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      • KCI등재

        비선형 음향 효과를 이용한 미세 결함(열화)의 조기 검출

        장경영,김경조 韓國非破壞檢査學會 1998 한국비파괴검사학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        초음파의 비선형 음향효과를 계측하는 방법이 재료 열화의 효과적인 평가를 위한 새로운 접근법으로 제시되었다. 비선형 음향 효과란 음파가 전파함에 따라서 2차나 그 이상의 고조파 성분이 발생하는 것으로 설명될 수 있다. 따라서, 먼저 비선형 효과에 의해 구조파 성분이 발생하는 메커니즘을 비선형 탄성론에 기초를 두고 설명하였다. 다음으로, 열화된 재료에서 어느 정도의 고조파 성분이 발생하는지를 계측하기 위하여, 헤테로다인 신호 검출법을 이용하는 초음파 신호 분석 장치를 기초로 계측계를 구성하였으며, 인장하중과 피로하중을 가하여 인공적으로 열화시킨 SS41과 SS45 시편에 대해 실험하였다. 실험 결과 열화의 정도와 비선형 효과가 강한 상관성을 보였으며 이로부터 비선형 음향 효과가 재료 열화 평가를 위한 유용한 수단이 될 수 있음을 확인하였다. The method of measuring the nonlinear effect of ultrasonic waves is suggested as a new approach for the effective evaluation of material degradation. In sonic wave propagation, the existence of nonlinear effect can be demonstrated by the generation of higher order harmonic waves. So, at first, the mechanism of generating higher order harmonic components due to nonlinear effect was explained by using nonlinear elasticity. Next, we attempted to measure how much of the higher order harmonic component was generated in the degraded material. For this purpose, a measurement system mainly based on a high-powered nonlinear ultrasonic signal analysis system was constructed, and SS41 and SS45 specimen intentionally degraded by tensile load and fatigue load were tested. From the results, we confirmed that the measurement of nonlinear acoustic effect may be useful for the evaluation of material degradation.

      • KCI등재

        지역경관의 문화콘텐츠 개발을 위한 토대 구축

        안장리 洌上古典硏究會 2005 열상고전연구 Vol.21 No.-

        본고는 지방자치 시대를 맞아 지역 경쟁력을 제고시키고 지방 홍보를 활성화시키는데 지역 경관을 활용하자는 취지에서 이루어졌다. 본고는 지역경관 중 集景을 대상으로 문화콘텐츠로 개발하는 방법에 대해 다루었다. 지방 자치단체의 홈페이지에 단골로 오르는 八景이 대표적인 집경인데, 내용다운 내용 없이 단지 사진 몇 장과 간단한 설명을 첨부하고 마는 경우가 많다. 이는 이들 집경이 지역문화를 바탕으로 하는 문화경관이기보다는 근대 이후 지역 홍보를 위해 설정한 이벤트성 경관이 대부분이기 때문이다. 본고에서는 일찍부터 유교문화경관 지역으로 평가된 상주지역에서, 오랜 가문의 전통을 유지하고 있는 진주정씨 鄭經世 가문의 '愚伏 20景'을 대상으로 집경의 콘텐츠화에 대해 논의하였다. 집경의 選定과 향유가 조선시대 士林들의 보편적인 문화임을 지적하고, 정경세가 우복 20경을 향유하는 방법에서 직접 명승을 찾아 감상하는 搜討와 서실 벽에 시를 써 붙이고 즐기는 臥遊가 현대식으로 적용하면, 디지털화된 경관을 감상하는 방법과 직접 문화현장을 답사하는 방법과 유사함을 지적하였다. 본고에서는 집경을 디지털화하고, 문화관광지로 개발하는 등 문화콘텐츠화 하기 위한 기반구축의 일환으로 경관에 대한 재구성이 이루어져야 하는데 착안하여 정경세 및 후손들의 차운시를 통해 객관적인 경관 요소, 시적 화자의 움직임, 작자의 심상 등으로 나누어 이를 개별적으로 향유하는 양상과 종합적으로 향유하는 방식을 정리하였다. 앞으로는 이 정리를 바탕으로 우복20경을 시뮬레이션으로 제작하고 또 현장에서의 원형을 복원한다면 명실공히 경쟁력 있는 문화콘텐츠가 될 것이다. This Thesis discusses a reorganization of the Woobok's 20 Scenes in Sangjoo as part of the efforts to establish local cultural contents in the 21st century of cultural industry and decentralization. The Woobok's 20 Scenes in Sangju were developed by a manager, Kyungse Jung with a specific purpose. The scenes were enjoyed by Confusion scholars of the Chosun Dynasty, who enjoyed the beauty of the views on the spot or in an indirect manner. To develop and enjoy the scenery like this was characteristic of the Confusion scholars of the Chosun Dynasty. By developing the Woobok's 20 Scenes as cultural contents, one can understand the spiritual world and lifestyles of the gentry of those times and use them as educational and cultural contents and marketing resources. In addition, the way the Woobok's 20 Scenes were enjoyed by the Confusion scholars can be applied to developing contents today. In other words, the scenery can be developed to give access to people both in cyber space and off line. The Woobok's 20 Scenes can be developed as physical tourist attractions and be introduced on the webpage with relevant information as well. This manner of developing can be applied to all sceneries across the country.

