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      • 商業敎育의 變化趨勢에 관한 硏究

        金載植 서원대학교 교육대학원 1997 교육논총 Vol.1 No.-

        이 연구는 상업교육과 관련한 근본적 개념의 변화에서부터 시작해서 실제적인 교육과정의 변화까지를 거시적 관점에서 분석해 봄으로써, 미래의 상업교육 방향을 모색하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 위하여, 연구방법적인 면에서는 문헌자료, 특히 매스컴에 나타난 상업교육 관련자료를 종합적으로 분석하고, 외국의 사례 등을 참고하였다. 넓은 의미에서의 상업교육이란 "비지니스 세계에서 생산자로서 또는 기업이 제공하는 상품과 서비스에 대한 소비자로서의 기능을 수행하는데 필요한 지식, 기능, 이해 및 태도를 제공하는 전체 교육프로그램의 한 측면"이다. 그러나 좁은 의미에서 상업교육은 중등학교 수준 이하에서 교수되는 일반교육적 상업교육과 직업교육적 상업교육을 의미한다. 상업교육을 지칭하는 명칭은 산업사회의 변화에 따라 여러 형태로 변화되어 왓다. 이러한 과정에서 유통교육(distributive education), 마케팅 및 유통교육(marketing and distributive education), 마케팅교육(marketing education), 상업 및 사무교육(business and office education) 등의 용어가 등장하고 변형되었지만, 가장 보편적인 용어는 비즈니스교육(business education)이다. 상업교육의 관점에서 상업이란 단순히 본원적인 상업인 매매업만을 의미하는 것이 아니라, 보조적 상업의 범주에 속하는 금융, 증권, 보혐, 보관 운송 등은 물로, 서비스업과 경영관리적인 업무를 모두 포괄하는 광의의 개념으로 쓰이고 있다. 상업교사에 대한 수요부족으로 인하여, 상업교육과는 본래 목적인 유능한 상업 교사 양성이라고 하는 기능의 수행이 사실상 거의 봉쇄된 것이 현재의 상황이다. 우리보다 경제발전 단계가 앞선 일본의 경우,상업교육을 전공을 두고 있는 곳은 3개 대학에 불과하며, 미국의 경우도 790년대 이수 상업교사에 대한 수요부족, 공급과잉이라는 문제에 직면해서 학과명칭을 다양화하는 시도를 하고 있다. 상업고 신입생은 과거처럼 대학에 진학할 경제력이 없어서 실업고를 자발적으로 선택한 경우 보다는, 연합고사 성적에 따른 강제 배분 성격이 강하다. 상업교육은 직업적 목표가 분명한 교육이다. 목표가 분명한 교육은 자발적으로 그것을 선택한 사람 에게 시켜야 효과가 있고 의미가 있는 것이다. 그러나 상고생의 상당수는 자발적으로 선택한 것이 아니라는 데 가장 큰 문제가 있다. 이와 같은 분석에 기초할 때, 앞으로 상업고에사 가르쳐야할 교과내용과 교육방법에 대한 근본적인 재검토가 필요하다. 오늘날과 같은 소비자 우위의 시장 환경 하에서 상업 및 경영 활동의 중심은 유통과 정보에 있으므로, 현대의 상업교육 내용도 유통과 정보관리로 그 중심이 이동하고 있다. 나아가 정보화 사회라고 특징지워지는 오늘날에는 상업교욱의 내용이 정봇나업교육으로 급속히 대체되고 있다. 실제로, 상업계고교들이 새로운 학과를 신설하거나 기존 학과를 개편하는 등 산업과 직업수요의 변화에 다양하게 대응하기 시작했다. 산업의 고도화와 국민소득 수준의 향상에 따라서 이제 직업교욱기관으로서 실업계 고드학교의 위치가 매우 약화되고 있다. 고등교육의 보편화에 따라 실업계 전문대하그 나아가 4년제 대학이 그 기능을 대체하고 있다. 실업계 고등학교에 대한 선호도 감소는 국민소득의 증가와 밀접한 상관을 가지고 있다. 교육이라고 하는 하나의 사회적 서비스 상품에 대한 고객의 욕구가 변하고 있다. 이를 물리적으로 돌려놓는데는 한계가 있다. 은행을 비롯한 금융권은 물론이고, 대기업들도 정규직 사원 대신 '인력회사'를 통해 파견근무 인력을 조달하는 형편이어서 상고 졸업생의 전공분야 취업의 문은 갈수록 좁아지고 있따. 일선 상고에서는 이에 따라 취업을 포기하고 전문대에 진학하려는 학생들을 모아 뒤늦게 진학반을 구성하는 움직임도 나탄고 있다. 국민 전체의 교육수준이 올라가는 것은 곧 국가의 수준이 그만큼 올라가는 것이다. 산업계에서 보다는 국민의 교육수준에 맞게 산업구조를 개선하려는 노력도 필요하다. 상업교육 내용에 대한 산업계의 요구변화에도 주의를 기울일 필요가 있다. 특수능력보다는 기초개념과 용어의 이해 등과 같은 기초능력에 대한 요구도 가 높다. 현실과 우리된 실무가 아니라 응용력을 기르는 기초학력을 양성해야 한다고 하는 것이 상업교육이 갖는 특성이다. 상업고등학교의 교육이 기본적으로는 직업 교육으로서 완성교욱의 성격을 가지고 있지만 과학기술과 지식이 급변하는 현대사회에서 개인이 생존하기 위해서는 평생 동안 계속적인 학습활동이 필요하다. 우리 나라에서의 상업교육은 19세기말 선진 제국으로부터 서양문물이 도입되면서 비롯되었다. 1899년 4월(광무 3년) 에 [학교교육진흥과 상공학교 개설에 관한 교육 조서]를 내려 그해 5월에 관립 상,공학교]를 설립하게 되었다. 이것이 루이 나라 역사상 학교 교육에서의 현대 상업교욱의 효시이다. 해방 후에는 교수요목기부터 시작해서 6차 교욱과정 개정에 이르고 있다. 각 개정시기마다 산업계의 변화와 요구를 반영하기 위한 흔적을 찾아 볼 수 있다. 6차 교육과정에서는 전문학과 수가 증가하였음에도 불구하고, 실제로는 많은 수의 상고에서 교육과정에서 제시 하지 않았던 유통경제과나 사무자동화과를 독자적으로 개발해서 신설하고 있는 것도 하나의 특징이다. The purpose of this study is to provide basic data which are necessary to find a direction of future business education by analyzing the current issues concepts related to the business education in a great transitional stage. Business high school, which has been the center of business education, has lost its popularity from applicants due to the increase of the national income and high-scholarship-oriented social atmosphere. to adapt in new changing circumstance, I suggest the following points that the business education should emphasize in the future. Firstly, the center of business education at the level of secondary school should pay more attention to the promotion of general-education function rather than vocational-education function. Secondly, we should not force business high school students to study only for the goal of vocational education but choose a policy to positively accept the desire of students' higher education. Thirdly, the vocational business education should pay more attention to educating business person in the marketing fields which are difficult to alternate manpower with automation. Fourthly, the vocational business education should give priority to developing competencies for use of skill for OA and application to survive the trend of OA. Finally, it is necessary to rearrange the names of specialized subjects and the titles of courses at the future seventh curriculum

