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      • 교육대학 학생을 위한 초등학교 성교육 지도자료 개발

        송광용,김지자,유병일 서울敎育大學校 學生生活硏究所 2003 學生生活硏究 Vol.28 No.-

        본 연구는 교육대학의 성교육에 대한 이론적 기초를 확립하여 예비교사들로 하여금 성에 대한 바람직한 이해와 전인적인 성장이 가능하도록 도울 수 있는 체계적 성교육의 틀을 제시하기 위한 목적으로 이루어지게 되었다. 이를 위해서 성에 대한 다양한 이론적 배경 고찰, 국내외 초등학교에서의 성교육 실시 사례 분석, 교육대학생을 위한 성교육 지도자료 및 구체적 성교육 내용 등을 중심으로 연구가 수행되었으며, 주요 결과들을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 우리나라 초등학교 성교육은 주로 보건교사들이 담당함으로써, 시수의 확보에서나 일반 학생지도에서 통합적으로 이루어지지는 못하고 있으나 성교육 지도의 전문성이 확보된다는 면에서 장점을 지니고 있다. 그러나, 현실적으로 일선 초등학교에서 한 명의 보건교사가 학교 전체 학생들을 대상으로 성교육을 하기에는 무리가 따르므로, 담임교사가 성교육 연간 시수의 일부 시간을 분담, 의뢰받아서 성교육을 담당하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로, 초등학교에서 성교육을 제대로 실행하기 위해서는 먼저 모든 교사들이 그 지도내용과 수업운영에 대해 충분히 숙지할 수 있도록 해야 된다고 보여진다. 미국의 성교육은 주에 따라서 또는 학교에 따라서 다양하며 1988년부터 국가에서 AIDS 확산과 10대 임신을 방지하기 위해서 기존의 교육과정에 성교육을 통합적으로 가르치도록 교육기관에 기술적, 재정적 지원을 해오고 있다. 캘리포니아 주의 학교 성교육을 살펴보면, 학교에 배치된 간호사와 주 소속 보건통계의 교육훈련 연구팀에 의하여 실시되었으나, 최근 들어 교육 예산의 절감으로 여러 개의 학교를 한사람이 담당하게 되는 학교 구 담당 간호사들이 학교를 방문하여 보건교육과 더불어 성교육을 실시하고 있다. 성교육 시행 횟수는 한 학기에 1회 이상을 목표로 하되 대상을 학년별로 또는 남녀학생을 별도로 하여 실시한다. 한편, 학교 성교육 실시에 대한 미국 사회의 분위기는 대체로 보수적이어서 학생들의 학교 성교육 시간에 참여 가능 여부를 사전에 학부모에게 통보하여 동의서를 받아오는 학생에 한하여 교육을 받도록 하고 있다. 일본의 성교육은 원조교제의 저연령화와 어린이 성폭행 사건의 증가 등의 사회적 문제로 인하여, 1999년부터 일본 문부성이 제작한 "성교육의 사고와 진행방식"이라는 지도자료를 중심으로 유치원, 초, 중, 고등학교에서 조직적으로 실시할 수 있도록 장려하고 있다. 대부분의 초등학교에서는 성의 생리학적, 심리적, 사회적 측면을 포함하는 폭 넓은 인간교육을 지향하는 성교육 부독본을 교재로 채택하고 있으며, 6년간 교육과정에서 약 12시간 정도를 성교육 시간으로 할애하고 있다. 일부 학교에서는, 저학년과 여아 아이들을 대상으로 하는 첫 월경교육의 경우 부모들이 수업참관을 실시하여 그 반응을 참고로 성교육의 충실성을 도모하기도 한다. 국내외 초등학교 성교육 실시 사례들을 종합해 볼 때, 성교육의 내실을 다지기 위한 학교와 학부모간의 협력체제 구축 노력 뿐만 아니라 국가적 차원에서의 중요성 인식과 더불어 성교육 과정 및 프로그램 개발, 성교육 관련 연구 등에 국가차원에서의 적극적인 지원이 일부 이루어지고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 우리나라의 초등학교 성교육이 보다 내실있게 이루어지기 위해서도 이와 같이 성교육 교육과정과 성교육 프로그램 및 자료들이 충분히 개발되고 검증될 수 있도록 보다 적극적이고도 지속적인 지원 노력이 요구된다고 보여진다. 끝으로, 본 연구에서는 남녀의 신체적, 심리적 특성을 이해함으로써 긍정적인 자아개념의 형성과 원만한 사회 생활 영위, 양성 평등의 성역할을 이해함으로써 책임있는 성행동을 하도록 한다는 교육인적자원부의 성교육 목표를 기초로 하여, 초등학교 성교육의 영역과 내용 및 성교육 지도 프로그램의 실제 등을 구체적으로 제시함으로써 예비교사들의 성교육 내용에 대한 보다 체계적이고도 심회된 이해를 도모하고자 하였다 As the problems of sexual harassment among teenagers have increased rapidly, the school has focused on developing prevention program. As a result, many publications related on sexual harassment that can use on class is appearing. Like a most social problem, the sexual harassment have an emphasis on prevention than after treatment. Now, we have to emphasize on systematic sexual education for every class of school. The purpose of this study is to develop the basic theoretical sexual education at the university of education, therefore future teachers comprehend about well organized sexual education. Due t this purpose. We researched various factors such as different theoretical inquiry, domestic and foreign sexual education that have been taken place, teaching material of sexual education for the students of university of education and content of core sexual education. The summary of significant result is following sentences. The domestic sexual education in elementary school is not based on the teacher who is on charge of class, the teacher of preservation of health is taking care of sexual