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      • KCI등재

        종교적 믿음과 종교적 경험의 관계에 대한 고찰 ― 분석종교철학에서의 논의를 중심으로

        김효석 ( Kim¸ Hyoseok ) 한국조직신학회 2021 한국조직신학논총 Vol.64 No.-

        개혁주의 인식론의 핵심 주장은 신에 대한 믿음이 정당하게 기본적이라는 것이다. 개혁주의 인식론의 기수인 앨빈 플랜팅가는 어떤 논증이나 증거 없이 신에 대한 믿음을 갖는 것이 전적으로 용인될 수 있으며 합리적이라고 주장한다. 그러나 플랜팅가에 따르면 이러한 주장이 신에 대한 믿음이 아무 근거나 이유가 없다는 뜻은 아니다. 왜냐하면 신에 대한 믿음은 그 믿음이 생겨난 경험적 상황에 근거를 두고, 그에 의해 정당화되기 때문이다. 본고는 종교적 믿음과 종교적 경험에 대한 플랜팅가, 윌리엄 올스톤, 필립 퀸, 스튜어트 괴츠, 웨인 프라우드푸트 등 분석철학 전통의 종교철학자들의 논의를 소개하고 검토함으로써 과연 종교적 경험이 종교적 믿음에 근거나 토대를 제공할 수 있는지에 대해 답하고자 한다. 이를 위해 우선 종교적 믿음은 종교적 경험에 근거하고 있으며 그에 의해 정당화될 수 있다는 플랜팅가와 올스턴의 논의를 살펴볼 것이다. 다음으로 퀸과 플랜팅가 사이의 논쟁을 통해 플랜팅가와 올스톤의 주장의 문제점을 살펴보고, 힉의 입장이 이 문제에 대한 해답이 될 수 있을지를 검토할 것이다. 마지막으로 종교적 경험의 해석적 성격에 대한 숙고를 통해, 종교적 믿음의 정당화를 위해 종교적 경험에 호소하려는 모든 시도들이 부적절함을 주장할 것이다. One of the central claims of “Reformed Epistemology” is that belief in God is properly basic. Alvin Plantinga, a leading scholar in Reformed Epistemology, argues that it is entirely acceptable and rational to accept belief in God without any argument or evidence whatever. However, according to Plantinga, it does not follow from this that religious beliefs are groundless or gratuitous, for they are grounded in and justified by the experiential situation in which they have arisen. This paper addresses whether religious experience can provide any ground or basis for religious belief, by introducing and examining arguments on religious belief and religious experience by such philosophers of religion in the analytic tradition as Plantinga, William Alston, Philip Quinn, John Hick, Stewart Goetz, and Wayne Proudfoot. To that end, I first introduce Plantinga’s and Alston’s arguments that religious beliefs are grounded in and justified by religious experience. Second, examining Quinn’s debate with Plantinga, I disclose a problem in Plantinga’s and Alston’s arguments. I then investigate Hick’s position on this issue, asking whether his position can be an answer to the problem. Finally, reflecting on the interpretive nature of religious experience, I argue that any appeal to religious experience as the justification for religious belief is of itself inadequate.

      • Reaction-based two-photon probes for <i>in vitro</i> analysis and cellular imaging of monoamine oxidase activity

        Kim, Dokyoung,Sambasivan, Sunderraman,Nam, Hyoseok,Hean Kim, Ki,Yong Kim, Jin,Joo, Taiha,Lee, Kyung-Ha,Kim, Kyong-Tai,Han Ahn, Kyo The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chemical communications Vol.48 No.54

        <P>Reaction-based fluorescent probes for monoamine oxidases A and B are developed based on a new two-photon absorbing compound and its precursor. The probes show turn-on fluorescence response to the enzymes owing to the two-photon absorbing compound produced by the enzymatic activity, as monitored by one- as well as two-photon microscopy for the first time.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>Reaction-based fluorescent probes for monoamine oxidases A and B are developed based on a new two-photon absorbing compound and its precursor. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c2cc32424e'> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Spin-orbit Effects on the Structure of Haloiodomethane Cations CH2XI+ (X=F, Cl, Br, and I)