      • 도덕·윤리과 교육의 정체성(正體性)문제

        이경무 서원대학교 교육대학원 1998 교육논총 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this papper is to discuss the moral-ethical education at the curricuium of moral-ethics stbjects in middle school and high school As the result of this research it is conculused two theses should be proved that in order to verify th identity fo the curriculum. 1. It is necessary that moral-ethical education should be accomplished in order to achive the educational purpose of middle school and high school curriculum. 2. Moral-ethics education-subjcts should be organized and installed as a course of study in middle and high school curriculum.

      • 정보사회에서의 평생교육 발전 방향 탐색

        허작,김종두 서원대학교 교육대학원 2003 교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        It has still been at important issue that the idea of restructured schools has been controversial in the debate on educational reform. In recent years, educational paradigm has been changed from the conventional school-centered system to the total lifelong-oriented system of education. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to explore the totally integreted-concepts of development on the nation-wide or society-ecntered as well as individual-oriented lifelong education for the information society. The specific conclusions of this study was as follows: 1. It was required to consider nation-wide or society-centered as well as individual-oriented demands for educational development of establishing and preparing the objectives of lifelong education. 2. The strategy of lifelong education should be focused on the rule that the participants must be satisfied with the educational feedback. 3. The principants of lifelong education should be realized on the basis of the main concepts of spontaneity, flexibility, and variety. 4. It was suggested that lifelong education of the information society might need deverse educational methods and settings, such as buffet-or cafeteria-styled learning systems and more irregular class-sized learning contexts.

