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      • KCI등재

        볏짚버섯속 ASI19003(버들송이)과 ASI19016(차신고)의 배양 및 재배적 특성

        정종천 외 한국버섯학회 2008 한국버섯학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        본 시험의 볏짚버섯속(Agrocybe) 2균주 ASI19003(A. cylindracea; 버들송이)와 '차신고'로 불려지는 ASI19016(A. chaxingu)의 배양생리 및 재배적 특성 비교에서 종간에는 많은 차이가 있었다. 균사생장 최적온도는 ASI19003이 28 , ASI19016이 30 이었으며 배지산도는 고체배지 평판배양의 경우 ASI19003과 ASI19016 균주 공히 pH 5.5∼7.0 범위에서 잘 자랐다. 그러나 액체배지 정치배양에서는 ASI19003이 pH 5.5에서, ASI19016이 pH 5.0에서 잘 자랐으며 ASI19016 균주의 경우 액체배지의 pH 6.0∼7.5 범위에서는 균사생장이 매우 저조한 특이적 현상을 나타내었다. 탄소원으로는 ASI19003이 lactose, ASI19016 균주가 fructose에서 잘 자라고, 질소원으로 ASI19003이 asparagine > alanine > glycine, ASI19016이 ammonium tartrate > asparagine > glycine > alanine 순이었다. 봄재배 시 ASI19003은 배양기간이 27일, 초발이소요일수 13일로 ASI19016의 29일과 17일보다 총재배기간이 6일 빨랐으며, 850 ㎖ PP병당 자실체 수량도 ASI19003이 114 g으로 ASI19016의 100g보다 15%가 많았다. 한편 여름재배 시 ASI19003은 배양기간이 29일, 초발이소요일수 11일로 ASI19016의 30일과 12일보다 총재배기간이 3일 빨랐다. 그러나 버섯 생육기에 온도가 상승하면 ASI19003 균주는 자실체 색이 옅어지고 조직이 물러지는 등 상품성이 낮아지는 단점이 있으나, ASI19016은 고온기에 오히려 버섯 발생이 빨라지고 자실체의 갓 색깔도 짙게 유지되는 장점이 있다. 따라서 봄, 가을과 겨울철에는 다수성인 ASI19003(버들송이)을, 여름철 고온기에는 상품성이 좋은 ASI19016(차신고) 균주를 재배품종으로 선택함으로써 버들송이류 버섯의 상품성을 연중 내내 유지하면서 안정적인 공급이 가능할 것으로 본다. This experiment was carried out to examine physiological and cultural characteristics of two strains ASI 19003, 'Poplar field-cap mushroom' Agrocybe cylindracea, and ASI 19016, 'Chaxingo' A. chaxingu, at the bottle cultivation which have very similar morphological characteristics in genus Agrocybe. There was significant difference between the physiological and cultural characteristics of ASI19003 and ASI19016. The optimal temperature for the hyphal growth was 28℃ in the strain ASI19003 and 30℃ in ASI19016. The optimal pH was not different in two strains and these strains grew well at pH 5.5∼7.0. But the optimal pH in the submerged culture was 5.5 in ASI19003 and 5.0 in ASI19016. Especially, hyphal growth of the strain ASI19016 was very poor at pH 6.0∼7.3. The optimal carbon source for the growth was lactose in the strain ASI19003 and fructose in ASI19016, and nitrate sources were asparagine, alanine, and glycine in the strain ASI19003, and ammonium tartrate, asparagine, glycine, and alanine in ASI19016, respectively. The periods of incubation and fruiting body formation in the bottle cultivation during the spring were 27 and 13 days in the strain ASI19003, 29 and 17 days in ASI19016. The yields of fruit body were 114 g per bottle (850 ㎖ volume) in the strain ASI19003 and 100 g in ASI19016. In the summer, the periods of hyphal incubation and fruiting body formation were 29 and 11 days in the strain ASI19003, 30 and 12 days in ASI19016. The color of the cap in the ASI19003 strain according to temperature increase during the fruit body development become more pale, but the strain ASI19016 kept dark color relative to ASI19003. The fruiting body formation of the strain ASI19016 was faster than that of ASI19003. Accordingly, the cultivation of A. cylindracea ASI19003 during the spring, fall and winter, and A. chaxingu ASI19016 during the summer can keep high quality and stable supply all year round of these mushrooms.

