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      • 오옥신의 종류 및 농도가 가이즈까 향나무의 삽목 발근에 미치는 영향

        윤재길,송시호,박상현 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2001 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.14 No.-

        Effects of auxin and Rootone on the rooting of Juniperus chinensis var. Kaizuka cutting were investigated to improve propagation efficiency. When Rootone treated, rooting was 100% compared with the control, 33%. IBA 200ppm 1h and NAA 100ppm 12h improved evidently rooting, 93% and 90%, respectively. Root fresh weight increased up to 131mg by Rootone. NAA 200ppm 12h, NAA 500ppm 1h, and IBA 200ppm 1h were also very effective to root fresh weight more than 110mg. Shoot growth(height, fresh weight and dry weight) did not increase largely, but increased a little. Dipping into high concentration auxin solution for 1min increased rooting rate and root fresh weight, but was less effective than low concentration treatment. Shoot growth did not increase largely, but increased a little. These results indicate that Rootone and IBA 200ppm 1h are most effective for improvement of rooting in Juniperus chinensis var. Kaizuka cutting.

      • 화훼작물의 여름철 플러그묘 생산에 있어 급격한 엽온저하 쇼크를 이용한 도장억제 가능성 검토

        윤재길,박소현,강호종 진주산업대학교 2000 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        One of the most important problem during summer plug plant production is the succulent growth. The possibility of controlling height of plug seedlings by temperature drop shock(TDS) was investigated in Pharbitis, Impatiens and Callistephus. The most sensitive plant to TDS was Pharbitis. By 2℃ water irrigation, height of Pharbitis decreased by 33%. Impatiens showed 16% reduction in height by 2℃ water irrigation. Callistephus showed no reduction in height by any treamtnet. In all plants, stem diameter increased about 10% by the cold water irrigation. Leaf injury such as leaf spot of Saintpaulia was not observed. These results suggested that TDS could be used for controlling height of summer plug seedlings such Pharbitis which is sensitive to TDS.

      • 물의 종류가 절화수명에 미치는 영향

        윤재길,김점순,최경옥 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2007 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.20 No.-

        자화수와 파이워터는 분자구조가 매우 작은 물로, 생체에 흡수가 잘되고 내병성이 증가되며 절화의 수명과 품질도 크게 증진시킨다고 알려져 있다. 본 실험에서는 이들 물을 이용하여 장미와 카네이션의 절화수명과 품질에 어떤 효과가 있는지 조사하였다. 장미에서 파이워터(N)은 수도수 보다 물의 흡수가 더 잘되어 꽃잎 전개를 촉진시키는 경향이 보였으나, 자화수나 파이워터(W)는 오히려 꽃잎전개를 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 파이워터(N)만 절화수명을 대조구(수도수) 보다 1일 정도 연장시키는 경향이 있었을 뿐, 다른 물에서는 효과가 보이지 않았다. 카네이션에서는 꽃잎 전개 정도나 수분 흡수에서 처리간 차이가 거의 보이지 않았다. 다만, 파이워터(N)와 자화수가 절화수명을 1일 정도 연장시키는 것으로 나타났다. 자화수와 파이워터의 이화학적 특성을 조사한 결과, 모든 물의 pH는 7.1에서 7.3 범위에 속해서 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으며, ORP도 212mV에서 242mV 범위로 물의 종류간 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 용존산소는 파이워터(N)에서 6.2mg/L로 수도수 9.4mg/L 보다 낮았으며 자화수와 파이워터(W)는 수도수와 비슷한 정도였다. 따라서 본 실험에서 자화수와 파이워터가 절화수명 연장에 뚜렷한 효과가 보이지 않았던 이유가 본 실험에 사용된 자화수와 파이워터가 본래의 성질을 가지지 못했을 가능성이 크다고 판단되었다. Magnetized water and Pi water which are very small in molecular size, are very easy to be absorbed into plant, improve the resistance against diseases and extend the vase life of flowers. This study was conducted to clarify the effect of these waters on the vase life of rose and carnation. Pi-water(N) was absorbed more than tap water and stimulated the opening of rose flower. However, magnetized water and Pi-water(W) inhibited the opening of rose petal. Pi-water extended the vase life of rose by only 1 day, but other water did not. Effect of magnetized water and Pi-water on the opening of flowers and evaporation and transpiration amount in cut carnations were not observed. Pi-water(N) extended the vase life of carnation flowers by 1 day, but other water did not. pH of all kinds of water studied in this study were the range of 7.1 to 7.3. ORP of these water were the range of 212mV to 242mV. DO of Pi-water(N) was 6.2mg/L, lower than 9.4mg/L of tap water. DO of magnitized water and Pi-water(W) were similar to that of tap water.