education, it ensures the professional teaching method for students. however, it is difficult to manage the time schedule for all the elementary school. In a reality, it is difficult to apply on count of lack of professional teacher of preservation of health. In accordance, school teachers are teaching classes some part of annual time schedule. For those reasons, the school teachers hsould educate themselves familiarity on the subject. In the United States, sexual education has been practiced in variety way in compliance with States or school. The nation has supported sexual education to prevent spread of AIDS and teenager pregnancy. According to the California State's sexual education system, there is not a cast that teachers are teaching sexual education for their classes. The sexual education was taught by professional teacher from preservation of health. However, the system is changed to one professional teacher taking care of several school since the cutback of State budget. The number of classes will be more than on time per semester. The education class will be divided to grade or sex. The atmosphere of society toward sexual education taking place in school is conservative therefore the school teaches only students who have permission from their parents about sexual education. In Japan, there are numerous social problems related with increasing sexual harassment such as prostitution of teenagers. In addition, the government encourages organized education in kindergarten, primary, middle, and high school with a text book which is produced by Education department of japan, called "Cognition and Process of Sexual Education". A large percent of primary school takes a supportive moral human nature supplementary reader that include biological, psychological, and social sexual education. It takes 12 hours of 6 years curriculum, some portion of primary school may make class subject to lower grade and female student teach women period. They also invite students' parents to accommodate the devotion if education. In summary, not only to make an effort to unite parents of students and school is important but also government's effort to support the development of programs and research of sexual education is important. The domestic elementary school needs advanced research, program, and textbook of sexual education to make our education more efficient. In order to achieve this, we need more supportive government policy. This study is based on the Education department of Republic of Korea's policy that makes young generation to understand the difference between male and female physically and psychologically so that they can be adaptive and responsible to society. This study was designed to help students of university of education to understand systematically about the content and domain of elementary sexual education. An on the job teachers, parents, and the school administrators are concerned with the essential of sexual education in elementary. However, there are actual issues fromm misunderstanding among the teachers that cause the narrow knowledge on sexual education to students. The domestic sexual education need continuous support to improve program that an on the job teachers and future teachers can use it for real.

