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Antiblurry Dejitter Image Stabilization Method of Fuzzy Video for Driving Recorders
( Jing-ying Xiong ),( Ming Dai ),( Chun-lei Zhao ),( Ruo-qiu Wang ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2017 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.11 No.6
Video images captured by vehicle cameras often contain blurry or dithering frames due to inadvertent motion from bumps in the road or by insufficient illumination during the morning or evening, which greatly reduces the perception of objects expression and recognition from the records. Therefore, a real-time electronic stabilization method to correct fuzzy video from driving recorders has been proposed. In the first stage of feature detection, a coarse-to-fine inspection policy and a scale nonlinear diffusion filter are proposed to provide more accurate keypoints. Second, a new antiblurry binary descriptor and a feature point selection strategy for unintentional estimation are proposed, which brought more discriminative power. In addition, a new evaluation criterion for affine region detectors is presented based on the percentage interval of repeatability. The experiments show that the proposed method exhibits improvement in detecting blurry corner points. Moreover, it improves the performance of the algorithm and guarantees high processing speed at the same time.
JING XIONG,QUNJI XUE,XUEDONG WU 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2013 NANO Vol.8 No.5
Water-soluble and stable dispersions of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were obtained using a straightforward one-step synthesis method. Polyacrylamide (PAM), a kind of water-soluble polymer with polar amide group, is used as stabilizing agent to prevent the aggregation of Ag NPs in aqueous medium. The successful formation of PAM-stabilized Ag NPs was demonstrated by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In addition, the SERS-active substrate made of Ag NPs was fabricated to enhance the Raman signal of R6G and graphene. The significant SERS effective makes the as-synthesized substrate to be widely used in practical applications for routine SERS analysis and water environment biological monitoring.
Jing Zhang,Jing Wang,Xiong Zhang,Chunping Zhao,Sixuan Zhou,Chunlin Du,Ya Tan,Yu Zhang,Kaizhi Shi 대한수의학회 2022 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.23 No.1
Background: Co-infections of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and the Haemophilus parasuis (HPS) are severe in Chinese pigs, but the immune response genes against co-infected with 2 pathogens in the lungs have not been reported. Objectives: To understand the effect of PRRSV and/or HPS infection on the genes expression associated with lung immune function. Methods: The expression of the immune-related genes was analyzed using RNA-sequencing and bioinformatics. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected and identified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and western blotting assays. Results: All experimental pigs showed clinical symptoms and lung lesions. RNA-seq analysis showed that 922 DEGs in co-challenged pigs were more than in the HPS group (709 DEGs) and the PRRSV group (676 DEGs). Eleven DEGs validated by qRT-PCR were consistent with the RNA sequencing results. Eleven common Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways related to infection and immune were found in single-infected and co-challenged pigs, including autophagy, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, and antigen processing and presentation, involving different DEGs. A model of immune response to infection with PRRSV and HPS was predicted among the DEGs in the co-challenged pigs. Dual oxidase 1 (DUOX1) and interleukin-21 (IL21) were detected by IHC and western blot and showed significant differences between the co-challenged pigs and the controls. Conclusions: These findings elucidated the transcriptome changes in the lungs after PRRSV and/or HPS infections, providing ideas for further study to inhibit ROS production and promote pulmonary fibrosis caused by co-challenging with PRRSV and HPS.
Jing, Zhu,Fei, Xiong Xiao 대한전자공학회 1992 HICEC:Harbin International Conference on Electroni Vol.1 No.1
This paper presents a new control strategy of manipulators i.e. decoupping-fuzzy control. By combining decoupling strategy with fuzzy control strategy we realized the exact location of mainpulators. Results of simulstions are satisfactory.
Parecoxib: an Enhancer of Radiation Therapy for Colorectal Cancer
Xiong, Wei,Li, Wen-Hui,Jiang, Yong-Xin,Liu, Shan,Ai, Yi-Qin,Liu, Rong,Chang, Li,Zhang, Ming,Wang, Xiao-Li,Bai, Han,Wang, Hong,Zheng, Rui,Tan, Jing Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.2
Background: To study the effect of parecoxib, a novel cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor, on the radiation response of colorectal cancer (CRC) cells and its underlying mechanisms. Materials and Methods: Both in vitro colony formation and apoptosis assays as well as in vivo mouse xenograft experiments were used to explore the radiosensitizing effects of parecoxib in human HCT116 and HT29 CRC cells. Results: Parecoxib sensitized CRC cells to radiation in vitro with a sensitivity enhancement ratio of 1.32 for HCT116 cells and 1.15 for HT29 cells at a surviving fraction of 0.37. This effect was partially attributable to enhanced apoptosis induction by parecoxib combined with radiation, as illustrated using an in vitro apoptosis assays. Parecoxib augmented the tumor response of HCT116 xenografts to radiation, achieving growth delay more than 20 days and an enhancement factor of 1.53. In accordance with the in vitro results, parecoxib combined with radiation resulted in less proliferation and more apoptosis in tumors than radiation alone. Radiation monotherapy decreased microvessel density (MVD) and microvessel intensity (MVI), but increased the hypoxia level in xenografts. Parecoxib did not affect MVD, but it increased MVI and attenuated hypoxia. Conclusions: Parecoxib can effectively enhance radiation sensitivity in CRC cells through direct effects on tumor cells and indirect effects on tumor vasculature.
