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      • KCI등재

        The Prayers of Offering in the Western Traditions and in the Korean Methodist Tradition

        Hyung Rae Kim 한국기독교학회 2013 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.87 No.-

        성찬(Eucharist)은 예수 그리스도의 죽음과 부활을 기념하며 축하하는 감사(Thanksgiving)를 의미한다. 그러나 축제로서의 성찬은 한국 개신교회의 성찬예전에서 볼 수 있는 주요한 양상은 아니다. 한국 개신교회는 주님의 부활을 축하하며 기쁨을 나누는 성찬보다는, 주님의 죽음을 기억하고 자신의 죄를 참회하게 하는 성찬을 실행해 왔다. 본 논문은 부활의 경축과 기쁨으로서의 초기 교회 성찬이해가 역사적 발전을 통해 점차 그리스도의 죽음, 죄의 용서, 참회의 자리로 변해 온 과정을 추적한다. 이러한 역사적 추적은 부활의 기념과 경축으로서의 초기 교회 성찬 차원을 회복시켜 보려는 데 그 주된 목적이 있다. 서구 기독교회의 성찬 봉헌 기도의 변천사를 추적하기 위해서는 히폴리투스의 사도전승(215), 토마스 크랜머의 공동기도서(1549), 존 웨슬리의 북미감리교도들을 위한 주일예배서(1784), 남감리교회의 교리와 장정(1886)을 탐구하며, 한국감리교회의 성찬 봉헌 기도를 분석하기 위해서는 미이미교회강례(1890), 예문(1962), 새예배서(2002)를 살핀다.

      • Ascites reinfusion dialysis of refractory ascites as a bridge to kidney and liver transplantation

        ( Hyung Rae Kim ),( Kyung Yoon Chang ),( Woo Jeong Kim ),( Dong Chan Jin ),( Hyungwook Kim ) 대한내과학회 2015 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2015 No.1

        In patients with ESRD and decompensated LC, the kidney and liver transplantation is gold standard therapy. A 41-year-old man with HD and refractory ascites due to decompensated LC presented with abdominal discomfort and intradialytic hypotension despites of taking sympathomimetic agents. Sixteen years ago, he started HD due to chronic glomerulonephritis. His liver cirrhosis with ascites due to chronic hepatitis B was developed and his Child-Pugh score was 10. We planned to have the kidney and liver transplantation for him after four weeks. Therefore, for effective dialysis, continuous flow control reinfusion of ascites into adialyzer during HD was designed to prevent intradialytic hypotension and control the body weight. When ascites reinfusion was planned, a set of dialysis tubing was connected with the sterile three-way stopcock to draw out the ascites at the speed of 500 mL/hr into the dialyzer to mix with the blood by the roller pump during HD. Then, the mixed blood and ascites were channeled into the systemic circulation during a HD session. After six sessions of continuous reinfusion of ascites into the dialyzer for twice a week, There was no intradialytic hypotension, fever, hepatic encephalopathy or DIC. His body weight was successfully controlled without intradialytic hypotension. In the following three weeks, he successfully performed the kidney and liver transplantation. There are several important clinical implications of ascites reinfusion dialysis into the dialyzer. First, this procedure was allowed to remove adequate fluid without intradialytic hypotension. Second, the serum albumin level was increased after this procedure. The elevated serum level of albumin pulls the interstitial fluid into the intravascular space due to the infused ascites and protein into the systemic circulation during HD. With the successful outcomes of our case report, we believe that flow control reinfusion of ascites during HD is an effective alternative treatment to control of refractory ascites in patients with renal failure In conclusion, the physicians should consider ascites reinfusion dialysis as a bridge to control the volume in a patient with ESRD and decompensated LC before kidney and liver transplantation.