      • 사람의 혈관 내피세포에 대한 Salmonella 균종의 감염

        송호연,고광균,최순룡 순천향대학교 1994 논문집 Vol.17 No.4

        In order to elucidate the mechanism of injury to endothelial cell of blood vessels in typhoid fever, Salmonella typhi was inoculated in cultured human endothelial cells. Endothelial cells were prepared from the umbilical vein that was freshly obtained from human umbilical cord by collagenase treatment. After screening of cultured endothelial cells through the immunofluorescent antibody technique, ultrastructural change of cytopathic Aeffect, obtained by lectron microscopy, showed typical progress of pathogenesis caused by S. typhi; adherence, endocytosis, intracellular replication and release of microorganism. These patholgical changes led to cellular disruption and final death of endothelial cells. Endothelial cells of vascular system found to be the site of amplification as well as the target organ of S. typhi, which could play important role in hematogenous spread of this microorganism and also in pathologic sign or symptom in typhoid fever. An experimental infection of S. typhi in cultured human endothelial cells found to be an excellent and valuable virulence assay system. The above ability of S. typhi to proliferate and lead to endothelial cell death in cultured human endothelial cells confirmed to be a factor of endovascular disorder of typhoid fever such as rose spot on abdomen of patients.

      • 순환유동층에서 기체-고체 흐름의 수력학적 특성

        송평섭,강용,우광재,정의영 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1996 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        Hydrodynamic characteristics of gas-solid flow has been analyzed by adopting the static pressure drop method in circulating fluidized beds. Pressure drop has been measured in the test section of the riser(0.1m IDx3.5m Height). The dried and filtered air was injected into the column through the perforated type distributor. Polyetylene powder whose density is 920 kg/㎥ and mean diameter is 454 ㎛ was used as a solid phase. The pressure drop slightly increased in the turbulent fluidized regime and rapidly decreased because of decreasing of solid hold-up in the fast fluidization regime with increasing superficial gas velocity. The slip velocity that is relative velocity between gas and solid velocity increased in the turbulent fluidized regime and decreased in the fast fluidized regime with increasing the superficial gas velocity.

      • 학생의 자율성 신장을 위한 학급경영 방안

        송광용,최태규 서울敎育大學校 學生生活硏究所 1999 學生生活硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        이 연구는 학생이 자율성을 건전하게 행사할 수 있는 능력과 자질을 갖출 수 있도록 하는 효율적인 학급경영의 기본 방향과, 여기에 요망되는 교사의 지도성을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 이 연구는 먼저 자율성의 의미와 그 중요성, 그리고 자율성 육성을 저해하는 요인에 대해 살펴보고, 학급 경영자로서의 교사가 발휘하게 되는 지도성과 관련하여 학생의 자율성 신장을 도울 수 있는 학급경영의 구체적인 방안에 대해 논의하였다. 학급에서 학생의 자율성을 신장하기 위해서는 개방적 분위기와 학생에 대한 허용적 태도, 학생의 의견수렴 및 참여의식 고취, 소집단별 역할분담체제 확립, 개별화 수업과 학습방법의 다양화, 스스로의 계획수립과 실천을 통한 자기규제 능력의 신장, 교사의 솔선 수범, 권위의 내적 근거에 기초한 교사의 지도성 행사 등이 강조되어야 한다. The purpose of this study is establish the basic directions for efficient classroom management which help students to develop their own capabilities to actualize students' autonomy, and to suggest the characteristics of teachers' leadership to actualize those directions. To achieve its purpose, this study made an examination of the meaning and importance of autonomy, factors which hinder in developing autonomy, and specific directions of classroom management in improving students' autonomy regarding the relationship with the teacher's leadership as classroom manager. The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, the general factors which hinder in improving students' autonomy are : authoritarianism, centralization of power, uniformity, and insufficiency in the recognition of autonomy. Secondly, the hindering factors in enhancing students' autonomy in the classroom are : closed classroom climate, uniformity of the educational content, standardized instruction method, incorrect viewpoint of the educational evaluation, and the teacher's leadership on the basis of the external criteria of authority In order to enhance students' autonomy in the classroom, many things should be emphasized including open classroom climate and approving attitude toward students, adoption of students' opinions and inspiration of student participation, establishment of role-allotment system between students, individualized instruction and various learning methods, enhancement of students' self-control through establishing and implementing students' own plan, the teacher's setting an example as model personality to students, carrying out the teacher's own leadership on the basis of the internal criteria of authority.

      • KCI등재후보

        도말층 존재 유무에 따른 One-step 접착 시스템의 미세인장결합강도

        송용범,진정희,이세준,이광원 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of this study were to evaluate the microtensile bond strength of one-step adhesives according to various dentin surface treatments and to observe the interface between resin(Z-100^™) and dentin under SEM. In this study forty-five non-caries extracted human molars and three adhesive systems were used : All-Bond 2(AB), One-Up Bond F(OU), AQ-Bond(AQ). : In group 1, 2, 3, AB was used and tooth surfaces were treated by smearing(S), ultrasonic cleansing(US), etching(E) respectively. In Group 4, 5, 6, One-Up Bond F was used and tooth surfaces were treated as the same way above. In Groups 7, 8, 9, AQ Bond was used and tooth surfaces were treated as the same way. Each specimen was prepared for microtensile bond testing, and were stored for 24hrs in 37℃ distilled water. After that, microtensile bond strength for each specimen was measured. Specimens were fabricated to examine the failure patterns of interface between resin and dentin and observed under the SEM. The results were as follows; 1. The results(mean±SD) of microtensile test were group 1, 25.69±4.31MPa; group 2, 40.93±10.94MPa; group 3, 47.65±8.85MPa; group 4, 36.98±9.14MPa; group 5, 39.66±8.45MPa; group 6, 43.26±13.01MPa; group 7, 25.07±4.2MPa; group 8, 30.4±4.74Mpa; group 9, 33.61±7.88MPa. 2. One-Up Bond F was showed the highest value of 36.98±9.14MPa in dentin surface treatment with smearing, and there were significant differences to the other groups(p<0.05). 3. All-Bond 2 was showed the highest value of 40.93±10.94MPa in dentin surface treatment with ultrasonic cleansing, but was no significant difference to One-Up Bond F(p>0.05). 4. All-Bond 2 was showed the highest value of 47.65±8.85MPa in dentin surface treatment with etching(10%phosphoric acid), and there were significant differences to the other groups(p<0.05). 5. All-Bond 2 was showed the highest value of 47.65±8.85MPa in dentin surface treatment according to manufacture's directions, but was no significant diference to One-Up Bond F(p>0.05). 6. AQ Bond was showed the lowest microtensile bond strength with various dentin surface treatment. and the were significant differences to the other groups(p<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        대학 정원의 자율화 방안