      • KCI등재

        An Overview of Korean Sign Language

        Jhang Se-Eun(장세은) 새한영어영문학회 2006 새한영어영문학 Vol.48 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 한국수화언어의 개관을 살펴보는 것이다. 첫 번째로, 한국에서의 수화언어가 해방전후에서 최근까지 어떻게 이해되고 있는지 시대 순으로 살펴본다. 두 번째로, 한국수화언어의 언어적인 특성을 연구한 주요논문 (S. Kim 1983; Suk 1989; Hwang 1994; lang 1995; Ch. Kim 1998; Jhang 1997, 1999a, 1999b; Hong 2001)을 중심으로 간략하게 살펴본다. 세 번째로, 수화언어의 습득과정과 관련된 주된 논쟁 (Hwang 1994; Ahn 1997; Na & Kang 2001: Jun 2001; Won 2002)을 살펴본다. 네 번째로, 구화중심(Chun 1998)의 의사소통 수단과 한국표준수화(Jung 2002) 또는 한국수화언어 (Choi & Ahn 2003; Jhang 2003)로서의 의사소통 수단과 한글작문과 독해능력간의 관련성에 대한 논쟁을 소개한다. 마지막으로, 미래의 한국수화언어의 언어학적인 연구는 제2언어로서의 한국어와 제1언어로서의 한국수화언어에 기초를 둔 이중언어-이중문화 접근 관점에서 한국수화언어를 연구하여야 하는 함을 제안한다. So far, I have offered an overview of KSL. The first section presented a history of sign language in Korea. Here, it was pointed out that KSL may belong to the JSL Family owing to the great influence of JSL during the 35 years of the colonization. In addition, it was examined that most educators and educational administrators have paid much attention to KSDSL because they believe, without any evidence, that it would improve Korean literacy. The second section was concerned with investigation of internal organization of signs and morpho-syntactic properties on the basis of distinctive research on linguistic properties of KSL. The third section was given a brief review of the research on the processing of the acquisition of KSL. Here, it was stressed that early exposure to both KSL and Korean provides the strongest support for the acquisition of literacy skills, It was pointed out that we should need a preliminary study regarding the processing of KSL acquisition for deaf children at the early stages. The fourth section presented the debate on the issue of the language of instruction in the classrooms with regard to Korean literacy and a mode of communication such as oralism, Sign Korean, or KSL. We first examined that the change from oralism to Signed Korean began in the late 1980s. The fourth section pointed out that very recent research showed that greater KSL proficiency contributes positively to the improvement in literacy skills of Korean deaf students. Finally, I have presented five kinds of direction for further research on KSL: (ⅰ) a bilingual and bicultural approach based on KSL as the primary language and Korean as a second language (ⅱ) an intensive KSL immersion program just like bilingual education for hearing minority-language students (ⅲ) the training up of teachers who are bilingual and bicultural (ⅳ) both KSL learning for hearing people and tests for interpreters (ⅴ) the production of deaf linguists for KSL analysis and research.

      • KCI등재

        코퍼스를 활용한 해사영어 어휘 분석

        장세은(Jhang, Se-Eun),변현정(Byun, Hyun-Jung) 새한영어영문학회 2011 새한영어영문학 Vol.53 No.4

        This paper is a corpus-based study of Maritime English. Maritime English is an area of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) requiring special attention. Although grammar is important, vocabulary is the key difference among varieties of English. The purpose of this paper is to explore some vocabulary features of Maritime English extracted from the Maritime English Corpus (MECO) of Hong and Jhang (2010), referenced against the LOB or the BNC. This corpus-based lexical analysis has been made by compiling both a word-list of high frequencies in the MECO and a keyword-list referenced against the LOB with a WordSmith Tools 5.0 program. We also use a Perl program to extract noun compounds, to set up vocabulary lists, and to suggest how many words should be learned by beginning students (80% cumulative frequency rate) and by advanced students (90% cumulative frequency rate). We explore the distribution of parts of speech as content versus function words and point out significant differences between Maritime English and General English.


