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      • KCI등재

        강제환우와 보존기간이 난질에 미치는 영향

        오홍록,이봉덕,이수기,류현덕,유동조 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2006 농업과학연구 Vol.33 No.1

        An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of forced molting and egg storage time on the various egg qualities. A total of 240 ISA Brown layers (60 wk of age) were employed as the unmolted treatment (Control). Two hundred and forty ISA Brown layers, molted at the age of 55 wk, were used as a forced molting treatment (T1), and the same number and strain of layers, molted at the age of 70 wk. were also used as the another forced molting treatment (T2). A total of 120 eggs were sampled from each treatment, and divided into six sets, 20 eggs per set. These six sets were stored for 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days at 18℃ temperature, respectively. Eggs from T1 were collected from laying hens at the age of 68 wk, which started molting at 60 wk of age and achieved 50% egg production at 63 wk of age. Eggs from T2 were collected from hens at 82 wk of age, which started molting at 70 wk of age and achieved 50% egg production at 78 wk of age. The eggshell strength of T1 was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the Control and T2, and the storing periods did not affect the eggshell strength at all. Neither the forced molting nor the storing periods did not exert any consistent effect on the egg weight, eggshell thickness, eggshell color and egg yolk color. The albumin heights of T1 and T2 were significantly (p<0.05) lower than the Control, and it was remarkably reduced gradually as the storage periods increased in all three treatments. The Haugh unit showed very similar trends as the albumin height, indicating that both albumin height and Haugh unit were very much related to each other. In conclusion, the forced molting improves the eggshell strength, but decreases the albumin height and Haugh unit. The storage of eggs also decreases the albumin height and Haugh unit regardless of molting.

      • KCI등재후보

        特別寄稿論文 : 魏晉玄學的言意之辯與劉協意象論的關係

        김원중 ( Won Joong Kim ),유효홍 ( Xiao Hong Liu ) 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.50 No.-