        Hyoseok Kim,Young Choon Park,이윤섭 대한화학회 2014 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.35 No.3

        The importance of including spin-orbit interactions for the correct description of structures and vibrational frequencies of haloiodomethanes is demonstrated by density functional theory calculations with spin-orbit relativistic effective core potentials (SO-DFT). The vibrational frequencies and the molecular geometries obtained by SO-DFT calculations do not match with the experimental results as well as for other cations without significant relativistic effects. In this sense, the present data can be considered as a guideline in the development of the relativistic quantum chemical methods. The influence of spin-orbit effects on the bending frequency of the cation could well be recognized by comparing the experimental and calculated results for CH2BrI and CH2ClI cations. Spin-orbit effects on the geometries and vibrational frequencies of CH2XI (X=F, Cl, Br, and I) neutral are negligible except that C-I bond lengths of haloiodomethane neutral is slightly increased by the inclusion of spin-orbit effects. The 2A' and 2A'' states were found in the cations of haloiodomethanes and mix due to the spin-orbit interactions and generate two 2E1/2 fine-structure states. The geometries of CH2XI+ (X=F and Cl) from SO-DFT calculations are roughly in the middle of two cation geometries from DFT calculations since two cation states of CH2XI (X=F and Cl) from DFT calculations are energetically close enough to mix two cation states. The geometries of CH2XI+ (X=Br and I) from SO-DFT calculations are close to that of the most stable cation from DFT calculations since two cation states of CH2XI (X=Br and I) from DFT calculations are energetically well separated near the fine-structure state minimum.

      • An Examination of the Approaches of Irenaeus’ Writings and of The Secret Revelation of John to the Problem of Evil

        Kim, Hyoseok 한남대학교 기독교문화연구소 2023 기독교문화연구 Vol.26 No.-

        이 논문은 이레니우스의 『이단 논박』과 『사도적 설교의 증거』, 그리고 영 지주의 문서로 알려진 『요한 비밀의 서』에 나타난 악에 대한 관점을 살펴보 는 연구이다. 하나님이 선하시고 전능하시다면 왜 세상에 악과 고통이 존재 하는가? 이 질문은 기독교신학과 종교철학의 역사에 있어서 가장 답하기 어 려운 질문 중 하나이다. 기독교 역사에서 악의 문제에 대한 전통적이고 주요 한 답변은 어거스틴이 제시한 것으로, 악은 자유의지의 오용에서 오는 선의 결핍이라는 관점이다. 이러한 전통적 답변과 비교해 볼 때, 이레니우스와 『요한 비밀의 서』는 악의 문제에 대해 각각 흥미롭고 독특한 대답을 제시한 다. 이레니우스는 인간의 도덕적 발달을 위해 악은 불가피하다고 주장한다. 『요한 비밀의 서』는 악은 선하신 하나님이 아니라 무지하고 악한 세상의 창 조신으로부터 온다고 본다. 이러한 관점들이 어거스틴의 답변이 야기하는 여러 문제들을 해결하기는 하지만, 이와는 다른 새로운 문제들을 야기하는 것도 사실이다. 이는 악의 문제에 대해서 정통 기독교 신앙과 논리적 명확성 을 동시에 만족시키는 대답을 찾기가 얼마나 어려운지를 보여준다. This paper examines the approaches of Irenaeus’ Against Heresies and Proof of the Apostolic Preaching, and of The Secret Revelation of John (SRJ), which is known as a gnostic writing, to the problem of evil. If God is good and almighty, why does evil and suffering exist in this world? It has been one of the most difficult questions in the history of Christian theology and philosophy of religion. In Augustine’s view, which has been the traditional and major one in Christian history, evil is considered as privation of good stemming from misused free will. Compared to his view, Irenaeus and SRJ offers very interesting and distinctive views. Irenaeus says that evil is inescapable for humanity’s ethical development. According to SRJ, evil comes not from the good God but from an ignorant and malicious world creator. Though those views solve many problems raised by Augustine’s view, they also raise other problems. This shows how difficult it is to find a satisfying answer for the problem of evil, which holds both orthodox Christian faith and logical clarity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Spin-orbit Effects on the Structure of Haloiodomethane Cations CH<sub>2</sub>XI<sup>+</sup> (X=F, Cl, Br, and I)

