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      • KCI등재

        계회도(契會圖)에서 계병(稧屛)으로: 조선 시대 왕실 계병의 정착과 계승

        김수진 ( Kim¸ Soojin ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2021 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.27 No.-

        18세기 후반부터 조선 왕실은 국가 행사를 마친 후 이것을 기념하고 기록하기 위해 계병(稧屛)을 제작했다. 계병은 조선 전기에 사대부 사이에 유행했던 계회도(契會圖)의 제작 관습을 왕실이 전용(轉用)함으로써 이를 왕실 차원의 문화적 전통으로 계승한 것이다. 본 연구에서는 계병이 어떤 과정을 거쳐 제작되었으며 누가 어떻게 주문하고 나누어 가졌는가가 심도 있게 논의되었다. 계병은 조선 전기에 관원들 사이에서 사적으로 제작되었던 계회도의 성격과 근본적으로 유사하지만, 그 표장(表裝) 형식, 발주 및 주문의 주체, 회화의 주제와 구성 면에서 크게 바뀐 측면이 있다. 본 연구는 관원들의 계회도가 어떻게 왕실 계화(稧畵)로 정착하는지를 검토하는 차원에서 18세기 영조(英祖, 재위 1724-1776) 시대에 계화가축(軸)·첩(帖)·권(卷)·병(屛)으로 형식상의 각축(角逐)을 벌이다가 정조(正祖, 재위 1776-1800) 시대에 이르러 병풍으로 정착되는 역사를 살핀 것이다. 아울러 계병이 실제로 제작되는 과정을 규명하는 차원에서 재원(財源)이 마련되고 내입(內入)과 분하(分下)를 통해 왕실과 신료들에게 나누어지는 과정이 논의되었다. 이 전통은 19세기에 이르러 계병채(稧屛債)라는 안정적 재원을 확보하면서 20세기 초반까지 꾸준하게 이어질 수 있었다. The Joseon court produced documentary folding screens (gyebyeong) in order to commemorate and record each and every royal event since the eighteenth century. To establish a model for gyebyeong, the Joseon court used the tradition of gyehoedo showing scholar-officials' gatherings. While consulting gyehoedo, court painters depicted royal events in folding screen format. As a result, a new format of painting, that is gyebyeong, was finally created. This paper aims to answer a series of questions regarding the emergence and popularity of gyebyeong such as who commissioned gyebyeong, to whom copies of gyebyeong were distributed, and how the production of gyebyeong was sponsored. To this end, this paper begins with an analysis of how the four formats of gyehoedo (i.e., hanging scroll, album, handscroll, and folding screen) came to be unified into a single format of folding screen during King Yeongjo’s and Jeongjo’s reigns. Then, it discusses the recipients of copies of gyebyeong and their connections to gyebyeongchae, the costs of production for gyebyeong. Eventually, this paper aims to shed light on the social and cultural roles of the gyebyeong tradition that continued until the end of the dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        不染齋 金喜誠의 山水畵 硏究