        魏晉南北朝時期는 경학이 쇠퇴하면서 여러 가지 사상이 다시 대두하기 시작하였는데 특히 晉代에 玄風이 성행하면서 허무를 숭상하고 세상을 피하는 소극적 은둔사상이 신속하게 발전하기 시작하였다. 正始 年間에 王弼과 何晏을 비롯한 일련의 사상가들은 노장사상에 입각하여 유가의 경전을 해석하였으니, 우리는 이런 사상을 玄學이라고 한다. 이 현학은 통치자들 뿐만 아니라 상당수의 지식인들의 사유체계와 시대적 분위기를 반영하는 시대조류로 확인되어 죽림칠현이 출현하는 등 사회적 관심사가 되었던 것이다. 특히 이들은 노장 계열의 언어관, 즉 언어는 개인의 사상을 다 표현하기 힘들다는 명제를 적극 수용하면서 문학 창작에 있어서 언어와 사고의 관계에 관한 적지 않은 논의를 야기 시켰으며, 이런 관점을 우리는 言意之辯이라고 한다. 주지하는 바와 같이 劉協은 南朝의 齊梁年間에 살았으므로 이미 현학의 전성기가 지나간 시기에 해당되어 얼핏 보기에 이런 시대 조류와 무관한 시대를 살다간 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 그는 문학사상의 영역에서 현학의 적지 않은 영향을 받아 그의 대작 ≪文心雕龍≫에는 현학의 상당한 흔적을 찾아볼 수 있다. 물론 그의 주된 사상이 儒家思想이면서 道佛의 영향을 받은 복합적인 면모를 고려하면 더욱 그러하다. 유협은 이미 현학이 함축하고 있는 시대와의 불화에 주목하면서도 그 현학이 갖는 문학적 사유의 주요한 측면인 언어와 사고의 관계에 주목했다는 점이다. 역설적이지만 우리는 위진의 현학으로 야기된 문학의 좋지 않은 실제 창작스타일에 대해 유협이 매우 비판적이라는 점도 인정한다. 그러면서도 우리가 간과해서는 안 될 사안은 유협은 현학의 부정적 측면을 비판하면서도 그에 영향을 받은 당시의 작가들의 창작과 이론에 상당한 의미를 부여하면서, 특히 현학의 중심 화두이기도 한 言意의 문제를 적극 수용하여 문학 창작이론의 핵심 사안으로 삼았다는 점이다. 우리가 ≪文心雕龍≫을 보면 적지 않은 부분에서 玄理를 문학이론의 영역으로 끌어들여 자신의 문론을 전개하는 것을 보면 그가 문학 창작론의 첫머리인 `神思` 편을 중심으로 전개하는 `언부진의`론의 문제가 충분히 논의할 만한 가치가 있는 것으로 평가된다. 그가 이 책의 저술 동기에서도 말한 바있듯이 꿈에서도 공자를 볼 정도라는 그가 문학의 원론은 원도, 징성, 종경을 내세우면서 다시 창작론에서는 `言不盡意`론을 수용한다는 것은 모순적인 것으로 볼 수도 있다. 본고를 통해 필자는 유협이 말하고자 하는 意象이란 言、象、意 세 가지 가 반드시 유기적으로 융합하여 탄생한 것이라는 점을 주목했다는 점에 주목하면서, 유협이 言意關係에 대해 논의함에 있어 주로 혜康 등의 言不盡意論과 王弼의 得意忘言論을 기초로 삼으면서 歐陽建의 言盡意論도 고려하는 절충의 방식으로 이들이 자신의 의상론과 연계되어 있다는 사실을 검토하였다. 유협은 언어와 의상의 이원론에 입각하면서도 의상론에 있어서 언어의 작용과 효용이 매우 크다는 점을 확실히 인지하였던 것이다. 그 주된 관점은 주로 言意관계를 言、象、意라는 세 가지 측면으로 분리하여 "象"이 言意의 사이에서 갖는 中介性을 강조하고 있다는 사실도 본고를 통해 확인되었다. 유협이 말하는 "象"은 곧 意象이며 이는 문학 창작 중에 객관사물이 작자의 두뇌 속에서 존재하는 형상이다. 여기서"객관사물"이란 실체가 있고 구체적인 것이지만, 두뇌속의 형상은 비어있고 추상적인 것이다. 이 두 가지가 결합한 `의상`은 이 양자 사이에 존재하는 제 3의 공간이다. 이런 면에서 볼 때 유협이 의상의 작용을 중시하여 "獨照之匠, 窺意象而運斤"(<神思>篇)이라든지 "神用象通, 情變所孕"(<神思>篇)라고 한 것은 그가 언의지변과의 영향을 받은 것인 동시에 아울러 그의 의상론과의 관계를 입증시켜 주는 중요한 예다. 유협이 제시한 이론은 자칫 원론적인 면에서 그 한계를 드러낸다고 볼 수 있으니, 그가 문학창작의 실제적 과정 속에 존재하는 다양한 문제점에만 주목하고 그 실제적인 해결 방안모색에는 소홀했다는 점에 우리는 그 아쉬움을 지적하지 않을 수 없다. As all people know about it, Liu xie was largely affected by Profound learning which is included in his masterpiece Wen Xin Diao Long. Profound learning is His literature theory especially notes Confucian ideas and has comprehensive aspects in that Taoism and Buddhism had an effect on it. However, Profound learning had bad effects on literature and we can infer that Liu xie had critical perspective on this atmosphere. Namely, in unique circumstances of profound learning, Liu Xie was not included in these ideas and made this theory more comprehensive by taking advantages and complaining disadvantages among these ideas. Furthermore, when we read Wen Xin Diao Long, we can notice that he made his own literature theory by taking Profound learning in many sections. The viewpoint, which we cannot express own ideas, is main point of the theory of creating literature. Liu xie noted that Imaginative power of the author is comprised of language, image, idea. There is famous saying of Wang bi; When we acquire idea, we immediately forget language. Liu xie changed this to his theory of creating literature. The bottom line is that Liu xie segregated relation between language and image, then formed it as language, idea, and image. He emphasizes the connection between language and image. The image he says is verbal image and this is the formation existing in the brain of the author when creating literary works. In conclusion, objective subject author tries to express is tangible and concrete. Meanwhile, the image in the mind of the author is nonobjective. Liu xie regarded Verbal image comprised of the two as the third space between both things. We cannot help noting that he did not endeavor to find out actual method to solve but notice various problems.

