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        복지국가 스웨덴의 지방자치 : 균형적 지역발전의 모델 A Model of Balanced Regional Development

        변광수,김인철,박노호 서울대학교 국제지역원 1995 국제지역연구 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구는 스웨덴의 독특한 지방자치를 대상으로 세가지 측면-역사면, 제도 및 운영면, 제정면-에서 분석되었다. 기존문헌과 통계자료를 비롯하여 스웨덴 현지방문에서 수거한 자료도 활용하였다. 주요한 분석내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 스웨덴 자치의 역사적 배경을 파악하기 위하여 그 원류를 추적하였다. 기원 후 수세기경에 존재하던 부락외의에서부터 오니르이 자치제도 정착에 이르기까지 그 연속과 변화과정을 정리하였다. 특히 1960년-1974년 기간중 두차례에 걸쳐 단행된 자치구역 통폐합의 의미와 효과를 진단하였다. 둘째, 현스웨덴 지방자치의 구조와 권능을 분석함으로써 스웨덴식 자치모델이 가지는 특성을 가려내고자 하였다. 이를 위해 정부의 조직과 행정편재를 점검하였고, 중앙·지방정부의 기능분담과 운영절차를 부석하였다. 정당·시민조직·지방정부 전국연합·이익집단 및 교회조직으로 연결되는 조합주의적 다자간 참여의 양태도 분석하였다. 셋째 지방자치권으 가장 주요한 권능인 재정기능을 분석하였다. 교육·복지·의료서비스 등 지방정부가 담당하는 사회적 기능의 역할과 규모를 설명하였다. 국민경제에서 차지하는 지방자치제의 수입지출비중 및 수겅 내역을 비롯하여 중앙정부와 지방정부간의 재정적 역학조정에 대해 분석하였다. This study has three major purposes. First, the research seeks to examine and explain the historical origin and backgrounds of the Swedish local autonomy. The second essential purpose is to throw light upon the institutional patterns and managerial performance as the recent local politics produce. The third research goal is focused on the financial management of the local government as well as the recent major advancement in the field of public finance. The study is, accordingly, composed of three part. The first part is an overview of the Swedish local autonomy from the historical perspective. This involves an investigation of how local democracy has changed ot continued in the course of last several decaded. Part two offers an analysis of the intergovernmental relations --IGR-- among the central and local governments in terms of function, power & resources. Oberservations are folloewed by the analysis of the particular types of decision-making process in the local government. The final part reveals a major role which the local government plays in delivering the welfare and public service. Discussed also is how financial policies are linked to the advancement of the balaced serviced delivery and the equilibrium development in the local governance. The research results is expected to enable us to understand the trends and prospects of the Swedish local development in political and socio-economic regards.

      • B 림프구 활성화 자극에 따른 Interleukin-4 수용체와 Type II IgE 수용체 발현조절양상의 상호관련성

        이충은,윤석란,변광호,소의영 大韓免疫學會 1995 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.17 No.3

        Interleukin-4(IL-4) specifically induces the expression of its own receptor, IL-4R and type II IgE receptor, FceR1l in a dose-dependent manner in human B lymphocytes. We observed that the IL-4-induced expression of IL-4R and Fce Rll were both down-regulated by interferon-T(IFN-T) at mRNA as well as surface protein levels in normal B lymphocytes. Such co-ordinated regulation of the IL-4-induced IL-4R and FceRlI also occurred by anti-CD40 and steroid, each regulating the IL-4-induced response in an opposite direction. While anti-CD40, which is re-ported to agument the IL-4-induced B cell activation, further enhanced the IL-4-induced IL-4R and Fee RU expression, methylprednisolon(MPD) strongly inhibited the level of these receptors. The anti-CD40 or MPD-induced modulation of the IL-4-induced IL-4R and FceRII was further subject to the down-regulation by lFN-T. As compared to normal B lymphocytes, a differential regulation of IL-4R and FceRII was noted in a transformed B cell line, where IFN- Tup-regulated the IL-4-induced responses. Still, there was a co-ordinated regulation of the IL-4R and FceRII in these cells. Taken together, these results suggest that modulation of IL-4R expression and FccRII induction are closely correlated events during the IL-4-induced cellular activation

      • 인체 B 림프구 활성화의 신호전달과정에서 IL-4 수용체와 CD40 분자간의 상호작용

        이충은,윤석란,변광호 大韓免疫學會 1995 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.17 No.3

        Stimulation of B cells through CD40 antigen has been reported to agument the interleukin-4(IL-4)induced B cell proliferation and differentiation. In order to elucidate mechanisms underlying the synergistic action, we examined the effect of CD40-mediated signal on the IL-4-induced B cell activation. Treatment of dense, resting tonsillar B cells with agonistic anti-CD40 mAb caused a noticeable induction of IL-4 receptor(IL-4R) mRNA expression within hours, which was followed by a significant enhancement of the IL-4-induced surface IL-4R and CD23 expression, suggesting a role of CD40 in amplifying the IL-4-induced signal. Signal interplay between the IL-4 and the CD40 system was further supported by the observation that, in tonsillar B cells, IL-4 plus anti-IgM induced CD40 expression and tyrosine phosphorylation of IL-4R, and that anti-CD40 co-immunoprecipitated the IL-4R and the IL-4R associated tyrosine kinase activity, which implies a possible molecular interaction between IL-4R and CD40. Together these results suggest that there is a cross-talk between CD40-and the IL-4R-mediated signal transduction system during the T cell-dependent B cell activation.

