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Shin, Gu-Choul,Na, Byoung-Kuk,Lee, Joo-Yeon,Ahn, Jung-Bae,Park, Jong-Won,Lee, Jin-Soo,Kim, Jee-Hee,Kim, Woo-Joo,Kang, Chun The Korean Society for Microbiology 2003 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.33 No.4
Although Korean influenza virus isolates have been genetically associated with the vaccine strains of the corresponding year, influenza B viruses have prevailed almost every year in Korea during the past decades. We have 'analyzed the genetic characteristics and evolutionary patterns of the haemagglutinin (HA) 1 domains of influenza B viruses isolated during 1988-1999 using direct RT-PCR and sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis of influenza B viruses isolated in Korea indicated that antigenically and genetically distinguishable strains of the lineage II and lineage III variants had been cocirculated. Variants prevailed in early 1990s are represented in 1996/97 and 1998/99 and some different variants have been co circulated geographically and prevailed concurrently in Korea. All HA1s of Korean isolates have amino acid substitutions mainly in the region between position 124 and 310, which was previously proposed an immunodominant region. Insertion-deletion patterns of the HA gene revealed that Korean influenza B viruses were evolved from Lee40 with different manner between lineage II and III viruses. Lineage III viruses were also divided into two groups as conserved group and inserted group, in relation to Lee40. But lineage II viruses had evolved with directional pattern. Antigenic index proposed that influenza B isolates prevailed since 1996/97 seasons might had emerged from the antigenic variants of a Seo1697-like virus and that new variants might appear from the lineage II viruses resulting in persistent prevalence in Korea.
조남신(Cho Nam Shin),이진주(Lee Jin Joo) 한국경영학회 1980 經營學硏究 Vol.9 No.-
The modern decision environment is characterized by the presence of multiple objectives or goals, which are generally competing or conflicting. Therfore, it has been well established that virtually every decision making problem involves several key criteria. Mathematical programming techniques based on a single objective criterion such as cost minimization or profit maximization are restricted in application to real-world problems. Radford (14) contended that the goal of a global optimum solution should be discarded when considering complex and multiple objective decision problems. Under the modern complex decision environment, it is necessary to simultaneously consider all of the multiple and often conflicting objectives appropriately in selecting a best strategy or policy. Among the various techniques which have been developed to handle multicriteria decision making problems, goal programming is perhaps the most promising approach as it is an appropriate, powerful, flexible, and pragmatic tool. This technique was originally introduced by Charnes and Cooper (2, 3), and further developed by Ijiri (g) and Lee (11). The goal programming model can be solved through the use of a computer program based on an iterative algorithm. Currently, the most widely used computer program is Lee`s program (11) written in Fortran. Another popular algorithm was developed by Ignizio (7). Lee`s and Ignizio`s programs were designed using the modified simplex method. Lee`s and Ignizio`s programs did not consider efficiency in terms of the running time and storage requirements. Computational inefficiency results from unnecessary information being computed from iteration. to iteration. Recently Arthur (1) attempted to design a more efficient algorithm. This algorithm was tested in comparison with Lee`s algorithm in terms of computational time. Arthur`s goal partitioning algorithm is more efficient than the other two algorithms because it reduces the number of computations by modifying the matrix size when the number of subproblems increases and by eliminating unnecessary nonbasic variables. The critical disadvantage of this algorithm is its inability to provide the final optimal simplex tableau required to perform sensitivity analysis. This paper presents a new efficient GP algorithm based on the product represenation of the revised simplex method in order to overcome deficiencies of computational inefficiency on the part of the Lee and Ignizio algorithms and the lack of the final simplex tableau on the part of the Arthur algorithm.
산업훈련 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 : 가구 판매사원 훈련 프로그램
김신자,주영주,이광희 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1995 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.66 No.1-3
Rapid development of modern society demands incessant cultivation of new knowledge, function and skills. Even if a firm succeeds in securing qualified manpower, continuous training is imperative for the company to adapt to rapidly changing consumer tastes and business environment. Many of large size firms in Korea began to realize the importance of training programs of their employees. Therefore, they are developing their own programs and willing to spend a large portion of their budget to human resource development. Most of small and medium size firms, however, have not understood the necessity of training program of their won employees. Even if some of them want to make an investment on training their own employees. They could not find the right model suitable to small and medium size firms. Therefore, without analyzing the relevance for the model to their situation, they are forced to use the model mainly designed for large scale firms. After brief introduction, in chapter 2, we analyze the needs for new training programs and introduce well-known training models. We cannot, however, apply the models to the furniture industry without major modification to reflect the main features of furniture industry. Therefore, in chapter 3, we develop new graining programs which consist of four steps of need assessment, design, development, formative evaluation and which are more suitable to furniture industry. We do need assessments in four areas-business needs analysis, job analysis, task analysis, and content analyses. In the second step of design, we prepare program specification and road map. In the third step of development, we produce manuals, transparencies, slides and audio pates for the trainee. In the final step, we perform formative evaluation. In the last chapter, after summarizing our research, we make some suggestion on effective training programs for small and medium size firms on the basis of our study.
