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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Clinical Features of Generalized Granuloma Annulare in Korea

        ( Euy Hyun Chung ),( Sang Hoon Lee ),( Moon Kyun Cho ),( Jongs Uk Lee ),( Sung Yul Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2015 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.53 No.2

        Background: Generalized granuloma annulare (GGA) is a benign granulomatous disease of an unknown etiology. Although numerous studies about GGA have been reported, publications that describe the general clinical features of the disease are very sparse. Objective: This study aimed to identify the clinical characteristics of Korean GGA cases. Methods: We reviewed and analyzed the clinical data derived from four patients diagnosed with GGA at our hospital and the clinical data from 58 patients diagnosed with GGA at other Korean hospitals between 1995 and 2011. Results: The cutaneous lesions could be divided into the annular (n=30, 48%) and nonannular (n=32, 52%) types, and the lesions were more common in males than in females, with 33 males and 29 females affected. The GGA incidence showed a bimodal distribution with respect to age at disease onset. Twenty-six cases (42%) presented within the first decade of life and 29 cases (47%) presented when they were in the fifth decade of life or older. Twelve patients (19%) had systemic diseases. Of note, diabetes mellitus (DM) occurred only in adult GGA patients who were aged over 40 years. Conclusion: In contrast to previously reported studies, this study shows that the age at GGA onset has a bimodal distribution, and that GGA occurs more often in males. The prevalence of DM among GGA-affected individuals was higher than that found in the general Korean population. Therefore, a DM workup should be undertaken for GGA-affected patients who are over 40 years of age. (Korean J Dermatol 2015;53(2):127∼132)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Calcium-induced Human Keratinocytes (HaCaT) Differentiation Requires Protein Kinase B Activation in Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-dependent Manner

        Longzhen Piao,Sanghee Shin,Keum-Jin Yang,Jisoo Park,Eulsoon Shin,Yuwen Li,Kyung Ah Park,Hee Sun Byun,Minho Won,Choong Jae Lee,Gang Min Hur,Jeong Ho Seok,Ju-Duck Kim,Chang Deok Kim,Jeung-Hoon Lee,Jongs 한국독성학회 2006 Toxicological Research Vol.22 No.3

        The survival and growth of epithelial cells depends on adhesion to the extracellular matrix. An adhesion signal may regulate the initiation of differentiation, since epidermal keratinocytes differentiate as they leave the basement membrane. A metabolically dead cornified cell envelope is the end point of epidermal differentiation so that this process may be viewed as a specialized form of programmed cell death. In order to investigate the precise cellular signaling events leading to terminal differentiation of keratinocytes, we have utilized HaCaT cells to monitor the biological consequences of Ca²? stimulation and numerous downstream signaling pathways, including activation of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) pathway and activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). The results presented in this study show that Ca²? function as potent agents for the differentiation of HaCaT keratinocytes, and this differentiation depends on the activation of ERK, Protein kinase B (PKB) and p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K). Finally, the results show that the expression of Activator protein 1 (AP-1; c-Jun and c-Fos) increased following Ca²?-mediated differentiation of HaCaT cells, suggesting that ERK-mediated AP-1 expression is critical for initiating the terminal differentiation of keratinocytes.