      • 제7차 교육과정 수학교과서 분석연구 : 고등학교 함수·통계 단원을 중심으로 for the 7th National Highschool Curriculm

        박규흥 서원대학교 교육대학원 2002 교육논총 Vol.6 No.-

        In this paper we analyze the statistics and function part in the high school mathematics text book for the 7th national curriculum. This course is the 10th grade which is the last course of the national basic common educational curriculum. For this study we analysis by compared each text book with the 6th text book and with each other some 7th text books whether the new curriculum books are well followed to the new national curriculum or not. In this paper we investigate and analyze as followings. First, we investigate and analyze that the text books are well treated with the mathematical thinking power and mathematical problem solving fact. Second, we investigate and analyze that the text books are well used actual data for the real status of real life to accentuate the application of mathematics. Third, we study, investigate and analyze that the text books are well treated with the ability of mathematical communication. The fourth, we investigate and analyze that the contents of text books are well treated to put to practical use the calculates and computer as mathematical tools for this information-oriented age. The fifth, we investigate and analyze whether the statistics part of the text books be composed with real status statistics of the real life rather than theoretical statistics.

      • 一般讀書敎育課程槪念과 速讀敎育課程槪念間의 比較

        朴화燁,金成熙 서원대학교 교육대학원 2003 교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was to construct a comparative framework of educational curriculum-based relations of conventional reading to speed reading. The instructional model was designed for improving reading behaviors whose components were targeting, focusing, and training. The components made an instructional design of the Targeting×Focusing×Training interaction. Statistical concepts were figured out for making it clear that the learing strategies were designed not only for reinforcing the above three items of behaviors but also for the manipulation of transforming conventional reading patterns into speed reading ones. For teaching variables assigned were interval scales for measuring teaching level, and they also opened the possibilities of explaining and predicting the learning outcomes of reading performances. The detailed items of instructional knowlege were constructed as follows: (1) formulating regression analysis model. (2) constructing conventional reading model. (3) constructing speed reading model. (4) constructing the comparative model of conceptual relationships between conventional reading and speed reading. (5) figuring out instructional variables for statistical regression model. (6) elaborating, for reading instruction, statistical regression model of correspondences of teaching concepts with input variables and learning concepts with output variables, and (7) elaborating statistical tabulation of the developed reading output variables.

      • 제 7 차 교육과정 고등학교 수학 Ⅰ과정에서의 ICT 활용 학습과정안 개발

        박규홍 서원대학교 교육대학원 2003 교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        In this paper we study on the development of teaching-plan by using ICT (information & communication technology) application method in Mathematics 1 course of the 7th national high school curriculum. The teaching method of ICT application is one of priority item in the 7th national educational curriculum. For this study, we survey the recent preceding researches on the practical using of ICT in the school mathmatics. Next, we study on the composite and drawing the teaching plan by using ICT application in Mathematics 1 course which will carry out from 2003 school year. It is concluded that we must consider the following items to composite and drawing the teaching plan by using ICT application in Mathematics 1 course. First, we can find that it is difficult to apply the ICT in Mathematics 1 course of high school for the reason of a special quality of Mathematics 1. But it is one of the good choice to apply the ICT at the 1st lesson time of each chapter respectively. Second, teachers have to consider to the point that many internet sites are easily rise and fall, so teachers must search the adequate sites for the corresponding lessons continuously. Third, teaching plan by using ICT application must be prepared not formally but substantially. Fourth, the references on the 7th educational curriculum are shortage now, teachers must use and update that of the various 6th educational curriculum. Fifth, the ability of computer operating is not difficult, so the senior or the computer illiteracy teachers are able to learn such operating ability easily. The senior or computer illiteracy teachers must learn the opreation ability of computer and internet. It is very important to use the ICT application method for the teachers and students now. Sixth, many of the internet sites are very poor or not freeware, so the concerned authorities must support the teachers and school for the effective education to use the teachins method of ICT application. Seventh, the Mathematic 1 course is very difficult, so the ICT application method is regarded useless method in the lesson. But since we can find the mathematical conceive at the practical life or around us, such method can arouse the students' internet. Eighth, teachers must develope the teaching plan by using ICT application method continuously for the prosperity of the 7th national educational curriculum.

      • 뒤르케임 도덕교육론의 재평가 : The Relationship between Community and Individualism 공동체와 개인주의의 관계를 중심으로