        김수진(Kim Soojin) 한국미술사학회 2008 美術史學硏究 Vol.258 No.258

        不染齋 金喜誠(?-1763년 이후)은 18세기 英祖(재위: 1724-1776) 연간에 활동했던 화원화가였다. 金喜謙이라는 異名으로도 불렸던 김희성은 그간 謙齋 鄭敾(1676-1756)의 영향을 받은 직업작가로 언급되곤 했다. 기존 연구성과는 정선의 영향을 받은 작가군을 ‘정선파’의 범주로 이해하는 한편, 이들을 문인화가와 직업화가로 이분하여 그 작화태도와 화풍의 성격을 이해해 왔다. 이 같은 시각은 김희성을 이해하는 데 유용한 틀임에 분명하다. 다만, 김희성이 구사한 다양한 화목과 다기한 양식을 설명하기 위해서는 ‘정선파’와 ‘직업화가’라는 틀 외에 다른 관점도 필요하리라 본다. 김희성은 대대로 여항문인을 배출했던 全州 金門 출신으로 일직이 정선의 門下에서 그림을 배웠고 이후에 畵員으로 재직하였다. 行狀이나 文集이 남아 있지는 않지만 작품에 보이는 화풍과 문헌 기록에 의거해보면 김희성은 당시 화단의 다기한 흐름을 고루 수용했다. 양천지역의 실경 그림에서 확인되다시피 김희성은 정선의 화제 선택 방식과 화풍을 따른 그림을 다수 남겼다. 김희성이 화원에 들어가기 전까지 정선의 문도였다는 金光國의 기록과 정선이 사망하기 3년 전, 1756년에 정선과 김희성이 함께 淸潭에서 그림을 그린 〈臥雲樓溪漲〉의 작례를 상기한다면 이들의 관계를 사제지간으로 추정해볼 수 있다. 한편 김희성은 姜世晃(1712-1791), 李麟祥(1710-1760), 鄭遂榮(1743-1831) 등의 작가들이 수용한 安徽派와 吳派에서 유래한 파스텔톤 설채와 암석 표현을 응용하여 영남지역의 실경도를 남기기도 했다. 이 작품군은 정선이 영남지역 실경도를 그린 전통과 부합하는 것처럼 보이지만 화면에 구사된 양식적 특징은 완전히 다른 영향에서 비롯된 것이다. 이외에도 김희성은 沈師正(1707-1769)의 정선의 작품에 畵評을 남긴 바 있는데, 여기에서 김희성은 지두법이 괴이한 것이라고 평했고 청록 물감은 그림의 주제에 맞게 취사선택해야 한다고 주장했다. 화원화가가 화평을 쓴 경우가 희소할뿐더러 김희성이 가진 회화사적 지식을 가늠해볼 수 있다는 점에서 김희성의 화평은 가치 있는 사료이다. 이와 함께 19세기 문예계를 주도했던 中人詩社의 시원격인 모임에서 여항문인 林必昌(생몰년 미상), 林聲遠(생몰년 미상), 馬聖麟(1727-1798년 이후)과 김희성이 교유했다는 기록은 그가 여향문예인으로서의 정체성을 가졌다는 점을 보여준다. 화원으로서의 김희성은 1748년 肅宗의 御眞 模寫에 동원된 이래 1757년 貞聖王后의 國葬과 1760년의 청계천 준설과 같은 영조 대의 중요한 궁중행사에 대한 기록화를 제작했다. 김희성은 화원화가로서 ‘핍진’과 ‘기록’을 위해 서양화법의 수용에 적극적이었던 것으로 보인다. 《濬川契帖》에 보이는 삼각형 구도와 명암법이 가미된 설채법은 김희성이 차용한 ‘서양화법’의 일면을 확인시켜준다. 이 글은 정선의 강한 영향을 받았으면서도 정선파를 빗겨가는 김희성의 작품 세계를 산수화에 주안점을 두어 논구한 것이다. 본 논문이 김희성이라는 未明 속에 묻혀 있던 작가를 재발견하는 계기이자 기타 미발굴 여향ㆍ화원화가를 연구하는 데에도 一例로서 기여하기를 바란다. Kim Hui seong (金喜誠, 1710’s-after1763) who was active during the reign of King Yongjo, was a court painter of the 18th century Joseon Dynasty. Kim Hui-seong also, called Kim Hui-gyeom 金喜謙, has been usually referred to as a painter who was strongly influenced by Jeong Seon. Previous scholarship has regarded Kim Hui-seong as a professional painter belonging to the Jeong Seon School ; this view was based on the traditional categorization of painters in two groups, professional painters and literati painters. Although this viewpoint provides a useful and convenient framework, it is necessary to explore the landscape paintings of Kim Hui-seong in terms other than 'Jeong Seon School' and 'professional painter' in order to discuss the complex nature of the painter and his works. Kim Hui-seong was from a Jeon-ju Kim family which had produced a large number of low-level government officials for generations. After studying painting under Jeong Seon in his youth, he served as a court painter during the rest of his life. Despite the lack of his biography or diary, it is possible to trace Kim Hui-seong’s painting style based on his works and records left by his acquaintances, which show that he accepted various currents of the painting circle of the 18th century. In his works of true-view landscape paintings of Yangcheon (陽川) area, he followed the style of Jeong Seon especially in the selection of his themes and brushwork. A hypothesis that Kim Hui-seong and Jeong Seon shared the intimate relationship of master and pupil is supported by the documents written by Kim Kwang-kook (金光國, 1727-1797), which stated that Kim Hui-seong had been a follower of Jeong Seon before he entered the Painting Academy of the court. A record indicates Kim Hui-seong accompanied Jeong Seon to Cheongdam (淸潭) to sketch his landscape in 1756, 3 years before Jeong Seon’s passing, further reinforces this argument. Kim Hui-seong also produced several pieces of painting that shared close affinities with the works of Kang Se-hwang (1712-1791), Yi In-sang (1710-1760) and Jeong Su-yeong (1743-1831), who usually employed the brushwork of Anhui school and Wu school, which is characterized by pastel tones and emphasis on the depiction of rocks. This trait is especially apparent in a series of true-view landscape paintings of An Eum (安陰) area in Youngnam province. Though these paintings seem to be following the tradition of true view landscape painting established by Jeong Seon in terms of the theme, the brushwork and composition show a completely different nature. Kim Hui-seong showed that he was more than a professional painter when he criticized Sim Sajeong (1707-1769) in the inscriptions he left in Sim’s Mountain Shu (蜀山圖) and Drinking Tea under the Pine Tree (松下飮茶). He commented that Drinking Tea under the Pine Tree, which was not painted with brush but fingers, was an ostentatious display of bizarre talents, while the green and blue of Mountain Shu was unsuitable to the function and theme of the painting. This presents an unprecedented case of a professional painter criticizing the works of other painters. He also participated in a leading association of middle class writers and painters. It seems that Kim Hui-seong was fashioning himself as middle class literati rather than a simple professional painter through these activities. As a court painter whose responsibility was to record court events as closely as possible, Kim accepted the innovative principles of perspective and shading originated from the Western tradition of painting in order to produce a more realistic view. In Album of Dredging a Waterway in 1760, a triangular composition with a vanishing point that emphasizes the sense of distance is found, probably intended to imitate the perspective technique of Western paintings.

