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        『藝林品彙』 연구

        홍혜진 ( Hong¸ Hyejin ) 한국중국학회 2021 중국학보 Vol.97 No.-

        본고는 조선 후기의 吳世昌(1864~1953)이 필사한 『藝林品彙』에 대한 연구이다. 이 책의 일부는 『三家品格』으로도 필사되었다. 이러한 정황으로 보건대 품체 작품들이 당시 조선에서 많은 관심을 받았던 것으로 판단된다. 내용상으로는 詩, 詞, 畵, 印에 이르는 문학예술에 대한 품평류 저서로 모두 7편이 실려 있는데 『二十四詩品』을 제외하면 모두 청대에 지어진 작품이다. 형식적으로는 『이십사시품』의 4언 12구를 따랐으나 표제의 개수나 표제명은 작자의 의도에 따라 달라졌다. 『예림품휘』는 ‘복고’를 창작 방법의 일환으로 사용하여 『이십사시품』을 모방하였으나 실질적인 내용은 저자의 자율적 목적에 따라 재생산되었다. 작자들은 자신의 주력 분야에 대해 소신 있는 의견을 피력하며 주체적, 개성적, 전문적인 특징을 부각시켰다. 교양지식과 문인문화를 공유하여 새로운 창작활동을 유도하고 개인 주체성의 성장과 중인계급 지식인의 증대에 영향을 주었다. 조선에서는 대청 문물 교류의 최고기를 거치며 개화활동과 민족주의운동을 선도한 신진지식인의 문예활동에 영향을 주어 개인의 사유활동과 비평능력을 촉진시켰다. 이로써 독창적이고 개성적인 예술활동을 통한 근대 지성인의 의식 성장에 기여하였다. This article is the study on 『YilinPinHui (藝林品彙)』 copied and edited by WuShiChang (吳世昌) in the late Joseon Dynasty. Parts of this book was also contained in other book -『SanJiaPinGe (三家品格)』. Considering this situation, We can judge that the Pin style works were received a lot of attention in Joseon at that time. It is a literary and aesthetic book and contains seven works related to poetry, term(詞), painting, seals in total. Except for 『24ShiPin (二十四詩品)』, all of them were written in the Qing Dynasty. It imitated 『24ShiPin (二十四詩品)』’s form of four words and twelve phrases. But the number and name of the title were changed by the author's intention. 『YilinPinHui (藝林品彙)』 imitated 『24ShiPin (二十四 詩品)』 as a ‘Recovery' method, but the substantial content was reproduced for the author's own purposes. The authors expressed their conviction about their main areas, highlighting their self~reliance, individuality and professional characteristics. It induced new creative activities by sharing cultural knowledge and literary culture and influenced the growth of individual self~reliance and the growth of class intellectuals in progress. This allowed us to identify one side of dynamic knowledge growth that occurred within the middle class. I think it contributed to the creative and individualistic artistic activities and the growing consciousness of modern intellectuals. While Joseon spent the highest period of cultural exchange with the Qing Dynasty, it influenced the literary activities of new intellectuals who led the enlightenment and nationalist movements, promoted individuals' mental activity and critical ability. As a result, it contributed to the growth of modern intellectual consciousness through creative and individual artistic activities.

      • KCI등재

        일본인 한국어 학습자의 분절음 실현과 발음 평가의 상관성

        홍혜진(Hong, Hyejin),류혁수(Ryu, Hyuksu),정민화(Chung, Minhwa) 한국음성학회 2014 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.6 No.4

        This study investigates the effects of Japanese learners’ Korean segmental production on pronunciation evaluation by Korean native raters. Read speech from 24 learners whose native language is Japanese are transcribed at the phonemic level, and confusion matrices are generated based on the phonemic transcriptions. The deviance from the canonical pronunciation found in the learners’ speech is analyzed in terms of phoneme substitutions, vowel insertions, and consonant deletions. Each learner’s pronunciation is rated impressionistically by 5 Korean native raters. The result shows that the deviance from the canonical pronunciation is strongly correlated with the pronunciation evaluation scores. Especially, the rates of phoneme substitutions and vowel insertions which are very strongly correlated with the pronunciation evaluation scores.

