number densities and volume fractions were calculated using Rayleigh-Debye-Gans and Mie theory for fractal aggregates and spherical particles, respectively. Flame temperatures and volumetric differential scattering cross sections have been measured for different flame conditions such as inert gas species, $H_2$ flow rates, and burner injection configurations to examine the relation between the formation of particles and radial $H_2O$ diffusion. The comparisons of oxidation and flame hydrolysis have also been made for various $H_2$ flow rates using $N_2$ or $O_2$ as a carrier gas. Results indicate that the role of oxidation becomes dominant as both carrier gas($O_2$) and $H_2$ flow rates increases since the radial heat diffusion precedes $H_2O$ diffusion in coflow flames used in this study. The effect of carrier gas flow rates on the evolution of silica particles have also been studied. When using $N_2$ as a carrier gas, the particle volume fraction has a maximum at a certain carrier gas flow rate and as the flow rate is further increased, the hydrolysis reaction Is delayed and the spherical particles finally evolves into fractal aggregates due to decreased flame temperature and residence time.

      • Enhancing light trapping properties of thin film solar cells by plasmonic effect of silver nanoparticles.

        Jung, Junhee,Ha, Kyungyeon,Cho, Jaehyun,Ahn, Shihyun,Park, Hyeongsik,Hussain, Shahzada Qamar,Choi, Mansoo,Yi, Junsin American Scientific Publishers 2013 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.13 No.12

        <P>The preparation of thin film silicon solar cells containing Ag nanoparticles is reported in this article. Ag nanoparticles were deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide coated glass substrates by the evaporation and condensation method. a-Si:H solar cells were deposited on these substrates by cluster type plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. We discuss the double textured surface effect with respect to both the surface morphology of the substrate and the plasmonic effect of the Ag nanoparticles. Ag nanoparticles of various sizes from 10 to 100 nm were deposited. The haze values of the Ag embedded samples increased with increasing particle size whereas the optical transmittance decreased at the same conditions. The solar cell with the 30 nm size Ag nanoparticles showed a short circuit current density of 12.97 mA/cm2, which is 0.53 mA/cm2 higher than that of the reference solar cell without Ag nanoparticles, and the highest quantum efficiency for wavelengths from 550 to 800 nm. When 30 nm size nanoparticles were employed, the conversion efficiency of the solar cell was increased from 6.195% to 6.696%. This study reports the application of the scattering effect of Ag nanoparticles for the improvement of the conversion efficiency of amorphous silicon solar cells.</P>

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