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      • KCI등재

        수종의 역충전 재료의 치근단 밀폐력 비교

        황윤찬,강인철,황인남,오원만 대한치과보존학회 2001 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.26 No.5

        This study was performed to evaluate the sealing ability of various retrograde filing materials by using bacterial penetration and dye penetration test. One hundred and forty extracted human teeth with single, straight canals and mature apices were collected and used for this study. All canals were instrumented using an engine driven Ni-Ti file (ProFile). After removing 3mm from the apex of tooth, a standardized 3mm root end cavity was prepared using an ultrasonic instrument. The 70 teeth were randomly divided into 7 groups : 6 groups for retrograde filling using Super-EBA, ZOE, Chelon-Silver, IRM, ZPC and amalgam. The 7th group was used as a negative control. Nail varnish was applied to all external root surfaces to the level of the resected root ends to prevent lateral microleakages. The specimens were then sterilized in an ethylene oxide sterilizer for 24 hours. 2 mm of the rejected root was immersed in a culture chamber containing a Tripticase Soy Broth with a phenol red indicator. The coronal access of each specimen was inoculated every 72 hours with suspension of Proteus vulgaris. The culture media were observed every 24hours for color change indicating bacterial contamination. The specimens were observed for 4weeks. The remaining 70 teeth were submitted to a dye penetration test. The canals of all teeth were first sealed with AH26 and obturated using an Obtura II system. Root resection, root end preparation and retrograde filling was performed as above. All specimens were suspended in 2% methylene blue dye for 72 hours before being longitudinally split. The degree of dye penetration was then measured using a stereomicroscope at 10 magnification and evaluated. The results were as follows : 1.In the bacterial penetration, the degree of leakage was the lowest in the Super-EBA, followed by, in ascending order, ZOE, Chelon-Silver IRM and ZPC. The amalgam showed highest bacterial leakage of all(p<0.01) . 2.In the dye penetration, the degree of microleakage was the lowest in the Chelon-Silver and Super-EBA, followed by, in ascending order, IRM, ZPC. The ZOE and amalgam showed the highest microleakage of all(p<0.05) . These results suggested that the eugenol based cement, Super-EBA, have excellent sealing ability as a retrograde filling material.

      • KCI등재

        구강암 세포주의 이소위 누드마우스 종양 모델

        김종현(Jong-Hyun Kim),황영선(Young-Sun Hwang),김현실(Hyun-Sil Kim),남웅(Woong Nam),차인호(In-Ho Cha) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2009 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        In order to make successful oral cancer treatment, we need to understand about tumor biology and effective chemotherapeutic agents. To achieve these studies, it is necessary to develope a proper in-vivo model. Therefore the author will make try to develop more improved animal model of more applicable in various method of cancer study. In this study, the author induced in-vivo tumorigenesis in nude mice by YD-10Bmod cell line used by YD-10B cell line originated from oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma and observed tumor formations and invasiveness of surrounding tissue, and found some results as follows : 1. The experimental group (YD-10Bmod, subcutaneous injection) produced tumors 13 out of 15 mice, while the control group produced none of 5 mice. 2. The inoculation of 1×106cells/mouse produced tumors 3 out of 5 mice and inoculation of 1×107cells/mouse, 2×107cells/mouse produced tumors in every 5 mice. 3. In the histopathologic studies, the inoculation of 1×106cells/mouse group showed the characteristic features of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and demarcated expansile growth, while the inoculation of 1×107cells/mouse, 2×107cells/mouse group showed the expansile growth with partial central necrosis and invasive growth to surrounding fat & connective tissue. These findings suggest that atopic xenograft of YD-10Bmod cell line in nude mice has a improved productivity of tumors, produced tumors showed the characteristics feature of human tumor and invasive growth to surrounding tissue in histopathologic appearance. These atopic nude mouse model of tongue carcinoma might assist in studying oral cancer biology and effective choice of chemotherapeutic agents.

