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        Field Demonstration of 100-Gb/s Real-Time Coherent Optical OFDM Detection

        Kaneda, Noriaki,Pfau, Timo,Huan Zhang,Lee, Jeffrey,Young-Kai Chen,Chun Ju Youn,Yong Hwan Kwon,Eun Soo Num,Chandrasekhar, S. IEEE 2015 Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol.33 No.7

        <P>We report the field demonstration of 100-Gb/s realtime coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) detection using polarization division multiplexed QPSK modulation per subcarrier. The paper includes one of the lowest BER ever reported for a CO-OFDM back-back transmission experiment at 5 × 10<SUP>-9</SUP> and the successful 495.2-km transmission over mixed types of field installed fiber. The field trial is conducted in a dispersion managed WDM system with neighboring 10-Gb/s Ethernet channels.</P>

      • KCI등재


        Kaneda, H.,Ishihara, D.,Onaka, T.,Sakon, I.,Suzuki, T.,Kobata, K.,Kondo, T.,Yamagishi, M.,Yasuda, A. The Korean Astronomical Society 2012 天文學論叢 Vol.27 No.4

        We have performed a systematic study of interstellar dust grains in various environments of galaxies. AKARI has revealed the detailed properties of dust grains not only in star-forming regions but also in regions not relevant to star formation, some of which are found not to follow our old empirical knowledge. Because of its unique capabilities, AKARI has provided new knowledge on the processing of large grains and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). For example, we detect PAHs from elliptical galaxies, which show unusual spectral features and spatial distributions, demonstrating importance of material processing in the interstellar space. We find that copious amounts of large grains and PAHs are flowing out of starburst galaxies by galactic superwinds, which are being shattered and destroyed in galactic haloes. We discover evidence for graphitization of carbonaceous grains near the center of our Galaxy, providing a clue to understanding the activity of the Galactic center. We review the results obtained from our AKARI program, focusing on the processing of carbonaceous grains in various environments of galaxies.


        Mini Review : A non-replicating oncolytic vector as a novel therapeutic tool against cancer

        ( Yasufumi Kaneda ) 생화학분자생물학회 2010 BMB Reports Vol.43 No.12

        Cancers are still difficult targets despite recent advances in cancer therapy. Due to the heterogeneity of cancer, a single-treatment modality is insufficient for the complete elimination of cancer cells. Therapeutic strategies from various aspects are needed. Gene therapy has been expected to bring a breakthrough to cancer therapy, but it has not yet been successful. Gene therapy also should be combined with other treatments to enhance multiple therapeutic pathways. In this view, gene delivery vector itself should be equipped with intrinsic anti-cancer activities. HVJ (hemagglutinating virus of Japan; Sendai virus) envelope vector (HVJ-E) was developed to deliver therapeutic molecules. HVJ-E itself possessed anti-tumor activities such as the generation of anti-tumor immunities and the induction of cancer-selective apoptosis. In addition to the intrinsic anti-tumor activities, therapeutic molecules incorporated into HVJ-E enabled to achieve multi-modal therapeutic strategies in cancer treatment. Tumor-targeting HVJ-E was also developed. Thus, HVJ-E will be a novel promising tool for cancer treatment. [BMB reports 2010; 43(12): 773-780]

      • KCI등재후보

        Depression and Suicide Risk in Patients with Schizophrenia during the Treatment by Second Generation Antipsychotic Agents: A Mini-Review

        Yasuhiro Kaneda 대한정신약물학회 2007 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.5 No.1

        This mini-review focuses on the depression and suicide risk in patients with schizophrenia during the treatment by second generation antipsychotic drugs. Regarding depressive symptoms and depressive illness in schizophrenia, several studies have found a relationship between negative or positive symptoms and depressive symptoms. Also,“revealed depression”,“akinetic depression”, or“pharmacogenic depression” is reported to explain the presence of depression in schizophrenia. There are several good reasons to consider that second generation antipsychotic drugs may prove to have at least somewhat superior effects on depression in schizophrenia than first generation antipsychotic drugs: their relatively weak blockade at D2 receptors, minimal serum prolactin elevations, and minimal extrapyramidal symptoms. Regarding suicide in schizophrenia, depression is one of the important factors for suicide. Second generation antipsychotic drugs particularly clozapine are thought to be effective for suicide in schizophrenia, via several proposed mechanisms including an antidepressant effect. Over all, second generation antipsychotic drugs are considered to be effective for both depression and suicide in schizophrenia. However, since patients would have strong psychological reactions to their symptom improvement, which would make a maladaptive or adaptive response, it should be noted that changes in awareness associated with treatment be carefully monitored regardless of medications we choose. This mini-review focuses on the depression and suicide risk in patients with schizophrenia during the treatment by second generation antipsychotic drugs. Regarding depressive symptoms and depressive illness in schizophrenia, several studies have found a relationship between negative or positive symptoms and depressive symptoms. Also,“revealed depression”,“akinetic depression”, or“pharmacogenic depression” is reported to explain the presence of depression in schizophrenia. There are several good reasons to consider that second generation antipsychotic drugs may prove to have at least somewhat superior effects on depression in schizophrenia than first generation antipsychotic drugs: their relatively weak blockade at D2 receptors, minimal serum prolactin elevations, and minimal extrapyramidal symptoms. Regarding suicide in schizophrenia, depression is one of the important factors for suicide. Second generation antipsychotic drugs particularly clozapine are thought to be effective for suicide in schizophrenia, via several proposed mechanisms including an antidepressant effect. Over all, second generation antipsychotic drugs are considered to be effective for both depression and suicide in schizophrenia. However, since patients would have strong psychological reactions to their symptom improvement, which would make a maladaptive or adaptive response, it should be noted that changes in awareness associated with treatment be carefully monitored regardless of medications we choose.

