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      • KCI우수등재

        베트남 붕따우 푹하이마을(PHUOC HAI)의 남해고래무덤

        LE THI NGOC CAM,송화섭 인문콘텐츠학회 2019 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.54

        The coastal areas of the southern part of Vietnam are characterized by strong presence of whale shrines, whale tombs, whale funerals, whale rituals, and other elements of whale worship passed down through generations. Vietnam’s whale worship represents a unique set of marine folk culture not found in any other country. Among the numerous sites of whale worship, the South Sea Whale Tomb in Phuoc Hai, Vũng Tàu is recognized as one of the largest whale tombs in the country. A whale tomb is built for a whale stranded on a beach. In a whale funeral, villagers bury the carcass of a stranded whale with the sorrow and solemnity akin to burying their own parents. They build a tomb, mourn for the dead for three years, and enshrine the remains for memorial rituals. The Vietnamese worship whales, which they call Ca Ong (grandfather fish), as gods of the South Sea. In Vietnam, there are two types of South Sea Whale Tombs namely Whale Shrines and South Sea Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Shrines. The Whale Shrines are influenced by China’s Ci Miao (祠廟, ancestral shrine) culture, and The South Sea Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Shrines are influenced by India’s Hindu culture. The culture of the coastal areas in Central Vietnam combines these cultures from the two countries. One of the representations of this combination is the Dragon Head Fish Body Statue (龍頭魚身像), which brings together China’s Tien Lung (天龍, meaning “heavenly dragon”) worship and India’s giant fish worship. These statues adorn the roof ridges and angle rafters of Whale Shrines. As for South Sea Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Shrines, their angle rafters often feature giant fish statues. These statues indicate that Phuoc Hai Village belongs to the South Sea Cultural Sphere. It seems that Hinduism from South India merged with Vietnam’s local whale worship in the Champa Period, creating the whale worship tradition that has survived to this day. 베트남 중부이남 바닷가에는 고래사당, 고래무덤, 고래장례식, 고래제사 등 고래 숭배와 신앙이 강렬하게 전승하고 있다. 베트남사람들의 고래 숭배와 신앙은 다른 나라에서 볼 수 없는 독특한 해양민속이다. 특히 붕따우 푹하이마을 남해고래무덤은 베트남 고래무덤가운데 최대 규모의 돌고래 무덤으로 알려졌다. 고래무덤은 해상과 해안에서 돌고래의 좌초에서 비롯된다. 고래장례식은 부모의 장례식처럼 슬프고 엄숙하며 사체를 매장하여 무덤을 만든 뒤 3년 탈상후에 유골을 사당에 봉안하여 제사를 지내는 관행이 있다. 베트남사람들은 고래를 까옹(Ca Ong:물고기할아버지)이라 부르며 남해신(南海神)으로 섬기고 있다. 남해고래무덤에는 고래사당과 남해관음신당이 있다. 고래사당은 중국 사묘(祠廟) 문화의 영향을 받았으며, 남해관음신당은 인도 힌두문화의 영향을 받았다. 두 문화가 베트남 중부 해안지대에서 결합하는데, 중국의 천룡(天龍) 신앙과 인도 계통의 큰물고기 신앙이 결합하여 용두어신상(龍頭魚身像)으로 출현하고 있다. 용두어신상은 머리는 용두상(龍頭像)이요, 몸체는 어신상(魚身像)을 말한다. 용두어신상은 남해고래무덤 고래사당의 용마루, 추녀마루에 장식되어 있고, 큰물고기상은 남해관음신당(南海觀音神堂)의 추녀마루에 장식되어 있다. 남해고래무덤은 붕따우 푹하이마을이 남해문화권에 속한다는 것을 말해준다. 베트남의 참파왕국 당시 남인도의 힌두신앙과 베트남사람들의 토착적인 고래신앙과 결합하여 고래민속신앙이 발생, 전승된 것으로 보인다.

