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        양반마을의 문중의례(門中儀禮)와 종족의식(宗族意識)

        이연숙 ( Yeon Suk Lee ) 한국사회사학회 2007 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.75

        아산시 송악면 외암리는 예안이씨 종족마을로 국가로부터 민속마을로 지정받아 마을 경관이 잘 보존되어 있고 활발한 문중활동과 엄정한 조상숭배의례 주수 그리고 가계 계승의식이 뚜렷하게 나타나는 마을이다. 예전부터 외암리는 인물성동이론(人物性同異論)의 주역 중 하나인 외암(巍巖) 이간(李柬)이 마을로 알려졌고, 근래에는 ``추사 한글 편지``전으로 김정희가 첫 부인과 사별하고 22살에 재혼한 예안 이씨(이간의 현손녀)에게 보내는 애틋한 편지가 공개되어 추사(秋史)의 처가마을로도 이름을 얻게 되었다. 예안이씨 문중은 16세기 후반에 외암리에 입향하여 18세기 중후반에 종족마을을 이룬 온양지역의 대표적인 사족가문이다. 예안이씨 문중조직은 장로연합체제로 의례 중심으로 운영되어오다가 1998년부터 종회장-부회장-유사체제로 재구성하였다. 2005년부터는 출가한 여성에게 종회원의 자격을 주었고 문중재산 평가액의 사승과 개발사업에 의한 처분으로 돈이 생기면서 위선사업을 벌이고 있다. 문중에서 가장 중요하게 여기는 묘제는 1970년대부터 꾸준한 이촌(離村)으로 참례자 수와 제수(祭需)의 양은 줄어들었지만 제일(祭日)이나 절차는 전통방식을 그대로 고수하고 있다. 그리고 산직을 두지 않고 전통제수차림업체에 제수를 주문하는 소종(小宗)까지 생겼을 정도로 문중과 산직(山直)의 관계가 변하고 있다. 한편 예안이씨의 종족의식은 양반자손이라는 자긍심과 문중재산의 존재, 의례의 엄정한 준수로 인하여 아직까지 강하게 남아 있는 편이다. 종족의식은 가계계승의식과 이어져 20세기 후반에도 입후(立後) 관행이 이루어졌고 앞으로 종가의 존속을 위해 또 다른 형태의 양자 탄생을 예고하고 있다. 현재 외암리 예안이씨 문중은 60~70대의 노년층 위주로 문중이 운영되고 있고 젊은 종중원들은 문중보다 민속마을에 더 매력을 가지고 참여하고 있다. 그러나 아마도 지금의 젊은 종중원들도 노년이 되면 문중으로 회귀하여 세대상전이 되면서, 문중조직ㆍ의례가 지속ㆍ변화를 겪으면서 문중이 존속하리라 믿는다. 또한 외암리는 민속마을 지정으로 예산의 지원과 함께 다체로운 문화행사가 열리고 있다. 예안이씨 문중과 민속마을 보존회에서는 짚풀문화제의 한 프로그램으로 2005년에는 제일(祭日)까지 옮겨 관선재 제향을 올렸고, 2006년에는 문정공 사당에서 불천위제사를 지냈다. 이를 통해 문중은 경제적 원조와 전 국민의 관객화를 이끌어내고 있다. 이 점은 문중과 민속마을의 전략적 공조라고 할 수 있을 것이다. A family village of Lee from Yean (Yean Lee) located in Oeam Li Sangak Myon Asan City was designated as a folk village from South Korean government because the Korean traditional village view, traditional ways of family rituals, worship ceremony for the ancestors and ceremony for lineage succession have been well preserved. Oeam Li is known for a village where Oeam, Lee Gan lived, who initiated a theory called Inmulsungdongleeron, which is a study on whether the nature of men and animals are the same or different. Recently, It is known as Chusa, Kim Jeonghee`s second wife`s village. This was revealed in "Chusa Hangul Letter" where he expressed his love. Chusa got remarried to a woman from Lee when he became twenty two years old after he lost his first wife. Yean Lee family was settled down in Oeam Li in the late sixteenth century and in the middle and late eighteenth century they formed a family village as a representative noble family in Onyang area. Yean Lee family was operated as an elder-united system focusing on rituals but from 1998it was reorganized as chairman-vice chairman system. From 2005, they provided women who married the different family with full membership and they started to charity business because the family asset grew from the development business. The grave ritual for the ancestors, which is considered the most important event for this family has still followed the Korean traditional procedure although the participants and the ritual items decreased because people have moved to the city since 1970. Instead of having a person who takes care fo their family graves, some of people order the ritual items to the traditional ritual company. Meanwhile, Yean Lee`s family rituals preserves a traditional way because they have strong pride in their noble family heritage, the family`s asset, and strict ritual rules. The family rituals is followed by lineage succession rituals and even in the late twentieth century, a custom to adapt a son who succeeds to the family was performed and in the future, it will happened. Currently, Yean Lee family in Oeam Li is operated by elderly people at the age of sixties and seventies and the younger generation are more involved in the folk village project. However, when the younger generation becomes older, they will return to the family business and will take care of family organization, and rituals for the family`s preservation. Oeam li hosts various cultural events by government support after it was designated as a folk village. Yean Lee family and the folk village preservation committee performed a ritual ceremony as a part of Jippul cultural festival in 2005 after they changed the ritual date. In 2006 Bulcheonwijesa ritual was performed in Moonjeongong shrine. Through these events, the family achieves economical support from Korean people who come to see them. This happens with the cooperation of the family and a folk village.