      • KCI등재후보


        HIDEHIRO KANEDA,Takuma Kokusho,Rika Yamada,DAISUKE ISHIHARA,SHINKI OYABU,TORU KONDO,MITSUYOSHI YAMAGISHI,Akiko Yasuda,TAKASHI ONAKA,Toyoaki Suzuki 한국천문학회 2017 天文學論叢 Vol.32 No.1

        We have performed systematic studies of the properties of dust in various environments of nearby galaxies with AKARI. The unique capabilities of AKARI, such as near-infrared (near-IR) spectroscopy combined with all-sky coverage in the mid- and far-IR, enable us to study processing of dust, particularly carbonaceous grains includings polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), for unbiased samples of nearby galaxies. In this paper, we first review our recent results on individual galaxies, highlighting the uniqueness of AKARI data for studies of nearby galaxies. Then we present results of our systematic studies on nearby starburst and early-type galaxies. From the former study based on the near-IR spectroscopy and mid-IR all-sky survey data, we find that the properties of PAHs change systematically from IR galaxies to ultra-luminous IR galaxies, depending on the IR luminosity of a galaxy or galaxy population. From the latter study based on the mid- and far-IR all-sky survey data, we find that there is a global correlation between the amounts of dust and old stars in early-type galaxies, giving an observational constraint on the origin of the dust.

      • 지역정책의 과제와 지역산업의 진흥

        가네다 마사시(Masashi Kaneda)(金田 昌司),이창익 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 2002 商經硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        Today a number of Japanese regions face many social and economical problems. Since the collapse of the “bubble economy”, Japanese economy has hovered around about ten years later.It is caused of the reduction of domestic demand and investment. Many local regions had a high demand and investment based on the location of industries and large center of shopping in the 1970’s 80’s. However today all or a part of branches of many in the local regions has been shifted into the overseas and the unemployment rate has increased to over 5%(the highest : over 8.4% of Okinawa-ken, the lowest : 3.2% of Nagano-ken, the survey of Oct.2002) in all Japan. Japanese government put into practice of special subsidy i.e. “Special subsidy for increase of employment in emergency region”, by which \350 billion will be outlaid through the local government and be newly employed about 500,000 persons during 3 years(Jan.2002 Mar.2005). We must act a strong and comprehensive regional policy for the revitalization of each sector in regional economy. Local government as public sector must meet the needs of citizen through the supply of the public goods and services under the diminishing expenditure. It also has to make efforts to set its finances in order by the introduction of NPM(New Public Management), such as evaluation of administration, PEI(Private FinanceInitiative) and method of accounting in private sector, and by reconsideration of an extra-departmental body(Gaikaku Dantai) getting a subsidy from local government and Daisan Sector(about 6,800 corporations in Mar.31.2000), which is seen as an co-operative organization consisting of the public sector and the private sector. Private sector must develop new industries having a strong competition, such as IT industries and new goods and services based on the various needs in life cycle. Those usually have been supplied by the private enterprise. However, recently we able to find that new supplier, such as NPO(Non-Profit Organization about 6,600 in Mar.31.2001) play the role of the revitalization in a number of communities.

      • KCI등재

        일본신찬을 통한 한국고대식의 추정연구 : 담산신사(談山神社)가길제(嘉吉祭)백미어식(2)

        김천호,Kentaro Kaneko,Takeshi Sumino,Takashi Kaneda 한국식생활문화학회 1993 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.8 No.2