      • Lenvatinib Is Independently Associated with the Reduced Risk of Progressive Disease Compared to Sorafenib in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma

        ( Soojin Kim ),( Kyung Hyun Kim ),( Beom Kyung Kim ),( Jun Yong Park ),( Sang Hoon Ahn ),( Kwang-hyub Han ),( Do Young Kim ),( Seung Up Kim ) 대한간학회 2020 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2020 No.1

        Aims: Recently, lenvatinib showed non-inferiority to sorafenib in terms of overall survival with no new safety issue in a randomized phase 3 study which was conducted at 154 sites in 20 countries. Here, we investigated treatment outcomes and safety of lenvatinib compared to sorafenib and identified independent predictors of poor outcomes including shorter progress-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in Korean patients with unresectable HCC. Methods: Patients with advanced HCC treated with lenvatinib or sorafenib at Yonsei Liver Center, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine between October 2018 to October 2019 were considered eligible. The treatment response was assessed using the modified RECIST criteria. Results: Patients treated with lenvatinib had a significantly lower proportion of previous anti-HCC treatments (47.7% vs. 78.7%; P<0.001) than those who treated with lenvatinib. Univariate analysis showed that ECOG 1 (vs. 0), serum albumin, AFP, previous anti-HCC treatments, and lenvatinib (vs. sorafenib) were significant predictors of progressive diseases (all P<0.05). On the subsequent multivariate analysis, ECOG 1 (vs. 0) (hazard ratio [HR]=4.721, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.371-16.259; P=0.014), higher AFP level (HR=1.000, 95% CI 1.000-1.000; P=0.015), and lenvatinib treatment (vs. sorafenib) (HR=0.461, 95% CI 0.264-0.804; P=0.006) independently predicted a higher probability of progressive disease. Conclusions: Patients treated with lenvatinib shows significantly higher progression-free survival than those patients treated with sorafenib. However, mortality was not significantly different whether patients treated with lenvatinib or sorafenib, which indicated that lenvatinib is non-inferiority to sorafenib in terms of overall survival.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program on Days of Therapy in the Pediatric Center: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis of a 19-Year Study

