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        시각유발전위 반응의 임상적 응용

        옥광휘,정흥섭,서중근,이훈갑,주정화 대한신경외과학회 1987 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.16 No.4

        Visual evoked potentials were elicited by flash in 29 patients with a variety of cerebral lesions and in 10 normal controls. In 12 patients with focal brain lesions, no wave form could be recorded in one side. Of the remaining 23 sides, the average P₁ latency showed no difference from that of the normal controls. In 17 patients with diffuse brain lesions no wave form could be elicited in 12 sides. Average P₁ latency of remaining 22 sides showed statistically significant difference from that of normal controls. In this study it appears that delayed P₁ latencies are associated with diffuse cerebral lesions rather than with localized lesions.

      • KCI등재후보

        다운증아 어머니의 기대성향이 비계화 교수와 문제해결학습에 미치는 효과

        여광응,윤숙경,박현옥 한국특수교육문제연구소 2003 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.4 No.1

        이 연구는 어머니-다운증아의 상호작용을 통한 문제해결과정에서 어머니의 기대성향이 어머니 교수중재의 양과 수준에 미치는 영향과 다운증아의 적목피라미드 문제해결과제에 미치는 효과를 밝히는데 두고 다운증아 어머니의 기대성향에 따른 어머니의 비계화 교수와 아동의 문제해결학습간의 관계를 탐색하고자 하는 것으로,만 6세인 다운증아 남아 3 명과 여아 3명인 전체 6 명 그리고 그 어머니들을 대상으로 하였다. 어머니-아동의 문제해결상호작용과정을 비디오로 촬영하여,어머니의 교수중재는 중재 수준,중재 양,유관 및 비유관 여부를 중심으로 그리고 아동의 문제해결은 성패를 중삼으로 양적 · 질적 분석을 병행 하였다. 연구결과 어머니의 기대성향이 긍정적일수록 아동의 문제해결 성패에 기반하여 중재 양과 중재 수준을 조절하는 유관 중재를 많이 사용하고 문제해결학습에서 부정적 기대성향의 다운증 자녀보다 더 긍정적 학습결과를 보인다. 또한 어머니의 비계화 교수 변인과 자녀의 문제해갤학습 변인사이에는 상호 관련작 양방향성 효과가 있다. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between maternal expectancy and maternal use of scaffolded instruction and problem-solving skills of children with Down syndrome. For this purpose, three boys and three girls with Down syndrome whose age were six years old and their mothers participated in this study. The mother-child interaction regarding problem-solving tasks was videotaped and analyzed. The qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted to find out the condition and quantity of scaffolded instruction used by mothers, and degree of their contingency of the tasks. In addition, it was analyzed whether these children resolved given problems successfully or not. As a result, it was found that the mothers who had more positive expectancy relied more on contingent intervention that regulated the quality and quantity of instructions based on the success or failure of their child' s problem solving tasks, and that their children produced better learning outcome than the children of the mothers who had more negative expectancy. In addition, two-way interrelationships between the scaffolded instruction variable of the mothers and their children ’ s problem-solving learning variable were found.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 부산광역시 도심지역의 연말연시 소음도 및 시민의 반응

        옥치상,조광석 高神大學校 保健科學硏究所 1995 보건과학연구소보 Vol.5 No.-

        The sound levels and citizen's responses at urban core of Pusan city in Korea on end and beginning of the year were investigated by the questionnaires and the field measurements. Based on the results, the urban core area was that the sound levels were 70.9dB(??) by mean, 72.8dB(??) by mena. And the frequency range in urban core area were 49.5~66.5dB(??) in day, 50.7~66.5dB(??) in evening. The frequencies with 60dB over were 250~4,000Hz. The citizen's responses for noise were very complaint. The sources of noise were speaklouder sounds of retailers, pedestrian and motorcar etc. The effect of noises were conversation disturbance, mental effect, disturbance of auditory organ, noneffect in order. The citizen's attitudes for life on end and beginning of the year were normal life.