      • 꽃바구니에 사용된 절화, 절지 및 절엽의 종류와 특성

        박윤점,허북구,윤재길,강호종 한국화훼연구회 2002 화훼연구 Vol.10 No.2

        꽃바구니 127개를 대상으로 사용된 절화, 절지 및 절엽의 종류와 특성을 조사하였다. 꽃바구니는 절화 1종만으로 꽂은 것이 36.0%, 2종류로 꽂은 것이 37.7%로 2종류 이하가 73%나 차지하였다. 절화 1종만으로 꽂은 꽃바구니 중 43.5%는 소국을, 27.5%는 장미, 17.8%는 백합을 이용하였다. 절화 2-3종이 조합을 이룬 꽃바구니에서는 소국, 장미, 안개꽃, 백합의 사용이 많았다. 꽃바구니에 사용된 절화 형태는 매스플라워 37.2%, 필러플라워 30.3%, 폼플라워 22.4%, 라인플라워 10.1%였다. 꽃바구니에 사용된 절화의 색 조합은 단색만 사용된 꽃바구니가 39.9%, 2색이 사용된 것이 43.1%였으며, 3색 이상이 사용된 꽃바구니는 17.0%였다. 꽃바구니에 사용된 절화의 길이는 폼플라워와 매스플라워는 21-50cm, 라인플라워는 31-60cm, 필러플라워는 10-40cm가 많았다. 꽃바구니에 사용된 절지 및 절엽중에 1종류만 사용된 것이 45.9%, 2종이 사용된 것이 37.5%, 3종이상이 사용된 것이 12.5%였으며, 아스파라거스, 편백, 사스레피나무가 많이 사용되었다. 꽃바구니에 사용된 절지 및 절엽의 형태는 필러폴리지가 56.3%, 매스폴리지가 25.1%, 폼폴리지가 15.0% 순이였다. Kinds and characteristics of cut flower, cut branch and cut foliage used for flower baskets were investigated. Flower baskets using olny 1 cut flower is 36% and 2 kinds of cut 37%. Among flower baskets using 1 species of cut flower, 43.5% used spray chrysanthemu, rose, Gypsophila and lily. Among gorms of cut flowers for flower basket, mass flower is 37.2%, filler flower 30.3%, form flower 22.4%. Among colors of cut flowers for flower basket, only 1 color is 39.9%, 2 colors 43.1% and above 3 colors 17%. Length of cut flower used for flower basket is 21-50cm in form and mass flower, 31-60cm in line flower, 10-40cm in filler flower. As for cut branch and cut foliage used for flower basket, only mainly Asparagus, Chamaecyparis and Eurya. As for cut branch and cut foliage used for flower basket, filler foliage is 56.3%, mass foliage 25.1% and form foliage 15%.

      • 플라워샵 경영주를 대상으로 한 주요 절화류의 용도별 이용성과 장래성에 대한 조사연구

        허북구,윤재길,강호종,박상현 진주산업대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.40 No.-