      • KCI등재

        A Korean Colonial Intellectual`s View of Western Europe in the Early 1930s

        ( Young Suk Lee ) 한국사회역사학회 2009 담론 201 Vol.12 No.2

        1933년 연희전문학교 경제학 교수 이순탁은 안식년을 맞아 세계일주 여행을 떠났다. 귀국 후에 그는 여행기를 모아 『최근 세계일주기』(1934)를 펴냈는데, 이 책이야말로 한국 최초의 본격적인 세계여행기가 아닌가 싶다. 이순탁 교수는 경도제국대학 경제학부에서 저명한 마르크스주의 학자였던 카와카미 하지메의 지도아래 공부했다. 카와카미도 1910년대에 유럽을 여행했으며, 『조국을 돌아보며』(1915)라는 여행기를 펴냈다. 두 사람 사이에 상당히 비슷한 이력이 있는 셈이다. 카와카미의 책은 서유럽에 대한 마르크스주의 지식인의 견해를 알려주는 중요한 자료다. 그의 시대에 일본은 아시아 국가에서 제국주의 국가로 커다란 변화를 겪었다. 한편, 이순탁의 책은 서유럽에 관한 동아시아 학자의 견해를 보여주면서도 20세기초 제국주의에 대한 식민지 지식인의 태도가 깃들어 있다. 이순탁은 카와카미를 뒤따라 마르크스주의자가 되었다. 이 글은 서유럽과 근대 문명에 대한 두 사람의 견해에 내재한 차이를 밝히는 데 목적을 둔다. 카와카미는 유럽문화와 일본문화의 유형론적 비교에 주안점을 둔 데 비해, 이순탁은 서유럽문화의 특징을 사실 그대로 상세하게 묘사 하는 데 초점을 맞추었다. 두 사람이 처한 시대상황의 차이가 서유럽에 대한 두 사람의 인식에 영향을 미쳤다고 할 수 있다. Soon-Tak Lee(李順鐸), a Marxist professor of Yonhee Higher College, traveled around the world during his sabbatical year of 1933. After his return to Korea, he published a travel book, Essays on the Recent World Travel(1934), which is considered the first world-travel literature in Korea. He studied at Kyoto Imperial University under the guidance of Hazime Kawakami(河上肇), a famous Marxist scholar. Professor Kawakami had also traveled in Europe in the 1910s, wrote a trave l book titled Looking back Fatherland(1915). This is quite a coincidence between these two scholars` careers. Kawakami`s book is an important source that provides us with a Marxist intellectual`s view of Western Europe. On the other hand, Lee`s book represents an East Asian scholar`s views of Western Europe, and at the same time, includes a colonial intellectual`s attitude towards imperialism in the early twentieth century. The purpose of this paper is to examine some differences inherent in the two scholars` views on Western Europe and modern civilization. While Kawakami tried to reflect the cultural pattern and type of the West and the East comparatively, Lee was interested in understanding European culture itself.