        송광용 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1997 한국초등교육 Vol.9 No.2

        The government policy on the student enrollment quotas in Universities/Colleges has exerted an important effect on not only the school administration in the elementary and/or secondary education but also the higher education itself. Up until these years the decision on the student enrollment quotas has been under the self-regulation of the higher education institute itself, because of the ubiquity of college education in Korea, the shortage in the number of university/college applicants comparing with that of enrollment quotas, and furthermore, the opening of higher education market to universities/colleges in foreign countries The purpose of this study was twofold, first, to systematically draw weaknesses of the policy on the self-regulation of student enrollment quotas in the higher education, and second to suggest concrete ideas to help the self-regulation policy to settle down after annuling the weaknesses. The major research method in this study was the literature review method, and this study also carried out expert advisory meetings and interviews with working-level officials regarding the university enrollment quotas. The university student enrollent quotas is being controlled by the total admission accredit system and/or self-regulation system only by universities/colleges which meet the criteria on the educational circumstances. This rule follows the stage-by-stage plan on self-regulation of university student enrollment quotas announced by the Ministry of Education in 1994. Beginning from the year of 1998 or after, however, the number of university student enrollment shall be decided totally by the higher education institute itself. The present policy on student enrollment quotas has a few weakness as follows. It lacks in the consideration about each university/college's unique characteristics. It does not show any consistency as far as the policy itself is concerned. It is planned on the basis of disbelief and overcontrol regarding the automacy of each university college. It did not begin with a satisfactory degree of objective information or data regarding student enrollment quotas And it did not notice that many universities or colleges were not prepared to accept the policy on student enrollment quotas. Alternative suggestions to improve the policy itself are First, the role of the Ministry of Education on the policy must be redefined. Second, we need more diversified criteria to select universities colleges which may have the authority to decide their own student enrollment quotas. Third, the Ministry of Education should have the authority to supervise those accredited institutes after the fact. Fourth, each higher education institute should enhance the capacity to autonomically decide and direct its own student enrollment quotas. Fifth, an coordination organization for inter-university regulation regarding student enrollment quotas should be operated Sixth, each institute must have working-level faculty/staff(s) whose major job duty is to control the student enrollment quotas And seventh, the in-service education for the working-level faculty/staff(s) should be enforced.

      • 2002학년도 서울교대 신입생 실태조사

        송광용,안현미 서울敎育大學校 學生生活硏究所 2003 學生生活硏究 Vol.28 No.-

        2002학년도 서울교육대학교 전체 신입생 가운데 신입생 실태조사 설문에 응답한 489명의 응답을 토대로 하여 통계처리 후 분석하여 보고하였다. 신입생 실태조사 설문지는 인적 사항, 가정배경, 대학 진학 동기 및 태도, 심리적 특성, 정보화 실태 등의 다섯가지 영역을 포함하는 총36문항으로 구성되어 있다. 자료분석은 설문지 각 문항 및 척도에 대하여 성별, 학과별 교차 및 빈도 분석을 통하여 응답내용별 빈도 및 백분율을 제시하고 그 결과를 기술하였다. 마지막으로 각 하위 영역별 실태에 따른 주요 특징들을 요약하였다. We implemented the survey for the actual conditions of the new students in the year 2002. Among total freshmen in Seoul National University of Education. 489 students replied to the questionnaire or the actual conditions of the new students. Total 36 survey items in five survey areas including sociodemographic variables, variables about home background, variables about expected school life, variables about psychological trait and variables about information oriented conditions. For each items and scales, we presented frequency and percentage by sex and department and described its meanings. Finally, we summarized results of this survey by five survey areas.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        전산화단층사진상을 이용한 하악관의 위치 및 하악골의 피질골 두께에 관한 연구