        Survey for utilization, future availability and demand prospect of 32 cut flowers on 120 flower shop owners was conducted. On the utilization for purposes, out of 32 cut flowers surveyed, cut flowers evaluated as more than 'good' were 15, 14 and 12, in for flower basket, bouquet and home, respectively. Flowers evaluated as less than 'medium' were just 1-2 kinds including standard chrysanthemum. For event decoration and religion, 5 and 8 cut flowers were evaluated as more than 'good'. For consolation garland, celebration garland and bridal bouquet, just 1, 6 and 7 plants were evaluated as more than 'good'. These results indicated that utilization of cut flowers were largely different according to their use purposes. On the future availability, all 32 cut flowers were evaluated as more than 'good' in for religion. Almost plants were evaluated as more than 'medium' excepting standard mum and gerbera in for home, standard mum and china aster in for celebration garland, standard mum in for flower arrangement, houquet, flower basket and event ceremony. However, for consolation garland, just 7 plants including standard mum were evaluated as more than 'medium'. For bridal bouquet, just 5 plants including rose were evaluated as more then 'good'. The importance for purposes of cut flowers is orderly for flower basket > bouquet > celebration garland > consolation garland > bridal bouquet > flower arrangement > event decoration. The demand prospect for purposes of cut flowers was evaluated as more than high in for flower basket and bouquet, as more than medium in for event decoration, home, flower arrangement and religion, and as less than medium in for celebration garland.

      • 꽃집 및 꽃 전문 온라인 쇼핑몰의 품목별 매출 실태조사

        허북구,박윤점,윤재길,박상현 한국화훼연구회 2002 화훼연구 Vol.10 No.2

        광역시 소재 꽃집 10곳과 서울 소재 꽃전문 온라인 쇼핑몰 3곳의 매출실태를 조사하였다. 꽃집의 매출액은 절화상품(65.0%), 관엽식물(19.3%), 난(14.8%), 기타(0.9%)순으로 많았으며, 품목별로는 경조화환(32.5%), 꽃바구니(23.4%), 관엽식물(19.3%), 난(14.8) 순으로 많았다. 온라인 쇼핑몰의 매출액은 절화상품(87.6%), 난(5.8%), 관엽식물(3.4%), 기타(3.2%)순이었으며, 품목별로는 꽃바구니(37.0%), 박스플라워(23.5%), 꽃다발(20.1%), 난(5.8%) 순으로 많았다. 판매건수는 꽃집의 경우 꽃바구니(28.1%), 꽃다발(20.8%), 관엽식물(15.0%)의 비율이 높았으며, 꽃 전문 온라인쇼핑몰은 꽃바구니(34.44%), 박스플라워(27.2%), 꽃다발(23.2%)의 비율이 높았다. 판매단가는 품목에 관계없이 꽃 전문 온라인 쇼핑몰이 꽃집 보다 비싸게 조사되었다. 꽃집에서 꽃 판매 형태는 가정용 절화는 100% 꽃다발은 77%가 직접 방문에 의해 판매되었고, 꽃바구니, 꽃다발, 박스플라워는 80%이상이 전화주문에 의해 구매된 것으로 나타났다. This survey was conducted to investigate the actual condition of flower sale in shopping mall for flower and flower shop, which is located in some metropoltan cities. In the case of flower shop. rate of selling amount is 65% for cut flower, 19.3% for foliage plant, 14.8% for orchid and 0.9% for others. Among the cut flowers, wreath for celebration or condolence account for 32.5%, flower basket 23.4%. foliage plant 19.3% and orchid 14.8%. In the case of online shopping mall, rate of selling amount is 87.6% for cut flower, 5.8% for orchid and 3.4% foliage plant. Number of sale, in flower shop, was very high orderly at flower basket(28.1%), bouquet(20.8%) and foliage plant(15%). However, shopping mall showed that number of sale was high at flower basket(34.4%), box flower(27.2%) orderly. Sale price was higher in online shopping mall than in flower shop independent on items. Form of flower sale, in flower shop, was appeared that 100% for home and 77% for bouquet were soled by visiting, above 80% of flower basket, bouquet and box flower were soled by telephone.