      • 李朝時代의 長利

        李碩崙 慶熙大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        In this paper, The author is going to survey Chang Ri (長利), a sort of private loan, which was widely conducted throughout Lee Dynasty. In Korea, charging interest on loan was socially accepted without any objection, which was different from the case of Middle Ages in Europe. So the problem about interest in Korea had been concentrated upon the ceiling of the interest rate by Government regulation. Thus Il Bon Il Ri (一本一利) was the major thought of interest throughout Lee Dynasty, which means however long the term may be, the interest can't exceed the principle. Chang Ri was a sort of private loans that the lender lends his money (or rice) in the spring food-short season and collects the principle and its interest after harvest in Autumn. The interest rate of Chang Ri was 50% for about six months-very high interest rate compared with about 16.7% of Whan Kok(還穀) or 20% of Sachang Kok(社倉穀) during the same period. However, as soon as the Sang Pyung Tong Bo(常平通寶), a copper coin, was introduced into the exchange process in the latter term period of Lee Dynasty, the Chang Ri was changed into a loan at exceedingly high interest. As formely, the lender used to lend his money in spring and collect the principle and its 50% interest in money in Autumn. But owing to the change of the price of rice between spring and autumn, debtor was obliged to pay about 275% interest in autumn, calculating its interest in rice. We must say it is anexceedingly high interest rate. On the other hand, with the circulation of Sang pyung Tong Bo, a new type of a usurious loan, Kab Ri(甲利) appeared, which collected 100% interest for about six months. But the lender used to lend and collect Kab-Ri only in money, so the debtor was obliged to pay back money with 500-600% interest, in autumn, calculating its interest in rice. Most of the lenders of Chang-Ri or Kab-Ri were consisted of feudal landlords, ministers of State and Buddhist monks. What was worse, Naesoosa(內需司) which supplied the King's palace with the necessities and consequently had special priviledges, used to lend Chang Ri or Kab Ri and then officers of Naesoosa enjoyed their priviledges mercilessly. On the other hand, most of the debtors of Chang Ri or Kab Ri were generally poor farmers: which means that they couldn't pay back it with such a high interest and in such a case, they were usually deprived of their cultivative lands of wives and children, who were then obliged to become slaves of the lenders. But Yung Jo(1725-1776), who one of was the wisest kings of Lee Dynasty, made a reform in interest rates, and proclaimed a new regulation about interest rates in his reigning era. Its contents were as follows. The private loan was divided into two kinds - in money and in rice. In former case it restricted the interest rate within 10%, and in the latter case it permitted 50% as before. And he always persisted to keep Il Bon Il Ri as often as he had opportunity. Thereafter the interest rate of private loans were altered and limited within 20% indiscriminately. Thus Chang-Ri was once extinguished officially, but it had lasted for a long time unofficially in rural society.


        Adult Patients with Congenital Muscular Torticollis Treated with Bipolar Release : Report of 31 Cases

        Lee, Gun Sang,Lee, Myung Ki,Kim, Woo Jae,Kim, Ho Sang,Kim, Jeong Ho,Kim, Yun-Suk The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2017 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.60 No.1

        Objective : We assessed the surgical results of bipolar release in 31 adult patients with uncorrected congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) and more than 12 months of follow-up. Methods : Thirty-one patients underwent a bipolar release of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) and were retrospectively analyzed. The mean follow-up period was 14.9 months (range, 12-30). The mean age at time of surgery was 30.3 years (range, 20-54). Patients were evaluated with a modified Lee's scoring system, cervicomandibular angle (CMA) measurement, and a global satisfaction rating scale using patient self-reporting. Results : The modified Lee's scoring system indicated excellent results in 4 (12.9%) patients, good in 18 (58.1%), and fair in 9 (29.0%) at the last follow-up after surgery. The improvements in neck movement and head tilt were statistically significant (p<0.05). The preoperative mean CMA was $15.4^{\circ}$ (range, 5.4-29.0), which was reduced to a mean of CMA of $6.3^{\circ}$ (range, 0-25) after surgery (p<0.05). The global satisfaction rating scale was 93.7% (range, 90-100). A transient sensory deficit on the ipsilateral lower ear lobe was noted in three cases. No significant permanent complications occurred. Conclusion : Bipolar release of the SCM is a safe and reliable technique for the treatment of CMT in adults.