      • KCI등재후보

        백서에서 Depulpin®과 Formocresol에 대한 치수와 치근단 조직의 반응

        문형인,김선호,황윤찬,오병주,황인남,김선헌,정선와,윤창,오원만 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.4

        One fifth dilution of formocresol is usually for pulpotomy of the primary teeth and emergency pulpotomy of the permanent teeth. However, the use of formaldehyde has been subjected to criticism because it may be absorbed into the blood stream and become distributed systemically, it may also alter the pulp tissue rendering it immumologically active, and have carcinogenic potential. Recently Depulpin®(VoCo., Germany) gains popularity as a devitalizing agent during root canal therapy in spite of high concentration of 49% paraformaldehyde because it facilitate devitalization of pulp and make root canal therapy easier. But there have been not enough publications about the reaction of pulp and periapical tissue caused by Depulpin. This study was performed to evaluate the histological changes in pulp and periapical tissue of rats after pulpotomy using formocresol and Depulpin and to elucidate the toxic effects of these agents. Thirty six Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine. Maxillary first molar teeth were used for pulpotomy with formocresol and Depulpin. Rats were sacrificed after 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and 4 weeks respectively. Specimens were histologically observed by light microscope changes in pulp and periapical tissue. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Formocresol group A zone of fixed tissue, in which odontoblasts could clearly be defined, was present directly underneath the pulpotomy dressing in almost all teeth of this group. This was followed by an area of necrotic tissue which resembled dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular detail except some pyknotic nuclei. In the specimens of after 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks in which vital tissue was present. it was separated from the fibrous area by a zone of inflammation. In the specimens of after 3 weeks and after 4 weeks, inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament adjacent to the apical foramina of the teeth. 2. Depulpin® group The area of necrotic tissue which had no cells and fibers , was present adjacent to the dressing. This was followed by dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular details except some pyknotic nucleli. A short stump of vital pulp with odontoblasts was present at the end of the canal after 2 days. Inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament after 4 days and after 1week. Severe root resorption and necrosis of periapical tissue opposite the root resorption site were defined after 2 weeks and after 3 weeks. Periapical lesion which consist of necrotic tissue surrounded by a fibrous connective wall. was found after 4 weeks. The results indicated that Depulpin can cause more adverse reaction to the dental pulp and periapical tissue than formocresol, and further studies are needed for its clinical use with safety.

      • KCI등재

        장시간 불가피한 공복(fasting)후 인체의 내분비 변화 : 삼풍백화점 붕괴 사고후 구조된 3인의 증례 THREE CASES IN COLLAPSE OF SAMPOONG DEPARTMENT STORE

        박규남,황주일,박조현,오동렬,이원재,오승택,김세경,김인철 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The interactions between nutrition and the endocrine system are more intimate and complex that previously thought. Nutrition modulates secretion and activity of many hormones, as part of the stress adaptation process. Fasting, in particular, produces a number of important changes in the endocrine system, with teleological purpose of helping the body tolerate the lack of food ingestion. These changes are therefore beneficial and protective, although at times they may not appear to be that way. The endocrine changes of fasting mediate the metabolic response. We must emphasize that these changes are completely reversible when appropriate nutrition is established. These changes are as followes: 1) decreased insulin and increased glucagon levels, 2) decreased thyroid effect, 3) decreased sympathetic activity, 4) hypothalamic hypogonadism, 5) decreased growth, 6) altered glucocorticoid secretion and metabolism, 7) impaired mineralocorticoid response, 8) decreased ADH secretion and effect. We experienced three cases of involuntary prolonged fasting after collapse of Sampoong department store. They were released from collapsed field after 11(case Ⅰ), 13(case Ⅱ), 17days(case Ⅲ) respectively. In each case, the endocrine changes of plasma levels were as followes: decrease of cortisol in case Ⅰ, increase of GH in case Ⅱ, decrease of free T3, T3, cortisol and increase of reverse T3, insulin in case Ⅲ. Each one did not show the same endocrine changes of plasma levels. But we think these changes of fasting are beneficial in metabolic response of human.