      • KCI등재
      • A Case of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Presenting with Arthritis and Panniculitis

        ( Hyung Rae Kim ),( Ji Seon Oh ),( Seung Won Choi ) 대한내과학회 2015 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2015 No.1

        Pancreatic neoplasm can be complicated and preceded by extrapancreatic manifestation such as cutaneous and musculoskeletal symptoms. Awareness of these relationships is important for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. We here report a case of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor presenting with arthritis and panniculitis. A 71-year-old man visited our hospital with a 2-month history of right knee monoarthritis. He had a history of small cell lung cancer in complete remission for 4 years after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Several months before his visit, he also developed subcutaneous nodules on both lower legs, and a skin biopsy revealed lobular panniculitis. Laboratory tests revealed WBC 14,010/mm3, CRP 15 mg/dL, ESR 82 mm/hr, negative rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody. Diabetes mellitus was newly detected based on increased fasting bloodglucose level of 140 mg/dL and hemoglobin A1c level of 6.6. Synovial fluid aspirated from his right knee joint showed a milky appearance. In repeated joint fluid analyses, there was no visible crystal under the microscope, the gram stain and culture revealed no microorganisms, acid-fast bacillus stain and PCR for mycobacterium tuberculosis were negative, and WBC count was 1,600/mm3 (neutrophil 98%), suggesting mild inflammatory arthritis without evidence of septic or crystal arthropathy. MRI showed fluid collection and multifocal synovial enhancement around the right knee joint. Although the empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics were tried for several days before excluding the septic arthritis, his arthritis became gradually worse. He also developed mild upper abdominal discomfort, and blood tests revealed amylase 65 IU/L (20-104 IU/L) and lipase 1,681 IU/L (5.6-51.30 IU/L). Abdominopelvic CT revealed a 14 cm-sized pancreatic mass with gastric invasion and peritoneal metastasis. Percutaneous needle biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. With a trial of 20 mg of prednisolone, his knee arthritis and subcutaneous nodules significantly improved. However, because of his advanced stage of malignancy, his general condition was not allowed to receive further treatment other than supportive care.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Presenting with Arthritis and Panniculitis

        ( Hyung Rae Kim ),( Jae-sung Ahn ),( Jin-hee Noh ),( Hee-jeong Jeon ),( Ji Seon Oh ),( Seung Won Choi ),( Doo-ho Lim ) 대한류마티스학회 2017 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        Pancreatic neoplasm is complicated and can be preceded by extra-pancreatic manifestations, such as cutaneous and musculoskeletal symptoms. Awareness of these associations is important for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. We report a case of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (NET) presenting with arthritis and panniculitis. The patient had a two month history of right knee pain and subcutaneous nodules in both legs. Synovial fluid analysis from the right knee joint revealed a mildly increased white blood cell count without crystallization. A skin biopsy of a subcutaneous nodule revealed lobular panniculitis. The initial treatment with empirical antibiotics did not alleviate the symptoms; however, the right knee arthritis and skin nodules improved with steroid treatment. On the eighth day of hospitalization, the patient complained of abdominal discomfort. Abdominopelvic computed tomography scanning revealed a 14-cm sized pancreatic mass with peritoneal metastasis. Percutaneous needle biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of pancreatic NET. (J Rheum Dis 2017;24:313-317)


        Evaluation of Bond Properties of Reinforced Concrete with Corroded Reinforcement by Uniaxial Tension Testing

        Hyung-Rae Kim,Won-Chang Choi,Sang-Chun Yoon,Takafumi Noguchi 한국콘크리트학회 2016 International Journal of Concrete Structures and M Vol.10 No.3

        The degradation of the load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams due to corrosion has a profoundly negative impact on the structural safety and integrity of a structure. The literature is limited with regard to models of bond characteristics that relate to the reinforcement corrosion percentage. In this study, uniaxial tensile tests were conducted on specimens with irregular corrosion of their reinforced concrete. The development of cracks in the corroded area was found to be dependent on the level of corrosion, and transverse cracks developed due to tensile loading. Based on this crack development, the average stress versus deformation in the rebar and concrete could be determined experimentally and numerically. The results, determined via finite element analysis, were calibrated using the experimental results. In addition, bond elements for reinforced concrete with corrosion are proposed in this paper along with a relationship between the shear stiffness and corrosion level of rebar.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of CHAMP Magnetic Anomalies for Polar Geodynamic Variations

        Hyung Rae Kim,Ralph R. B. Von Frese,Chan Hong Park,Jeong Woo Kim 大韓遠隔探査學會 2005 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.21 No.1