      • KCI등재

        제주 4·3사건을 기억하는 기억하는 두 가지 방식

        이정석(Lee Joung-suk) 한국어문학회 2008 語文學 Vol.0 No.102

        This thesis discussed the ways of making 'the April-three Incident in Jeju' into epic dramas in Uncle Suni by Ki-young Hyun and The Death of A Crow by Suk-bum Kim, and analyzed the relationship between the socialistic and historical situation of the writers with the epics. On the basis of the analysis, the thesis tried to define the significance and limitations of dealing 'the April-three Incident in Jeju' in literature. The April-three Incident in Jeju' has long been considered as one of the taboos writers dared not try to deal with in their works. In this sense Uncle Suni by Ki-young Hyun has its meaning in overcoming the taboo and becoming the detonator of making the incident the subject of arts and literature. Uncle Suni revolted the mainstream of defining 'The April-three Incident in Jeju' as a riot, but defined it as a disaster and an accident and tried to express regrets to the victims. But the discourses that define the April-three Incident as a disaster or an accident tend to overlook the aspects of protest and resistance of the incident. The Death of A Crow by Suk-bum Kim was in a way the first novel that dealt with the incident. Suk-bum Kim was a Korean living in Japan and he could make use of the socialistic and political advantage of a Korean-Japanese and could emphasize the aspect of protest in his novel. The novel has great meaning in dealing with a group of revolutionary intellectuals in the field of arts. Still we are waiting for more works that deal with the incident in different views. The views in Uncle Suni and The Death of A Crow were rather narrow, but they opened the door of greater works covering the April-three Incident in the aspects of people's protest.