      • 복합레진의 조건등색에 관한 연구 : D_(65), A, C, FCW and TL84

        박기정,황윤찬,김선호,오원만,황인남 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2003 구강과학 Vol.15 No.2

        There were problems in selecting exact colors of composite resins currently used in clinic by examining with naked eyes. This study was done to present a criterion in selection of the most proper light sources and materials by measuring metamerism index of the light curing composite resins with spectrocolorimeter. Metamerism is present when two objects appear to be the same color in one illuminant but different in another. This is due to the fact that they have different spectral curves that fail to match under the second illuminant. In this study, five light polymerized composite resins; Esthet-X, Filteck Z250, Filteck A110, Charisma, Vitalescence which are currently used in clinic were chosen based on Vita shade. Five samples were made for shade of each product with Teflon mold(diameter: 15mm, thickness: 2mm). Compressed resins with glass slab were light polymerized with a visible light curing unit(Optilux 500, 13mm tip diameter, Demetron, USA) for 60 seconds. Polymerized samples were removed and those were grinded to 2.0mm in thickness with sand papers(#600 & #1000). Samples were carefully prepared without fingerprints and impurities in grinding procedure and kept in distilled water for a week at room temperature. Metamerism index of each samples on a Barium sulfate plate(L^(*)=96.54, a^(*)=0.19, b^(*)=0.01) prepared for sample fixation were measured with spectrocolorimeter(Miniscan XE plus. Model 4000s. Hunter Lab, USA) by applying standard light source D65, C, Fcw, TL84' and A. Standardization was done with Reference standard(X=80.8, Y=85.7, Z=90.8) and Light trap. Samples were kept in distilled water at room temperature in all procedures. The results are as follows. 1. Different resins using same Vita shade showed recognizable color difference(ΔE^(*)>2). 2. All composites had Ml below accepted value 0.5 between standard illuminant(D65, C, & A) and below 1.5 under fluorescent condition (Fcw & TL84). 3. Ml value between D65 and A showed higher value than Ml value between other source of light(p<0.01). 4. All resins except Z25O showed Ml value that A3 is higher than Al between D65 and A(p<0.05).

      • 백서에서 Depulpin^�과 Formocresol에 대한 치수와 치근단 조직의 반응

        문형인,황인남,오원만 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2002 구강과학 Vol.14 No.2

        One fifth dilution of formocresol is usually used for pulpotomy of the primary teach and emergency pulpotomy of the permanent teeth. However, the use of formaldehyde has been subjected to criticism because it may be absorbed into the blood stream and become distributed systemically, it may also alter the pulp tissue rendering it immunologically active, and have carcinogenic potential. Recently Depulpin^(r)(VoCo., Germany) gains popularity as a devitalizing agent during root canal therapy in spite of high concentration of 49% paraformaldehyde because it facilitate devitalization of pulp and make root canal therapy easier. But there have been not enough publications about the reaction of pulp and periapical tissue caused by Depulpin. This study was performed to evaluate the histological changes in pulp and periapical tissue of rats after pulpotomy using formocresol and Depulpin and to elucidate the toxic effects of these agents. Thirty six Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine. Maxillary first molar teeth were used for pulpotomy with formocresol and Depulpin. Rate were sacrificed after 2days, 4days, 1week, 2weeks, 3weeks and 4weeks respectively. Specimens were histologically observed by light microscope changes in pulp and periapical tissue. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Formocresol group A zone of fixed tissue, in which odontoblasts could clearly be defined, was present directly underneath the pulpotomy dressing in almost all teeth of this group. This was followed by an area of necrotic tissue which resembled dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular detail except some pyknotic nuclei. In the specimens of after 2days, 4days, 1week, 2weeks in which vital tissue was present, it was separated from the fibrous area by a zone of inflammation. In the specimens of after 3weeks and after 4 weeks, inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament adjacent to the apical foramina of the teeth. 2. Depulpin^(r) group The area of necrotic tissue which had no cells and fibers, was present adjacent to the dressing. This was followed by dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular details except some pyknotic nuclei. A short stump of vital pulp with odontoblasts was present at the end of the canal after 2days. Inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament after 4days and after 1week. Severe root resorption and necrosis of periapical tissue opposite the root resorption site were defined after 2 weeks and after 3weeks. Periapical lesion which consist of necrotic tissue surrounded by fibrous connective wall, was found after 4weeks. The results indicated that Depulpin can cause more adverse reaction to the dental pulp and periapical tissue than formocresol, and further studies are needed for its clinical use with safety.