      • KCI등재

        Formation and Characterization of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Silver Oxide Nanoparticles under Langmuir Monolayers of n-Hexadecyl Dihydrogen Phosphate

        Hong-Guo Liu,Fei Xiao,Hong-Guo Liu 대한화학회 2008 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.29 No.12

        Two-dimensional arrays of silver oxide nanoparticles were prepared by oxidation of silver nanoparticle arrays in air. The silver nanoparticle arrays were formed by illuminating the composite Langmuir monolayers of nhexadecyl dihydrogen phosphate (n-HDP)/ethyl stearate (ES)/Ag+ at the air-water interface by daylight. The average diameters of the nanoclusters is found to be 2.32 ± 0.89, 2.97 ± 0.78, and 4.94 ± 0.57 nm, respectively, depending on the experimental conditions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV-vis spectroscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) investigations indicate the formation of silver oxide nanoparticles. The possible formation mechanism of the 2D arrays should be attributed to the templating effect of parallel aligned linear supramolecular rows of n-HDP formed at the air-water interface.



        Liu, Hong-Li,Li, Jin-Zeng,Wu, Yuefang,Yuan, Jing-Hua,Liu, Tie,Dubner, G.,Paron, S.,Ortega, M. E.,Molinari, Sergio,Huang, Maohai,Zavagno, Annie,Samal, Manash R.,Huang, Ya-Fang,Zhang, Si-Ju American Astronomical Society 2016 The Astrophysical journal Vol.818 No.1

        <P>The physical mechanisms that induce the transformation of a certain mass of gas in new stars are far from being well understood. Infrared bubbles associated with H II regions have been considered to be good samples for investigating triggered star formation. In this paper we report on the investigation of the dust properties of the infrared bubble N4 around the H II. region G11.898+0.747, analyzing its interaction with its surroundings and star formation histories therein, with the aim of determining the possibility of star formation triggered by the expansion of the bubble. Using Herschel PACS and SPIRE images with a wide wavelength coverage, we reveal the dust properties over the entire bubble. Meanwhile, we are able to identify six dust clumps surrounding the bubble, with a mean size of 0.50 pc, temperature of about 22 K, mean column density of 1.7 x 10(22) cm(-2), mean volume density of about 4.4 x 10(4) cm(-3), and a mean mass of 320M(circle dot). In addition, from PAH emission seen at 8 mu m, free-free emission detected at 20 cm, and a probability density function in special regions, we could identify clear signatures of the influence of the H II region on the surroundings. There are hints of star formation, though further investigation is required to demonstrate that N4 is the triggering source.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Statistical Optimization of Culture Media and Conditions for Production of Mannan by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

        Hong-Zhi Liu,Qiang Wang,Yuan-Yuan Liu,Fang Fang 한국생물공학회 2009 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.14 No.5

