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      • Hg^2+에 의한 토마토 뿌리조직 마이크로솜 H^+-ATPase의 가역적 저해

        신대섭,조광현,김영기 충북대학교 첨단원예기술개발연구센터 1999 연구보고서 Vol.4 No.-

        토마토 뿌리조직의 마이크로솜 ATPase 활성에 대한 중금속의 효과를 조사하기 위하여 뿌리조직으로부터 마이크로솜을 분리하였고, enzyme-coupled assay를 이용하여 마이크로솜 이온펌프(ATPase)의 활성을 측정하였다. 여러 가지 중금속 이온들 중 Hg2+은 마이크로솜 ATPase 활성을 농도 의존적으로 저해하였으며, Gd3+ 과 Fe3+, La3+, Zn2+ 그리고 Pb2+ 등은 마이크로솜 ATPase의 활성을 현저히 저해하면서 동시에 assay에 사용된 효소를 저해하였다. 그러나, CS+과 BA2+은 마이크로솜 ATPase 활성에 영향을 미치지 않았다. Hg2+은 원형질막과 액포막에 위치하는 H+-ATPase들의 활성을 10 μM 이상의 농도에서 급격히 저해하였고, 1 mM 이상의 농도에서 완전히 저해하였으며, 두 효소들에 대한 활성저해의 Ki 값은 각각 80 , μM, 58 μM로 나타났다. Hg2+에 의해 저해된 ATPase의 활성은 DTT의 농도를 증가시킴에 따라 회복되어, HG2+에 의한 ATPase 활성저해는 가역적임을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과들은 Hg2+이 원형질막과 액포막에 위치한 H+-ATPase들을 비선택적이고 가역적으로 저해함을 보여준다. In order to characterize the effects of heavy metal ions on the microsomal ATPase activities, microsomes were prepared from the roots of tomato plant and the activity of microsomal ATPase was measured by an enzyme-coupled assay. Hg2+ inhibited the activity of microsomal ATPase in a dose-dependent manner, while Gd3+, Fe3+, La3+, Zn2+, and Pb2+ inhibited not only the ATPase activity but also the activities of enzymes used in the assay. However, Cs+ and Ba2+ showed no significant effect. Hg2+ inhibited the activities of both plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane H+-ATPases. In the dose-response to Hg2+, the activities of both microsomal H+-ATPases were severely inhibited at the concentration of Hg2+ above 10μM and were completely inhibited at 1 mM Hg2+. Apparent Ki values of Hg2+ on the inhibitions of plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane H+-ATPases were 80 μM and 58 μM, respectively. The Hg2+-induced inhibitions were reversible since the addition of dithiothreitol completely reversed the inhibitory effects of Hg2+.These results suggest that the inhibitory effects of Hg2+ on both plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane H+-ATPases are nonselective and reversible.

      • Pulmonary Aspergilloma : 1 수술 치험례 A Case

        신원창,손광현,홍성란 인제대학교 1985 仁濟醫學 Vol.6 No.4

        심한 객혈을 동반한 우측 상엽부의 mycetoma 병조를 절제한 후 임상 경과 완쾌되었다. 병리조직학적 검사상 Aspergilloma의 균사 및 아포로 구성된 fungus ball이 증명되었다. Pulmonary aspergilloma with massive hemoptysis is an occasionally fatal condition. A 43 year old house wife has had a severe recurrent hemoptysis for about 3 months. She received various medical treatment including anti-tuberculous measures without improvement. Roentgenographic findings were multicystic and soft patchy appearance at the posterior segment of the right upper lobe by A-P and lateral tomogram and also in computed tomogram. Pre-operatively fungus in the sputum culture was identified at the laboratory. Choice of surgical excision of the involved lobe was decided. Specimen showed beautiful fungus ball in the cavity and bronchiectasis of the communicated bronchi. Pathologic examination showed beautiful aspergillus fumigatus involving the lung parenchyma. Post-operatively hemoptysis was disappeared and 6th months follow up showed good recovery, For the reasons of the complex clinical pictures of the patient, authers report the case with a literature reviews.