      • SCOPUS

        Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility and Authenticity on Brand Loyalty: Evidence from the Chain Coffee Shop Industry in Vietnam

        MAI, Thi Cam Tu,NGUYEN, Hong Son,PHAN, Nguyen Ngoc Diem,LE, Minh Hang,LUU, Phuong Khanh,NGUYEN, Thi Thu Thao,NGUYEN, Thi Thu Trang Korea Distribution Science Association 2022 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.9 No.6

        This study examines the impact of CSR and its authenticity on customer loyalty through the brand image in the chain coffee shop industry. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, 601 survey questionnaires were distributed, of which 491 were analyzed. The results show that CSR has a positive impact on brand image and customer loyalty. In addition, authenticity does not moderate the impact of CSR on brand image and loyalty, as it is difficult for customers to verify the authenticity of CSR action programs. This study emphasizes the importance of CSR action programs and authenticity for businesses to sustainably enhance their distinctive brand image and customer loyalty. Therefore, for sustainable development in the future, managers of coffee shop chains need to focus on the following issues. First, the most important thing is the right awareness of businesses regarding CSR and CSR authenticity. Third, businesses should strengthen the transparency of CSR action programs in various media so that consumers can easily verify authenticity, to increase brand image and improve customer loyalty.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 기경(騎鯨)신앙의 관점에서 본 위도 대리 원당의 신령씨당신도(神靈氏堂神圖)와 문화적 다양성

        송화섭,LE THI NGOC CAM 중앙대학교 문화콘텐츠기술연구원 2019 다문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.32

        The Wondang shrine (願堂, memorial shrine) in Daeri, Wido, Korea, houses Sillyeongssi Dangsindo (神靈氏堂神圖, a painting of a spirit housed at a shrine). The painting depicts a spirit riding on the back of a dolphin and soaring into the rainbow sky. The dolphin featured in the painting is a combination of the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin and a giant fish. In the Indo-Pacific, dolphins are worshipped as human-friendly spiritual animals who save humans from troubles at sea. Vietnam has a long tradition of gigantic fish worship, which is evidenced through whale shrines and graveyards. Its roots can be traced back to totemism held by the natives. When the Vishnu Bodhisattva worship arrived from India, it merged with the native totemism, giving birth to White-robed Bodhisattva on a giant fish statues (騎鯨觀音像) and inciting the development of worshipping the Bodhisattva of the Southern Sea. Literature from China’s Han period (漢代) include references to“乘巨鱗” or “騎京魚” (which means “to ride a gigantic fish”). Du Fu, a poet from the Tang period (唐代) wrote “李白騎鯨上天” in one of his poems, which means “Li Bai ascending to the sky on a gigantic fish.” While Du Fu’s phrase is heavily influenced by Taoist hermit ideology, the white-robed Bodhisattva on giant fish statues (騎鯨觀音像) clearly show elements of worshipping the Bodhisattva of the Southern Sea. These two traditions developed around the South Seas of Southern India, Vietnam, and China, and their influence spread to the Byeonsanbando Peninsula and Wido Island in Korea. The dolphin and gigantic fish worship in Vietnam reached China, resulting in the creation of White-robed Bodhisattva on a giant fish statues and Li Bai’s flight on a gigantic fish, from which Sillyeongssi Dangsindo in the Wondang shrine was born. In ancient times, Wido was one of the centers of maritime transportation in the region. The island served as a halfway port of call and departure for ships that sail sea routes in East Asia. Moreover, the sea routes became the conduit in spreading the gigantic fish worship to Korea, which resulted in the creation of Sillyeongssi Dangsindo. The painting serves as an expression of cultural diversity. It brings together Vishnu’s gigantic fish avatar, dolphin worship in Vietnam, Taoist hermit ideology, and Buddhist belief in Bodhisattva. The painting also provides us with a good understanding of worshipping the Bodhisattva of the Southern Sea (南海觀音) and the gigantic fish worship culture in East Asia. 위도 대리 원당에 신령씨당신도가 봉안되어 있다. 이 당신도는 신선(神仙)이 바다에서 돌고래를 타고 무지개 뜬 하늘을 향하여 비상하는 모습으로 그려졌다. 돌고래의 지느러미가 물고기의 지느러미로 묘사되었다. 신령씨당신도의 돌고래는 남방큰돌고래와 큰물고기가 조합된 큰물고기 돌고래라 할 수 있다. 인도-태평양권의 돌고래는 인간친화적이고 해난구제(海難救濟)의 靈物로 신앙되고 있다. 베트남의 고래숭배는 고래사당과 고래무덤이 말해주는데, 그 역사는 원주민들의 토템이즘에서 비롯되었다. 이러한 돌고래의 토템이즘의 기반위에 인도에서 비슈누관음(vishnu觀音)신앙이 도래하여 큰물고기를 탄 기경관음상을 출현시켰고 남해관음신앙을 발달시켰다. 그런데 중국 한대(漢代) 문헌에 기경어(騎京魚) 승거린(乘巨鱗) 기록이 등장하고, 당대(唐代) 시인 두보(杜甫)의 시문에 이백기경상천(李白騎鯨上天)이 등장하고 있다. 고대 중국인들은 바다에서 큰물고기(鯨)를 타고 선경세계로 비상하는 것을 동경하였다. 이백기경상천은 도교의 신선사상이 강하게 깃들어 있다면, 기경관음상(騎鯨觀音像)은 남해관음신앙 요소가 강하게 깃들어 있다. 기경관음상과 남해관음신앙이 남인도의 남해, 베트남 남해, 중국의 남해에서 발달하였으며 변산반도와 위도까지 영향을 미친 것이다. 베트남의 돌고래숭배와 큰물고기신앙이 당대(唐代) 중국에서 보타낙가산의 기경관음상과 이백기경상천이 원당의 신령씨당신도를 태동시켰다. 위도는 동중국해 사단항로의 해상교통로에서 중간기항지요, 원해출발지로서 해상교통의 요충지였다. 그 동아시아 바닷길로 들어온 기경상천신앙이 신령씨당신도를 낳았다. 신령씨당신도는 비슈누의 화신 큰물고기와 베트남의 돌고래 숭배와 도교의 신선사상과 불교의 관음신앙이 결합한 문화적 다양성을 보여주고 있다. 신령씨당신도는 동아시아 남해관음(南海觀音)과 경신문화(鯨神文化)를 이해할 수 있는 매우 좋은 자료다.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 사파(Sapa)지역 神殿의 神格 구성 고찰 -덴항포(Den Hang Pho, SAPA)를 소재삼아-