        Simulation of the time-projection chamber with triple GEMs for the LAMPS at RAON

        Jhang, Genie,Lee, Jung Woo,Moon, Byul,Hong, Byungsik,Ahn, Jung Keun,Lee, Jong-Won,Lee, Kyong Sei,Kim, Young Jin,Lee, Hyo Sang 한국물리학회 2016 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol. No.

        <P>The time-projection chamber (TPC) with triple gas-electron multipliers (GEMs) is designed for the large-acceptance multipurpose spectrometer (LAMPS) at the new radioactive ion-beam facility RAON, a pure Korean term for the accelerator complex, in Korea. The simulation environment has been set up to test the performance of the designed chamber, and the software package for analysis has been developed. Particle identification has been demonstrated to be possible up to 2 GeV/c in momentum for particles with the charge number 1 and 2 by using the simulated heavy-ion events. The transverse-momentum resolutions are expected to be about 2% for protons and about 1.3% for pions in the relatively high-momentum region. The total reconstruction efficiencies are estimated to be about 90 and 80% for charged pions and protons, respectively.</P>


        Acoustic Nonlinearity of Surface Wave in a Fatigued Aluminum Alloy Specimen

        Jhang, Kyung-Young,Lee, Jaeik,Lee, Taehun The Japan Institute of Metals 2012 MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS Vol.53 No.2

        <P>This paper reports a case study for the evaluation of surface fatigue damage by using the acoustic nonlinearity of surface waves. A measurement system using contact angle beam transducers was constructed to measure the acoustic nonlinearity of surface waves based on the harmonic measurement. In order to prove the general properties of acoustic nonlinearity, dependencies of the second harmonic amplitude on the fundamental frequency amplitude and the propagation distance were tested first, where the effect of frequency-dependent attenuation was compensated for. The results showed good agreement with the theoretical expectations. Next, an aluminum 6061 T6 specimen, of which the surface was damaged by a three-point bending fatigue test, was experimented on and magnitudes of nonlinear parameter, measured before and after the fatigue test, were compared. We could see a clear increase in the nonlinear parameter after the fatigue test at the central position of the specimen, where the surface fatigue damage was expected to be concentrated.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Random telegraph noise in carbon nanotubes and peapods

        Jhang, S.H.,Lee, S.W.,Lee, D.S.,Yu, H.Y.,Dettlaff, U.,Campbell, E.E.B.,Roth, S.,Park, Y.W. Elsevier 2006 Current Applied Physics Vol.6 No.6

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The switching of resistance between two discrete values, known as random telegraph noise (RTN), was observed in individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and C<SUB>60</SUB>-filled SWNTs (the so-called peapods). The RTN has been studied as a function of bias-voltage and gate-voltage as well as temperature. By analyzing the features of the RTN, we identify three different types of RTN existing in the SWNT related systems. While the RTN can be generated by the various charge traps in the vicinity of the SWNTs, the RTN for metallic SWNTs is mainly due to reversible defect motions between two metastable states, activated by inelastic scattering with ballistic electrons. On the other hand, the noise for peapods can be attributed to the motion of C<SUB>60</SUB> molecules in hollow space of SWNTs.</P>

      • Stabilization of Interchange Modes in Mirror Plasmas by a Nonlinear rf-Plasma Wave Coupling Process

        Jhang, Hogun,Lee, S. G.,Kim, S. S.,Park, B. H.,Bak, J. G. American Physical Society 2005 Physical review letters Vol.95 No.3

        <P>Experimental and theoretical studies are made of the consequences of a nonlinear coupling process between pump rf waves and interchange modes in mirror plasmas. It is demonstrated that the interchange-stable operation window exists depending on the applied rf power and gamma=omega(0)/Omega(i), where omega(0) (Omega(i)) is the angular frequency of the applied rf wave (ion cyclotron frequency). Results are shown that the nonlinear wave coupling process gives rise to the operation window near the resonance (gamma approximately equal to 1), which is elucidated by theoretical analyses combined with full rf wave simulations.</P>

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