        박희 서원대학교 교육대학원 1998 교육논총 Vol.2 No.-

        The Purpose of this study is to evaluate the Durkheim's theory of moral education that has been neglected in the discipline of social studies education. Actually his thesis was to establish the firm relationship between individualism and community that was destined to be collapsed and disorganized by the process of industrialization. His strategic choice to solve the problem was to find out and define what is called 'moral individualism' which was different from the utilitarian concept of individualism advocated by Herbery Spencer and Adam Smith. In times of French Revolution and afterwards, academic community was thrown into the confusion caused by the confrontation between conservative Catholic scholars and the utlitarian-liberal individualists. The former wanted to restore the traditional moral authority, and the latter to reform the social structure on the basis of rationality. But anti-conservative trends were prevailed. In the midst of intellectual confusion, some moral scientists such as Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte, tried to establish moral basis for the reorganization of collapsing French society. They wanted to substitute the traditional Catholicism with the positivistic secular morality based on humanity and philanthrophy. However, they could not provide concrete program for the institutionalization of secular morality. Durkheim's challenge was to fill a blank of moral scientific program. The core concept was moral 'individualism' which could accept the trends of individualism caused by division of labor and differentiation of society. It would also prevent the tendential eclipse of community. He thought that if moral authority could be derived from society, and if moral goals could be direted toward society, then secular moral individualism might be accepted as a new device for the reorganizing principle. His alternative could be categorized into two parts. One was to improve the moral and welfare functions of the state and to make the occupational group the center for consolidating morality, which ould become the intermediating institutions between the state and the individuals. The other was to articulate the existing educational program with new moral individualism. He thought that the new morality for the emerging industrial society should include three factors: the spirit of discipline, the principle of attachment to the social groups, and the autonomy of individuals. And his program was adopted as a foundation of the third Republic in France. Indeed, he was an eminent moral scientist and social reformist whose strategy was proved to be a vitalizing source for the reorganization of disorganizing French society. However, his influence on the educational thought has not been restricted within France. His program has been appreciated all over the world. Therefore, his theory of moral education should be resurrected as one of the key programs for the social studies education.

      • 도덕-윤리교육의 체계과학적 연구

        서규선 서원대학교 교육대학원 1997 교육논총 Vol.1 No.-

        This paper attempts to outline the systems view of moral education and ethics education in Korea. They advocate the use of systems thinking, seek to construct a meta discipline, and try to design new systems of moral education and ethics education. It is argued that a systems view of moral education and etics education is based on the systems view of man, society, ethics, and unification. Finally, this paper argues for the strong possibility that the moral education and ethics education within a systems framework might eventually close the gap between moral theory and everyday life.

      • 도덕교육의 접근과 과제

        최문기 서원대학교 교육대학원 2000 교육논총 Vol.4 No.-

        The Purpose of this paper is to study approaches to moral education and tasks. In order to study approaches to moral education, it needs to clarify objectives of moral education. In my paper, I differentiate cognitive and affective objectives individual and social objectives Cognitive objectives are related with enlargement of ability to judge and select moral values. Affective objectives are related with cultivation of characteristic traits. Individual objectives are related with development of personal morality Social objectives are related with socialization to society. These objectives are not separateed but closely linked each other. Therefore, approaches to moral education that realize these objectives need to be integrated. In this Paper, I distinguish direct approach between indirect approach The former includes approach of traditional character education, the latter includes value clarification approach and rational reasoning approach. Because theses approaches generally try to realize the one aspect of objectives, they have limits in treating with integral nature of moral education. In this sense, the most important task I think is to develop integral approaches, and apply it really In researching directions toward integral approaches to moral education, we can find clues from Thomas Lickona's integrated approach to character education, Emile Durkheim's integral approach to moral education, Lawrence Kohlberg's just community approach to moral education.

      • 일본의 총합학과 제도와 우리 상업교육 체제의 개선방향

        김재식 서원대학교 교육대학원 2000 교육논총 Vol.4 No.-

        Right now, Korean business education in secondary level is faced to the crucial crisis for survival, because the candidates for vocational high school is decreased yearly As one of the ways to solve the crisis, it's necessary to refer the comprehensive course system in Japan high schools The purpose of this study is to review on the Japan comprehensive course system in high school level to find some implications and then to seek the ways of improvement for Korean business education system in secondary level. This study is mainly based on the literatures review and case study about the Japan comprehensive course system. In Japan, 107 schools have the comprehensive course system and it's about 2% for 5,500 high schools. The curriculum of comprehensive course is consisted of (mandatory core subjects). (recommended coresubjects). (comprehensive elective subjects) and (free effective subjects) The mandatory cores are (Industrial Society and Human Beings). (Introduction for Information) and (Projects) . The official reasons for introducing the new system in japan is to foster the characterizing and diversifying of the high school system and to give the students chances for choosing the courses or subjects suitable for their career goals But, real reasons are to meet the demand for decreasing the ratio of vocational high school. The demand has been increased in accordance with the economic growth. Now, the opposite group for decreasing the ratio of business high schools should change their attitudes and thoughts and try to admit the challenges. One of the alternatives for business high schools is to establish a new high school system that is based on academic high school and is different from current academic schools system. The new high school system may be tailed as a Integrated High School. The new high school model based on the current business high school can easly meet the demand of business circles by offering the courses of informations, finance, entrepreneurship.

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