        이윤선,LE THI NGOC CAM 한국역사민속학회 2010 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.34

        This study has its purpose on figuring it out to the religious notion in Vietnam with the material of the divinity construction of Den Hang Pho in Sapa where is the northern region of Vietnam. To make this, the study divides the type of Vietnamese temples into four parts; Chua, Den, Dinh, and Mieu. Among them, the study pays attention to ‘Den’ because Vietnamese historical heroes are seated as divinity. This reason makes a reasonable case to this study to figure out a typically and generally religious faith. First of all, the study analyzes immaculate divinity, which generally consists of three and four layered system. The study confirms that the immaculate divinity started from the goddess and then extended to the concept to dominate the sky, the ground, the sea(river), and the mountain(forest). General Trần Hưng Đạo is the best historical hero in Vietnam and has been placed in temples called Den. The study exams the context that the divinity extended to the religious beliefs, for examples, the belief related in a childbirth by lots of narrations and ceremonies and the belief to treat a sickness, and also exams the context that the divinity placed in a divinity to make a symmetrical relation with immaculate faith. The study exams the divinity construction of Den Hang Pho as its authentic case. In this case, the study could verify a case emphasized by mountain Holy Mother among immaculate faiths. Especially, the study can confirm that General Trần Hưng Đạo was apotheosized as a concept to be symmetrized with immaculate divinity, and futhermore, a couple of snakes was emphasized by their positioning to every room. Tri-system lays stress on the aboriginality(locality) centered on minority races in the northern Vietnam, the national identity of Vietnam, and the ecological condition of rivers flowing the valley of high and steep peak. The confirmed facts could be said to a construction what the religious notion of tri-system makes. The study makes a conclusion that this kind of conversion-oriented religious notion naturally corresponded with region, nation, and ecologically environmental condition, and extended to the Vietnamese faith with polytheistic divinity. 본고는 베트남 북부지역인 Sapa의 神殿 ‘덴항포Den Hang Pho’의 신격구성을 소재로, 베트남의 종교 관념을 살펴보기 위해 시도되었다. 이를 위해 우선 베트남의 신전 유형을 4가지로 구분하여 Chua, Den, Dinh, Mieu의 유형을 살펴보았다. 이중에서 ‘Den’에 주목한 것은 이곳에 베트남의 역사와 관련된 영웅들이 신격으로 좌정되어 있기 때문이었다. 이를 통해 베트남의 전반적인 종교 신앙의 성격을 추정하는 사례로 삼을 수 있다는 판단이었다. 먼저 성모신격을 분석해보았다. 대개 3위 체계와 4위 체계의 형식으로 이루어져 있는데, 여신으로부터 출발하여 각각 하늘과 땅, 바다(강), 산(숲)을 관장하는 신격으로 확장되었음을 살펴보았다. 진흥도장군은 베트남에서 최고의 권위를 갖는 역사인물로 주로 ‘덴’이라는 신전에 모셔졌다. 다양한 설화와 의례를 통해 출산과 관련된 신앙, 질병을 치료해주는 신앙으로 확대되어 나왔으며, 성모신앙과 대칭관계를 이루는 신격으로 좌정하게 되는 맥락을 살펴보았다. 현장 사례로 덴항포의 신격구성을 살펴보았다. 여기서는 성모신앙 중의 산신聖母가 강조되는 사례를 확인하였다. 특히 성모신격과 대칭되는 개념으로 진흥도 장군이 신격화되고 있으며, 나아가 한 쌍의 뱀이 각 실마다 배치되어 강조되고 있음을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 이는 베트남 북부지역이 갖는 소수민족 중심의 토착성(지역성)과 베트남이라는 국가적 정체성, 그리고 준령의 계곡을 흐르는 강줄기의 생태적 조건이 강조되는 삼원체계의 종교 관념이 만들어낸 구성이라고 말할 수 있다. 이런 융합지향의 종교 관념이 자연스럽게 지역과 국가 그리고 생태적 환경조건을 대응하게 하면서, 다신 신격의 베트남 신앙으로 확대되었다는 결론을 얻게 되었다.