        On board satellite magnetometer measures all possible magnetic components, such as the core and crustal components from the inner Earth, and magnetospheric, ionospheric and its coupled components from the outer Earth. Due to its dipole and non-dipole features, separation of the respective component from the measurements is most difficult unless the comprehensive knowledge of each field characteristics and the consequent modeling methods are solidly constructed. Especially, regional long wavelength magnetic signals of the crust are strongly masked by the main field and dynamic external field and hence difficult to isolate in the satellite measurements. In particular, the un-modeled effects of the strong auroral external fields and the complicated behavior of the core field near the geomagnetic poles conspire to greatly reduce the crustal magnetic signal-to-noise ratio in the polar region relative to the rest of the Earth. We can, however, use spectral correlation theory to filter the static lithospheric and core field components from the dynamic external field effects that are closely related to the geomagnetic storms affecting ionospheric current disturbances. To help isolate regional lithospheric anomalies from core field components, the correlations between CHAMP magnetic anomalies and the pseudo-magnetic effects inferred from satellite gravity-derived crustal thickness variations can also be exploited. Isolation of long wavelengths resulted from the respective source is the key to understand and improve the models of the external magnetic components as well as of the lower crustal structures. We expect to model the external field variations that might also be affected by a sudden upheaval like tsunami by using our algorithm after isolating any internal field components.

      • KCI등재

        Excursion, Roaming and Migration of Hydrogen Atom during Dissociation of Formaldehyde

        Hyung-Rae Kim 대한화학회 2014 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.35 No.5

        Several interesting features in trajectory were observed in the direct dynamics study of formaldehyde dissociation above radical dissociation limit. The hydrogen atom deliberately placed on the radical dissociation path can turn around at some distance from C without completion of dissociation and return to HCO moiety, colliding with it just as in a radical-radical recombination and producing a highly energized molecule. Excursion of a hydrogen atom to a distance of 6-8 bohrs and migration of a hydrogen atom back and forth between C and O are two of the most interesting features exhibited by the energized molecule. A series of excursions is seen to lead to a different kind of dissociation resembling roaming-like dissociation characterized by high vibrational excitation of H2 fragment. It is suggested that excursion occurs due to involvement of two different force field systems that exhibit discontinuity in 6-8 bohrs from HCO moiety. We argue that roaming is a non-zero impact parameter version of the excursion.

      • Sonographic Evaluation of Breast Nodules:Comparison of Conventional, Real-Time Compound, and Pulse-Inversion Harmonic Images

        서보경,오유환,HyungRaeKim,HongWeonKim,ChangHoKang,NamJoonLee,JungHyukKim,BumJinPark,KyuRanCho,이준영,KiYeoulLee,JeoungWonBae 대한영상의학회 2002 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.3 No.1

        Objective: To compare the use of conventional, real-time compound, and pulse-inversion harmonic imaging in the evaluation of breast nodules. Materials and Methods: Fifty-two breast nodules were included in this study, conducted between May and December 2000, in which conventional, real-time compound, and pulse-inversion harmonic images were obtained in the same plane. Three radiologists, each blinded to the interpretations of the other two, evaluated the findings, characterizing the lesions and ranking the three techniques from grade 1, the worst, to grade 3, the best. Lesion conspicuity was assessed, and lesions were also characterized in terms of their margin, clarity of internal echotexture, and clarity of posterior echo pattern. The three techniques were compared using Friedman's test, and interobserver agreement in image interpretation was assessed by means of the intraclass correlation coefficient. Results: With regard to lesion conspicuity, margin, and internal echotexture of the nodules, real-time compound imaging was the best technique (p < 0.05); in terms of posterior echo pattern, the best was pulse-inversion harmonic imaging (p < 0.05). Real-time compound and pulse inversion harmonic imaging were better than conventional sonography in all evaluative aspects. Interobserver agreement was greater than moderate. Conclusion: Real-time compound and pulse-inversion harmonic imaging procedures are superior to conventional sonography in terms of both lesion conspicuity and the further characterization of breast nodules. Real-time compound imaging is the best technique for evaluation of the margin and internal echotexture of nodules, while pulse-inversion harmonic imaging is very effective for the evaluation of the posterior echo patterns.

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