      • KCI등재

        큰느타리버섯(Pleurotus eryngii) 품종 큰느타리3호의 재배적 특성

        정종천 외 한국버섯학회 2005 한국버섯학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        This experiment was carried out to examine on the physiological and cultural characteristics of commercial strain Kunneutari #3 of Pleurotus eryngii. The optimal medium suitable for mycelial growth was YM, and followed by MCM and PDA. Also this strain more faster mycelial growth as 6.1 cm/7days compared with commercial strain P. eryngii #1. The optimal mycelial growth temperature was 25∼30℃ . The fruitbody yield was increased 54% with 117±16 g/850㎖ and the fruitbody shape and qualities of this strain was good. And individual weight was 41±27 g. Spawn run of P. eryngii #3 in bottle cultivation took 30 days and also it took 21 days from scratching of inoculum to harvest that was shorter 3 days than P. eryngii #1, respectively. Therefore, it is expected that cultivation for P. eryngii #3 strain will improve farmer's income by enhancing efficiency of facilities and shorten 6 days on cultivation period, in addition, getting more growing cycle of P. eryngii. 최근에 국외로부터 수집된 균주의 생리적 및 재배적 특성을 조사하고자 일련의 실험을 수행하였다. 수집균주 ASI 2394(큰느타리3호)의 최적배지는 YM배지로 균사생장이 6.1 mm/7일로 가장 빨랐으며 그 다음은 MCM, PDA배지 순이었다. 그리고 기존 보급종인 큰느타리1호(ASI 2302)와 비교시 배지의 선택성이 비교적 넓은 경향으로 나타났다. 균사생장 최적배양온도는 25∼28 이었다. 자실체 수량은 ASI 2394가 117±16 g/850㎖, 기존품종은 76±14g으로 수집균주가 54% 증수되었다. 그리고 개체중도 ASI 2394 균주가 41±27 g으로 기존품종보다 월등히 무거웠다. 또한 대가 굵고, 갓이 두꺼우며, 갓의 형태가 우산형으로 상품성이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 톱밥 병재배시 ASI 2394 균주는 균배양기간이 30일(액체종균 이용시는 27일) , 균긁기 후 버섯 수확까지 21일이 소요되어 기존품종보다 각각 3일씩 단축되었다. 따라서 총 재배기간이 6일 단축되어 재배회수가 연간 5.4회에서 6.0회로 높아지므로 재배사 이용율이 향상되어 농가의 소득향상에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        rDNA-ITS 및 CAPS 분석에 의한 꽃송이버섯 (Sparassis crispa) 수집균주의 계통분류학적 특성구분

        정종천 외 한국버섯학회 2010 한국버섯학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        본 시험은 국내외에서 수집한 꽃송이버섯균 22균주에 대하여 분자생물학적 유연관계를 분석하고자 하였다. 수집균주의 ribosomal DNA의 ITS 영역에 대한 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) 분석 결과, KACC50866은 다른 균주들과 20%이하의 유연관계를 나타내었으며 나머지 균주들은 90% 이상의 유연관계를 보이면서 4그룹으로 구분되었다. 따라서 이들의 세분화된 분자생물학적 구분을 위하여 rDNA ITS 영역의 염기서열분석을 하여 구분하여 본 결과 KACC50866 균주는 다른 꽃송이버섯균과 유연관계가 매우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 나머지 21개 균주는 같은 그룹으로 구분되어 있어 같은 종으로 생각할 수 있으나, 이들을 좀더 세분하기 위해서는 미토콘드리아의 유전자 서열 분석 등이 병행되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study was carried out to analyze the genetic relationships among 22 strains of Sparassis crispa, which were collected from various regions of worldwide. The cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence were obtained from the ribosomal DNA ITS regions of each strain. Based on the sequence analysis, the presence of five different groups were observed. Most strains shared the high nucleotide sequence similarity (about 90%) to each other, except only one strain, KACC50866. Nucleotide sequence similarity of KACC50866 was below 10% to other strains, indicating the genetic relatedness of strain KACC50866 was low compared to other strains. More works such as mitochondria genome analysis should help to determine the precise genetic diversity of S. crispa strains.