      • 김정은 체제의 구축과 변화전망

        박종문 ( Jong Moon Park ) 이실학회(구 한국경찰이론과실무학회) 2012 경찰연구논집 Vol.10 No.-

        북한을 철권통치 했던 김정일이 사망하면서 아들인 김정은이 3대 권력을 세습하였다. 3년이라는 짧은 후계수업 기간과 권력기반마저 미약하여 많은 우려를 자아냈으나, 현재까지 별다른 어려움 없이 최고사령관과 당 제1비서, 당 중앙군사위원장, 국방위원회 제1위원장으로 추대되면서 북한의 최고 지도자가 되었다. 김정은은 아버지와 달리 TV생중계와 공개연설 그리고 스킨십 등으로 대중 친화적이고 새로운 정치스타일을 보이면서 긍정적인 북한의 변화를 예측하게 하는 한편 공개연설을 통해 김일성 주체사상과 김정일의 선군정치를 계승·발전시켜 군사강국·경제강국을 달성하겠다는 다짐과 장거리 미사일을 발사하고 핵개발을 포기하지 않을 것이라는 입장을 보이고 있다. 앞으로 김정은은 체제 안정을 위하여 대내적으로 군부세력을 관리하고 당의 권한을 강화시켜 지도력을 강화하고, 주민의 생활을 개선과 경제난국을 타개하기 위한 경제정책을 펼칠 것이다. 대외적으로는 국제적인 고립을 피하고 정권의 존속을 위하여 절대적인 후원국인 중국과 협조관계를 공고히 하고, 미국에 대해서는 한국을 배제한 채 강온정책으로 평화협정 채결과 경제지원을 받기 위해 노력할 것이다. 또 한국에 대해서는 이명박 정부의 ``원칙 있는 대북정책``에 극도로 반감을 표출하고 있어 현 정권에서는 대남강경정책을 펼치다가 차기 정부와는 새로운 돌파구를 찾을 것으로 보인다. 특히 2012년은 한국의 대통령 선거를 비롯한 한반도 주변 주요국들의 정권교체가 있는 해로서 김정은 체제의 안정성과 향후 대내외정책에 따라 동북아와 한반도의 평화에 절대적인 영향을 미칠 것이다. 따라서 북한의 대내외 정책 변화를 신속정확하게 파악하고 국제사회와 긴밀한 협력으로 김정은의 군사적 모험주의에 대비하고 북한의 경제 개선전략을 지원함으로써 갈등과 대립에서 협력과 공동번영의 한반도로 거듭나야 할 것이다. Immediately after his father Kim Jong-il`s death, the younger Kim Jong-un was hailed as “the great successor”. Even though some of experts expressed their concerns that Kim Jong-un took only 3-year-class to be a successor and his political background was not strong enough, without any difficulty, he has held the titles of the First Secretary of the Workers` Party of Korea, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of North Korea and the Supreme Commander of the Korean People`s Army. And also he was officially declared the supreme leader of North Korea. 57) Kim Jong-un shows that he has new and public-friendly style of leadership which is different from that of his father. This implicates that North Korea will change in a positive way. He made his first public speech as North Korea marked the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Kim Il-sung on 15 April, praising the “military first” doctrine and emphasizing the need of economic growth. A few months into his leadership, North Korea launched a long-range missile which it said would put a satellite into orbit. It shows that Kim Jong-un will not give up reinforcing North Korea`s nuclear capability. In the future, Kim Jong-un will control military authorities, strengthen his leadership and push ahead economic policy to overcome financial difficulties internally. Externally, he will cement friendly relations which have existed between North Korea and China to avoid international isolation and maintain his regime. In addition, he will try to conclude a peace treaty between North Korea and the United States and demand economic aid. Regarding South Korea, Kim Jong-un has antagonism toward policy of Lee Myung-bak administration on North Korea. Therefore he has taken his hard-lined offensive movements against South Korea and he may shift to more moderate policy toward South Korea in the next government. In particular, there will be some of important events this year, such as an upcoming presidential election in South Korea and change of government in other neighboring countries. The stability and internal/external policy of North Korea will have a strong influence on peace of Northeast Asia and Korean peninsular. In conclusion, South Korea should analyze the whole situation of North Korea promptly and accurately, cooperate with the U.S., China and the International Society, develop national security strategy against Kim Jong-un`s “military first” doctrine and support the economic development plan of North Korea. By doing so, the relationship between South Korea and North Korea will be improved for the better.

      • 기획논문 : 고령지역 사상(思想)의 특징과 사적(史的) 전개(展開) ; 만구(晩求) 이종기(李種杞)의 성리학적 입장에 대한 검토 -한주학파(寒洲學派)와의 논변을 중심으로-

        임종진 ( Jong Jin Lim ) 경북대학교 퇴계학연구소 2008 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.43 No.-