      • 허브식물의 속명 어원에 관한 조사분석

        허북구,박윤점,이일병,윤재길 한국화훼연구회 2002 화훼연구 Vol.10 No.2

        원예치료용으로도 다수 이용되고 있는 허브식물의 특성 파악과 정확한 구분, 교육 및 연구에 효율적으로 이용할 수 있는 기초자료 수립측면에서 허브식물 97종의 속명 어원을 조사하였다. 허브식물의 속명 유래를 조사한 결과 성분 및 용도(27.8%), 언어명(23.7%), 형태(13.4%), 신화(7.2%), 향기(6.2%), 생육습성(6.2%), 색깔(5.2%), 인명(4.1%), 기타(00%)에서 유래된 것 순이었다. 성분 및 용도에서 유래된 것은 주로 약리 작용에서 유래된 비율이 높았다. 언어명에서 유래된 것은 주로 고대 그리스 및 로마시대의 식물명이었다. 형태에서 유래된 것은 허브식물의 잎과 줄기, 꽃 및 뿌리가 속명의 유래원이었다. 신화에서 유래된 것은 주로 기쁨이나 약효와 관련된 것이었다. 향기에서 유래된 것은 식물의 전체 혹은 종자에서 냄새가 나는 것에서 유래되었다. 생육습성은 자생지역이나 개화습성, 덩굴성 등의 특성이 반영되어 있었다. 기타 식물의 꽃, 잎, 뿌리의 색깔과 왕의 이름, 맛 지명, 벌, 꽃이 아름다운데서 유래된 것이 있었다. The derivation of genera names in 97 herb plants were investigated to obtain the basis information useful for understanding the characteristics of herbs, classifying correctly, teaching and researching about them. Most genera names were derived from constituent and utilization(27.8%), and followed by language(23.7%), morphological characters(13.4%), myth(7.2%), odor(6.2%), color(5.2%) and human's name(4.1%) orderly. Genera names derived from constituent and utilization were originated mostly from medicinal effect, and those from language name were mostly originated from the plant names of Greek and Rome. Genera names derived from myth were mostly originated from delight and medicinal effect, and those from oder were originated from order of whole plant or seed. Genera names derived from growth habit indicate the character of flowering habit, native location and vine. The others of genera names were originated from the color of flower, leaf and root, king's name, taste, place name and flower beauty.

      • 생장점 배양에 의한 딸기 무균묘 생산기술

        강호종,채윤석,윤재길 진주산업대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.40 No.-

        In order to produce the virus-free seedlings of Strawberry(Fragaria glandiflora var. Akihime), basal media and concentration of hormone were investigated to determine which is propoer to shoot tip culture of strawberry. The results are followings. LS(Linsmaier & Skoog) medium showed 87% survival rate, indicating the most favorable medium for the growth of the apical meristem. The effects of hormone concentration on organogenesis showed that the combined treatment with NAA and BA at concentrations of 0.2㎎/ℓ and 1㎎/ℓ respectively, showed 98.7% organ formation as compared to 27.3% in the untreated, but did not root formation. Whereas, the combined treatment with NAA and BA at concentrations of 0.2㎎/ℓ and 0.2㎎/ℓ respectively, showed 91.6% shoot formation and 52.7% root formation. After seedlings in vitro were transplanted to vinyl pot, root and leaf numbers decreased as shoot number of seedlings in vitro are many. Virus infection rate was 46.6% which is relatively low infection rate.

      • 시판용 상토 종류가 배추 유묘기 묘소질에 미치는 영향

        이상우,강호종,안상열,채윤석,윤재길,최경옥 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2007 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.20 No.-

        시중에 판매되고 있는 상토는 제조 회사에 따라 재료의 구성 및 혼합 비율이 다르다. 시판용상토를 제조사별로 구입하여 상토 제조사에 따라 배추 육묘기 묘소질에 미치는 영향에 대해 조사하였다. 상토 제조사 별로 배추의 지상부 및 지하부의 생육에 많은 차이가 있었다. 그리고 엽록소 함량 및 단백질 함량에도 차이가 많았으며, 엽록소 및 단백질 함량이 높았던 상토에서 배추의 생육이 좋았다. 상토 제조사별로 상토의 재료 및 혼합비율에 따라 배추의 유묘기 생육에 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The substrate is very important to grow seedling because of directly effect on seedling quality of Chinese cabbage. The substrates manufactured by the companies consist of different materials and mixing ratios. This study was conducted to observe the seedling quality of Chinese cabbage by using of the kinds of substrate. The number of leaf, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, root length, root weight and T/R ratio of the seedling were shown in different from each substrate manufactured by the companies. And chlorophyll and protein content of the seedling were also shown in different from substrates supplied from the companies, respectively. Substrate which was high in that was also higher in seedling quality. The material and mixing ratios of substrate effected on the growth of cabbage


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