      • KCI등재

        고온기 팽이버섯 병재배 배지제조시 저온수 이용 효과

        정종천 외 한국버섯학회 2005 한국버섯학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        This study was conducted to verify the cause of suppression symptom in mycelial growth during summer and to be able to establish a countermeasure. Cultivation of Flammulina velutipes was experimented with varying elapsed time of 0, 3, 6, 9 hours after mixing the sawdust media and two kinds of water temperature (normal water, 24℃ and cold water, 6℃) for mixing sawdust media. There were trends of increased media temperature from 24℃ to 31℃ and decreased pH from 6.5 to 5.2~5.6 with varying elapsed time from mixing the media to sterilization. Bacterial density also increased with bacterial density in Medium 24℃ being 1.9~4.1 times higher than that in Medium 6. Growth of F. velutipes was delayed with dual culture of bacteria isolated from sawdust media. Total nitrogen content of sawdust media was lowered by elapsed time from mixing the media to sterilization. The use of normal water(24℃) delayed mushroom growth by 1~2 days compared with that of cold water(6℃). Furthermore, mycelial growth of F. velutipes in the bottle cultivation ceased 9 hours after mixing the media. Primordia formation of F. velutipes was delayed by 1~3 days by elapsed time after mixing sawdust media, while fruit-body yield decreased by 7~12% 6 hours after mixing the media. Fruit-body yield was more stabilized with the use of cold water(6℃) than with that of normal water(24℃). Results showed that it is effective to use cold water as low as 6℃ in mixing media for F. velutipes cultivation, especially during summer when environmental temperature is high, high pressure sterilization after bottling work can prevent bacterial propagation in the media and can stabilize media ingredient. 여름철 팽이버섯 병재배시 톱밥배지에서 발생하는 균사 생장 억제증상의 원인을 구명하고 그 경감대책을 확립하기 위하여 톱밥배지 배합시 물온도를 24℃(상온수)와 6℃(저온수)로 하고, 배지제조후 살균전 경과시간을 0, 3, 6, 9시간으로 달리하여 팽이버섯의 재배시험을 수행하였다. 배지제조 후 살균전 시간이 경과함에 따라 배지온도가 상승하고, pH는 6.5에서 5.2~5.6으로 낮아지는 경향이었다. 이때 톱밥배지 내에서 세균밀도가 증가하였으며, 물온도 24℃에서는 6℃보다 6시간 이후의 세균밀도가 1.9~4.1배 높았다. 톱밥배지에서 분리한 세균과 대치배양시 팽이버섯균의 생장이 억제되었다. 또한 배지제조후 살균전 시간이 경과함에 따라 배지내의 전질소 함량이 감소하였으며 유리 당의 함량도 종류에 따라서 증가 또는 감소하였다. 배지배합시 24℃물 처리구는 6℃물 처리구에 비하여 팽이버섯 병재배사에서 균배양기간 및 버섯발생기간이 각각 1~2일 지연되는 경향이었으며, 자실체 수량도 저온수 처리구에서 안정적이었다. 그리고 9시간 경과한 배지에서는 균사생장이 정지되었다. 배지제조후 경과시간에 따라 팽이버섯 발생기간은 1~3일이 지연이 되었으며, 자실체 수량은 6시간이 경과된 배지에서 7~12% 감소하는 경향이었다. 본 시험은 여름철 고온기의 팽이버섯 재배시 배지 제조에 6℃이하의 저온수를 사용하여 배지내 미생물 증식을 억제시키고, 입병작업을 마치는 즉시 고압살균 함으로써 배지의 성분을 안정화시켜 버섯의 안정생산에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

      • 취서산과 천성산 수계의 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집구조

        정선우,김인택,박중석,이종남,이동준,윤춘식 7개 국립대학교 환경연구논문집 공동발행 위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The community structures of benthic macroinvertebrates in the streams of Mt. Kauisan and Mt. Chuiseosan were studied. The surveyed sites were streams of Mt. Chuiseosan area, Tongdosa area and Naewonsa area of Mt Chunsungsan. The collection was performed from May to October of 2005. As a result, total macroinvertbrates collected in the stream of Mt Chuiseosan area were 3 phyla, 3 classes, 10 orders, 19 families, 31 species and 293 individuals. From the Tongdosa area, 2 phyla, 3 classes, 11 orders, 33 families, 51 species and 827 individuals were identified. From the Naewonsa area, 3 phyla, 4 classes, 11orders, 23 families, 32 species and 457 individuals were found. The community analysis showed the highest species diversity and species richness in Tongdosa area than other areas. The dominant species of this study was Semisulcospira libertina and it occupied 21.66% of total individuals.

      • KCI등재

        볏짚버섯속(Agrocybe) 보존균주의 여름철 인공재배시 재배 및 형태적 특성

        정종천 외 한국버섯학회 2009 한국버섯학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        국립원예특작과학원 버섯과에 보존하고 있는 볏짚버섯속(Agrocybe) 30균주에 대하여 버섯발생 실험을 실시하고, 자실체의 형태적 특성을 조사하였다. 볏짚버섯속 균주중 톱밥배지를 사용한 병재배에서 자실체가 발생된 것은 19균주 이었다. 이중 ASI 19007 등 13균주(I ; A. chaxingu)와, ASI 19003 등 5균주(II; A. cylindracea), ASI 19008(III; Agrocybe sp.)로 그룹 지어졌는데, ASI 19008은 균배양기간, 버섯발생기간 등 재배적 특성과 자실체의 형태적 특징이 다른 2그룹과 차이가 많았다. 또한 재배 계절에 따라 재배적 특성이 다르게 나타났는데 봄, 가을, 겨울에는 ASI 19003 균주가, 여름에는 ASI 19007 균주가 수량이 많고 품질도 좋았다. 따라서 본 연구결과는 계절에 알맞은 품종의 선택을 통하여 볏짚버섯속균의 연중 안정생산이 가능하여 농가소득 증대에 기여할 것으로 본다. Thirty strains of genus Agrocybe which had been kept in National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, were tested for the formation of fruiting body. Nineteen strains of collected genus Agrocybe were formed fruiting body at bottle culture of sawdust medium. Five strains (including ASI 19003) and thirteen strains (including ASI 19007) could be grouped as A. cylindracea and A. chaxingu . Although ASI 19008 showed the formation of fruiting body, morphological characteristics were significantly different from the two groups. Cultural period of ASI 19003 strain at sawdust substrates was 29 days and ASI 19007 train was 30 days in liquid spawn inoculation. The yield and quality of ASI 19003 strain was excellent in the spring, fall, and winter, whereas ASI 19007 strain was excellent in the summer. Accordingly, these cultivar might be contribute to farmers' income by stable year-round production if using the season-oriented strain.