        본 논문은 19세기말 영남의 성리학자인 李種杞의 성리학적 입장을 살펴보는 것이 주된 목적이다. 性理學에 대한 이종기의 입장은 그의 문집 속에 들어 있는 소논문들, 李震相과 그의 제자 및 다른 성리학자들과 주고받은 편지 등을 통해서 알 수 있다. 이러한 글 속에서 이종기는 여러 성리학적 주제들과 관련된 자신의 입장을 피력하였다. 그런데 이러한 자료들을 분석해 보면, 이종기는 크게 두 측면에서 자신의 성리학적 입장을 드러내 보이고 있다. 첫 번째 측면은 기호학파의 대표적인 인물인 李珥의 성리학적 입장에 대한 비판을 통해서 退溪學派로서의 자신의 사상적 좌표를 명확하게 설정하였다는 점이다. 두 번째 측면은 퇴계학파 내에서의 성리학적 입장과 관련되어 있다. 이점과 관련해서는 이종기와 이진상을 비롯한 寒洲學派(許愈, 尹胄夏, 郭鍾錫)와의 논변을 주목할 필요가 있다. 본 논문에서 주로 다루고자 하는 것은 바로 이 부분이다. 理氣論과 心性論을 중심으로 해서 이 부분에 대한 이종기와 한주학파의 성리학적 차이점을 드러내 보이면, 자연스럽게 당시 퇴계학파 내에서 이종기의 성리학적 입장이 가지는 의미와 평가가 도출될 수 있을 것이다. 먼저 理氣論과 관련해서 살펴보면, 양측 모두는 기본적으로 朱熹와 이황에서 비롯된 主理論의 입장을 표방하고 있다. 그러나 한 걸음 더 나아가면 여러 가지 주제에서 차이를 보이고 있다. 요컨대 한주학파는 보다 주리적인 측면을 부각시켜 리와 기의 차별성을 강조하려는 입장이라면, 이종기는 리와 기의 조화와 공존의 측면을 보다 강조하려는 입장이다. 心性論과 관련해서도 한주학파는 心卽理說을 주창함으로써 이황의 心合理氣說을 고수한 이종기와 대립하였다. 그런데 이러한 양측의 입장 차이는 쉽게 해소될 수 없는 구조적인 문제이기도 하다. 왜냐하면 첫째는 朱熹와 같은 성리학자들의 이론 자체에서 발견되는 부정합성의 문제 때문이고, 둘째는 한 성리학자의 이론에 내재된 다면적인 함의 중에서 어떤 측면을 중요하게 보는가하는 문제가 계속 남기 때문이다. 이제 이종기의 성리학적 입장과 관련해서 약간의 평가를 덧붙이고자 한다. 이종기는 기본적으로 李滉의 理氣互發說과 심합리기설의 입장을 성리학 이해의 근간으로 삼고있다. 그렇기 때문에 지나치게 理發ㆍ氣發만을 강조하는 성리학적 입장에 대해서는 회의적이었다. 이러한 입장은 물론 기호학파의 主氣論에 대한 비판이 보다 큰 비중을 차지하지만, 한편으로는 퇴계학파의 주리론이 후대로 내려오면서 점차 리 위주로 모든 것을 해석하려는 경향에 대한 퇴계학파 내부의 자기반성적 태도와도 관련되어 있다. 이러한 측면에서 본다면, 이진상을 중심으로 하는 한주학파가 理優位論을 근간으로 하는 觀念(idea) 위주의 理想主義的입장에서 퇴계학을 계승했다면, 이종기는 상대적으로 氣의 존재론적 위상에 좀 더 주목하여 종래 퇴계학파의 性理思想을 보다 현실적인 입장으로 이동시켜 사상적 균형성을 회복하려는 태도를 견지한 `退溪學의 現實主義的 繼承者`라고 부를 수 있을 것이다. The main object of this article is to look over the Neo-Confucian position of Lee Jong-Gi, a Confucian scholar of Youngnam area in the late nineteenth century. His position on Neo-Confucianism can be figured out through some small articles in his collection of works and his correspondences with Lee Jin-Sang and his disciples and other scholars. In these works, we can see that Lee Jong-Gi had revealed his position to the various Neo-Confucian issues in two large aspects. The first aspect is that by way of taking critical stance on the Neo-Confucian position of Lee I, the representative figure of the school of Giho, he, as a scholar of the school of Toegye, established clearly his stance of thought. The second aspect is related to his position within the school of Toegye. In regard to this point, it is necessary to pay attention to his argument with the school of Hanju represented by Lee Jin-Sang. This article mostly deals with this part, and thereupon meaning and evaluation about Lee Jong-Gi`s Neo-Confucian position can be drawn naturally. First of all, if we look into the theory of li[principle]-ki[material force], both sides basically took the position of the theory of Juli[主理論] which was originated by Chu Hsi and Lee Hwang. However, if we take one step further, we can see that they revealed some differences in many issues. For example, while the school of Hanju(Lee Jin-Sang and his disciples like Heo Yu, Yun Ju-Ha, Kwak Jong-Seok) tried to emphasize the distinction between li and ki by way of revealing more the aspect of Juli, Lee Jong-Gi tried to emphasize the harmony and coexistence of li and ki. In regard to the theory of human mind and nature, the school of Hanju, by advocating the theory that human mind is li[心卽理說], tookdifferent stance against Lee Jong-Gi who held fast to Lee Hwang`s theory of human mind as the integration of li-ki[心合理氣說]. Yet, the difference of both positions is at the same time a kind of structural problem that cannot be dissolved easily. It is due, first, to the disparity discovered from the theory itself of Neo-Confucian scholars such as Chu Hsi, second, to the fact that there still remains a problem that among various immanent implications of a scholar which aspect is to be considered most importantly. At this point, we need to add some evaluation in regard to Lee Jong-Gi`s Neo-Confucian position. Basically he got his root of Neo-Confucian understanding from Lee Hwang`s theory of co-arousal of li-ki[理氣互發說] and theory of human mind as the integration of li-ki. Therefore, he was skeptical to the Neo-Confucian position that had excessive emphasis on the arousal of li[理發] and the arousal of ki. This kind of position as well as the critique of the theory of Juki[主氣論] of the school of Giho has a much greater deal of weight, but in the meanwhile it is related to self-reflective attitude within the school of Toegye against the tendency to interpret everything mostly with regard to li. This tendency had been developed as the theory of Juli of the school of Toegye had been handed down to later generations. From this aspect, we can see that while the school of Hanju led by Lee Jin-Sang had taken over Toegye Studies form the idealistic position centered on idea based on the theory that li is superior, Lee Jong-Gi can be called `a realistic successor of Toegye Studies` who adhered to the position to recover the equilibrium of thought by way of moving the school of Toegye`s traditional Neo-Confucian thought into more realistic position after paying more attention relatively to the ontological location of ki.