      • 말초혈액 단핵구와 단핵구 유래 세포주 THP1에서 FcrR 자극에 의해 유도되는 염증반응의 조절기전

        윤강순,윤석란,이충은,김형순,변광호 大韓免疫學會 1993 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.15 No.-

        Regulation mechanisms of inflammatory responses induced by FcrR stimulation in human monocytes and monocytic cell line THP1 were investigated. Release of arachidonic acid, which is the precusor for inflammatory mediators, was induced by FcrR stimulation with its ligand human IgG or with anti FcrR mAbs. This response was further increased when FcrR was cross-linked with in-soluble anti-IgG-agarose and soluble anti-IgG Fc specific Fab fragments. These phenomena were shown in both monocyte and THP1. Oxidative burst activity, resulting from generation of reactive oxygen speices, was also induced by FcrR stimulation and further enhanced by cross-linking of Fcr R. Induction mechanisms of inflammatory responses caused by PMA or FcrR stimulations were then examined by measurements of release of arachidonic acid and oxidative burst activity. The results demonstrate that monocytes utilize different signaling pathways for FcrR or PMA stimulation. Signaling mechanism of PMA stimulation is especially dependent on Ca}+/calmodulin dependent kinase in arachidonic acid release, but not in oxidative burst activity. Meanwhile, signaling pathways of FcrR are dependent on tyrosine kinase but independent of protein kinase C both in the release of arachidonic acid and oxidative burst activity. The results suggest that in monocytes, there is a not only functional but also mechanistic link between arachidonic acid release and oxidative burst activity induced upon FcrR stimulation. Distinct signaling pathways seem to be operating in transformed monocytic cell line THP-1 cells, and no mechanistic link was found between arachidonic acid release and oxidative burst activity induced after FcrR stimulation.

      • Chromosomal Study on Low-Birth-Weight Infants and Congenital Anomalies

        Pyun, Kwang Ho,Lee, Du Bong,Cha, Sang Duk CATHOLIC MEDICAL CENTER 1974 Bulletin of the Clinical Research Institute Vol.2 No.1

        1. Low-birth-weight infants In 221 metaphase cells of LBW infants, the 6 cells showed 45, XO karyotype. The hyperdiploid cell was seen in 8.59% of 221 metaphase cells and 14, 3, 1 and 1 cells were compatible to the karyotype of 21-trisomy, 47, XXY, 47, XXX and 13-15 trisomy respectively. 2. Congenital syndromes 1) Autosomal aberrations The majority of cells (80.86%) wire of hyperdiploid and all of the extra chromosomes were observed on G group chromosomes, which were suggested 21-trisomy. The translocation (D/G) were observed in 1.24%. 2) Sex-chromosomal aberrations The hyperdiploid cells which the extra chromosomes were found on C group chromosomes were observed only in males (76.47%) and these were suggested 47, XXY karyotype. The hypodiploid cells which the missing chromosomes were most frequently observed on C group chromosomes were observed in females (57.14%), they were 45, XO karyotypes. 3. Other congenital anomalies of unknown origin The hyperdiploid cell was found in 8.77% and the extra chromosomes were observed most frequently on G and next on C group chromosomes, which suggested 21-trisomy, 47, XXY or 47, XXX karyotype. The hypodiploid cells were 8.29% of them and had missing chromosomes on G, C and D group chromosomes in that order. The cells missed on C group chromosome were suggested 45, XO karyotype.

      • Cytokine : Modulation of Cytokine Synthesis

        Pyun, Kwang-Ho CHOSUN UNIVERSITY 1997 Basic Science and Engineering Vol.1 No.1

        Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor -(TNF-) are major proinflammatory cytokines inducing the synthesis and release of many inflammatory mediators. They are involved in immune regulation, autoimmune diseases, and inflammation. acanthoic acid, (-)-pimara-9(11),15-dien-19-oic acid is a pimaradiene diterpene isolated from the Korean medicinal plant, Acanthopanax koreanum. When human monocytes/macrophages stimulated with silica were treated with 0.1-10ug/ml acanthoic acid,the production of IL-1 and TNF- was inhibited up to 90%, but the production of interleukin-6(IL-6) was not inhibited at all. At these concentrations, it had no cytotoxic effect on human monocytes/macrophages. It also suppressed the production of TNF-by alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes stimulatedwith silica. In addition, acanthoic acid inhibited the release of superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide from human monocytes/macrophages and neutrophils. To know the anti-fibrotic effects of acanthoic acid, its effects on fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis were tested. The proliferation of NIH3T3 cells was inhibited almost completely by the addition of the culture supernatants of human monocytes/macrophages treated with acanthoic acid, but not by the addition of acanthoic acid only. In vitro and in vivo treatment with acanthoic acid reduced collagen production by rat lung fibroblasts and lung tissue. Furthermore,acanthoic acid suppressed granuloma formation and fibrosis in the experimental silicosis. Acanthoic acid reduced serum GOT and GPT in the rats with cirrhosis induced by CC14, and it was effective in reducing hepatic fibrosis and nodular formation. Taken together, these data indicate that acanthoic acid has a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis effect by reducing IL-1 and TNF - production.

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