      • 형태소분석과 지능형 에이전트를 이용한 정보 최적화에 대한 연구

        이광옥,배상현 조선대학교 통계연구소 2000 統計硏究所論文誌 Vol.2 No.1

        By mankind's continuous effort that mankind want to more comfortable life, nowadays we finding method that get more economic productive compare with the past and follow up social comfortable. Besides, use the internet, it's appears by the information communication technology, finding the method, it can give the satisfaction to users rise above time and spaces, and due to generality of use the personal computer and sudden increase of interest about internet now then we need to more information on internet. A demand of information is increasing but on the contrary there is rare exist system that offer correct information. In the present situation of this age, not a system that offer similar information in plenty but offer more correct information to users, be going to embodiment of information optimum that use a morpheme analysis and intelligent agent.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국에서 국가와 사회의 관계: 가(家)와 종족(宗族)을 중심으로

        김광억 서울대학교 국제지역원 1996 국제지역연구 Vol.5 No.1

        현대 중국에서 종족의 부활은 지역사회의 내적 구조에 따라 다양하게 실천되는 정치-문화적 현상이다. 종족의 조직체는 지역에 따라서 정도와 규모에 있어서 다양하지만 종족관념과 이데올로기는 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 활동의 제 영역에서 중요하게 실천된다. 이 종족의 활성화와 실천은 서구학자들이 말하는 바의 경제발전의 자연적인 부수현상이거나 중국 국내 학자들이 비판하는 바의 관년의 낙후성의 반여으로만 볼 수 없다. 그것은 개혁정책에 의하여 당과 국가의 권위체계와 전통적 기층사회의 권위체계 사이에 벌어지는 경쟁이라는 맥락에서 이해되어야 할 것이다. 즉 그것은 책임생산제, 문화 민족주의, 지역 문예활동, 사회주의 정신문명 건설운동, 사적 복지체계의 확립, 국가권위 체계의 확대 등 국가에 의하여 인민에게 주어진 프로그램에 대한 인민의 전략적 대응으로서 국가와 사회, 공적 권위체계와 사적 전통 간의 알력과 경쟁이라는 정치적 문화적 현상이다. Based on obwervations in several local communities, the present study aims at an understanding of the revival of lineage organizational activities in the context of contemporary economi, political, and cultural changes in China. Though organizational aspects are varied as they are shaped by the local structure, idea and ideology of kinship and lineage are commonly shared by the Chinese peasants as the bases of their moral system and politico-cultural resources inn their dealing with the state authority. The study reveals that the government policies to establish absolute state authority paralleled withvarious social and economic development, i.e. production responsibility system, socialist spiritual civilization movement, private welfare system, promotion of local culture, construction of cultural nationalism etc., contributed to the publicization of revival of the folk traditions which have been denounced as anti-revolutionary. Reproduction of kinship and lineage activities is also understood in the context of the competition between the state and society, between the public space and the private tradition, and between the imageries of the national community constructed by the state and people's won lived experiences.

      • 産業看護事業 活性化를 爲한 産業看護人力의 實態와 業務現況에 關한 硏究

        李光玉 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1988 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.41 No.-