        In view of the increase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannan content, the culture medium and condition for S.cerevisiae were optimized in this study. The influence of culture medium ingredients such as carbon and nitrogen sources, inorganic ion, and enzyme activator on mannan production were evaluated using factional design. The mathematical model was established by the quadratic rotary combination design through response surface analysis. The optimized concentrations of culture medium were determined as follows: 4.98 g/100 mL, sucrose; 4.39 g/100 mL, soybean peptone; 3.10 g/100 mL, yeast extract; and 2.21 g/100 mL, glycerol. The optimized culture medium increased mannan production from 82.7 ± 3.4 mg/100 mL to 162.53 ± 3.47 mg/100 mL. The influence of original pH, inoculum size, temperature, and media volume on mannan production was evaluated and confirmed by orthogonale experimental design, with the order of effect as follows: media volume > temperature > initial pH > inoculation size. The optimized culture condition was pH, 5; inoculum size, 5 ml; temperature, 32oC; and media volume, 40 mL. The maximum mannan production increased to 258.5 ± 9.1 mg/100 mL at the optimum culture condition.=It was evident that the mannan production was affected significantly by culture medium and condition optimization (é < 0.01). In view of the increase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannan content, the culture medium and condition for S.cerevisiae were optimized in this study. The influence of culture medium ingredients such as carbon and nitrogen sources, inorganic ion, and enzyme activator on mannan production were evaluated using factional design. The mathematical model was established by the quadratic rotary combination design through response surface analysis. The optimized concentrations of culture medium were determined as follows: 4.98 g/100 mL, sucrose; 4.39 g/100 mL, soybean peptone; 3.10 g/100 mL, yeast extract; and 2.21 g/100 mL, glycerol. The optimized culture medium increased mannan production from 82.7 ± 3.4 mg/100 mL to 162.53 ± 3.47 mg/100 mL. The influence of original pH, inoculum size, temperature, and media volume on mannan production was evaluated and confirmed by orthogonale experimental design, with the order of effect as follows: media volume > temperature > initial pH > inoculation size. The optimized culture condition was pH, 5; inoculum size, 5 ml; temperature, 32oC; and media volume, 40 mL. The maximum mannan production increased to 258.5 ± 9.1 mg/100 mL at the optimum culture condition.=It was evident that the mannan production was affected significantly by culture medium and condition optimization (é < 0.01).

      • Adjuvant Radiotherapy after Breast Conserving Treatment for Breast Cancer:A Dosimetric Comparison between Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy

        Liu, Zhe-Ming,Ge, Xiao-Lin,Chen, Jia-Yan,Wang, Pei-Pei,Zhang, Chi,Yang, Xi,Zhu, Hong-Cheng,Liu, Jia,Qin, Qin,Xu, Li-Ping,Lu, Jing,Zhan, Liang-Liang,Cheng, Hong-Yan,Sun, Xin-Chen Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.8

        Background: Radiotherapy is an important treatment of choice for breast cancer patients after breast-conserving surgery, and we compare the feasibility of using dual arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT2), single arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT1) and Multi-beam Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (M-IMRT) on patients after breast-conserving surgery. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients with breast cancer (half right-sided and half left-sided) treated by conservative lumpectomy and requiring whole breast radiotherapy with tumor bed boost were planned with three different radiotherapy techniques: 1) VMAT1; 2) VMAT2; 3) M-IMRT. The distributions for the planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk (OARs) were compared. Dosimetries for all the techniques were compared. Results: All three techniques satisfied the dose constraint well. VMAT2 showed no obvious difference in the homogeneity index (HI) and conformity index (CI) of the PTV with respect to M-IMRT and VMAT1. VMAT2 clearly improved the treatment efficiency and can also decrease the mean dose and V5Gy of the contralateral lung. The mean dose and maximum dose of the spinal cord and contralateral breast were lower for VMAT2 than the other two techniques. The very low dose distribution (V1Gy) of the contralateral breast also showed great reduction in VMAT2 compared with the other two techniques. For the ipsilateral lung of right-sided breast cancer, the mean dose was decreased significantly in VMAT2 compared with VMAT1 and M-IMRT. The V20Gy and V30Gy of the ipsilateral lung of the left-sided breast cancer for VMAT2 showed obvious reduction compared with the other two techniques. The heart statistics of VMAT2 also decreased considerably compared to VMAT1 and M-IMRT. Conclusions: Compared to the other two techniques, the dual arc volumetric modulated arc therapy technique reduced radiation dose exposure to the organs at risk and maintained a reasonable target dose distribution.