      • Innovative Application of Melamine Sponge with a Copper-Organic Framework (Cu-CPP) as a Multi-functional Filter in Air Purifiers

        Van Cam Thi Le,강은실,윤소영,Mahshab Sheraz,Ly Ngoc Huyen,김승도 한국대기환경학회 2021 한국대기환경학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        This paper aims to offer an insight into the potential application of a multi-purpose filter to remove fine particulates and disinfect pathogens using melamine sponge with a copper-organic framework. In-situ growth dip coating method was applied to coat Cu-based coordination polymer particle (Cu-CPP) on melamine sponge (MS). The integration of Cu-CPPs with high crystallinity and highly active surface area (1318.1 m²/g) enabled Cu-CPP/MS to have an excellent capture rate (99.66%) and an instant disinfection rate of 99.54% for Escherichia coli. Electrostatic attraction seemed to play a crucial role in capturing negative-charged pathogens effectively by positive charges on Cu-CPP arising from unbalanced copper ions in Cu-CPP. Disinfection of pathogens was mainly attributed to catalytically active Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> sites. Organic ligand played an important role in bridging and maintaining Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> ions within the framework. This study highlights the design of a new capture-and-disinfection (CDS) air filter system for pathogens using Cu-CPP/MS.

      • KCI등재

        Consumer Perceptions and Consumer Behavior Toward Bio-Based Products: An Empirical Study in Vietnam

        Trong Luan NGUYEN,Ngoc Phu TRAN,Thi Kieu Thu NGUYEN,Thi Cam Tien HUYNH,Thi Kim Loi NGUYEN,Le Phuong Nghi THACH,Gia Nhu THAI,Thi Thanh Sang TRAN 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.12

        Green economy, also known as sustainable economy, is a current development trend in which consumers prefer products that are wholly or partly derived from materials of biological origin since they have become more concerned about their health and the environment in which they live. This study aims to examine consumer behavior toward bio-based products with three key goals in mind. First, it helps to understand the perception of consumers toward Bio-based products. Second, it properly helps consumers be aware of products derived from materials of biological origin so that the consumer can make purchasing decisions to protect their health and contribute to the protection of the environment. Third, the study on consumer behavior towards bio-based products will provide a more accurate view and assessment to companies looking to develop Bio-based products. Based on that, the research is carried out through surveying, collecting data from consumers, and then using the deductive approach, descriptive statistics, and quantitative method analysis. The results demonstrated that a positive relationship and a direct impact are established between the variables of Attitude and Social Norms and the Purchase Intention toward Bio-based products. Furthermore, the findings reveal that customers have positive feelings towards bio-based products in terms of trust, knowledge, and the environment.

      • SCOPUS

        The Impact of Country of Origin on Consumption Intention: A Case Study of COVID-19 Vaccines in Vietnam

        Minh Sang VO,Ngoc Phu TRAN,Thi Kieu Thu NGUYEN,Thi Cam Tien HUYNH,Thi Kim Loi NGUYEN,Le Phuong Nghi THACH,Gia Nhu THAI,Thi Thanh Sang TRAN 한국유통과학회 2022 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.9 No.4

        This study intends to analyze the impact of the country of origin on the intention to ingest COVID-19 vaccinations by measuring Vietnamese people’s perceptions of India in the manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines. The research is done using a quantitative method, and primary data was obtained using a conventional manner based on the willingness of the research respondents, who are Vietnamese persons aged 18 and up, to contribute information. The findings revealed that perceived brand association and perceived brand quality directly positively impact the COVID-19 vaccine’s consumption intention and willingness. Meanwhile, while the perceived country image component has no direct effect on consumption intention, it does have a positive indirect effect on consumption intention through perceived brand linkage and perceived brand quality. The findings also emphasize the importance and significance of a country’s image in brand association and quality perception. The study’s findings imply that to increase consumers’ willingness to buy India’s COVID-19 vaccination, the country should develop communication initiatives to improve consumer perceptions of the country’s image, the perceived value of the brand association, and brand quality.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 사파(Sapa)지역 神殿의 神格 구성 고찰 : 덴항포(Den Hang Pho, SAPA)를 소재삼아