      • KCI등재후보

        正祖의 <大老祠碑>(1787년) 前面 篆書 연구

        이인숙(Lee, In-suk) 한국서예학회 2010 서예학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        <大老祠碑>는 正祖(재위 1776~1800)가 1787년 직접 써서 하사한 ‘大老祠碑’ 네 자를 새겨 세운 석비로서, 宋時烈을 향사한 경기도 여주 대로사에 있다. <대로사비> 前面 篆書는 小篆이 대부분인 조선시대 碑額과는 다른 특이한 大篆으로서유사한 예를 찾기 어려운 대작이다.성리학이 주도 이념으로 자리 잡은 16세기 중반 이후 국왕의 문예활동에는 많은 제약이 있었다. 그럼에도 정조가 <대로사비>와 같은 대작을 남길 수 있었던 배경에는 강화된 왕권을 바탕으로 많은 시와 서예를 남기고 서화를 감상하는 등 다양한 문예활동을 했던 숙종과 영조의 선례가 있었다.정조의 서예는 전서 ․ 해서 ․ 행서 ․ 초서, 한글 등 각체가 비문 ․ 현판 ․ 묵적 ․간찰 등 다양한 매체에 걸쳐 남아 있다. 정조의 서예는 어필이라는 국왕의 상징 자본을 당대의 정치적 필요에 의해 적절히 활용한 실용적인 용도의 것이었다. 정조는금석문을 많이 남겼는데 비문 뿐 만 아니라 비의 篆書까지 직접 쓴 것은 주목할만하다.그간 <대로사비> 전서 서체는 기필과 수필이 뾰족한 획의 형태로 인해 막연히懸針篆이나 柳葉篆으로 일컬어져 왔다. 그러나 <대로사비> 전면 전서의 자형을분석한 결과 祠자의 ‘示’ 부분이 설문해자의 籒文임을 밝힐 수 있었다. 정조는<대로사비> 전서를 당시까지 실제 적용된 유례를 찾기 어려운 籒文으로 書寫하였다고 판단된다.정조가 주문으로 <대로사비>를 쓴 것은 의례용의 서체인 전서로서 학문적 이념과 정치적 정체성을 나타내기도 했던 조선시대의 특수한 상황으로 인한 것이었다.許穆의 眉叟篆이 남인들의 비액에 사용됨으로서 그들의 이념적, 정치적 정체성을나타내는 표지로 작동했고, 영조가 ‘洪武正韻體’로서 대명의리를 표명했듯 정조는국왕으로서의 정체성을 주문으로서 나타내고자 하였다고 여겨진다.<대로사비>는 정조시대의 가장 거대한 정치 집단이었던 노론의 종주이자 주자학자인 송시열에 대한 존숭을 표시하면서 국왕의 더 큰 통합력으로 노론을 포용하고자 한 정조의 의지에서 나온 작품이라고 판단된다. Daerosabi(大老祠碑) is a stone monument inscribed with handwritings bestowed on Song Siyeol (宋時烈) by King Chong-jo(正祖), in 1787, and it is in Yeoju, Kyungkido. Daerosabi seal characters(篆書) on the front is a great work with an unusual type of Daejeon(大篆), which is quite differentfrom Sojeon(小篆) on general stone monuments in the Choseon dynasty, and so it is not that easy to find a similar example like this. There'll be no question to say that a king's own handwritings be used as political symbols. But there were quite a restriction for a king to do literary activities such as calligraphies by the influence of Neo-Confucianism. King Yeong-jo(英祖) and Chong-jo left a lot of handwritings in the latter part of the Choseon dynasty, and it was influenced by King Suk-jong(肅宗), who had a lot of interest in literature. On the basis of strengthened royal authority, Suk-jong left his own paintings and calligraphic works and he also appreciated of other paintings and calligraphic works. And these literary activities by Suk-jong became a background for Chong-jo to leave a great calligraphic work such as Daerosabi. Chong-jo(reigned 1776-1800)'s calligraphy has various types of the classic writing styles; Jeonseo(篆書) ․ Haeseo(楷書) ․ Haengseo(行書) ․ Choseo(草書), Korean (한글). And these various writing styles used on various media such as stone monuments, signboards, letters, documents, and some other calligraphic materials are handed down today. Chong-jo used his handwritings properly for the political necessities of the time. Especially, Chong-jo left a lot of seal characters(篆書), and it is noteworthy. Till now, the calligraphic writing of the seal characters of Daerosabi has been called Hyunchimjeon(懸針篆) or Yuyeopjeon(柳葉篆), because it have the shape of the sharp stroke. But by analyzing the form of the seal characters on the front of Daerosabi, a fact that the first part Si(示) of the word Sa(祠) is Jumoon(籒文) of Seolmoonhaeja(說文解字)is found. It's adjudged that Chong-jo wrote the seal characters on the front of Daerosabi with Jumoon, which was very hard to find a descended example applied the same way till then. It's due to the special situation of the Choseon dynasty, in which the seal characters, a ceremonial handwriting, reflects the academic ideology and political identity, that Chong-jo wrote Daerosabi with Jumoon. By using Heomok(許穆)'s Misujeon(眉叟篆) on the monument of Namin(南人) group, it became means of explaining their ideological and political identity. Chong-jo intended to express the identity of a king with Jumoon. Daerosabi is an expression of honor towards Song Siyeol, who was the core of Noron(老論), the greatest political group at the time of Chong-jo, and also it is figured out that this work is out of Chong-jo's will to embrace Noron with bigger integration.