      • Effects of Ribosomal Protein L39-L on the Drug Resistance Mechanisms of Lung Cancer A549 Cells

        Liu, Hong-Sheng,Tan, Wen-Bin,Yang, Ning,Yang, Yuan-Yuan,Cheng, Peng,Liu, Li-Juan,Wang, Wei-Jie,Zhu, Chang-Liang Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.7

        Background: Cancer is a major threat to the public health whether in developed or in developing countries. As the most common primary malignant tumor, the morbidity and mortality rate of lung cancer continues to rise in recent ten years worldwide. Chemotherapy is one of the main methods in the treatment of lung cancer, but this is hampered by chemotherapy drug resistance, especially MDR. As a component of the 60S large ribosomal subunit, ribosomal protein L39-L gene was reported to be expressed specifically in the human testis and human cancer samples of various tissue origins. Materials and Methods: Total RNA of cultured drug-resistant and susceptible A549 cells was isolated, and real time quantitative RT-PCR were used to indicate the transcribe difference between amycin resistant and susceptible strain of A549 cells. Viability assay were used to show the amycin resistance difference in RPL39-L transfected A549 cell line than control vector and null-transfected A549 cell line. Results: The ribosomal protein L39-L transcription level was 8.2 times higher in drug-resistant human lung cancer A549 cell line than in susceptible A549 cell line by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The ribosomal protein L39-L transfected cells showed enhanced drug resistance compared to plasmid vector-transfected or null-transfected cells as determined by methyl tritiated thymidine (3H-TdR) incorporation. Conclusions and Implications for Practice: The ribosomal protein L39-L gene may have effects on the drug resistance mechanism of lung cancer A549 cells.

      • KCI등재

        Efficacy and safety of herbal medicine (Binafuxi granules) for the common cold with fever: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II clinical trial

        Liu Xuemei,Min Jie,She Bin,Chen Yang,Li Jun,Huang Lei,Chen Ju,Luo Ai,Mei Yang,Li Ting,Wu Yanqing,Chen Daohong,Hongli Zhong,Liu Wei,Mao Bing,Jiang Hongli 한국한의학연구원 2023 Integrative Medicine Research Vol.12 No.3

        Background: Binafuxi granules are a traditional Uighur medicine (TUM) for treating the common cold with fever. However, high-quality clinical studies supporting its efficacy and safety are lacking. Methods: In this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II clinical trial, patients with common cold and fever were randomly assigned to a high-dose group, low-dose group, and placebo group in a 1:1:1 ratio. Outcomes were time to fever relief, time to fever clearance, proportion of afebrile patients, time to symptom disappearance, rate of symptom disappearance, effective rate, emergency drug usage and safety assessment. Results: A total of 235 patients were recruited. Of these, 234 were included in the full analysis set (FAS), and 217 were included in the per-protocol set (PPS). In the FAS analysis, the median time to fever relief was 6.00 h, 5.54 h and 10.65 h (P = 0.31) in the high-dose group, low-dose group and placebo group, respectively. The median time to fever clearance was 18.29 h, 20.08 h and 25.00 h (P = 0.0018), respectively, and the proportion of afebrile patients was 92.4%, 89.7% and 71.4% (P = 0.0002), respectively. There was a significant difference in the disappearance time and disappearance rate of all symptoms and of individual symptoms. No serious adverse events were found. Conclusions: Binafuxi granules can dose-dependently shorten the fever course and improve clinical symptoms in patients suffering from the common cold with fever.

      • KCI등재

        New Forms of Riccati Equations and the Further Results of the Optimal Control for Linear Discrete-Time Systems

        Hongli Liu,Qixin Zhu 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2014 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.12 No.6

        For linear discrete-time systems, the traditional finite horizon optimal controller is proved to render the closed-loop systems asymptotically stable under some assumptions in literature. In this paper, a new form of finite horizon discrete-time Riccati equation is proposed. It is proved that the new form of fi-nite horizon discrete-time Riccati equation is equivalent to the other three old ones. Based on this new form of finite horizon discrete-time Riccati equation, the finite horizon optimal controller of linear discrete time systems is proved to render the closed-loop system exponentially stable without any assumptions. At the same time, a new form of infinite horizon discrete-time Riccati equation is proposed when the discrete system is controllable or stabilizable. It is proved that the new form of infi-nite horizon discrete-time Riccati equation is equivalent to the other three old ones too. Based on this new form of infinite horizon discrete-time Riccati equation, the infinite horizon optimal controller of linear discrete-time systems is proved to render the closed-loop system exponentially stable when the open-loop system is either controllable or stabilizable. Finally an unstable batch reactor and an unsta-ble inverted pendulum are used to verify the theory results of this paper.

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