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        영어 장거리 의존 구문의 분석

        나기덕 대한언어학회 1996 언어학 Vol.4 No.-

        Nah, Kie-Deok. 1996. A Study on Unbounded Dependency Constructions in English. Linguistics 4, 57-76. Unbounded dependency constructions are constructions within which some linguistic elements occur in other places than those which they are expected to occur. Major constructions are those of topicalization, relative clauses, and questions. In this analysis, by extending and generalizing categorial rules such as functional application rules, functional composition rules and type raising rules in a categorial grammar, we show that those extended and revised formulations derive sufficiently unbounded dependency constructions. And we show that even parasitic gap constructions can be derived by another categorial rule, functional substitution rule. (Seokang College)

      • 라모의 조카에 나타난 비이성의 문제

        송기정 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1994 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.64 No.1

        Denis Diderot est un des ecrivains qui ont ete mal connus a leur epoque. Tres souvent Diderot etait considere comme un ecrivain manquant dordre, de coherence. Mais la confusion, le desorder et lincoherence sont une sorte de polarisastion menant a un nouvel ordre. Cest pourquoi son discours ne peut etre compris que de nos jours. Foucault a indique que depuis Le Neveu de Rameua, la folie reapparait dans le domaine du langage litteraire, ce qui etait defendu a lage classique. Quest-ce que signifierait-donc le discours de la folie, celui de la deraison que Diderot a attribue a Rameau? Le Neveu de Rameau est un dialogue entre le philosophe et le neveu de Rameau. Mais cest plutot Rameau qui parle et le philosophe ne fait que pousser Ramuau a parler. Rameau est un personage compose de hauteur et de bassesse, de bon sens et de deraison. Il a une conception tres originale de la morale. Dapres lui, tout ce qui est naturel, meme le vice, est jistifie, et donc legitime. Pour lui le bonheur est de boire du bon vin, de se gorger de mets delicats, de se rouler sur de jolies femmes et de se reposes dans des lits bien mollets; et le reste nest que vanite. Rameau le fou est introduit chez Bertin pour desennuyer les gens par ses discours de la folie. Il lui est donc interdit de parler de la parler de la raison. Mais une fois pour toutes, il a commis la faute de parler raisonnablement et il est chasse de chez Bertin. Or, quand il parle de la musique, son discours est tres raisonnable et ordonne. Mais aussitot quil sapercoit de ses discours raisonnables, il retourne a son etat de bouffon et joue le pantomime. Malgre le talent que Rameau a en musique, pourquoi nessaie-t-il pas de faire quelque close qui vaille, et pourquor reste-t-il toujours le meme : un fou, un bouffon, un vil parasite? Cest parce quil veut rester etranger et marginal, plutot que detre integre dans la societe ou la verite absolue nexiste plus, ou les notions de la vertu et du vice sont inverses. Et cest sa facon de se revolter contre la societe. Si Sade a exprime sa revolte contre un ordre social par son erotisme, le neveu de Rameau exprime sa revolte contre la societe par ses discours de la deraison.

      • 틸라피아의 웅성개체 생산에 관한 연구

        朴起永 강릉대학교동해안지역연구소 1990 東海岸硏究 Vol.1 No.3

        틸라피아의 수컷만을 생산하기 위하여 Oreochromis niloticus 치어에 웅성호르몬 처리에 의한 성전환율과 O. niloticus와 O. mossambicus 간의 종간 교배에 의한 수컷 생산율을 구하고, 호르몬 처리가 성장과 생존율에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 초기 치어기의 성분화가 일어나기 전 부화 후 7일째부터 MT를 30, 60 및 100ppm농도로 10∼40일간 처리하여 성전환율 90%이상의 수컷이 생산되었고, 처리시기가 늦을수록 수컷으로의 성전환율이 저조하였다. 그리고, 100ppm 처리 농도에서는 처리 시기가 늦어도 성전환율이 다소 높은 경향을 나타내었다. 잡종 O. niloticus(♀)와 O. mossambicus(♂)을 교배하여 66.9%의 수컷을 생산하였고 잡종 O. mossambicus(♀)와 O. niloticus(♂)을 교배하여 62.8%의 수컷을 생산하여 종간교배는 계통간에 잡종이라도 수컷생산에 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 호르몬 처리가 끝난 직후 모든 농도별, 처리기간별 전장의 측정결과는 대조군과 유사하였고, 60, 100ppm 농도에서 40일간 처리군은 성장이 고르지 못하였다. MT처리가 끝난 다음 처리농도별, 기간별로 부화후 69, 90, 120일간 사육한 치어의 전장과 체중의 측정결과는 대조군에 비해 비교적 뚜렷한 성장증가를 보여 MT처리가 성장에 매우 양호한 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. MT처리한 O. niloticus의 부화 후 6개월 동안 사육한 생존율은 89.3∼93.7%였으며, 치어 초기에는 수컷이 암컷보다 잘 죽는다는 것을 알 수 있었다. The effectiveness of 17α- methlytestosterone(MT) for sex reversal, growth, and survival in Oreochromis niloticus and practical aspects of the production of all male tilapia hybrid(O. niloticus×O. mossambicus) were studied in culture experiments. Wild-spawned fry were treated with 30, 60 and 100㎍ ?? diet for 10, 20, 30 and 40 days. The fish were grown on for 180 days after the hormone treatment period in indoor fish culture tanks. When treated with 30, 60 and 100㎍ ?? diet for 10, 20, 30 and 40 days in fry 7 days after hatching, the percentage of males was more than 90%. And tilapia treated with 30 and 60㎍ ?? diet for 30 and 40 days showed all males. In interspecific crosses of O. niloticus females and males with O. mossambicus females and males, the percentage of males ranged from 62.8 to 66.9%. Growth of tilapia treated with MT by treatment concentration was similar to that of untreated fish through all treatment periods. And tilapia treated with 60 and 100㎍ ?? diet for 40 days showed irregular growth. Growth of tliapia treated with MT for 60, 90 and 120 days significantly increased compared with control. It is suggested, therefore, that 17α- methlytestosterone reflects the growth of tilapia. Survival rates of O. niloticus treated with MT for 6 months ranged from 89.3∼93.7%.