        본 연구는 근로자 300명 이상의 산업장 279개소를 대상으로 산업보건 담당자의 실태를 파악하고 그들의 위치와 업무현황을 조사함으로서 산업보건계획의 기본자료를 제시하고저 시도하였다. 본 연구를 통해 나타난 결과를 보면 산업장의 84.9%가 의무실을 구비하였고, 보건담당자중 28.9%에서 간호원이 확보되어 있지 않았으며, 건강관리사업을 위한 시설 및 자원은 60∼70% 확보되어 있었으나 산업위생관리를 위해서는 거의 확보되어 있지 않았다. 간호업무활동중 보건교육은 79%정도 실시하고 있었으며, 사고예방, 성교육, 전염병 예방등으로 이룩되고 있었고, 의무실 내방자는 1일 20∼30명 정도로서 주로 투약과 드레싱이 이루어졌다. 유해요인인 37.6%에서 나타났고 안전관리는 81.3%, 보호장비는 54.1%가 보유하고 있었다. 직업성 유발요인은 52.3%에서 먼지, 소음, 용매등 다양한 요인이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 제거장치는 미비한 산업장이 56.6%로 나타났다. 산업장 간호의 문제점으로는 경영주의 참여부족(20%), 계속교육부족(19%), 대상자의 인식부족(16%)도 나타났다. 결론적으로 산업보건관리 업무를 적절히 수행할 전담기구의 설치와 산업간호원의 업무설정 및 산업간호를 수행할 수 있는 시설 및 비품이 확보되어야 한다. This study was undertaken to obtain data on the situation, roles and functions of occupational health care providers, on which to base planning for occupational health care nursing services. The results of the survey included the following. 1) Characteristics of the enterprises; 37.27% employed 1,000 or more labourers; the nature of the industries were manufacturing(72.76%), service(9.68%), and transportation/communication(8.96%); 84.95% had some kind of clinic or medical treatment facility. 2) Although there was usually a person in charge of medical care(91.75%) the proportion of registered nurses was 28.90%; more often the provider was a nursing assistant (practical nurse). 3) At the time of the survey, more than 45% of the enterprises were providing a yearly budget of less than, 2,000,000 won for health care, which was generally thought to be adequate; budgets were thought to be providing some 60∼70% of the needed supplies and equipment. 4) There were some recorded plans for care provided in more than 79% of the factories, and statistics available in 65%. The average attendance in the treatment room ranged from 20 to 30 a day, mostly for medication or dressings. Activities were classified as health education(79%), accident prevention(68.91%), sexual counselling(57.20%), and communicable disease prevention(49.09%). Diagnoses were regularly recorded(94%), and immunizations done (89%). The working environment was considered hazardous(37.63%);protective equipment was available(54.12%). Occupational diseases were considered related to dust, noise, or chemicals, etc.(52.32%); industrial waste elimination equipment was considered inadequate (56.63%). Problems encountered by occupational health workers (nurses?) were inadequate participation in management(20%), inadequate continueing education(19%), and lack of knowledge(16%).

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통 이미지의 호텔용가운 디자인 개발에 관한 연구

        문광희,문명옥 한국의류학회 2004 한국의류학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        This study was conducted to redesign hotel robes based on Korean images. Hotel robes are furnished at many Korean hotels to increase the level of their gursts′ satisfaction toward their hotel services. The current hotel robe has several flaws in utility and design. Also, the robes register a low level on guests′ satisfaction while generating high cleaning cost. Consequently, improvements in the hotel robes′ material, motifs, style, and color were needed. The current one-piece, cotton towel weave robes used hotels are white and pale. Half of the hotel guests never wear the hotel robes during their stay, because they are unattractive and most Korean hotels provide a robe similar in design. Furthermore, these robes are undistinguishable from those found at other countries. Nevertheless, Korean hotel managers feel that the hotel robe is an important tool to express its hotel image and to increase guests′ satisfaction of their services. Most hotel managers and consumers agreed that it is necessary to design hotel robes based on Korean images. They believe that redesigning the hotel robes based on Korean images would induce hotel guests to wear them and at the same time feel part of the Korean traditional culture. The Korean traditional motifs of Taegug. Un (cloud), JuJag (phoenix), and Kumkwan (gold crown) were used in the new design of the hotel robes. The style of new hotel robes is the Korean traditional Pho of the Three Kingdoms. The colors of new hotel robes are white and pink. Forty-three examiners evaluated the newly designed robes for their aesthetic, symbolic and distinctional values. They concurred that the new robes were much better than the current ones.

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