철골커플링 보의 비탄성 이력거동의 해석기법의 제안 및 복합 병렬전단벽구조의 비선형 해석
이주화,박완신,윤현도 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)
Ductile coupled flexural walls are the primary seismic load resisting systems of many structures. The coupling beams of these structures must exhibit excellent ductility and energy absorption ability. To achieve better ductility and energy absorption than previously possible, the use of steel coupling beams with their ends embedded in the reinforced concrete walls is proposed. But the present analytical method about behavior of steel coupling beam was scarcely anything. This paper composed of two subjects. First subject is a suggestion of analytical method of steel coupling beam, and selected 5 specimens for that. Second subject is a comparison of Seismic performance with RC coupling beam. This paper used IDARC-2D program for the purpose of achievement these subjects. Suggested analytical method expe3cted that it showed good agreement with steel coupling beam inelastic behavior. Comparison result showed that Steel Coupling beams replacing reinforced concrete coupling beams represent a viable structural system.
신군재,이주원 한국중재학회 2007 중재연구 Vol.17 No.2
The legal systems and open-door policies to foreign affairs in North Korea have been followed by those of China. Whereas an arbitration system of South Korea accepted most parts of UNCITRAL Model Law, North Korea has succeeded to an arbitration system of a socialist country. China, under the arbitration system of socialist country, enacted an arbitration act reflected from UNCITRAL Model Law for keeping face with international trends. We have used these three arbitration system as a tool for analyzing an arbitration system in North Korea. With an open-door policy, North Korea and China enacted an arbitration act to provide a legal security. Therefore, the core parts of arbitration system in North Korea and China are based on a socialist system while those of South Korea is on liberalism. So, North Korea and China enacted an arbitration act on the basis of institutional arbitration, on the other side, South Korea is based on ad-hoc arbitration. Because of these characters, in terms of party autonomy, it is recognized with the order as South Korea, China and North Korea. Also North Korea enacted separate 'Foreign Economic Arbitration Act' to resolve disputes arising out of foreign economies including commercial things and investments. There are differences in arbitration procedures and appointment of arbitrators : South Korea recognizes parties' autonomy, however parties should follow the arbitration rules of arbitration institutes in North Korea and China. According to an appointment of arbitrators, if parties fail to appoint co-arbitrators or chief arbitrators by a mutual agreement, the court has the right to appoint them. In case of following KCAB's rules, KCAB secretariats take a scoring system by providing a list of candidates. A party has to appoint arbitrators out of the lists provided by arbitration board(or committee) in North Korea. If a party may fail to appoint a chief arbitrator, President of International Trade Arbitration Board(or Committee) may appoint it. In China, if parties fail to appoint a co-arbitrator or a chief arbitrator by a mutual agreement, Secretary general will decide it. If a arbitral tribunal fails to give a final award by a majority decision, a chief arbitrator has the right for a final decision making. These arbitration systems in North Korea and China are one of concerns that our companies take into account in conducting arbitration procedures inside China. It is only possible for a party to enforce a final arbitral award when he applies an arbitration inside North Korea according to International Trade Arbitration Act because North Korea has not joined the New York Convention. It's doubtful that a party might be treated very fairly in arbitration procedures in North Korea because International Trade Promotion Commission controls(or exercises its rights against) International Trade Arbitration Commission(or Board).
신은경,이익섭,손주영 한국장애인고용촉진공단 고용개발원 2009 장애와 고용 Vol.19 No.2
청각장애인은 고용상태가 불안정하며, 삶의 속도가 빨라지는 정보화 시대에 사회통합에 필요한 실제적인 지원체계가 결핍된 채 살아가고 있다. 이러한 상황은 그들의 장애정체감을 왜곡시키고, 타인과의 관계형성에 어려움을 겪게 하며, 나아가 사회통합을 저해하고 있는 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 청각장애인의 사회통합에 영향을 미치는 결정요인을 고용유무, 문제실제지지, 장애정체감, 사회적 교제관계로 설정하고 각 영향요인과 사회통합의 관계 경로를 검증해 보았다. 본 연구는 전국에 거주하고 있는 청각장애인 134명을 대상으로 조사하였으며, 확인적 요인분석을 통하여 분석한 결과, 모형의 적합도는 좋은 적합도(close fit)를 보여주었다(TLI .912, CFI .942, RMSEA .049). 변수 간의 관계구조의 검증결과를 보면, 청각장애인의 문제실제지지는 장애정체감에 정적영향을 주며, 장애정체감은 사회적 교제관계에 정적영향을 주고 있었다. 또한 사회적 교제관계는 사회통합에 정적영향을 주었다. 고용유무는 사회통합에 직접효과를 가진다고 검증되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 청각장애인의 고용에 관한 정책적 지원과 그들의 문제를 구체적이고 실제적으로 지지해줄 수 있는 체계의 마련이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 지원체계의 마련이 궁극적으로는 사회통합에 영향을 주며, 동시에 장애인의 긍정적 정체감 형성을 돕고, 친밀한 대인관계를 형성하게 되는 것에도 효과가 있음이 검증된 것이다. The condition of employment the deaf is unstable, and they are maintaining their life with lack of practical support system for social integration in this fast turning information-oriented society. These circumstance distorts their disability identity, distresses on having relationship with other people, moreover it is hindering social integration. At this point, the study verifies the effect factors of the deaf to integrate in society by setting up an employment status, a disability identity, a problemoriented instrumental support and a social association relationship. This research targeted 134 the deaf group from the whole country, and by analyzing confirmatory factor analysis, it revealed suitability of the model is close fit(TLI .912, CFI .942, RMSEA .049). A result for verification in relationship system among variable is that, problemoriented instrumental support has positive relationship with the deaf ’s disability identity and disability identity is also related with social association relationship in affirmative way. It verified that an employment status has direct effect on social integration. Through this research, we felt the necessity of providing the political support for the employment and the system which could sustain their problems concrete and practically. By providing these supports, it will bring a good effect on social integration ultimately, and simultaneously, it will help disabled to form an positive identity, and it verified that it will support them to make a intimate personal relations.