      • 급성 심근경색 초기에 도플러 심초음파를 이용한 좌심실 이완기 기능의 평가

        신원용,김주성,김철현,이광희,최태명,현민수,김성구,권영주 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.1

        Background : Congestive heart failure after acute myocardial infarction relate to left ventricular systolic sysfunction. Also, left ventricular diastolic function contribute to heart failure. The aims of this study were, firstly to characterize left ventricular diastolic function by transmitral flow velocity, and secondly to study the significance of Doppler measurements in relation to the development of heart failure in the early phase of myocardial infarction. Method : Pulsed Doppler echocardiography of transmitral flow was assessed in 34 patients with acute myocardial infarction. According to the Doppler transmitral flwo velocity profile, the study patients were assigned to the three groups: normal filling pattern (DT > 140ms, IVRT < 100ms), relaxation abnormality (DT > 140ms, IVRT ≥ 100ms), pseudonormal or restrictive pattern (DT ≤ 140ms). Also, on the basis of the presence of heart failure during first week of hospitalization, the patients were divided into two groups: patients with no sign of heart failure (Killip class Ⅰ) and heart failure (Killip class Ⅱ-Ⅳ). Results : Of the 34 patients studied, 10(29%) were normal filling pattern, 17(50%) abnormal relaxation and 7(21%) were restrictive patterns. The left ventricular ejection fraction(EF, 40 ±6%) of restrictive pattern was significantly lower than that of normal filling pattern of abnormal relaxation(p < 0.01). And, the IVRT, DT, E/A and left ventricular EF were reduced in patients with heart failure(14 patients) compared to no sign of heart failure(20 patients)(p<0.05). Of the patients with heart failure, IVRT and left ventricular EF were reduced in patients with DT≤140 ms compared to DT> 140ms(p=0.001). Conclusion : Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction is present early after onset of symptoms of acute myocardial infarction. Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function complements measurements of systolic function in the evaluation of cardiac function. DT, IVRT, E/A and left ventricular EF are useful predictors for development of congestive heart failure following acute myocardial infarction.