Directed Evolution of Beta-galactosidase from Escherichia coli into Beta-glucuronidase
Xiong, Ai-Sheng,Peng, Ri-He,Zhuang, Jing,Liu, Jin-Ge,Xu, Fang,Cai, Bin,Guo, Zhao-Kui,Qiao, Yu-Shan,Chen, Jian-Min,Zhang, Zhen,Yao, Quan-Hong Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 2007 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.40 No.3
In vitro directed evolution through DNA shuffling is a powerful molecular tool for creation of new biological phenotypes. E. coli $\beta$-galactosidase and $\beta$-glucuronidase are widely used, and their biological function, catalytic mechanism, and molecular structures are well characterized. We applied an in vitro directed evolution strategy through DNA shuffling and obtained five mutants named YG6764, YG6768, YG6769, YG6770 and YG6771 after two rounds of DNA shuffling and screening, which exhibited more $\beta$-glucuronidase activity than wild-type $\beta$-galactosidase. These variants had mutations at fourteen nucleic acid sites, resulting in changes in ten amino acids: S193N, T266A, Q267R, V411A, D448G, G466A, L527I, M543I, Q626R and Q951R. We expressed and purified those mutant proteins. Compared to the wild-type protein, five mutant proteins exhibited high $\beta$-glucuronidase activity. The comparison of molecular models of the mutated and wildtype enzymes revealed the relationship between protein function and structural modification.
Jing Chen,Chao-Mei Xiong,Shan-Shan Song,Pan Han,Jin-Lan Ruan 한국식품영양과학회 2012 Journal of medicinal food Vol.15 No.7
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a fraction of macroporous resin (FMR), a bioactive component of Smilax china L., on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in castrated rats induced by testosterone propionate. Rats were randomly divided into five groups: the negative control group (sham-operated), the model group, two FMR-treated groups (at doses of 300mg/kg and 600 mg/kg of body weight), and the positive control group (treated with finasteride at the dose of 3 mg/kg). Drugs were administered once a day for three consecutive weeks by gastric gavage. Prostates were weighed, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in serum were determined, and histopathological examinations were carried out. FMR treatment inhibited prostatic hyperplasia, reducing the DHT level in serum and improving the prostate gland morphology compared with the model group. The overall results of this study suggest that FMR is effective at inhibiting experimentally induced prostate enlargement, and it presents a valuable resource for the treatment of human BPH.
Xiong Guojiang,Yuan Xufeng,Mohamed Ali Wagdy,Chen Jun,Zhang Jing 한국CDE학회 2022 Journal of computational design and engineering Vol.9 No.2
Fault section location (FSL) plays a critical role in shortening blackout time and restoring power supply for distribution networks. This paper converts the FSL task into a binary optimization problem using the feeder terminal unit (FTU) information. The discrepancy between the reported overcurrent alarms and the expected overcurrent states of the FTUs is adopted as the objective function. It is a typical 0–1 combinatorial optimization problem with many local optima. An improved binary gaining–sharing knowledge-based algorithm (IBGSK) with mutation is proposed to effectively solve this challenging binary optimization problem. Since the original GSK cannot be applied in binary search space directly, and it is easy to get stuck in local optima, IBGSK encodes the individuals as binary vectors instead of real vectors. Moreover, an improved junior gaining and sharing phase and an improved senior gaining and sharing phase are designed to update individuals directly in binary search space. Furthermore, a binary mutation operator is presented and integrated into IBGSK to enhance its global search ability. The proposed algorithm is applied to two test systems, i.e. the IEEE 33-bus distribution network and the USA PG&E 69-bus distribution network. Simulation results indicate that IBGSK outperforms the other 12 advanced algorithms and the original GSK in solution quality, robustness, convergence speed, and statistics. It equilibrates the global search ability and the local search ability effectively. It can diagnose different fault scenarios with 100% and 99% success rates for these two test systems, respectively. Besides, the effect of mutation probability on IBGSK is also investigated, and the result suggests a moderate value. Overall, simulation results demonstrate that IBGSK shows highly promising potential for the FSL problem of distribution networks.