        Mi Suk Lee,Kyung Hee Chung,Song Mi Lim,Qingqing Luo 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        Fresh attention is being paid to lifestyle brands offering differentiated contents and value such that the 21st century is now being called the age of global lifestyle. Recently national income has been increasing and a broad lifestyle culture has been established. Thus, brands with Scandinavian (Sweden, Denmark, or Norway), culture sensitivity, and design have deeply permeated the domestic market which has led to a domestic consumers' lifestyle trend (Chung& Park, 2004; Kwon, 2013; Magnus & Chrystin, 2003). In particular, such global lifestyle brands as Marimekko (Finland), CathKidston (UK), and Muji (Japan) have secured competitiveness in the global market as textile products which reflect its country's cultural identity (Lee& Park, 2014). Meanwhile, a new word, Hanban (韓版)which refers to Korean brands or products that were created from the Korean wave (韓流), which refers to Korean dramas or songs. Korean culture has been commercialized and grafted into various industries. In particular, a strong wind of Hanban in fashion cultural products not only has spread the Korean lifestyle to the world, but has enhanced its influence on related industries as well as fashion. Although certain major Korean companies launched lifestyle brands such as Jaju, Modern House, Butter, and Pum to help realize a Korean lifestyle brand business, most products sold in Korean lifestyle brands focus on overseas imported goods,so it is difficult to find Korean images on these products(Bang, 2004; Lee & Chung, 2013). The size of the lifestyle market is growing as a high value-added industry that can lead consumers' lifestyle trends, and there is a growing interest for Korean fashion cultural products. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to attempt to develop textile designs for Korean-made high value-added products with the improvement of Korean brand values. For study methodology, the status of lifestyle brands at home and abroad was examined and textile designs were developed for lifestyle brand B. For the development of the textile designs, demand required by brand B was researched and a textile design concept was established based on fashion and interior decoration trends. Then, a textile was designed using a motive that can effectively represent the identity of brand B and the Korean image. Adobe Photoshop 6.0 and Adobe Illustrator CC programs were used for the standardized textile design motif, pattern development, and colorway. The results were as follows. First, global lifestyle brands such as Marimekko, CathKidston, and Muji sell differentiated lifestyle products from other brands by applying motifs and colors which symbolize their country's and city's cultural image on textile products and displaying their own identity and peculiarity. On the other hand, Korean lifestyle brands such as Casamia, Hanssem, Kosney, and Art Box do not plan or produce their own design, but will import and sell foreign textile fabric or textile products with high recognition, or copy imported fabric. Thus, their textile design is unsatisfactory to express their own identity and satisfy consumers' needs. Second, as to the development direction required by brand B, a Korean lifestyle brand, the focus was to first, 'design American and European products using colors and techniques which reflect Korean image trends', Second, to create a 'design with Scandinavia's peculiar simplified line and sensitive color', and finally, to make a 'flower pattern design with good sustainable market feasibility'. Based on the direction and 2015 S/S color and textile trends, three concepts were established: Global Tribe, Bunny in the Wonderland, and Beyond Nature. Global Tribe is a folk paintin g(Minhwa) representing the Korean image well, and was reinterpreted in a modern sense. Bunny in the Wonderland is a modern Scandinavian style design using a rabbit, a symbol of brand B, as the main motif. Beyond Nature used a flower motif in various expression techniques and images. A textile design was developed by extracting from a folk painting, a rabbit, and a flower motif and standardizing a motif in watercolor, pen, and graphic techniques. It was digitalized by a scanner and a pattern was made via the steps of color adjustment and repetition. Three kinds of textile designs were developed according to three concepts and four kinds of colorways were made for each design. This study attempted to develop a textile design as Korean-made high value-added textile products. It is meaningful to suggest textile design with Korean cultural images and brand identity. Further study will focus on the development of fashion cultural products and DIY products to commercialize developed textile design.

      • KCI등재

        초등 내용중심 통합 영어교육의 동향 분석

        이지숙(Lee, Ji-suk),김정렬(Kim, Jeong-ryeol) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.7