      • 기독교 相談의 심리학적 기저

        신현광 대신대학 1990 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        Form the discussion of the preceding chapters, we have studied how psychology influences to Christian counseling, that is, relevance and integration between Christianity and psychology. Then, how do we deal with psychology in Christian counseling? As we studied this subject in chapter IV, Christian have generally four opinions about acceptance of psychological studies in Christian counseling. Now we are trying to criticize the four opinions, namely, four models of relevance and integration between Christianity and psychology. First of all, advocates of Separate But Equal model believe that scripture deals with spritual and theological problems involving Christian belief and practice. It is felt that many areas of legitimate concern, such as medical, dental and psychological disorder, fall outside the range of uniquely Christian responsiblity and should be dealt with by qualified professionals. But psychological malfunctions usually consist of or stem from problems like quilt, anxiety, resentment, uncontrolled appetites, lack of self-acceptance, feelings of personal unworthiness, insecurity, wrong priorities and self-ishness. Even the most casual reading of Scripture quickly reveals that it has a great deal to say about these sorts of problems. Perhaps a derailed understanding of how these problems interact to produce psychological symptoms is something which psychology can help us understand Letter. But without question the kinds of problems which constitute the substance of emotional disorders are difficulties to which Bible speaks. To create a wall between Scripture and psychology and to assume that the two disciplines are Separate But Equal, each dealing with different problem areas, must be rejected firmly as an inaccurate reflection of biblical content. Separate But Equal fails to recognize the relevance of Scripture to psychological problems. Secondly, the critical problem with the Tossed Salad model is a de-emphasis on the need for a careful screening of every secular concept in the light of Christian presuppositions. Because psychology grows out of a set of presuppositions which are violently antagonistic to Scripture, a model which fails to deliberately scrutinize secular concepts open the door to a synthesis of contradictory ideas. The Bible assumes that there is absolute truth. Whatever contradicts truth is false. Scripture absolutely refuses to accomodate concepts which are in any way inconsistent with each other. Whenever we mix concept springing from opposed philosophical positions, we are in danger of moving off our presuppositionary base. However, the first priority of responsible integration efforts is to develop a strategy for evaluating secular psychology in the light of Scripture. Tossed Salad adds scriptural concept to psychological thinking rather than begin with Scripture and cautiously scrutinize psychological concept in the light of biblical presuppositions. Therefore Tossed Salad model fails to emphasize enough the critical and prior job of screening. Thirdly, Nothing Butterists neatly handle the problem of integration by disregarding psychology altogether. Their basic tenet is Nothing But Grace, Nothing But christ, Nothing But Faith, Nothing But the Word. We too believe in the sufficiency of Christ for every need of man, but we don't believe we are denying. His sufficiency when we accept secular thinking which in no way contradicts the revelation of christ in His word. Nothing Butterists return us to responsibility, quilt, sin, and the atoning work of christ. For that we gladly thank them. At this stage in our thinking we take issue with Nothing Butterist colleagues primary on two grounds:(1) their insistence that psychology has nothing to offer and (2) what counseling in their model so easily reduce to - identify sin and command change. The implication is that counseling is no more complicated than finding wrong behaviors, instructing people on what they should do differently, and planning, exhorting, and demanding appropriate change. To assert that counseling is simply a matter of finding sin and exhorting change conveys a simplistic approach which fails to reflect the essential dynamics of Christianity and which does not fit the realistic demands of counseling situations. The thoroughly qualified biblical counselor is one who draws upon true knowledge wherever he can find it and one who know how to approach the unique individual before him to reach him with that truth. We therefore question Nothing Buttery in two areas: (1) it discredits all knowledge from secular sources as trained and unneeded and (2) it tends to reduce the complex interaction of two persons to a simplistic "identify-confront-change"model. Fourthly, Spoiling the Egyptians is an appropriate approach to integration which in our minds strikes a needed balance between the unintended carelessness of Tossed Salad and overreaction or Nothing Buttery. Tossed Salad correctly assumes that secular psychology has something to offer but does not pay enough attention to possible mingling of contradictory presuppositions. Nothing Butterists appropriately demand that every bit of Christian counseling be thoroughly consist with biblical revelation but throw out all psychology, including those elements which are (perhaps accidentally) consistent with Scripture. The job of careful screening is no easy matter. In spite of the best of intentions to remain biblical, it is frighteningly easy to admit concept into our thinking which compromise biblical content. The all-too-common but disastrous result is that we tend to look at Scripture through the eyeglasses of psychology when the critical need is to look at psychology through the glasses of Scripture. Spoling the Eyptians is therefore a delicate and risky task, appropriate for the Christian and sanctioned by God but by no means free of real danger. But we can profit from secular psychology if we carefully screen our concepts to determine their compatablity with Christian presuppositions. A Christian who has spoiled the Egyptians of secular psychology, carefully weeding out the element, which oppose his commitment to the revelation of Scripture, will be better equipped to counsel than either the Tossed Salad counselor who mixes concepts as they seem called for or the Nothing Butterist counselor who refuses to benefit from the insights of secular study.

      • 고혈압 환자에서 Leukoaraiosis 정도와 망막증과의 연관성 : 예비연구 Preliminary Results

        신동익,한현정,서대희,이광훈 關東大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 2002 關東醫大學術誌 Vol.6 No.1

        Changes in the cerebral white matter (leukoaraiosis;LA) are detected with increasing frequency by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the severity of retinopathy is correlated with degree of LA in patients with hypertension. Twenty-three consecutive patients with patients with hypertension admitted in the department of neurology were evaluated for degree of LA and severity of retinopathy. 8patients were 15female. The age distribution was between 52 and 85 years(mean 69.1years). The duration of hypertension was between 1 and 30 years(mean8.2 years). The degree of LA was correlated with severity of hypertensive retinopathy(p<0.05), especially in relatively young patient, short periods of disease, and female paitents(p<0.05). We can make a rough estimation of degree of LA with fundus examination without CT or MRI evaluations in hypertensive patients, especially in relatively young and female patients with short durations of disease. However, more broad study should be made for these value and relationship.