      • 김정은 건강이상설과 북한붕괴론에서 나타난 언론보도의 문제점과 교훈

        송승종 ( Seong Song-jong ) 한국군사학회 2020 군사논단 Vol.102 No.-

        North Korea’s notorious dictator Kim Jong-un disappeared for around twenty days since the 11th of April, prompting widely spreaded rumours running the gamut from ‘cardiac or cardiovascular surgery,’ ‘vegetative situation,’ ‘99% sure of Kim’s death,’ ‘unable to walk or stand up by himself’ to ‘Power Succession by Kim Yo-jong (his biological sister).’ All the report turned out to be ‘fake news’ as Kim Jong-un made the first appearance after a prolonged hiatus at a May Day celebration, where he was pictured waving hands, laughing and smoking. Even it was known that some local medias stopped short of releasing the ‘sudden death of Kim Jong-un’ articles on the internet. Both South Korean and the U.S. governments bent their backwards to deny the speculations that Kim Jong-un was gravely ill after heart surgery. But such statements were misinterpreted as an attempt to temporarily paper over the serious situation of Kim Jong-un’s overall health. The first shot that triggered cascades of false reports seemed to have been fired by CNN’s ‘exclusive report’ which claimed that he was in “in grave danger after undergoing a previous surgery,” citing “a US official with direct knowledge.” After CNN’s report, Yomiuri-Shimbun, Shūkan Gendai (週刊現代, Modern Weekly), Daily Mail, Daily Express, as well as China’s Sina-Weibo (新浪微博), Weixin (微信) and other medias jumped on the wagon of generating and expanding ‘fakes news’ in an indiscriminate and reckless manner. Aforementioned incident has something in common with ‘North Korea’ Collapse’ theory which has been persistently raised from the 1990s. The commonality between two seems to be that they are based on nonsensical and even idiotic ‘wishful thinking’ rather than on facts on the ground. The upshot of the problem appears that while Kim jong-un’s long delayed appearance quelled in effect all the rumors revolving around his whereabouts and health conditions, that would not be the end of story. In other words, in a sense, such unfounded rumors and fabricated stories might be the single biggest obstacles which would hamper laying out and implementing viable, sustainable, and forward-looking policies toward Pyongyang. During the course of attaining such goals, damages inflicted on the credibility, reliability and trustworthiness of parties concerned (for example, some medias, experts, pundits, politicians and so forth) will not merely confined to themselves. Against this backdrop, there seems to be nearly no objections to the argument that the biggest person benefitted by this pandemonium might be none other than Kim Jong-un. In this regard, it is imperative that the general public form a consensus to insure that the Aesop’s Fables about ‘the Boy Who Cried Wolf’ would not be replayed in the future, more than anything else.