      • KCI등재후보

        열전대(thermocouple)를 이용한 Buchanan Plugger 표면의 온도상승 분석

        조진숙,황윤찬,김선호,황인남,최보영,정영진,정우남,오원만 大韓齒科保存學會 2003 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.28 No.4

        This study was performed to evaluate the actual temperature rise on the surface of Buchanan plugger using thermocouple. The heat carrier system 'System B Heatsource'(Model 1005, Analytic Technologies, Redmond, WA, USA) and the Buchanan pluggers of F, FM, M and ML sizes are used for this study. The temperature was set to 200℃ on digital display and the power level on it was set to 10. Five thermocouples were placed in direct contact with the surface of each size of Buchanan's pluggers at 1 mm increments from the tip to the 4 mm length of shank. The heat control spring was touched for 5 seconds, and temperature rise on the surface of the pluggers were measured at 1 sec intervals for more than 5 seconds with an accuracy of 0.01 using Data Logger. The data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The results were as follows. 1. The position at which the temperature peaked was approximately at 1~2 mm far from the tip of Buchanan plugger (p<0.01). 2. The peak temperature was 215.25±2.28℃ in F plugger, 185.94±2.19℃ in FM plugger, 169.51±9.12℃ in M plugger, and 160.79±1.27℃ in ML plugger and the peak temperature was highest in F plugger and followed by, in descending order, FM plugger, M plugger. ML plugger showed the lowest peak temperature (p<0.01). 3. The temperature on the pluggers was decreased with the increase of touching time. This results suggest that the actual temperature on the surface of the pluggers dose not correlate well with the temperature set on digital display. Heat concentrates around the up. The larger plugger reveals lower temperature rise relatively.

      • 적외선 열화상장치를 이용한 Buchanan plugger 표면의 온도상승 분석

        최성아,황인남,오원만 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2002 구강과학 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was performed to evaluate the temperature rise on various position of the Buchanan plugger, the peak temperature of plugger's type and the temperature change by its touching time of heat control spring. The heat carrier system 'System B' (Model 1005, Analytic Technologies, USA) and the Buchanan's pluggers of F, FM, M and ML sizes are used for this study. The temperature was set to 200℃ which Dr. Buchanan's "continuous wave of condensation" technique recommended on digital display and the power level on it was set to 10. In order to apply heat on the Buchanan's pluggers, the heat control spring was touched for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5seconds respectively. The temperature rise on the surface of the pluggers were measured at 0.5 mm intervals from tip to 20mm length of shank using the infrared thermography (Radiation Thermometer-IR Temper, NEC San-ei Instruments, Ltd. Japan) and TH31-702 Data capture software program (NEC San-ei Instruments, Ltd, Japan). Data were analyzed using a one way ANOVA followed by Duncan's multiple range test and linear regression test. The results as follows. 1. The position at which temperature peaked was approximately at 0.5mm to 1.5mm far from the tip of Buchanan's pluggers (p<0.001). The temperature was constantly decreased toward the shank from the tip of it(p<0.001). 2. When the pluggers were heated over 5seconds, the peak temperature by time of measurement revealed from 253.3±10.5℃ to 192.1±3.3℃ in a touch for 1sec, from 218.6±5.0℃ to 179.5±4.2℃ in a touch for 2sec, from 197.5±3.0℃ to 167.6±3.7℃ in a touch for 3sec, from 183.7±2.5℃ to 159.8±3.6℃ in a touch for 4sec and from 164.9±2.0℃ to 158.4±1.8℃ in a touch for 5 sec. A touch for 1sec showed the highest peak temperature, followed by , in descending order, 2sec, 3sec, 4sec. A touch for 5sec showed the lowest peak temperature(p<0.001). 3. A each type of pluggers showed different peak temperatures. The peak temperature was the highest in F type and followed by, in descending order, M type, ML type, FM type revealed the lowest peak temperature(p<0.001). The results of this study indicated that pluggers are designed to concentrate heat at around its tip, its actual temperature does not correlate well with the temperature which Buchanan's "continuous wave of condensation" technique recommend, and finally a quick touch of heat control spring for 1sec reveals the highest temperature rise.