        Kim, Hyoseok,Park, Young Choon,Lee, Yoon Sup Korean Chemical Society 2014 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.35 No.3

        The importance of including spin-orbit interactions for the correct description of structures and vibrational frequencies of haloiodomethanes is demonstrated by density functional theory calculations with spin-orbit relativistic effective core potentials (SO-DFT). The vibrational frequencies and the molecular geometries obtained by SO-DFT calculations do not match with the experimental results as well as for other cations without significant relativistic effects. In this sense, the present data can be considered as a guideline in the development of the relativistic quantum chemical methods. The influence of spin-orbit effects on the bending frequency of the cation could well be recognized by comparing the experimental and calculated results for $CH_2BrI$ and $CH_2ClI$ cations. Spin-orbit effects on the geometries and vibrational frequencies of $CH_2XI$ (X=F, Cl, Br, and I) neutral are negligible except that C-I bond lengths of haloiodomethane neutral is slightly increased by the inclusion of spin-orbit effects. The $^2A^{\prime}$ and $^2A^{{\prime}{\prime}}$ states were found in the cations of haloiodomethanes and mix due to the spin-orbit interactions and generate two $^2E_{1/2}$ fine-structure states. The geometries of $CH_2XI^+$ (X=F and Cl) from SO-DFT calculations are roughly in the middle of two cation geometries from DFT calculations since two cation states of $CH_2XI$ (X=F and Cl) from DFT calculations are energetically close enough to mix two cation states. The geometries of $CH_2XI^+$ (X=Br and I) from SO-DFT calculations are close to that of the most stable cation from DFT calculations since two cation states of $CH_2XI$(X=Br and I) from DFT calculations are energetically well separated near the fine-structure state minimum.

      • KCI등재후보
      • The Blind Power: Power-Driven CEO Overconfidence and M&A Decision Making

        Hyoseok (David) Hwang,Hyun-Dong Kim,Taeyeon Kim 한국재무학회 2018 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.05

        The behavioral finance literature attributes failed M&As to CEO overconfidence. We investigate the source of CEO overconfidence that leads to failed M&As. Among various determinants of CEO overconfidence, we propose that power-led CEO overconfidence delivers undesirable consequences in corporate investments. Using CEO-level data, we find that CEO power increases the probability of a CEO being overconfident.We also show that power-driven overconfident CEOs tend to complete more deals regardless of circumstances, do stock acquisitions, and make value-destroying acquisitions, relative to nonoverconfident CEOs. The results suggest that previous studies on M&As by overconfident CEOs are mainly led by power-driven overconfident CEOs.

      • In vivo monitoring of chloroplast intracellular movement in intact leaves of C4 plants

        HyoSeok Nam,Hae Koo Kim,Jeongeun Ryu,Sang Joon Lee,Ki Hean Kim 대한기계학회 2011 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2011 No.10

        Chloroplast distribution and their relocation are essential to optimize photosynthetic capacity. In this study, two-photon microscopy (TPM) platform was adapted to monitor in vivo chloroplast intracellular movement in intact leaves of C4 plants by 3-dimensional (3D) imaging chlorophyll autofluorescence in response to blue light. A femto-second Ti:Sapphire laser was used to generated autofluorescence from leaves. In the sub-epidermal palisade mesophyll cells, relocation movement of individual chloroplasts could be tracked precisely during dark/light transitions. The importance of monitoring intracellular orientation and relocation movement of individual chloroplasts is discussed. Spatial information about surrounding tissues and intracellular location of organelles are still limited. This imaging method provides valuable 3D information to evaluate changes in photosynthetic ability depending on chloroplast distribution in intact leaves.

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