      • 엔로플록사신 액제의 닭유래 병원세균에 대한 시험관내 항균효과 시험

        윤효인,박병권,조준형,정상희,박경환,장범수,김종춘,황윤환,임종환,이내경,박승춘 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2000 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        In this study the antimicrobial spectrum and sensitivity of a liquid formulation of enrofloxacin against the major six pathogenic bacteria isolated from the diseased poultry in Korea were evaluated in comparison with ciprfloxacin (CFX), gentamicin (GM) and penicillin (PC). A liquid form of enrofloxacin, a test material and ciprofloxacin showed at least 83% antibacterial activity against all of six test pathogenic microorganisms at the fixed concentration of 10 ㎍/㎖. Gentamicin and penicillin revealed much lower antibacterial activity at the same condition. We evaluated the liquid form of enrofloxacin as having widespread antibacterial spectrum against poultry infections. The liquid form of enrofloxacin showed potent antibacterial activity, with the MIC range being 0.12∼2 ㎍/㎖ against Gram positives, 0.06∼2 ㎍/㎖ against Gram negatives and 0.5∼2 ㎍/㎖ against Mycoplasma spp. These values were equivalent to or somewhat higher than those of ciprofloxacin, but much lower than those of gentamicn and penicillin. This new liquid form of enrofloxacin would find its way in application of mixing with drinking water for the prevention and treatment of diverse infections in chickens.

      • 엔로플록사신 액제의 닭 호흡기 및 소화기 감염증에 대한 예방 및 치료효과

        윤효인,박병권,조준형,정상희,박경환,장범수,김종춘,황윤환,임종환,이내경,박승춘 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2000 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        We evaluated the efficacy of the liquid form of enrofloxacin against poultry respiratory and digestive infections, the major problems in the poultry industry, from diverse diagnosis viewpoints. Results obtained through this study were as follows: 1. The liquid form of enrofloxacin showed good acceptability to poultry owing to no abhorrence to the drug by chickens, which indicated its suitability for mixing in drinking water. 2. The application of the enrofloxacin formulation improved the productivity of the chicken farm to a great extent by lowering the death toll of chicken raised in the farm. 3. The use of the drug shortened the days to the market, and increased the body weight at the time of marketing. 4. Preventive and therapeutic effects of the liquid enrofloxacin were observed higher than ampicillin, a major antibiotic used in poultry farming. From above results, the liquid form of enrofloxacin would find its use for the prevention and treatment of digestive and respiratory infections, let alone the growth promotion and feed efficiency, especially in the chicken farming practice.

      • KCI등재

        Common substrates for bottle cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe cylindracea

        Jong-Chun Cheong,Chang-Sung Jhune,Chan-Jung Lee,Jin-A Oh,Young-Bok Yoo 한국버섯학회 2010 한국버섯학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        The price of mushrooms harvested by bottle cultivation is rapidly dropping and the income of farm households is also rapidly decreasing due to the increase of production cost. Although some of these mushroom farms have employed the systems of mass production, they are in financial difficulty because of the investment they need to do for facilities such as cultivation room and automated systems. In the other hands, some retailers want to buy a small volume of mushrooms of many different mushrooms produced by the small farms and these small farms was required to investigate the common cultural condition for mushroom production of many different mushrooms. In this study, we investigated the common cultural conditions for production of many different mushrooms (e.g., Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe cylindracea) at the bottle cultivation farms. The cultural period of Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe cylindracea was 30~35 days. The optimum temperature of the mycelial growth was 25~28℃ with the growth room being maintained about 20~23℃ with the consideration of the respiration heat of the mycelium. The temperature of mushroom growth room was 16~18℃ for all growth periods. In our results, Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe cylindracea produced the highest yields at the substrate formulation of sawdust 75%, rice brain 20%, soybean cake wastes 5%, water contents 70% and 850 ml P.P. In the long run, our results will result in the development of new automatic cultivation model and increase the income of small production farms.

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