        談山神社의 前身은 한반도로부터 일본으로 佛敎전래 이후 佛敎文化가 번성하던 7세기에 건립된 妙樂寺이다. 近世에 들어와서 국가적인 廢佛毁釋으로 神社로 바뀌었으므로 古代로부터의 1200년간 절의 佛供양식이 그대로 답습되어 전승되어 왔다. 神饌이라고 하나 실제로는 古代佛敎文化의 원형이라고 볼 수 있다. 문화의 교류가 빈번했던 한국고대의 식문화를 연구하는데 참고가 되리라 본다. 1) 高排 음식의 형태는 本神社와 同時代 同系統의 春日大社나 法隆寺 등 古代의 절이나 神社에 남아 있어서 현존하는 한국 고배차림과 상통하는 점을 뚜렷이 볼 수 있다. 단지 일본은 현재로는 死者나 神에게 대한 제사에만 남아 있다는 점이 한국은 경사스런 행사에도 널리 쓰여지고 있다는 것이 차이점이다. 또 한가지는 本神社의 고배형태가 단순한 圓柱型에서상부가 지붕 같이 넓어지는 형태로 변형된 것이다. 그리고 한반도의 고배음식은 실제로 행사가 끝나면 나누어 먹을 수 있는 음식인데 비해 「百味御食」은 형태만을 화려하게 만든 상징적인 것이다. 이는 시대의 흐름에 따라 외관상의 모양만을 만든 것이라 보고 神人供食의 사상으로 볼 때 古代에는 먹을 수 있는 음식이였을 것이다. 현재 한국의 고배음식은 원래 불교, 도교, 유교, 샤마니즘 등의 복합적인 영향으로 형성된 것으로 보아 인도와 중국에 근원을 두어야 할 것이다. 뒷바침이 될만한 것이 없어서 앞으로 뿌리와 유래 그리고 변천과정 등을 조사해야 할 것이다. 2) 고배음식 위의 장식은 고추나 꽈리 등의 열매를 竹串(대나무 꽂이)에 꽂아서 더욱 화려하게 만든 점이 특징이다. 이는 李朝시대 궁중연회행사에서 고배음식에 床花로 꽂는데 까지의 발전과정에서 극히 시초단계의 형태로 본다. 생열매나 꽃이 보였고 다음이 떡으로 새나 꽃모양을 만들어 장식했고(사진 10) 그 다음이 계절과 관계없이 실크나 종이로 造花를 만들어 화려하게 장식했다. 3) 和稻의 紋樣은 매년 다르나 卍型은 필히 포함시키고 나머지는 다양한 종류중에서 선택한 것으로 보아 문양이 고대로부터 다양하게 발전했었음을 알 수 있고 卍자를 필히 넣는 것은 本神社가 절이였고 절형식의 영향을 크게 받고 있음을 증명해 준다. 4) 荒稻 本 제사에서는 현재의 벼보다 대가 수십센치나 긴 黑, 白, 赤 등 3종류의 古代米를 쓰고 있다. 赤米와 黑米는 玄米의 일종으로서 品種과 系統에 따라서 種皮의 색이 赤色系는 赤米, 黑紫色인 것을 黑米로 칭하여 사용했다. 白米는 현재의 도정된 쌀이라고 본다. 이도 원래는 대가 긴 古代米였다. 春日大社 제사에도 黑米飯이 나오는 것으로 보아 현재의 개량된 쌀이 되기 이전의 형태는 물론 최초에는 현미를 식용했던 점을 알 수 있다. 무엇보다 술이 달린 벼의 대를 그대로 장식한 것이 특이하다. 이는 쌀을 귀중한 식량으로 꼽았던 것으로 본다. 5) 果實御供의 과일은 각종 야생열매라고 보는 것이 타당하다. 현재 우리가 식용하지 않는 과일, 채소, 구근류가 보인다. 古代食用식물의 재연구조사가 필요하다. 6) 古代제사나 현재 고배음식에서 보이는 五色은 五行說에 근거를 두나 古代 신앙부터 다수의 종교의 부합적인 사상에 의하여 형성된 것으로 본다. The predeccessor of Danjanjinja was Myorak temple which is built in the 7th century. At that age, the Buddhist culture of Japan had highly prospected by transmitting Buddhism to Japan from Han peninsular On the other hand, the private god of Fujiwara family in Danjanjinja is Uchigami which is one of typical Japanese popular belief like Dangshin of Korean's. Through these historical background, it could by presumed that the Kakitsisai might be the original form of Korean Buddhist sacrificial offerings from ancient age. So this study on Kakitsisai what had handed down from generation to generation about for 1300 years help us to study and estimate the ancient dietary culture of Korean and Japanese. 1. Kakitsisai performed high filling method in the sacrificial offerings like Kasuga, Horyuji and Korea. 2. The patterns and colors of high filling offerings are various in Korea and Japan. 3. They used unpolished rice by ancient rice, and called red and black one. We can guess both of countries ate unpolished rice at that age. 4. They used many kind of ancient wild fruits and vegetables. We could recognize what the ancients had eaten the foods.

      • Effective Diagnostic Image Segmentation with Pyramid Style Support Vector Machine for Colorectal Endoscopic Images

        Takumi Okamoto,Tetsushi Koide,Anh-Tuan Hoang,Tatsuya Shimizu,Koki Sugi,Toru Tamaki,Bisser Raytchev,Kazufumi Kaneda,Shigeto Yoshida,Hiroshi Mieno,Kazufumi Kaneda 대한전자공학회 2015 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2015 No.6

        Recently, with the increase in the number of colorectal cancer patients, the computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems which support a doctor"s diagnosis are essential for early stage treatment. In this paper, we introduce a SVM hardware architecture for CAD system for colorectal endoscopic images with NBI magnification findings. Additionally, we also propose a pyramid style structure with multi-SVMs for effective diagnosis image segmentation.

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