      • Color CRT의 색관리 기술

        배기서,이래연,이정민,김청섭 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1998 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develope the color matching technic between fabrics and color CRT which is a commonly used color matching machine. The former researchers had focused on the theoretically color matching technic between CIE and RGB color co-ordinates, but in this study we tried simulating the colors obtained from fabrics on the color CRT by using experimental method.

      • 淸州市 地下水의 인자분석

        남기창 대한위생학회 2003 대한환경위생공학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        A spring water quality was depend on the aquifer soil status. However, water quality was rapidly contaminated by artificial affects. In the contaminate components, the heavy metals were significantly important because the heavy metals influence the plants and the animals. But it is difficult to find out how the heavy metal can affect in the water quality. According to the group analysis and the factor analysis, water quality management was advanced. The experimental area was divided into three region and six factor. The six factor could not define the overall water quality, however this method were one of the useful methods.

      • 중등학생 집단의 학습기술·학습동기·학교관련정의와 학업성취도와의 관계

        김기정 서원대학교 교육대학원 2004 교육논총 Vol.9 No.-

        The study skills, learning motivation, school-related affects are the significant factors that positively influence the learning process of school learners. In this study, the study skills were measured by 7 sub-skills of self-managements, listening and participating in class, task-solving, effectively reading, report writing, information processing, and test-taking. Learning motivation were composed of academic self-efficacy and academic failure tolerance. And school-related affects were measured by 3 sub-area of attitudes towards school and study in general, towards classmates. and towards school teachers. The purpose of this study were to examine relationships between these process variables and learning outcomes, to explore the relative importance and combined effects of these process variables(12 factors) to academic achievements, and to find the differences in the process variables by sex, school levels, and academic achievements levels. For this study, 265 students were purposively sampled in 7 middle schools, and 286 students in 6 high schools. The 2nd semester average points of those students were also obtained from their teachers. The major findings in this study were as followings. First, the study skills, learning motivation, and school-related affects were closely interrelated. The combined effects of study skills and learning motivation to academic achievements were 23 percent. Among the variance, the study skills had 18 percent and learning motivation had 5 percent. Second, higher achiever showed more positive behavior and attitudes than lower achiever in 11 factors of the learning process variables. Among these factors, academic self-efficacy, task-solving skill, information processing skill, and test-taking skill were found to be more important factors through regression analysis. These 4 factors explaned 28 percent of variance of academic achievements. Third, there were no significant differences by school levels in most factors of learning process variables. While girls showed more positive behavior than boys in study skills. But there were no significant differences by sex in both learning motivation and school-related affects.

      • 歸因性向과 學業成就와의 關係 : 文獻的 考察

        金琪正 西原大學校 1990 西原大學 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Individual's perception about the cause of success and failure is one important motivational variable that appears to affect one's achievement-related behavior. Recent research(Harter, 1985) shows tat there are four patterns of causal attriutions : strong beneffectance, weak beneffectance, high internality, and self-blame. The research also shows that the four patterns are closelt related to grade levels, and to psychological varoables such as perceived cognitive competence, academic achievement, preference for challenge, and scholastic anxiety. The few causal analyses indicate that the locus of control tends to causally predominate over the achievement rather than the reverse. Twenty-eight out of thirth-four correlational studies which I reviewed show significant positive relationship between internality and achievement. Several studies consistently suport that attribution of success to one's good ability is associated with good achivement. This review suggests many important educational implications. It is important to provide students with as many success and few failure experiences as possible. However, what is much more important may be one's perceptions of the causes of the success or failure. Success enhances self-perceptions of competence only if one accepts one's responsibility for the success. In failure situation, one may expect the change for future achievement through attribution of failure to lack of effort rather than external acuases(tasks, luch) or lack of ability. In conclusion, it is suggested that it is desirable to change student's attributions in the direction of emphasizing their ablities and effots as te causes of success, and the lack of their efforts as the cause of failure. And it is also suggested tat these causal perceptions can maximize the academic performance of students.

      • 구성성분과 범주 및 기호의 연관성에 관한 연구

        나기덕 서강정보대학 1999 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        A sentence of a natural language is not just a sequence of words, but this sequence has a certain structure - the constituent structure of the sentence. This concept is used to diagnose whether certain sequence of words is possible or not. This article tries to show various evidence for this claim with the views of two grammatical theories: Categorial Grammar (CG) and Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG). In CG, the assignment of category on the constituent is rather flexible: all the resulting categories derived by categorial rules defined in the theory comprise constituents. In the discussion of conjunction, the hypothesis of CG shows an affirmative result that only constituents may conjoin and the two constituents must be of the same category. In HPSG, the sign contains all the information necessary for the description of linguistic expression : phonological, syntactical and semantic information. These informations, formalized in feature structures, are shown in attribute-value matrix. They rigorously specify lexical categories, describe the connecting relation of lexical categories into phrasal categories on the basis of the unification and efficiently explain the derivation of constituents.

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