        하쌍용,고광준,송남규 大韓口腔顎顔面 放射線學會 1997 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.27 No.1

        The location of the mandibular canal and the cortical thickness of the mandible is important in the practice of dentistry. This study was performed on twenty chosen dry mandibles, which were of adults and included fully erupted premolars and molars. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the location of the mandibular canal and the cortical thickness of the mandible on computed tomograms and to aid in the surgical treatment plans. The obtained results were as follows; 1. The horizontal distance between the mandibular canal and the buccal external border was 6.6±0.9mm on S?(mesial root of the first molar),and it was increased posteriorly. The horizontal distance between the mandibular canal and the lingual external border was 4.1±1.1mm on S?, and it was decreased posteriorly. 2. The vertical distance between the alveolar crest and the mandibular canal was 16.9±1.6mm on S?, and it was decreased posteriorly. The vertical distance between the inferior border of mandible and the mandibular canal was 8.8±1.3mm on S?, and it was increased anteriorly and posteriorly. 3. The thickness of the buccal cortical plate was 2.2±0.4mm on S?. and it was increased posteriorly. But, that of the lingual cortical plate was 2.0±0.6mm on S? and it was decreased posteriorly. 4. The area of the buccal cortical plate was 66.5±1.0mm²on S? and it was increased posteriorly. But, that of the lingual cortical plate was 65.8±0.9mm²on S? and it was decreased posteriorly.

      • KCI등재후보

        합성피혁제조업체 근로자들의 요중 N-Methylformamide 농도의 계절적 변이

        이광영,변주현,송혜란,김진하,고광욱,이용환 大韓産業醫學會 2003 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        목적: 본 연구는 여름과 겨울의 계절적 차이에 따른 디메틸포름아미드의 체내 흡수의 변화를 알아보고자 시행되었다. 방법: 일개 합성피혁제조업체에서 직접적으로 디메틸포름아미드를 취급하는 22명의 근로자들을 대상으로 2001년 2월(겨울)과 7월(여름)에 작업환경측정을 통해 기중 DMF농도를 측정하였고 특수건강검진을 실시하여 요중 NMF의 배설량을 측정하고 간기능 검사를 시행하였다. 또한 검사 당일의 평균 기온과 평균 습도를 측정하고 설문지를 통해 알코올 음주 정도, 피부 질환의 유무, 보호구 착용 유무 등을 조사한 후 여름과 겨울의 자료를 비교 분석하였다. 결과: 겨울과 여름의 평균 공기 중의 디메틸포름아미드 기하 평균 농도는 각각 11.55ppm, 13.78ppm으로 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었으나 요중엔-메틸포름아미드 배설량의 기하 평균은 겨울이 31.23㎎/g creatinine인 것에 비해 여름이 96.09㎎/g creatinine으로 겨울에 비해 여름의 요중 엔-메틸포름아미드 배설량이 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 공기 중 디메틸포름아미드 농도(ppm)에 대한 요중 엔-메틸포름아미드 배설량 (㎎/g creatinine)의 비는 여름(1:6.97)이 겨울(1:2.70)에 비해 약 2.6배 정도 높았다. 결론: 여름과 겨울의 요중 NMF배설량의 차이는 아마도 연구 대상 사업장의 환기 시설이 미약하고 근로자들이 DMF에 적합한 보호구를 적절하게 사용하지도 않았기 때문이고, 무엇보다도 높은 온도와 습도에서 짧은 옷을 입고 근무함으로써 피부 노출면적이 증가되어 DMF의 피부 흡수의 양이 많아졌기 때문으로 판단된다. Objectives: This study was carried out to identify seasonal variations of urinary concentrations of N-methylformamide(NMF) among workers employed at a synthetic leather factory. Methods: Study subjects consisted of 16 male and 6 female workers who were involved in the direct treatment of dimethylformamide(DMF) in a synthetic leather factory. By using health examination data and the results of air measurements and biologic monitoring conducted in February and July, 2001, we identified seasonal variations of the DMF concentrations in the air and NMF concentrations in urine. Results: 1) In winter and summer, average temperatures at the working sites were 3.2℃ and 26.5℃, respectively and average humidities were 35.4% and 84.5%, respectively. 2)Airborne DMF concentrations were not significantly different between summer(13.78ppm) and winter(11.55ppm). 3)NMF concentrations in urine were found to be significantly higher in summer(96.09㎎/g creatinine) than in winter(31.23㎎/g creatinine) (p<0.001). Conclusions: The seasonal difference in the urinary excretion values of NMF may be due to increased dermal absorption of DMF with the higher ambient temperature and humidity in summer and the increased area of exposed skin.

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