        이윤선(Lee Yoon Sun),LE THI NGOC CAM 한국역사민속학회 2010 역사민속학 Vol.34 No.-

        본고는 베트남 북부지역인 Sapa의 神殿 '덴항포Den Hang Pho'의 신격구성을 소재로, 베트남의 종교 관념을 살펴보기 위해 시도되었다. 이를 위해 우선 베트남의 신전 유형을 4가지로 구분하여 Chua, Den, Dinh, Mieu의 유형을 살펴보았다. 이중에서 'Den'에 주목한 것은 이곳에 베트남의 역사와 관련된 영웅들이 신격으로 좌정되어 있기 때문이었다. 이를 통해 베트남의 전반적인 종교 신앙의 성격을 추정하는 사례로 삼을 수 있다는 판단이었다. 먼저 성모신격을 분석해보았다. 대개 3위 체계와 4위 체계의 형식으로 이루어져 있는데, 여신으로 부터 출발하여 각각 하늘과 땅, 바다(강), 산(숲)을 관장하는 신격으로 확장되었음을 살펴보았다. 진흥 도장군은 베트남에서 최고의 권위를 갖는 역사인물로 주로 '덴'이라는 신전에 모셔졌다. 다양한 설화와 의례를 통해 출산과 관련된 신앙, 질병을 치료해주는 신앙으로 확대되어 나왔으며, 성모신앙과 대칭관계를 이루는 신격으로 좌정하게 되는 맥락을 살펴보았다. 현장 사례로 덴항포의 신격구성을 살펴보았다. 여기서는 성모신앙 중의 산신聖母가 강조되는 사례를 확인하였다. 특히 성모신격과 대칭되는 개념으로 진흥도 장군이 신격화되고 있으며, 나아가 한 쌍의 뱀이 각 실마다 배치되어 강조되고 있음을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 이는 베트남 북부지역이 갖는 소수민족 중심의 토착성(지역성)과 베트남이라는 국가적 정체성, 그리고 준령의 계곡을 흐르는 풀기 의 생태적 조건이 강조되는 삼원체계의 종교 관념이 만들어낸 구성이라고 말할 수 있다. 이런 융합지향의 종교 관념이 자연스럽게 지역과 국가 그리고 생태적 환경조건을 대응하게 하면서, 다신 신격의 베트남 신앙으로 확대되었다는 결론을 얻게 되었다. This study has its purpose on figuring it out to the religious notion in Vietnam with the material of the divinity construction of Den Hang Pho in Sapa where is the northern region of Vietnam. To make this, the study divides the type of Vietnamese temples into four parts; Chua, Den, Dinh, and Mieu. Among them, the study pays attention to 'Den' because Vietnamese historical heroes are seated as divinity. This reason makes a reasonable case to this study to figure out a typically and generally religious faith. First of all, the study analyzes immaculate divinity, which generally consists of three and four layered system. The study confirms that the immaculate divinity started from the goddess and then extended to the concept to dominate the sky, the ground, the sea(river), and the mountain(forest). General Trần Hung Đạo is the best historical hero in Vietnam and has been placed in temples called Den. The study exams the context that the divinity extended to the religious beliefs, for examples, the belief related in a childbirth by lots of narrations and ceremonies and the belief to treat a sickness, and also exams the context that the divinity placed in a divinity to make a symmetrical relation with immaculate faith. The study exams the divinity construction of Den Hang Pho as its authentic case. In this case, the study could verify a case emphasized by mountain Holy Mother among immaculate faiths. Especially, the study can confirm that General Trần Hung Đạo was apotheosized as a concept to be symmetrized with immaculate divinity, and futhermore, a couple of snakes was emphasized by their positioning to every room. Tri-system lays stress on the aboriginality(locality) centered on minority races in the northern Vietnam, the national identity of Vietnam, and the ecological condition of rivers flowing the valley of high and steep peak. The confirmed facts could be said to a construction what the religious notion of tri-system makes. The study makes a conclusion that this kind of conversion-oriented religious notion naturally corresponded with region, nation, and ecologically environmental condition, and extended to the Vietnamese faith with polytheistic divinity.

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