      • 파티클 필터 기반의 파라볼릭 차선 모델 인식 및 추적

        홍혜진(Hyejin Hong),심영보(Youngbo Shim),김윤정(Yunjeong Kim),이선영(Seonyoung Lee),손행선(Haengseon Son) 대한전자공학회 2020 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.11

        In this paper, we propose a driving lane detection and tracking method that can be used for autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems. After obtaining lane information from the received camera image, the lane information is converted into a 3D top view image. It predicts and tracks with a parabolic model using lane information and particle filters in 3D space. The proposed algorithm was able to obtain a recognition rate of 95% in the environment on the highway. It is expected that the extracted lane information will be used for ADAS, such as steering wheel control for autonomous driving, driving to the center of the lane, and warning of lane departure.

      • KCI등재

        음정제시 유무에 따른 노인과 성인의 음역대 비교

        홍혜진(Hyejin Hong),김수지(Soo Ji Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2016 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 음정제시 유무에 따른 노인과 성인의 음역대를 비교하고자 실시되었다. 연구 대상은 서울 및 광주시 소재의 노인복지회관과 경로당을 이용하는 만 60세 이상 85세 이하 노인 44명과 만 19세 이상 25세 이하 대학생 59명으로 총 103명이었다. 대상자는 먼저 음정을 듣지 않고 기본 발성 음도에서 점차 높은 음과 낮은 음을 발성하였고 이후 음정을 들으면서 동일하게 발성하도록 유도되었다. 연구결과, 음정제시없이 발성 시 남성의 경우 노인이 성인에 비해 최저음의 음도가 상대적으로 높았으며 여성의 경우 노인이 최고음과 최저음도가 모두 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 음정을 제시하는 조건에서 성인은 음정을 들을 때 최저음과 최고음이 더 확장되어 발성하였으나, 노인의 경우 의미 있는 차이가 발견되지 않았다. 본 연구 결과 제시된 음역대는 추후 노인 대상 노래부르기 활동 시 음역대 선택에 있어 적용 가능한 기초자료가 될 수 있으리라 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to compare the vocal range between the older and young adults depending on the absence and presence of pitch cues. Participants were 44 older adults aged from 60 to 85 years and 59 college students aged from 19 to 25 years. Each participant was instructed to vocalize for examining the possible highest pitch to the lowest pitch in two conditions; with and without pitch cues. Without pitch cues, the maximum and minimum pitch of male participants was higher in the older adults than in the young adults group, while the minimum pitch of females was lower in the older adults group than in the young adults group. When presented with pitch cues, young adults could expand their vocal range, but the older adults showed no significant changes in produced vocal ranges. The results indicate that the range of voice in older adults may be affected by aging and these results can be beneficial when selecting the appropriate range of song for singing activities with older adults.

      • 从系谱到趣向

        洪惠珍(HONG, Hyejin) 한국중어중문학회 2018 한국중어중문학회 우수논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Yuanmei袁枚 was a representative person in the middle of Qing Dynasty. He retired from a mayor of 江寧 town at the age of 33 years(1748) and spent as a full time writer for the remainder of his life in Gangnam City. Instead of being bound by tradition, he left a lot of individual work which had a influence on the literary worldchange of the 18th century. In the case of this example, I examined a poem - 「陶淵明有飮酒二十首余天性不飮故反之作不飮酒二十首」 closely. The poem was wrote at the his age of 44, which he was actively engaged in literary work, and faithfully implemented his literary view. This pome that refused to drink was strange and outrageous, and it was wrote largely for two purposes. First, the poem made human being’ values such as value of one’s identity more important and more independent through personal temperament性靈. Second, the poem was parted from the evils of the long-held tradition of blindly imitating Taoyuanming陶淵明alcohol and his drinking poem. Yuanmei drew a boundary between him and alcohol by asserting its own nature and taste. The symbol of this negativity indicatesd his identity. The poem showed a self-centered concern to preserve himself and a sense of self-satisfaction about his life. This attitude became a milestone in the creation of progressive and courageous for beginners and writers. And we could look at the process of how the a demand for something new emerged in the 18th century’ poem.

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