      • KCI등재

        잔해와 파편의 시어 -김종삼, 『북 치는 소년』의 경우

        김종훈 ( Jong Hoon Kim ) 민족어문학회 2013 어문논집 Vol.- No.68

        김종삼 시는 비극적 시대 현실을 배경으로 한다. 이 글은 김종삼의 절제된 언 어의 한 쪽에는 『민간인』과 같은 잔상과 여백의 시어가 있는 반면, 또 다른 한 쪽 에는 『북 치는 소년』과 같은 잔해와 파편의 시어가 있다고 상정하였다. 이와 같은 가설에 타당성을 주는 견해가 한국 현대시의 담론 영역으로 유입되기 시작한 ``현대시의 알레고리`` 담론이다. 현대시의 알레고리 시어는 역사의 폐허에서 종합 의지를 상실한 듯한 파편의 시어들로 요약할 수 있는데, 이는 김종삼 시에서 잔상과 여백뿐만 아니라 폐허에 대한 인식을 끌어들인다. 김종삼의 『북 치는 소년』은 현대시의 알레고리 미학을 반영한 전형적인 시이다. 시인의 냉철한 분석의식이 감지되고 있으며, 시어들은 현실의 잔해처럼 고립되어 있다. 시의 한 구절 "내용 없는 아름다움"의 ``내용 없는``은 부서진 원관념, 진보의 거짓환상을 벗겨낸 현실과, ``아름다움``은 흩어진 보조관념, 현실의 파편들과 역설적으로 대응한다. 현대시의 알레고리는 김종삼의 시적 개성을 뚜렷하게 하는 미학이라고 할 수 있다. 김종삼의 시에는『북 치는 소년』의 특성을 따르는 시가 여럿 보인다. 따라서 이러한 독법은 김종삼이 당대 폐허로 인식된 현실을 외면하지 않았다는 것을 증 명할 뿐만 아니라 알레고리 시학을 토대로 한 김종삼 시들의 계보를 형성하는 데 도움을 준다. Kim, Jong-sam`s poems are based on reality in the tragic age. This articles starts assuming Kim Jong Sam`s temperate language contains poetic words of afterimages and blanks in "Civilian" on one hand and there are those of remains and fragments in "Drummer Boy" on the other hand, This assumption is supported by the discourse of "Allegory of Modern Poetry" starting to flow into the discourse of Korean Modern poetry. Allegoric poetic words of modern poetry can be summarized with those of fragments which seem to lose general will in the remains of history. This feature shows recognition on remains as well as afterimages and blanks in Kim, Jong-sam`s poems. "Drummer Boy" by Kim, Jong-sam is a fine example reflecting aesthetics of allegory of the contemporary poetry. The poet`s cool-head sense of analysis is detected and poetic words are isolated like remains of reality. "Contentless" in one phrase from the poem "Contentless beauty" corresponds to broken original concept, reality stripping off false fantasy of progress while "beauty" to scattered subsidiary concept, remains of reality, paradoxically. Allegory of modern poetry is the aesthetics showing clearly Kim, Jong-sam`s poetic uniqueness. His other poems follow features of "Drummer Boy". This reading proves Kim, Jong-sam never ignored reality recognized as remains of the age and helps to form genealogy of his poetry based on the allegory poetics.

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