        본 연구의 목적은 국내에서 수행되어 온 초등 내용중심 통합 영어교수 연구 논문들의 시기별 동향 및 교수의 효과성을 살피는데 있다. 이를 위해 1991년부터 2020년 9월까지 출판이 이루어진 초등영어교육 관련 논문을 데이터베이스 검색을 통해 수집하였다. 연구 적격성 기준을 통해 141편을 최종 선별하였으며 이를 시기별로 연구의 양적변화, 연구방법, 통합 유형 등으로 나누어 연구의 동향을 분석하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 연구의 양적 변화 면에서는 정부의 몰입교육 시행 발표 이후 연구의 수가 급격하게 증가하였으나, 몰입교육 시행이 무효화되면서 관련 연구수가 다시 감소하여 현재까지 그 영향이 이어지고 있었다. 연구의 대상학년의 경우 연구 대상이 5, 6학년에 많이 치중되어 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 연구의 방법은 실험연구의 비율이 꾸준히 높게 유지되는 가운데 최근에 들어서는 문헌연구의 비율이 감소하고 분석연구가 많이 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 통합의 방법 측면에서는 몰입 관련 연구가 가장 많이 발표되었고, 그 다음으로 교과통합, 이야기통합, 주제통합 순이었으며, 마지막으로, 통합 대상교과의 경우 과학교과를 대상으로 통합을 실시한 연구가 가장 많은 가운데, 과학, 수학, 사회 교과와의 통합으로 연구들이 많이 편중된 것으로 나타났다. This study is to synthesize researches on content-language integrated elementary English instruction in Korea. All studies related to content-language integrated elementary English instruction published until September 2020 were collected via the electronic means. As a result, 141 articles were selected according to the eligibility criteria. They were analyzed by being divided into three phases based on a ten-year cycle(first phase: 1991~2000, second phase: 2001~2010, third phase: 2011~2020.09). Firstly, the quantitative changes of articles, method, participants, types of integration by curricula period were examined. Based on the analysis, studies were conducted intermittently during first phase. In the second phase, after Lee Myung-bak administration announcing the implementation of immersion education, the number of published articles increased rapidly. However, with the retraction of the plan proposed by Lee’s administration, the number of the research started to decrease and continued to decrease in the third phrase. Concerning participants, there were more studies on fifth and sixth graders than studies on the lower graders. In terms of research method, experimental studies were conducted the most among surveyed studies of experimental, survey, developmental, observational, analytical, case studies, and literature studies. Another trend discovery is while the number of literature studies have decreased, analytical studies have increased recently. In terms of the integration method, the immersion studies outnumbered other method. In regards to the subject, researchers preferred science the most and a lot of researches were concentrated in science, math and social studies.

      • KCI등재

        Phosphorus Removal in Pilot Plant Using Biofilm Filter Process from Farm Wastewater

        Shin, Sung-Euy,Choi, Du-Bok,Lee, Choon-Boem,Cha, Wol-Suk The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengine 2006 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.11 No.4

        Various environmental conditions affecting total phosphorus removal from farm wastewater in a biofilm filter process were investigated using loess balls and Chromobacterium LEE-38 at a pilot plant. When Chromobacterium LEE-38 was used, the removal efficiency of total phosphorous was approximately 10- or 5-fold higher than that of Acinetobacter CHA-2-14 or Acinetobacter CHA-4-5, respectively. When a loess ball of $11{\sim}14mm$ manufactured at a $960^{\circ}C$ calcining temperature was used, the removal efficiency of total phosphorous was 90.0%. When 70% of the volume fraction was used, the maximum efficiency of total phosphorus removal was 93.1%. Notably, when the initial pH was in the range of 6.0 to 8.0, the maximum removal efficiency of total phosphorus was obtained after 30 days. When the operating temperature was in the range of 30 to $55^{\circ}C$, the maximum removal efficiencies of total phosphorus, 95.6 to 94.6%, were obtained. On the other hand, at operating temperatures below $20^{\circ}C$ or above $40^{\circ}C$, the removal efficiency of total phosphorous decreased. Among the various processes, biofilm filter process A gave the highest removal efficiency of 96.4%. Pilot tests of total phosphorus removal using farm wastewater from the biofilm filter process A were carried out for 60 days under optimal conditions. When Acinetobacter sp. Lee-11 was used, the average removal efficiency in the p-adsorption area was only 32.5%, and the removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) were 56.7 and 62.5%, respectively. On the other hand, when Chromobacterium LEE-38 was used, the average removal efficiency was 95.1%, and the removal efficiencies of COD and BOD were 91.3 and 93.2%, respectively.

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