        Kim Kyung-Ran,Park Hyo Jung,Baek Sun-Young,Choi Soo-Han,Lee Byung-Kee,Kim SooJin,Kim Jong Min,Kang Ji-Man,Kim Sun-Ja,Choi Sae Rom,Kim Dongsub,Choi Joon-sik,Yoon Yoonsun,Park Hwanhee,Kim Doo Ri,Shin Ar 대한의학회 2024 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.39 No.21

        Background: We aimed to analyze the effects of an antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) on the proportion of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens in bacteremia, antimicrobial use, and mortality in pediatric patients. Methods: A retrospective single-center study was performed on pediatric inpatients under 19 years old who received systemic antimicrobial treatment from 2001 to 2019. A pediatric infectious disease attending physician started ASP in January 2008. The study period was divided into the pre-intervention (2001–2008) and the post-intervention (2009–2019) periods. The amount of antimicrobial use was defined as days of therapy per 1,000 patientdays, and the differences were compared using delta slope (= changes in slopes) between the two study periods by an interrupted time-series analysis. The proportion of resistant pathogens and the 30-day overall mortality rate were analyzed by the χ2 . Results: The proportion of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia increased from 17% (39 of 235) in the pre-intervention period to 35% (189 of 533) in the post-intervention period (P < 0.001). The total amount of antimicrobial use significantly decreased after the introduction of ASP (delta slope value = −16.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], −30.6 to −2.3; P = 0.049). The 30-day overall mortality rate in patients with bacteremia did not increase, being 10% (55 of 564) in the pre-intervention and 10% (94 of 941) in the post-intervention period (P = 0.881). Conclusion: The introduction of ASP for pediatric patients reduced the delta slope of the total antimicrobial use without increasing the mortality rate despite an increased incidence of ESBL-producing gram-negative bacteremia.

      • New cyclopentadienyl rhodium catalysts for electrochemical hydrogen production

        Kim, Jinheung,Rajkumar, Eswaran,Kim, Soojin,Park, Yu Mi,Kim, Youngmee,Kim, Sung-Jin,Lee, Hye Jin Elsevier 2017 CATALYSIS TODAY - Vol.295 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The electrocatalytic activity of two new molecular rhodium catalysts was investigated in a hydrogen evolution system in the presence of a proton source using glassy carbon electrodes in acetonitrile and water. Rhodium complexes supported by pbi and pbt ligands, i.e., [Cp*Rh(pbt)Cl](PF<SUB>6</SUB>) (<B>1</B>) and [Cp*Rh(pbi)Cl] (<B>2</B>) (where Cp* is pentamethylcyclopentadienyl, pbt is 2-(2′-pyridyl)benzothiazole, and pbi is 2-(2′-pyridyl)benzimidazole), were observed to electrocatalytically evolve H<SUB>2</SUB> at potential of −0.90V vs Ag/AgCl in CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN and CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN/H<SUB>2</SUB>O. Cyclic voltammetry of <B>1</B> and <B>2</B> in the presence of acid revealed redox waves consistent with the Rh(III)/Rh(I) couple. Bulk electrolysis were used to confirm the catalytic nature of the process for complexes <B>1</B> and <B>2</B>, with turnover numbers in excess of 100 and essentially quantitative faradaic yields for H<SUB>2</SUB> production. The potentials at which these Rh complexes catalyzed H<SUB>2</SUB> evolution were close to the thermodynamic potentials for the production of H<SUB>2</SUB> from protons in CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN and CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN/H<SUB>2</SUB>O, with the small overpotential being 50mV for <B>1</B> as determined by electrochemistry. The complex <B>1</B> with more positive Rh(III/I) redox potentials exhibited higher activity for H<SUB>2</SUB> production.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Rhodium complexes supported by pbi and pbt ligands to electrocatalytically evolve H<SUB>2</SUB>. </LI> <LI> Rh complexes with turnover numbers over 100 and quantitative faradaic yields for H<SUB>2</SUB>. </LI> <LI> The pbi complex with more positive Rh(III/I) redox potential for higher H<SUB>2</SUB> production. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>Two new (pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)Rh(III) complexes containing pyridyl-benzothiazole and pyridyl-benzimidazole were prepared and a systematic study of proton electroreduction catalyzed by the two new rhodium catalysts was performed at glassy carbon electrode. The Rh complex of pyridyl-benzothiazole was more efficient in the electrocatalytic hydrogen production in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid.</P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Artificial Photocatalytic System Using Polydiacetylene-(−NH-phen)Ru(bpy)<sub>2</sub> for Cofactor Regeneration and CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction

        Kim, Soojin,Lee, Songyi,Anjong, Tikum Florence,Jang, Ha Yoon,Kim, Ji-Yeong,Lee, Chiho,Park, Sungnam,Lee, Hye Jin,Yoon, Juyoung,Kim, Jinheung American Chemical Society 2016 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C Vol.120 No.50

        <P>For the practical use of a photobioreactor for artificial photosynthesis, efficient visible light-absorbing materials have to link reduction and oxidation catalysts for an efficient energy flow. As a step toward this goal of an NADH regeneration system and enzymatic production of solar fuels from CO2, we report the synthesis of a new polydiacetylene compound that is covalently connected with [Ru(phen-NH2) (bpy)(2)](2+) (bpy =2,2'-bipyridine, phen =1,10-phenonthroline-5-amine). The [(bpy)(2)Ru(phen-NH-)]-polydiacetylene absorbed a wide range of visible light because of the presence of two chromophores, the Ru complex and polydiacetylene. The polyacetylene backbone was converted from blue to red by conformational changes under the catalytic reaction conditions in a buffer solution. The electron transfer from the photoexcited [ku(phen)(bpy)(2)](2+) to the polydiacetylene backbone was observed. In a visible light-driven photocatalytic NAD+ reduction by (cyclopentadienyl)Rh(bpy)(H2O)(2+) With [(bpy),Ru(phen-NH)]-polydiacetylene, NADH was regenerated, and the reactivity using Ru(bpy),(phen-NH)-polydiacetyleue was enhanced relative to control experiments using only [Ru(phen)(bpy)(2)](2+) or polydiacetylene. The consecutive carbon dioxide reduction coupled with formate dehydrogenase was carried out to utilize the in situ photoregenerated NADH catalytically. The catalytic condition using [(bpy),Ru(phen-NH)]-polydiacetylene also showed much higher reactivity than the controls.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Multiple liver infection by Sphingomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. in a wild rodent (Apodemus agrarius): a case report

        Kim, Jiro,Monoldorova, Sezim,Kim, Soojin,Kim, Nam Kyung,Kim, Jinsol,Kim, Joon Hee,Jeon, Bo-Young The Korean Society of Veterinary Service 2017 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.40 No.1

        The first case of liver infection caused by Sphingomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. in a wild rodent is reported. A captured wild rodent, Apodemus agrarius (A. agrarius), presented with multiple liver abscess-like nodules (diameter 0.7~2.4 mm) in which Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacilli were detected simultaneously. These were grown in aerobic and anaerobic cultures, respectively, and were identified as Sphingomonas sp. and Bacillus sp., respectively, according to 16S rRNA sequencing.

      • Agarose-biofunctionalized, dual-electrospun heteronanofiber mats: toward metal-ion chelating battery separator membranes

        Kim, Ju-Myung,Kim, Chanhoon,Yoo, Seungmin,Kim, Jeong-Hoon,Kim, Jung-Hwan,Lim, Jun-Muk,Park, Soojin,Lee, Sang-Young The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Vol.3 No.20

        <▼1><P>We demonstrated an agarose-biofunctionalized, dual-electrospun heteronanofiber mat as a new class of chemically active (specifically, metal-ion chelating) separator membranes for high-performance Li-ion batteries.</P></▼1><▼2><P>A facile and efficient way to impart compelling chemical functionality is the utilization of bio-related materials that are easily accessible from natural products. Here, inspired by anomalous physicochemical features and natural abundance of agarose, we demonstrate a new class of agarose-biofunctionalized, dual-electrospun heteronanofiber mats as a chemically active separator membrane for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. The agarose-enabled metal ion chelation effect of the separator membrane, in combination with its highly porous structure and superior electrolyte wettability, provides unprecedented improvement in cell performance far beyond those accessible with conventional battery separator membranes.</P></▼2>

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