      • 등가영역 적분법에 의한 균열선단 적분계수의 산정

        신성진,홍종현,우광성 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1996 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        In this study, an equivalent domain integral (EDI) method is presented to estimate the crack-tip integral parameter, J-value, for two dimensional cracked elastic bodies which may quantify the severity of the crack-tip stress fields. The conventional J-integral method based on line integral has been converted to equivalent area or domain integrals by using the divergence theorem. It is noted that the EDI method is very attractive because all the quantities necessary for computation of the domain integrals are readily available in a finite element analysis. The detail and implementation of EDI method are extened to both h-version finite element model with 8-node isoparametric element and p-version finite element model with high order hierarchic element using Legendre type shape fuctions. The variations with respect to the different path of domain integrals from the crack-tip front and the choice of S-function have been tested by several examples.

      • KCI등재

        GT rotary file을 이용한 만곡 근관형성시 작업 효율 및 file 변형 발생에 관한 연구

        신주희,백승호,배광식,임성삼,윤수한,김병현 대한치과보존학회 2001 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.26 No.5

        Root canal preparation process is of utmost importance in successful treatment of root canal. Also, one of the most important purpose of the root canal preparation is to enlarge the root canal three dimensionally without changing the curvature of the root canal. However, as the curvature of the root canal increases, there are many difficulties involved in formation of optimum root canal. Therefore, in order to solve the above mentioned problems, new developments in methods of root canal preparation and equipments for such purposes were made. Recently, vigorous studies about newly introduced engine-driven nitckel-ti-tanium rotary file are conducted. As shown in research results to dates, it is well established that the use of nickel-titanium file is better suited for curved root canal than stainless steel file in maintaining the curvature of root canal and reducing the deformation of root canal. However, it is also acknowledged that there are a few discrepancies in research results according to protocol, due to failure to remove variables in experiments. In addition, although it is recommended by the manufacturer that the GT rotary file should maintain a low rotational speed of 150∼350rpm and 'light pressure' as light as not to break the lead of a pencil, academic studies about the vertical force which is not yet standardized are not sufficiently explored. Therefore, this research devised and utilized a special research equipment to standardize the appropriate range of vertical force for GT rotary file through experiments by breaking of the lead of a pencil as expressed by the manufacturer and to accurately measure factors involved through repeating and recreating the environment of root canal preparation. Forming nine experimental groups by varying the vertical forces (150g, 220g, 300g) and rpm (150rpm, 250rpm, 350rpm), the effects of changing vertical forces and rpm on working efficiency were measured in terms of time expended in root canal preparation by crown-down method using a transparent resin block with 35 degree curvature and GT rotary file (z-test). The following research using this special research equipment that involved nine experimental groups and varying the vertical force for root canal preparation from 300g which is within the normal vertical force range to 700g and 1000g which fall outside the normal rpm range. The results were as follows : 1.Analysis of the experiment results revealed that the tome spent in root canal preparation decreased as the vertical forces and rpm increased (p<0.05). Also, the effects of rpm were greater than those of the vertical forces within the normal vertical force range (β-weight test) . 2.Observation of the deformation of GT rotary file revealed that deformation increases in a direct correlation with the vertical force increase and in a reverse correlation with the rpm decrease, In the case of the vertical forces close to the normal range, the probability of GT rotary file deformation were quite different depending on the rpm changes. In the case of◎eater tier◎cal forces, the occurrences of deformation of the file were more frequent regardless of the rpm changes. 3.Deformation and breakage of file were also commonly observed in the expended time measurement experiments and GT rotary file deformation experiments in which low speed rpm (150rpm) was used and at the curved portion of the resin block. Key words : GT rotary file, Crown-down method, Working efficiency, Vertical force, Rpm, Deformation and breakage of file

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