      • Thermocouple을 이용한 Buchanan Plugger 표면의 온도상승 분석

        조진숙,황윤찬,김선호,황인남,최보영,정영진,정우남,오원만 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2003 구강과학 Vol.15 No.4

        This study was performed to confirm the actual temperature rise on the surface of Buchanan plugger by evaluating the temperature rise on the surface of it, the peak temperature of pluggers of various size using thermocouple. The heat carrier system 'System B Heatsource' (Model 1005, Analytic Technologies, USA) and the Buchanan pluggers of F, FM, M and ML sizes are used for this study. The temperature was set to 200 which Dr. Buchanan's "Continuous wave of condensation" technique recommended on digital display and the power level on it was set to 10. The touch mode was used. Five thermocouples were placed in direct contact with the surface of each size of Buchanan's pluggers at 1 ㎜ increments from the tip to the 4 ㎜ length of shank. Each thermocouple was secured with cyanoacrylate adhesive and orthodontic resin block. The two wire leads of each thermocouple were connected to the appropriate channels of Data Logger. This was configured to simultaneously record input from the five thermocouples. The heat control spring was touched for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 seconds, and the temperature rise on the surface of the pluggers were measured at 1 sec intervals for more than 5 seconds with an accuracy of 0.01. Ten trials was determined for each plugger. The average of temperature rise and standard deviation was calculated for each size of plugger. The data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA to determine their significance. The results as follows. 1. The position at which the temperature peaked was approximately at 1∼2㎜ far from the tip of Buchanan plugger (p<0.01). 2. The peak temperature was 215.25±2.28℃ in F plugger, 185.94±2.19℃ in FM plugger, 169.51±9.12℃ in M plugger, and 160.79±1.27℃ in ML plugger and the peak temperature was highest in F type and followed by, in descending order, FM type, M type. ML type showed the lowest peak temperature (p<0.01). This results suggest that the actual temperature on the surface of the pluggers does not correlate well with the temperature set on digital display. Heat concentrates around the tip. The larger plugger reveals lower temperature rise relatively.

      • 수리된 복합레진 수복물의 전단결합강도 연구

        최수영,오원만,황인남 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2002 구강과학 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was performed to evaluate the interfacial shear bond strength of base (direct and indirect) and repair composites with aging and surface treatment methods. Direct composite resin specimens (Charisma^(r), Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) were aged for 5min, 1hour, 24hour, and 1week in 37℃ distilled water before surface treatment, and then divided into five groups:Group 1, grinding; Group 2, grinding and application of bonding agent;Group 3, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 30sec, and application of bonding agent;Group 4, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 30sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent;Group 5, grinding, etching with 4% hydrofluoric acid for 30sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent. Indirect composite resin specimens (Artglass^(r), Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) were aged for 1week in 37℃ distilled water and divided into seven groups:Group 1-Group 5, equal to Charisma specimens;Group 6, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 60sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent;Group 7, grinding, etching with 4% hydrofluoric acid for 60sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent. The repair material(Charisma^(r)) was then added on the center of the surface (5mm in diameter, 5mm in height). The shear bond strength was tested and the data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls test. The following conclusions were drawn. 1. The shear bond strength of Charisma^(r) specimens aged for 1hour was significantly higher in Group 2 and Group 5 than in Group 1 (p<0.05), and that of Charisma^(r) specimens aged for 1week was significantly higher in Group 3 and Group 5 than in Group 1 (p<0.05). No significant difference was found in the bond strength of specimens aged for 5min and 24hours. 2. In Group 2 of the Charisma^(r) specimens, there was significant difference between the bond strength of 24hours and that of 1week (p<0.05). 3. In Group 4 of the Charisma^(r) specimens, the shear bond strength of specimens aged for 24hours was significantly higher than the others(p<0.05). 4. There was no significant difference between the shear bond strength of the Artglass^(r) specimens. 5. Most of the Charisma^(r) specimens showed cohesive fractures. Artglass^(r) specimens that were etched with acid (phosphoric or hydrofluoric) for 30sec showed more cohesive fractures.

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