쥐 大腦 Muscarinic Receptor에 미치는 카드뮴의 影響
李正秀,朴令珠,裵基哲,李神雄 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1991 環境硏究 Vol.10 No.2
The effect of cadmium ?? on the [³H] quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) binding of the muscarinic receptors in the cerebrum was examined. ?? Inhibited [³H]QNB binding in both dose-dependent and time-dependent manners and this inhibitory action was irreversible. The ?? Value of ?? to inhibit [³H]QNB binding in the presence of 100 pM [³H]QNB in the cerebral microsome pretreated with ?? at 37℃ for 15 min was about 50㎛. The inhibition of [³H]QNB binding by 50㎛ ?? followed biphasic kinetics ; there is a rapid inhibition phase during first 10 min incubation periods and a slow inhibition phase after a rapid phase. ?? decreased the binding site concentration for [³H]QNB binding without affecting the affinity of QNB. These results suggest that sulphydryl group plays an important role to maintain the muscarinic receptor conformation for [³H]QNB binding.
李周信 淸州大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.15 No.2
The switched capacitor has an performance much better than a resistor in the charcteristics of temperature and linear. In this paper, the passive RLC filter circuit can be replaced by switched capacit or of "Leapforg" type. The Error did not ocur theoretically because the approximation is not used. Therefore, passive filter can be design of SC filter exactly and The design of SC filter is using the sampled data thechnique. The theoretical value is agreedment with experemental result, and the higher sampling ratio is, the more characterisitcs of SC filter approached of passive RLC filter.
李周伯,鄭信敎,孫泰華,崔鍾旭 慶北大農學誌編輯委員 1986 慶北大農學誌 Vol.4 No.-
市販 ?茶를 20℃에서 相對濕度를 달리하여 저장하면서 吸濕特性을 조사하였다. ?茶의 吸濕速度는 貯藏相對濕度가 높을수록 컸으며 貯藏時間이 경과함에 따라 점차 감소하였다. ?茶의 等溫吸濕曲?은 전형적인 Sigmoid 형태를 나타내었으며 相對濕度가 일정할 때 저장시간과 흡습속도와의 관계에서 다음과 같은 式을 구할 수 있었다. ln(dw/dt)=nln(t) + ln c B.E.T. 式에 의해 구한 ?茶의 單分子層水分含量은 7.01~7.87%로 나타났다. 貯藏時間과 吸濕速度關係式에서 구한 계산치 수분함량과 실측치수분함량을 비교한 결과 거의 유사한 경향이었다. The sorption characteristics of green tea were investigated at 20℃ with various relative humidities. Particle size showed little effect on the sorption behavior of green tea. At low relative humidities below 57%, the sorption equilibrium were easily attained, but a high relative humidities above 75%, the sorption equilibrium were not reached after 10 days. From the estimation of sorption rate at arbitrary humidities an empirical equation was obtained; Ln(dw/dt)=nLn(t) + Ln c The monolayer moisture contents of green tea obtained by B.E.T. equation were found to be 7.87%(powder) and 7.01%(whole), respectively.
李周信 淸州大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.18 No.2
In this paper, for detecting the single moving object, three frames are sampled in two dimensional line sequence image the gray level of each frames is analyed and the bit data of pixels is rearranged so that the difference image is extracted. A detection of the moving object are done by the difference image extraction between the reference gray level from background and the gray level including the moving object in the identical background or the gray level after the identical object is moving. Whether the object is identical or not it is decided by the compraison of a recognition parameters in two difference images. The recognition parameters of the identical object are determined with the gray level of the object, the number of the vertex points.